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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Le Minh Triet Student ID GCD19828

Class GCD0901 Assessor name Dang Quang Hien

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 P8 M3 M4 D2 D3

1|Minh Triet
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Lecturer Signature:

2|Minh Triet
Table of Contents
A. Provide a logical/physical design of the networked system with clear explanation and addressing table
(P5) 6
I. The Difference between Logical and Physical Design of a Network ................................................... 6
II. The user requirements for general network design ........................................................................... 7
III. Reasonable design of the network based on the specific requirements of the users .................... 7
IV. Introduce the popular equipment and prices in the market......................................................... 10
V. The address table of the network devices used in design ................................................................ 12
B. Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyse user feedback ......................... 13
C. Implement a networked system based on a prepared design............................................................. 15
I. Network design.................................................................................................................................. 15
1. Basic configuration ..................................................................................................................... 15
2. Set IP Address for end Device .................................................................................................... 27
II. Overall network design diagram ....................................................................................................... 30
D. Document and analyse test results against expected results .............................................................. 30

3|Minh Triet
Figure 1 The Difference between Logical and Physical Design ...................................................................... 6
Figure 2 Manager (VLAN20) ........................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 Maketer( VLAN 10) ........................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 Logical design.................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 Floor 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6 Teacher (VLAN40) ............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7 Admin and Sever (VLAN30) .............................................................................................................. 9
Figure 8 Floor 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 9 Cable ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 10 Device ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11 Configure name for Vlan .............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 12 Configure VTP server for F1S1 ...................................................................................................... 16
Figure 13 Configure VTP server for F1S2, F1S3 and F1S4 ............................................................................ 17
Figure 14 Trunking F1S1 ............................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 15 Trunking F3S1 ............................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16 Trunking F2S1 ............................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 17 Assign port to Vlan10 .................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 18 Assign port to Vlan20 ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 19 Assign port to Vlan30 ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 20 Assign port to Vlan40 ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 21 Assign port to Vlan50 ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 22 Assign port to Vlan60 .................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 23 Assign port to Vlan70 ................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 24 Assign port to Vlan80 ................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 25 configure ip vlan at floor 1 ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 26 configure ip vlan at floor 3 ........................................................................................................... 26
Figure 27 configure ip vlan at floor 2 ........................................................................................................... 26
Figure 28 Set IP for PC maketer .................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 29 Set IP for PC manager ................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 30 Set IP for PC admin ....................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 31 Set IP for PC student ..................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 32 Set IP for Printer ........................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 33 Set Ip for server ............................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 34 Logical Network Design ................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 35 check IP address ........................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 36 Performance test .......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 37 Ping result from PC admin ............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 38 Ping result from PC floor 2 to PC floor 3 ..................................................................................... 31
Figure 39 Result Ping from Pc floor 2 to Pc Floor 1 ...................................................................................... 31
Figure 40 Ping Result to server ..................................................................................................................... 31

4|Minh Triet
Figure 41 Ping Result PC admin to Printer ................................................................................................... 31
Figure 45 Ping result from floor3 to floor2 and floor1 ................................................................................. 31
Figure 42 Test stress floor 1 ......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 43 Result test stress floor 2 ............................................................................................................... 31
Figure 44 Result test stress floor 3 ............................................................................................................... 31

5|Minh Triet
A. Provide a logical/physical design of the
networked system with clear explanation and
addressing table (P5)
I. The Difference between Logical and Physical Design of a
A physical network design entails physically connecting each of your hosts on the network. This refers to
your network's real physical layout, which comprises the actual nodes, segments, and hosts that appear
on the layout. A logical network, on the other hand, talks more about data flow in your network. This might
be one of the several types of network topology (e.g bus, ring, etc).
For example as like cars and roads. the roads represent the physical network wherein each road is
interconnected and ends with a destination while the cars represent the logical part of the network
wherein they move towards a certain destination within the network. although physical and logical
networks vary in meaning still they work hand in hand to better define the same single and structured

Figure 1 The Difference between Logical and Physical Design

6|Minh Triet
II. The user requirements for general network design
I am participating in a network design project for a local educational institute. Some of the project's
techniques were requested by the customer

• People: 200 students, 15 teachers, 12 marketing and administration staff, 5 higher managers including
the academic heads and the program managers, and 3 computer network administrators.

• Resources: 50 student lab computers, 35 staff computers, and 3 printers.

• Building: 3 floors, all computers and printers are on the ground floor apart from the IT labs – one lab
located on the first floor and another located on the second floor.

➢ My goal is to design a network system that meets all of the above requirements of the customer
and the system works well, meets the connection of network devices together, and meets the
needs of users. network for all users
➢ Structure

The first floor includes computers, printers for staff and teachers, and servers and admins are also located
in this area.

The 2nd and 3rd floors will have computers for students' labs

➢ The network devices I used in this design include:

1 Router, DNS server, DHCP, Web server and 8 Switches, 3 printers, and 85 computers

III. Reasonable design of the network based on the specific

requirements of the users
Why, when talking and with customers, I decided to design the network in a logical way and meet their
requirements from the right.

7|Minh Triet
Figure 4 Logical design

Figure 3 Maketer( VLAN 10)

Figure 2 Manager (VLAN20)

8|Minh Triet
Figure 7 Admin and Sever (VLAN30)

Figure 6 Teacher (VLAN40)

Figure 5 Floor 2

The 2nd floor includes 2 switches and 25 computers for students (VLAN 50, VLAN60)

9|Minh Triet
The 3nd floor includes 2 switches and 25 computers for students (VLAN60, VLAN70)

Figure 8 Floor 3

IV. Introduce the popular equipment and prices in the market

Estimated project cost:

1 router = 7,490,000 VND

8 switches (D-Link DGS-1100-08/RS 8-Port switch) = 8 * 1,065,000 = 8,520,000 VND

85 PCs = 85* 9,820,000 = 834.700.000 VND

3 printers = 3 * 1,600,000 = 4,800,000 VND

800 meters Internet Cable = 40* 350,000 = 14,000,000 VND

Total: 869.510.000 VND

Figure 9 Cable

10 | M i n h T r i e t
Figure 10 Device

11 | M i n h T r i e t
V. The address table of the network devices used in design
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mark Default Gateway
Router G0/0.10 N/A
G0/0.20 N/A
G0/0.30 N/A
G0/0.40 N/A
G0/1.50 N/A
G0/1.60 N/A
G0/2.70 N/A
G0/2.80 N/A
F1S1 VLAN 10 N/A
F1S2 VLAN 20 N/A
F1S3 VLAN 30 N/A
F1S4 VLAN 40 N/A
F2S1 VLAN 50 N/A
F2S2 VLAN 60 N/A
F3S1 VLAN 70 N/A
F3S2 VLAN 80 N/A
PC(Marketer NIC
1 ->12) ->
PC(Manager NIC
1 -> 5) ->
PC(Teacher NIC
1->15) ->
PC(Admin NIC
1 -> 3) ->
Printer1 NIC
Printer2 NIC
Printer3 NIC
DNS Server NIC
Web Server NIC
Mail Server NIC
PC Student floor 2 NIC
(1->12) ->
PC Student floor 2 NIC
(13->25) ->
PC Student floor 3 NIC
(26->37) ->
PC Student floor 3 NIC
(13->25) ->

12 | M i n h T r i e t
B. Test and evaluate the design to meet the
requirements and analyse user feedback
First, we use admin to test as follows: get admin machine to use functions such as Web, DNS, DHCP
because it is an admin machine that should be allowed to use all these functions.

Next is to test on the remaining machines such as employee machines, student machines, etc. Our goal is
not to let these machines use DNS like admin. The rest is allowed to use as usual.

After checking we found the system was running in accordance with the requirements of the customer
and the customer was satisfied with it.

Performance test:

 Performance testing is defined as a type of testing software used to ensure software applications
work effectively within the expected workload of the application.
 Features and Functionality supported by a software system is not the only concern. A software
application's performance like its response time, reliability, resource usage, and scalability do

The goal of Performance Testing is not to find bugs but to eliminate performance bottlenecks.

Stress test:

Stress testing is a procedure to determine whether a computer, an application, a device, or the entire
network can withstand high loads and still work and involves testing an application on a workload that is
too large to see how it handles high traffic or how it handles data. The goal is to determine the limit of an

Reliability test:

A type of test to verify that software is capable of performing an error-free operation for a specified period
of time in a specified environment. It is also about testing the reliability of that system.

Failure test:

Failure testing is very important part of the production process. Failure tests are one way to ensure that
you produce a product and service that does not fail in adverse situations. Continuous failure testing, even
after product development, will help you ensure that your production process is as optimal as possible and
that you are improving your product or service.

Scalability test:

13 | M i n h T r i e t
The goal of the test is to extend the application, to determine the effectiveness of the software application
when "expanding" to support increased user load, support for capacity addition planning system.

 conclude

Most performance issues are about speed, response time, load time and poor scalability. Speed is often
one of the most important attributes of an application. A slow-running application will take time, reducing
user satisfaction with the system, possibly losing potential users.

14 | M i n h T r i e t
C. Implement a networked system based on a
prepared design
I. Network design
1. Basic configuration
 First, I go to switch 1 to configure the naming of each vlan on the 1st floor

Figure 11 Configure name for Vlan

15 | M i n h T r i e t
 Next, I use VTP Server to configure switch1 (F1S1) as Server and the remaining switches on floor 1
as Client (F1S2, F1S3, F1S4). Configure VTP sever so that the process of updating data from Server
to Client will be automated, which will save more time.

Figure 12 Configure VTP server for F1S1

In this section I have set switch 1 (F1S1) as server and named it "minhtriet" password "1234". Next I will
configure the remaining switches as clients (F1S2, F1S3, F1S4)

16 | M i n h T r i e t
Figure 13 Configure VTP server for F1S2, F1S3 and F1S4

Similar configuration with the remaining switches on the 1st floor (F1S2, F1S4).

In addition, I also configured the same with the switches on the 2nd and 3rd floors, specifically as follows

Floor 2: F2S1 is configured as a VTP server, F2S2 is configured as a VTP client

Floor 3: F3S1 is configured as a VTP server, F3S2 is configured as a VTP client

17 | M i n h T r i e t
 Next I had to trunk the switch terminals together. On F1S1 I will trunking with g0/1, F2S1 trunking
with g0/1, and F3S1 trunking with g0/1. This helps to solve the connection problem allowing the
data of the VLANs to flow along this path. A trunk connection transports data from multiple VLANs
over a single link and allows VLANs to be extended across the network

Figure 14 Trunking F1S1

Similar to F1S1 I use interface g0/1 and switchport mode trunk commands with F2S1 and F3S1 to configure
trunking for them.

18 | M i n h T r i e t
Figure 16 Trunking F2S1

Figure 15 Trunking F3S1

19 | M i n h T r i e t
 Assign ports to VLANs

Figure 17 Assign port to Vlan10

On the 1st floor switch 1(F1S1) I assign the interface port f0 / 1-13 to vlan 10. These interfaces are used to
connect F1S1 with 12 computers of the marketer and 1 printer.

20 | M i n h T r i e t
Next with F1S2 assign interface port f0/1-0/7 to vlan 20 including 7 computers for manager and 1 printer

Figure 18 Assign port to Vlan20

F1S3 assign interface port f0/1-0/6 to vlan 30 including 3 computers for admin and 3 server.

Figure 19 Assign port to Vlan30

21 | M i n h T r i e t
F1S4 assign interface port f0/1-0/16 to vlan 40 including 15 computers for teacher and 1 printer

Figure 20 Assign port to Vlan40

On the 2st floor switch 1(F2S1) I assign the interface port f0 / 1-12 to vlan 50. These interfaces are used
to connect F2S1 with 12 computers of the student.

Figure 21 Assign port to Vlan50

22 | M i n h T r i e t
F2S2 assign interface port f0/1-0/13 to vlan 60 including 13 computers for student

Figure 22 Assign port to Vlan60

On the 3st floor switch 1(F3S1) I assign the interface port f0 / 1-12 to vlan 70. These interfaces are used
to connect F3S1 with 12 computers of the student.

Figure 23 Assign port to Vlan70

23 | M i n h T r i e t
F3S2 assign interface port f0/1-0/13 to vlan 80 including 13 computers for student

Figure 24 Assign port to Vlan80

24 | M i n h T r i e t
 Next step, I will configure the Router. The VLAN configuration at floor 1 is as follows:

Create interface for each vlan with command "interface g0/0.xx". xx is the number that I convention
according to the vlan for easy management (VLAN 10: G0/0.10, VLAN 20: G0/0.20, VLAN 30: G0/0.30,
VLAN 40: G0/0.40).

Then I will add ip address for each vlan

Figure 25 configure ip vlan at floor 1

25 | M i n h T r i e t
Similar to 2nd and 3rd floor
Floor 2: Interface g0/1.50-1.60 (Vlan 50, vlan 60)
Floor 3: Interface g0/1.70-1.80 (Vlan 70, vlan 80)

Figure 27 configure ip vlan at floor 2

Figure 26 configure ip vlan at floor 3

26 | M i n h T r i e t
2. Set IP Address for end Device
Based on the ip table I gave in part one, I set the ip ip for each terminal such as PC, Printer, server.

Figure 28 Set IP for PC maketer

Figure 29 Set IP for PC manager

27 | M i n h T r i e t
Figure 30 Set IP for PC admin

Figure 31 Set IP for PC student

28 | M i n h T r i e t
Figure 32 Set IP for Printer

Figure 33 Set Ip for server

29 | M i n h T r i e t
II. Overall network design diagram

Figure 34 Logical Network Design

D. Document and analyse test results against

expected results
 IP Address
 When I was finish, if i want see ip address of any divices.
 I will move mouse to divice that i want see IP Address.

Figure 35 check IP address

30 | M i n h T r i e t
 Performance test
 I will access random computer, choose desktop and run Command Prompt.

Figure 36 Performance test

 Then I will enter the ping command on a computer that has a specific IP address. It’s like a way of
transferring data between devices and helps me know if the connection is good.
 I will ping from admin room to staff room (maketer, manage, teacher ).

Figure 37 Ping result from PC admin

31 | M i n h T r i e t
 Then from pc from second floor to a pc on third floor.

Figure 38 Ping result from PC floor 2 to PC floor 3

 Also, I test ping from 2nd floor computers to 1st floor computers (maketer,manager,
admin, teacher)

Figure 39 Result Ping from Pc floor 2 to Pc Floor 1

32 | M i n h T r i e t
 Another example I will ping from admin room to the server to see if it can connect to
the server or not

Figure 40 Ping Result to server

 In addition, the ping results from the PCs of different rooms and floors (PC maketer, PC manager,
PC teacher and PC student) to the server are positive, which shows that the connections to the
server are stable.

33 | M i n h T r i e t
Figure 41 Ping Result PC admin to Printer

34 | M i n h T r i e t
Ping test from any 1 PC on 3rd floor to 2nd floor and 1st floor (PC maketer,PC manager,PC admin, PC
teacher, printer, server,Pc student of floor2)

Figure 42 Ping result from floor3 to floor2 and floor1

35 | M i n h T r i e t
 Stress Test:
 I will do this test on a random device on each floor
 First floor

Figure 43 Test stress floor 1

36 | M i n h T r i e t
Figure 45 Result test stress floor 3

Figure 44 Result test stress floor 2

37 | M i n h T r i e t

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