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Q.6 Neha sold good to Anita worth Rs.1,36,000, Anita paid

BILLS OF EXCHANGE Rs.40,000 immediately and accepted the bill for the balance
Rs.96,000 at 2 months. Neha discounted the bill with Bank
of Baroda after one month at 15% p. a. The bill was
Problems for Homework dishonoured on the due date and Anita requested Neha to
accept Rs.16,000 and interest in cash on remaining amount
(Honour of bill under different circumstances) at 11% p.a. for 3 months. Neha agreed and for the balance
Q.1 Akshay drew a bill on Dilip for Rs.50,000 on 23rd Anita accepted a new bill at 3 months. But Anita became
December, 2019, for 3 months. Dilip accepted the same and insolvent and only 40% could be recovered her estate.
returned it to Akshay. On the due date the bill was duly Prepare Journal of Neha.
honoured by Dilip.
Give journal entries in the books of Akshay and Dilip Q.7 On 15th September, 2019 Kuldeep purchased goods
under each to the following cases: from Kishor for Rs.1,54,000 and Kuldeep gave his
A) If Akshay retained the bill till maturity. acceptance after sight for 60 days on18th September, 2019
B) If Akshay discounted the bill with the bank at 6% p.a. on for the amount due. Kishor deposited the bill into bank for
the same day. collection on the same day. Kuldeep honoured his
C) If Akshay sent the bill to bank for collection on 23rd acceptance on the due date. Bank charged Rs.600 as bank
December, 2019. charges. Give journal entries in the books of Kishor and
D) If Akshay endorsed the bill to his creditor Viren. Kuldeep.

(Dishonour of bill under different circumstances) Q.8 Shivani owes Rs.1,04,000 to Amit. Amit draws a bill for
Q.2 Ganesh sold goods of Rs.80,000 to Harshal on 1st May Rs.84,000 on Shivani for 3 months period and received the
2019. For this purpose, Ganesh drew a bill on Harshal for 2 balance by a crossed cheque. The bill was duly accepted
months. Harshal accepted the same and returned it to and returned to Amit. On the same day Amit endorsed
Ganesh. On maturity the bill was dishonoured by Harshal. Shivani acceptance to Vilas. On the due date Vilas informed
Give journal entries in the books of Ganesh and Harshal Amit that Shivani dishonoured her acceptance and noting
under the following circumstances: charges Rs.1,120 were paid. Amit then drew a new bill for 1
A) If Ganesh retained the bill till maturity. month on Shivani including noting charges and interest
B) If Ganesh discounted the bill with the bank at 12% p.a. Rs.2,600. On the due date Shivani honoured her
on 1st June, 2019. acceptance by cheque. Give journal entries in the books
C) If Ganesh sent the bill to bank for collection on 15th May, of Amit and prepare Amit account in the books of
2019. Shivani.
D) If Ganesh endorsed the bill to his creditor Arvind.
Q.9 On 3rd July, 2019 Ravindra drew a bill of Rs.24, 000 for
Q.3 Kartik owes Rohit Rs.1,48,000 on 1st Dec. 2019, Kartik 90 days after date on Dhiraj which was accepted by Dhiraj.
accepts a three months bill for Rs.1,42,000 in full On 9th July, 2019 Ravindra endorsed the bill to Harsh in full
settlement. On the due date the bill is dishonoured by Kartik settlement of his account Rs.25,500. On the same day
and Rohit paid noting chargesRs.2,000. Give journal Harsh discounted the bill with bank for Rs.23, 500.
entries in the book of Kartik and Rohit. Also prepare Government declared emergency holiday on the due date
Kartik A/c in the books of Rohit and Rohit A/c in the and as per the provisions of Negotiable Instruments Act the
books of Kartik. bill was duly met by Dhiraj. Give journal entries in the
books of Ravindra, Dhiraj and Harsh.
Q.4 Siddhi receives Madhu’s acceptance for Rs.60, 000.
Before due date of the bill Madhu approaches Siddhi with a Q.10 On 18th June, 2019 Rakesh sold goods on credit for
request to accept Rs.20,000 and draw a fresh bill on her for Rs.80, 000 to Nilesh. Rakesh draws a bill for the amount
the balance for 3 months including interest at 8% p.a. Siddhi due for 3 months on the same day. Nilesh accepted the bill
agrees and draws a fresh bill which was duly accepted by and returned it to Rohan. On 19th June, 2019 Rohan
Madhu .On the due date Madhu meets the bill. discounted the bill with the bank at 15% p. a.On the due
Give journal entries in the books of Siddhi and prepare date Nilesh dishonoured his acceptance and bank paid
Siddhi’s account in the books of Madhu. noting charges Rs.700. Nilesh then requested Rakesh to
renew the bill. Rakesh agreed on the condition that Nilesh
Q.5 Ayush draws a bill on Ashwin for Rs.96,000 on 6th Oct. should pay interest on balance at 12% p.a. plus noting
2019 for 3 months. Ashwin accepts the bill on the same charges by cheque and should accept a new bill for the
date. Ayush sends the bill to Bank for collection on 20th Oct. balance for 2 months. These arrangements were carried
2019. Before due date Ashwin finds himself unable to make through. But before the due date Nilesh was declared
the payment of bill and request Ayush to renew it. Ayush insolvent. Rakesh received 60 paisa in a rupee as first and
agrees to the proposal on condition that Ashwin should pay final dividend from the private estate of Nilesh on 23rd Dec.
Rs.40,000 in cash along with interest Rs.3,200 and accept a 2019.Give journal entries in the books of Nilesh.
new bill for 2 months for the balance. Ashwin retired the bill
on 12th Jan. 2020 by paying Rs.54,000.Give journal
entries in the books of Ayush.


Q.11 Nitin draws a bill for Rs.1,00,000 on Abhijit for 3 Q.15 Journalise the following transactions in the books
months on 17th July, 2019. Nitin discounts the bill with his of Arvind.
Bankers at 12.5% p.a. on the same day. On the due date of a) Bank informed that Sanket’s acceptance for Rs.31,000
bill Abhijit requested Nitin to accept a crossed cheque of sent to bank for collection has been honoured and bank
Rs.23,200 including Rs.7,200 for interest and to draw bill for charges debited Rs.300.
the balance for 3 months. Nitin agrees to this proposal. b) Ashlesha informs Arvind that Nikita’s acceptance for
Before due date of new bill Abhijit retires the bill for Rs.46,000 endorsed to Ashlesha, has been dishonoured.
Rs.81,000 one month before the due date. Pass necessary Noting charges paid by Ashlesha amounted to Rs.660.
journal entries in the books of Nitin. c) Bank informed that Jay’s acceptance of Rs.64,800 which
was discounted with bank was dishonoured, bank paid
Q.12 Sumit sold goods of Rs.1,80,000 to Gopal at 10% Noting charges Rs.460.
Trade discount. Gopal paid 1/3rd of the amount immediately d) Vikrant’s acceptance of Rs.39, 600 was honoured which
at a cash discount of Rs.4,000 and for the balance accepted was deposited with bank for collection.
a bill for 3 months. Sumit endorsed the bill to Arun on the
same day in full settlement of his account Rs.1,10,000. On Q.16 Journalise the following transactions of Abhay as
the due date the bill was dishonoured by Gopal and noting on 24th October, 2019.
charges paid by Arun Rs.1,800. Govind requested Sumit to a) Renewed Sanjay’s acceptance of Rs.36,000 with interest
renew the bill. Sumit agreed on condition that Gopal should of Rs.760 for 2 months.
pay Rs.21,000 immediately along with noting charges and b) Sahil informs Abhay that Manglal’s acceptance of
for the balance Gopal should accept a new bill for 2 months Rs.26,000 endorsed to Shailesh was dishonoured and
along with interest Rs.6,000. Gopal agreed to these noting charges paid Rs.390.
contrition and these arrangements were carried through. c) Accepted a bill of Rs.32,800 at 2 months drawn on
Sumit paid Arun balance due to him. On the due date of the Chandu and Sons for the amount due to them38,000 and
new bill Gopal dishonoured the bill.Give journal entries in balance paid in cash.
the books of Sumit and prepare Sumit’s account in the d) Bank informed that Vinita’s acceptance of Rs.28,000
books of Gopal. which was discounted was dishonoured and bank paid
noting charges Rs.210. Renewed bill on Vinita’s request for
(Problems on single Drawer and multiple Drawees) 2 months with interest Rs.590.
Q.13 Give journal entries the books of Bharat. e) Nivedita retired her acceptance to Arvind of Rs.27,100 by
1. Sonali’s acceptance for 3 months of Rs.80,000 was paying cash Rs.26,000
discounted with Bank of India at Rs.79,000.
2. Bharti’s acceptance of Rs.57,600 retired one month Q.17 Journalise the following transactions in the books
before the due date at rebate of .12% p.a. of Aparna.
3. Roshni’s acceptance of Rs.34,000 is endorsed in favour a) Nishant’s acceptance for 60 days Rs.25,500 deposited
of Gunjan in full settlement of her account Rs.34,600. into bank for collection.
4. Sold goods to Vinay Rs.80,000 at 8% Trade Discount. b) Aparna sold goods to Kartiki for Rs.40,000 and received
Received half the amount immediately on which 10% Cash her acceptance for the same amount for 2 months. The bill
Discount was allowed. For the balance a bill was drawn on was endorsed to Surekha.
Vinay which was accepted by her. c) Received 30% of the amount due from the private estate
of Meena who was declared insolvent. Meena had
Q.14 Jouranlise the following transactions in the books dishonoured her acceptance of Rs.47,700 and noting
of Mayank. charges paid were Rs.300.
1. Vishal renewed his acceptance to Nitish for Rs.44, 000 by d) Aparna renews her acceptance of Rs.72,000 to Anurupa
paying Rs.24, 000 in cash and accepting a fresh bill for the by paying cheque of Rs.12,000 and accepting a new bill for
balance with interest @12% p.a. for 2 months. 2 months for balance along with interest @ 14.5% p. a.
2. Honoured our acceptance to Akash of Rs.35,500 by
endorsing Harshal’s acceptance of Rs.35,500 in full
3. Pawan who accepted Mayank’s bill for Rs.42, 000 was
declared insolvent and only 25% of the amount could be
recovered from his estate.
4. Bank informed us that Padmaja’s acceptance for Rs.64,
000 sent to bank for collection had been dishonoured and
noting charges paid were Rs.550.


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