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Title of the Award

1 AAUS Scholarship Research Award

ABC Humane Wildlife Control &
Prevention, Inc. Academic Scholarship

3 ACIL Academic Scholarships

Active Societal Participation in Research

and Education (ASPIRE)
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative
5 - Foundational and Applied Science

Air and Waste Management Scholarship


American Association of University

Women (AAUW) - Career Development
Grant for Master's and Professional
American Association of University
8 Women (AAUW) - International

9 American Metereological Society

American Wildlife Conservation


11 Anchor QEA

12 AWWA Holly Cornell Scholarship

BHW Group Women in STEM Education

Biennial CERF(Coastal and Estuarine
Research Federation) Conference
Blossom Kalama Evans Memorial
Scholarship Fund

Boren Fellowships: Opportunities for

Graduate Students to add an
International and Language component
to their studies.
Brown and Caldwell Scholarships
(Several Categories)

Bureau of Land Management Wildlife

Conservation of Special Status Species
19 Career Development Grants

Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in

Conservation Horticulture

21 Chapman Grant

22 Choctaw Higher Education

23 Clif Bar Family Foundation Grants

24 Coastal Management Fellowship (NOAA)

Conduct Research in Rocky Mountain

National Park (RMNP)
Cooperative Institute for Climate
Science- Research Internships

Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in

Dan & Pauline Lutkenhouse & Hawaii
Tropical Botanical Garden Scholarship

Deep Life Cultivation Internship

Program (Early Career)
Department of Energy (DOE)
30 Computational Science Graduate

Dr. Edison & Sallie Miyawaki

Scholarship Fund
Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

Dr. W. Wesley Eckenfelder Jr.

34 EdF Climate Corp Fellow

35 Edward O. Wilson Conservation Award

36 Energize the Environment grant

37 Environmental Fellows Program
Environmental Studies/Natural Science
Scholarship Program

EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR)


Fanny & John Hertz Graduate

Fiscal Year 2019 National Sea Grant
41 College Program Dean John A. Knauss
Marine Policy Fellowship

Food and Agricultural Sciences National

42 Needs Graduate and Postgraduate
Fellowship (NNF) Grants Program

43 Fulbright U.S. Student Program

44 Future for Nature

Garden Club of America Board of
Associates Centennial Pollinator

Garden Club of America Montine M.

46 Freeman Fellowship in Ecological

Garden Club of America Montine M.

47 Freeman Scholarship in Native Plant
Geoffrey Michael Chan Wing Au
Scholarship Fund

49 Geological Society of America

Gloria Barron Wilderness Society

Graduate Research & Training
Scholarship Program (NOAA)

52 GWIS National Fellowships Program

Hawaii Community Foundation


Hawaiian Forest Bird Conservation

55 Ida M. Pope Memorial Scholarship

56 ʻImi Naʻauao (search for knowledge)

International Herpetological Symposium

James (Jim) Schalk Memorial
58 Association of Conservation Engineers

59 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship

Larson Aquatic Research Scholarships


61 Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research

62 Libbie H. Hyman Memorial Scholarship

Loy McCandless Marks Scholarship in

Tropical Horticulture

Marine Conservation Action Fund


Marine Science and Engineering

65 Summer Internships – FAU – Harbor
66 Marine Turtle Conservation Fund

67 Martin Frank Diversity Travel Awards

68 MASNA Student Scholarship Program

MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium
69 Research Institute) Summer Internship

70 Microsoft AI for Earth

71 Nā Hoʻokama a Pauahi

National Center for Science Education I

Science Outreach Fellowship

National Coral Reef Management


National Garden Clubs Scholarship

Program (NGC)
National Geographic Societiy

National Geographic Society Early

Career Grant

National Geographic Society

Exploration Grant

National Needs Graduate and

Postgraduate Fellowship (USDA)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

National Science Foundation (NSF)
80 Graduate Research Fellowship Program

National Science Foundation (NSF)

81 Graduate Research Internship Program
(GRIP) at the EPA
Native Agriculture & Food Systems
Scholarship Program

NAWCA FY18 U.S. Small Grants

Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation
Act Grants

85 Nick Van Pernis Scholarship Fund

86 NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship

NOAA Ph.D. Fellowship - Center for
Coastal and Marine Ecosystems

88 Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program

89 NSS Research Grants

90 Our World-Underwater Scholarship

P.E.O. Program for Continuing

Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New

Rapid Ocean Conservation Grants

Research Initiatives at the Naval
Postgraduate School


Rocky Mountain Science and

96 Sustainability Network Summer
Science, Mathematics & Research for
Transformation (SMART) Scholarships

98 Sister Thomas More Bertels Scholarship

Smithsonian Ten week graduate


100 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Soil and Water Conservation

Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology

Fund Grant
Switzer Environmental Fellowship

104 Syngenta Agricultural Scholarship

105 Tek Dive USA

The Amy R. Samuels Cetacean Behavior

and Conservation (CBC) Award

The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship


108 The Emily B. Shane Award (EBS) 

109 The Exploration Grant Fund

The Frances M. Peacock Scholarship for

Native Bird Habitat

The Garden Club of America Fellowship

in Ecological Restoration
The Minority Scholars from
Underrepresented Groups in
Engineering and the Social Sciences
(SURGE) Capacity in Disasters

The National Defense Science and

113 Engineering Graduate (NDSEG)
Fellowship Program

114 The PADI Foundation

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship

Program (SIFP)
116 The Soffen Fund

117 Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grant

118 UH System Common Scholarship

UH-OHA Hoʻonaʻauao Higher Education

Scholarship Program
Western SARE: Graduate Student
Grants in Sustainable Agriculture

Western Section of the Wildlife Society


Wildlife Acoustics Scientific Product

Women Divers Hall of Fame
123 Scholarships (WDHOF Scholarships and
Training Grants)

Women in Science National Fellowship


125 Women in STEM Scholarship

126 Zale Parry Scholarship Fund


What type of award is this? i.e., funding for

salary, travel, or general research funds?
Who can apply? What are the
What subject area, type of
researchers/students, or geographic area, etc.
is targeted?
Be a current member of AAUS
(student or full member).
Be enrolled in or formally accepted
into a master or doctoral program.
Submit electronically a brief
proposal1 describing the research
methods2, significance of the
research, and detailed budget (if
part of a larger budget, specify
other funding and describe how
AAUS funds will be spent).
1maximum length five pages,
including references - single-
spacing, 11 pitch font, one inch
margins, figures welcome; include
department and school affiliation in
Research that requires diving header text

2any diving to be conducted for

the proposed research must be
conducted under the auspices of
an AAUS-sanctioned program

Have a letter of support submitted

electronically from a faculty
Write an article for the E-Slate, an
AAUS news publication, describing
the proposed research.
Present the results of their
research at an AAUS symposium or
other scientific meeting within one
year of the project’s completion.
-This scholarship is open to
Female identified graduate students; funds may be
persons who identify as female.
used for tuition, academic projects, medical
You do not need to be a US citizen
expenses, housing, living expenses, transportation,
to apply. Applicants must be
or other education-related costs. As a woman-
studying or planning to study in
owned corporation operating in a largely male field,
the fields of science (excluding
we understand the remarkable impact women can
social sciences i.e. economics),
have. We want to pave the way for other women
engineering, mathematics, or
pursuing their dreams in the scientific world, which
technology. Must be a student
is why ABC Wildlife is introducing a scholarship
currently enrolled at an accredited
designed to increase the number of women studying
college or university recognized by
and influencing the future of science, including
the US Department of Education in
technology, engineering and math.
the US.

Candidates must be students

attending their junior year or
higher in a four-year, bachelor-
degree granting institution or
graduate program in the U.S.
Candidates must also major in any
of the physical sciences practiced
Funds available for any educational expenses. by ACIL members: physics,
chemistry, engineering, geology,
biology, or environmental science.
Scholarship awards are based on
the applicant's academic
achievement, career goals,
leadership, and financial need.
Please visit our website for the
current Scholarship Application.

ASPIRE aims to develop new linkages between the

Geosciences and society and train a new generation
of Geoscientists that are able to bridge basic
Geoscience research with broader societal needs.
Proposals will be evaluated by the PI team and Geoscientists that are able to
awarded according to a variety of metrics that bridge basic Geoscience research
include scientific merit and participation in with broader societal needs
underrepresented communities, strength of the
implementation plan for the working group itself,
and a need in this pilot phase to have
representation across the Geosciences.
The AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program
supports grants in six AFRI priority areas to
advance knowledge in both fundamental and
applied sciences important to agriculture. The six
priority areas are: Plant Health and Production and
Integrated Projects
Plant Products; Animal Health and Production and
Eligible applicants for Integrated
Animal Products; Food Safety, Nutrition, and
Projects include: a) Colleges and
Health; Bioenergy, Natural Resources, and
universities; b) 1994
Environment; Agriculture Systems and Technology;
Land-Grant Institutions; and
and Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities.
Research-only, extension-only, and integrated
research, education and/or extension projects are
solicited in this Request for Applications (RFA). See
Foundational and Applied Science RFA for specific

Individuals must be full-time

graduate students pursuing
courses of study and research
Each year, the Air & Waste Management Association leading to careers in air quality,
(A&WMA) recognizes outstanding students who are waste management, environmental
pursuing courses of study and research leading to management/policy/law, and/or
careers in air quality, waste management, sustainability during the
environmental management / policy / law, and 2019/2020 academic year.
sustainability. Membership is not a requirement
for the student or their advisor;
however, it is strongly encouraged.
The Scholarship is a one-year
award. Individuals must reapply to
qualify for a second year.

Grants support women who hold a bachelor's

degree and are making career changes, seeking to
advance in current careers, or reentering the
workforce. Primary consideration is given to women Woman, U.S. Citizen, seeking to
of color and women pursuing their first advanced change fields in their BS/MS career
degree or credentials in nontraditional fields. Grants
provide support for coursework toward degree
programs other than a doctorate or for specialized
training in technical or professional fields.
AAUW’s International Fellowship program has been -Have citizenship in a country
in existence since 1917. The program provides other than the U.S. or possession
support for women pursuing full-time graduate or of a nonimmigrant visa if residing
postdoctoral study in the U.S. who are not U.S. in the U.S.
citizens or permanent residents. A limited number E5-Master’s/first professional
of awards are available for study outside of the U.S. degree and doctoral applicants
(excluding the applicant’s home country) to women must be enrolled in a U.S.
who are members of Graduate Women International accredited institution located in the
(see the list of GWI affiliates). U.S. during the fellowship year.E83

Fellowships come with several benefits that include First year graduate students
financial support to maintain a full course load over studying atmospheric sciences,
the first year of graduate study, the opportunity to chemistry, computer sciences,
be special guests at the AMS Annual Meeting with engineering, environmental
exclusive events therein, and ongoing academic and sciences, hydrology, mathematics,
career support from AMS. oceanography, and physics.
To aid in sustaining and enhancing the fish and Funding priority is given to
wildlife resources of North America, by funding research and public outreach
conservation, research and public education projects which focus on wildlife-
initiatives so that present and future generations habitat relationships, or human-
may continue to enjoy these resources wildlife interactions

Full-time graduate students or

persons accepted to a graduate
Anchor QEA has established a scholarship fund to
school in the United
assist graduate students in fields related to water
StatesUndergraduate GPA
resources, surface and groundwater quality, coastal
equivalent of B average or
development, habitat restoration, and contaminated
higherMajoring in: fisheries;
sediment management. Individual scholarship
environmental sciences;
awards will range in value from $500 to $6,000 and
planning/land use; landscape
be provided to the recipient’s institution of higher
architecture; or coastal,
learning to be disbursed to the student for graduate
geotechnical, or environmental
school tuition and supplies.
engineering (any of which has an
aquatic/waterfront emphasis)

Female and/or minority (as defined

AWWA and its members recognize the importance
by the U.S. Equal Employment
of investing in students as the future of the water
Opportunity Commission), U.S.
industry. The Holly A. Cornell Scholarship was
citizens who are currently masters
created by CH2M Hill, Inc. to honor the name of
degree degree students are
Holly A. Cornell, co-founder of CH2M Hill and to
eligible, -Students who have been
encourage and support outstanding female and/or
accepted into graduate school but
minority students pursuing advanced training in the
have not yet begun graduate study
field of water supply and treatment.
are encouraged to apply

Female undergraduate students,

Post- Bacclerate students, and
Women in STEM academic scholarship
master's students, who are
studying in a STEM field.
CERF and/or an Affiliate Society to
apply; however, for an application
to be evaluated by an Affiliate
Society, the applicant must reside
in or belong to an institution in the
Affiliate Society’s respective
• Each award will be granted
CERF's Rising TIDES initiative promotes
jointly to a student/mentor pair.
opportunities for all underrepresented minorities
Student applicants may identify a
while cultivating a culture that actively engages and
mentor who will also participate in
leverages diversity of all types. The Rising TIDES
the program. Mentors should be
Conference Mentoring Program will jointly support
professionals with established,
underrepresented minority (URM) students and
ongoing relationships with student
mentors to participate in CERF 2017 - 24th Biennial
applicants; mentors could be
Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. Through
faculty advisors or other faculty
joint support of both students and mentors, this
members from students’ home
program aims to enhance career development of
institutions or could be other
URM students, ensure that students participating in
science professionals. Students
the program will have sustained mentorship
who have not identified a mentor
following the conference, help develop a community
may request a mentor through
of practice for CERF members who are engaged in
building diversity and inclusion within their own
• Mentors are expected to
organizations and across institutions, and involve
participate in the morning and
those who are already mentors of URM students in
afternoon Rising TIDES Sunday
helping to transform CERF into a broadly inclusive
workshops described below, to
support students throughout the
conference as meeting-mentors,
and to mentor students through
the following year or more. If you
are interested in serving as a
mentor for the Rising TIDES
program, please send an email to
Hilary Neckles at
Resident of the State of Hawai’i
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited, four year,
not-for-profit institution in the
State of Hawai’i
Attend as a full-time student (as
determined by your school’s
This scholarship was created by the family of
financial aid office)
Blossom Kalama Evans with donations from the Big
Supports students of Hawaiian
Island Girls Golf Club. Blossom Kalama Evans was a
long-time resident of Hilo and a leading woman
College Junior, Senior or Graduate
golfer on the Big Island where she formed the Big
Island Hawaiian Girls Golf Club. She was devoted to
Applicant must include a statement
assisting the people of Hawai'i.
on how their knowledge will be
used to serve the needs of the
Native Hawaiian community.
Preference given to those who
major in Native Hawaiian or
Hawaiian Studies.
Minimum 2.7 GPA

Must be a graduate student

(Masters, PhD) in a STEM Field,
Computer Sciences, Information
Sciences, International Studies, or

Boren Fellowships, an initiative of the National Boren Fellowships are awarded

Security Education Program, provide unique funding with preference for countries,
opportunities for U.S. graduate students to study languages, and fields of study
less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. national security.
critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in
study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Preference is also given to
Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the students who will study abroad for
Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, longer periods of time, and who
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded. are highly motivated by the
opportunity to work in the federal
Boren Fellows represent a vital pool of highly government.
motivated individuals who wish to work in the
federal national security arena. In exchange for As we cannot list all countries,
funding, Boren Fellows commit to working in the languages, and fields that are
federal government for at least one year after critical to U.S. national security,
graduation. we are interested in applications
that fall outside the preferences, if
the candidate can make a
compelling case that such study
can contribute significantly to U.S.
national security and the goals of
the program.
• A United States citizen or
permanent resident.
• A full-time student enrolled in
his/her Junior, Senior year or
graduate program at an accredited
Brown and Caldwell value diversity in the
• Declared major in civil,
workplace, supporting organizations like the
chemical, mechanical, electrical or
National Society of Black Engineers and the Society
environmental engineering or one
for Hispanic Professional Engineers. They also offer
of the environmental sciences (e.g.
a $5,000 Minority Scholarship to support students
geology, hydrogeology, ecology).
who identify as minorities and are interested in
• Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or
pursuing a career in the environmental profession.
higher on a 4.0 scale (or
equivalent on a 5.0 scale
• Identify as a member of a
minority group (e.g. African
American, Hispanic, Asian or
Pacific American or Alaska Native).

The objective of this program is to provide for the

conservation of wildlife species. Conservation
includes, but is not limited to, gaining knowledge
about species and their habitats, providing for
protection or management of species sites and their
habitats, and restoring and enhancing rare species
habitat within Oregon and Washington. The BLM is
interested in understanding threats to Sensitive and
other species of concern and implementing
conservation measures to address the threats on
BLM administered lands.Typical projects include
Special Status wildlife of particular species or
groups of species including, but not limited to, the
following: conducting inventories and threat
assessments of species populations or their
habitats, conducting monitoring and evaluation of
populations and habitats, conducting studies to
identify factors influencing Special Status wildlife
populations, production of conservation
assessments and other conservation documents,
habitat modeling and risk assessment modeling,
habitat improvement, restoration, or maintenance
studies or implementation, development of
interpretative programs, displays, education or
training materials, demonstration of innovative
management practices for protection, conservation,
and management of Special Status wildlife and their
Career Development Grants provide funding to
women who hold a bachelor’s degree and are
preparing to advance or change careers or reenter
the workforce. Funds are available for tuition, fees,
Primary consideration is given to
books, supplies, local transportation, and dependent
women of color and women
care. Grants provide support for course work
pursuing their first advanced
beyond a bachelor’s degree, including a master’s
degree or credentials in
degree, second bachelor’s degree, certification
nontraditional fields. Applicants
program, or specialized training in technical or
must be U.S. citizens or permanent
professional fields. Course work must be taken at
residents whose last degree was
an accredited two- or four-year college or university
received before June 30, 2014.
in the United States or at a technical school that is
fully licensed or accredited by the U.S. Department
of Education. Funds are not available for doctorate-
level work.

Open to graduate students in

biology, horticulture, or a related
field. Preference is given to
The purpose of this scholarship is to promote students whose projects focus on
conservation of rare and endangered flora in the the endangered flora of the
United States through the programs of the Center Carolinas and southeastern United
for Plant Conservation. Annual Research Grant. States. Eligibility is open to U.S.
Citizens and permanent residents
who are enrolled in a U.S. - based

Modest short-term awards for research in

Ornithology are available to advanced graduate
Graduate students
students for expenses associated with their
Enrolled Choctaw Member and
Scholarship for student needs currently enrolled in a higher
education istitution
For applicants who holistically
address the foundation's funding
priorities to: Protect Earth's beauty
and bounty, Create a robust,
healthy food system, Increase
Funding for Agriculture/Farming, Conservation, opportunities for outdoor activity,
Environmental Health, Gardening/Composting, Reduce environmental health
Outdoor Skills/Recreation, Plants, Pollution, hazards, Build stronger
Recycling/Waste Management, Soil, Sustainability, communities. Applicants must
Trees/Forests, Water, Air, Biodiversity, Ecology, operate with clearly defined
Environmental Justice, Habitats/Ecosystems, Litter, objectives and viable plans to
Marine Education, Nature Awareness achieve them, demonstrate strong
community ties and operate at the
community level and promote
positive change through both the
projects and their implementation

The Coastal Management Fellowship was

Any U.S. citizen who will complete
established in 1996 to provide on-the-job education
a master’s or other advanced
and training opportunities in coastal resource
degree in natural resource
management and policy for postgraduate students
management or environmental-
and to provide project assistance to state coastal
related studies at an accredited
zone management programs. The program matches
U.S. university between January 1,
postgraduate students with state coastal zone
2018, and July 31, 2019, is
programs to work on projects proposed by the state
eligible. Students from a broad
and selected by the fellowship sponsor, the National
range of environmental programs
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
are encouraged to apply. Students
Office for Coastal Management. This two-year
who are not U.S. citizens or who
opportunity offers a competitive salary, medical
attend non-U.S. institutions are not
benefits, and travel and relocation expense

The RMNP Research Fellowship is an endowed

program funded by the Lelie Fidel Bailey Charitable
Trust. It is designed to encrouage highly qualified
graduate students to apply their talents to Highly qualified graduate students
conducting research in the national parks. It is also
intended to convey the importance of
communicating park research to the public.
The Cooperative Institute for Climate Science at
Princeton University in collaboration with NOAA's
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) is
recruiting both undergraduate and graduate
students for 8-10 week research internships in
atmospheric, oceanic and earth system science.
Awardees will work with host scientists at the
NOAA/GFDL, a world-leading center of earth system
modeling, research and prediction. Students with
backgrounds in science, math, computing and/or
engineering are encouraged to apply - no prior undergraduate and graduate
experience in climate-related sciences is necessary. students for 8-10 week research
Students will work on a focused scientific problem internships in atmospheric, oceanic
under the close supervision of their GFDL host, and and earth system science.
benefit from resources and activities at GFDL,
including interaction with scientists and graduate
students, access to high performance computing
and library facilities, and opportunities to participate
in a wide range of seminars and lab social events.
We particularly encourage applications from
students whose participation will add to the
diversity of researchers in earth system science,
including students from underrepresented groups,
and first generation college students.

Funds one or more scholarships annually at $3000 Open to college undergraduates

to support study at an accredited college, and graduate students, advanced
university, or major botanic garden or arboretum. degree candidates, or non-degree-
Projects may include but are not restricted to plant seeking applicants above the high
propagation, photographic documentation of studies school level. Eligibility is open to
and research projects, the acquisition of skills for U.S. Citizens and permanent
working with horticulture collections, and research residents who are enrolled in a
in horticulture in the broadest sense. U.S. - based institution.
Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited, two or four
year, not-for-profit institution
within the US (including the US
Mr. & Mrs. Lutkenhouse founded the Hawai'i Attend as a full-time student (as
Tropical Botanical Garden as a nature preserve and determined by your school’s
sanctuary, a living seed bank, and a study center financial aid office)
for trees and plants of the tropical world. They Resident of the Hilo Coast and the
created this fund to benefit the youth in the Hamakua Coast, north of the
community in which they live. Wailuku River
Major in Agriculture, Science,
Medicine or Nursing
Undergraduate or Graduate
Minimum 2.7 GPA

 In order to maintain and strengthen cultivation

strategies in future deep life missions, the DLC will
support early-carrier researchers to visit some key
laboratories (Inagaki – Kochi, Japan, Bartlett – La
Jolla,USA, and others) to learn and practice newly
developed cultivation and cultivation-dependent
molecular/biogeochemical techniques using samples
from the DLC’s fieldmissions.
First-year graduate students (M.S.
degree or Ph.D. students without
an M.S. degree)
Enrolled M.S. degree students
beyond their first year provided
that they plan full-time,
uninterrupted study toward a Ph.D.
at: 1) a different academic
institution, OR 2) in a different
academic department
Applicants with no more than M.S.
degrees who are not currently
enrolled AND who will not have
The DOE CSGF is open to U.S. citizens or
been enrolled in graduate school
permanent resident aliens who plan full-time,
for two years prior to resuming
uninterrupted study toward a Ph.D. at an accredited
graduate studies
U.S. university. We encourage applications from
First-year Ph.D. students with an
students in engineering and the physical, computer,
M.S. degree provided that they 1)
mathematical or life sciences who meet the
completed the M.S. degree within
following eligibility requirements. The fellowship
two years at a different academic
provides four years of support, but must be
institution, 2) completed the M.S.
renewed each summer.
degree within two years in a
different academic department, OR
3) prior to current enrollment, they
had not been enrolled in graduate
school for at least two years
During the fellowship period,
fellows are required to be enrolled
as full-time graduate students at
an accredited U.S. college or
university and conduct research in
areas of interest to the DOE. The
summer should be spent
conducting full-time research

Resident of the State of Hawai’i

Demonstrate financial need.
Attend an accredited, two or four
year, not-for-profit institution
within the US (including US
Attend as a full-time student (as
Established in 2006, this scholarship was created to determined by your school’s
benefit residents of the state of Hawai'i. financial aid office)
Undergraduate or Graduate
GPA between 2.5 and 3.0.
Participate in extracurricular sports
Preference may be given to
previous recipients.
U.S. citizen, permanent resident or
a citizen of a U.S. territory;
pursue or intend to pursue a
masters or doctoral level degree in
oceanography, maritime
archaeology or marine biology,
including all science, engineering
provides support for independent graduate-level
and resource management of
studies in oceanography, marine biology, or
ocean and coastal areas (or related
maritime archaeology (including all science,
areas), at a U.S. accredited
engineering, social science and resource
management of ocean and coastal areas),
have and maintain a minimum
particularly to women and minorities.
cumulative and term grade point
average of 3.30 or higher; and
maintain full-time student status
for the duration of the scholarship
award. Women and members of
minority groups are particularly

Must be a United States citizen or

permanent resident, A full-time
student enrolled in his/her
Junior/Senior year or graduate
This scholarship is offered to support students who program at an accredited
are interested in pursuing a career in the college/university, Declared major
Environmental profession. Scholarship funds may in
only be used for university/college billed expenses civil/chemical/mechanical/electrical
such as tuition. or environmental engineering or
one of the environmental sciences
(e.g. geology, hydrogeology,
ecology), Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or
higher on a 4.0 scale.
graduate students with analytical
and project management
backgrounds who are excited to
make an impact through smart
energy and climate solutions.
Fellows are chosen for their ability
to perform technical and financial
analyses, manage projects and
help facilitate organizational
change. Our core fellowship
requirements are:
EDF Climate Corps fellow. EDF Climate Corps
fellows are part of an innovative network of top-tier
Current or recent graduate student
graduate students who are working on the ground
studying engineering, business,
with leading companies and public-sector
sustainability, environmental
organizations to reduce energy use, increase
management, public policy or
efficiencies, and make the business case for
relevant degree
sustainability. Our fellows are hired by their host
2+ years of applicable work
organizations and work directly with staff from
operations, finance and sustainability departments
Self-starter with strong project
on a wide range of innovative projects. The benefits
management and leadership
of being part of the EDF Climate Corps network stay
with our fellows throughout their professional
Strong financial and quantitative
skills, including project valuation
Superior oral and written
communication skills, including
presentation skills
Demonstrated experience working
on energy efficiency, clean energy
or sustainability projects
A passion for solving
environmental challenges
Eligibility to work in the United
States during the summer of 2019.
financial support, animal behavior to participate in graduate students active in the
meaningful conservation-related research animal behvior society

We are offering two $3,500 environmental grants

per year – one each in the spring and fall – to an
individual or group currently pursuing a program or
initiative designed to benefit our environment.
Any individual, group, or
Some examples of this would be: organization in the United States
who has a love for all things
Trail building or restoration projects environmental, and has an idea or
Park beautification events event designed to help improve
Litter prevention initiatives our environment
Earth Study missions
Sustainable Land Management activities
Community environmental educational projects
Youth educational engagement events
are ineligible.
• Have completed at least one
year of graduate study by the start
of the fellowship program and be
currently enrolled in a masters or
doctoral program. Students
graduating from graduate and
doctoral programs in 2018 are
The Environmental Fellows Program supports the welcome to apply.
career development of a new generation of • Have a record of superior
environmental leaders and decision makers in the academic achievement.
environmental field and environmental philanthropy. Strong applicants should meet one
Fellows will build new skills and expand social or more of the following criteria:
networks that enhance their career portfolios • come from an educational,
through on-site mentoring, pre-program career cultural or geographic background
development and diversity workshops and by that is underrepresented in
attending the annual Environmental Grantmakers graduate study in your discipline in
Association retreat. Through these experiences the United States or at the
Fellows will expand their understanding of the University of Michigan;
research and decision-making processes that guide • have demonstrated a
foundation giving. Additionally, Fellows will benefit commitment to diversity in the
from being exposed to a variety of career academic, professional or civic
opportunities available in the environmental field. sector through work experience,
Partner organizations benefit from the ideas of volunteer engagement, or
highly motivated, energetic Fellows who can assist leadership of student or
with new or existing projects. community organizations. By
diversity we mean efforts to
reduce social, educational or
economic disparities based on
race, ethnicity or gender or to
improve race relations in the U.S.;
• have experienced financial
hardship as a result of family
economic structures;
Be a High School Senior applying
to an accredited college/university
to study environmental or natural
science-Be a College/University
Student intending to continue
studies of environmental or natural
science at an accredited college -
Submit at least one signed letter of
recommendation from a non-
relative who is familiar your goals
and aptitude-Write a 300-400
word typed essay addressing one
of the following choices:-Relate a
Each year, the Friends of Volo Bog offers a
personal experience that has
scholarship for Environmental Studies/Natural
helped lead you to pursue the field
Science college students.
of environmental studies-Define
your motivation for choosing to
enter the field of environmental
studies-What attributes do you
possess that will help you be
successful working in the
environmental field-Sealed official
transcripts mailed to you from your
current school's registrar (do not
open them)-Applications must be
postmarked two days before the
deadline, or dropped off in person
on the deadline

Students must attend a fully

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as
accredited U.S. college or
part of its STAR program, is offering Graduate
university (located in the U.S. or
Fellowships for master’s and doctoral level students
its territories) for their graduate
in environmental fields of study. Master's level
studies. Applicants must also be
students may receive support for a maximum of two
citizens of the U.S. or its territories
years. Doctoral students may be supported for a
or possessions, or be lawfully
maximum of three years, usable over a period of
admitted to the U.S. for permanent
five years.

U. S. citizenship; bachelor’s
To support graduate education of students of
degree; accepted for graduate
outstanding potential in the applied physical,
study in the physical sciences;
biological, and engineering sciences.
3.75-4.00 GPA.
An eligible applicant is any student,
This notice announces that applications may be regardless of citizenship, who, on
submitted for the 2019 National Sea Grant College February 21, 2018, is enrolled
Program Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy towards a degree in a graduate
Fellowship (Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship Program). program that has an interest in
The National Sea Grant College Program anticipates ocean, coastal and Great Lakes
funding not less than 35 selected applicants, of resources and in the national policy
which those assigned to the Legislative branch will decisions affecting those
be approximately 12. Each award will be funded at resources. The graduate degree
a total of $61,500 in federal funding, with the must be awarded through an
option to add additional funds for fellowship related accredited institution of higher
travel. education in the United States or
U.S. Territories.

Applications are being solicited from institutions (1) training students for master's
that confer a graduate degree in at least one of the and doctoral degrees in food,
following Targeted Expertise Shortage Areas: 1) agricultural and natural resource
animal and plant production; 2) forest resources; 3) sciences; and (2) Special
agricultural educators and communicators; 4) International Study or
agricultural management and economics; 5) food Thesis/Dissertation Research
science and human nutrition; 6) sciences for Travel Allowances (IRTA) for
agricultural biosecurity; and 7) training in eligible USDA NNF beneficiaries.
integrative biosciences for sustainable food and Your research must fall under one
agricultural systems. of the research areas listed above.

Fulbright scholars propose research projects in

other countries. The program facilitates cultural
exchange through direct interaction on an individual
basis in the classroom, field, home, and in routine
tasks, allowing the grantee to gain an appreciation US Citizens, Hold a Baccalaureate
of others’ viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do Degree, Good Health, Proficient in
things, and the way they think. Through Language of Country Where Work
engagement in the community, the individual will is Done
interact with their hosts on a one-to-one basis in an
atmosphere of openness, academic integrity, and
intellectual freedom, thereby promoting mutual

Future For Nature supports young, talented and

ambitious conservationists committed to protecting
species of wild animals and plants. The commitment
of these individuals is what will make the difference Open to young, talented and
for the future of nature. Through their leadership ambitious conservationists
they inspire and mobilize communities,
organizations, governments, investors and the
public at large.
The Garden Club of America Board of Associates
Centennial Pollinator Fellowship provides funding to
study the causes of pollinator decline, in particular
bees, bats, butterflies and moths, which could lead
to potential solutions for their conservation and Open to U.S. Citizens and
sustainability. Annually funds one or more current permanent residents who are
graduate students. Funding may vary in amount, enrolled in a U.S. - based
but normally will be in the range of $4,000 for study institution.
and research that will advance the knowledge of
pollinator science and increase the number of
scientists in the field. A recipient may reapply for an
additional year of funding.

Supports specialized graduate study and research in Open to graduate students who
ecological restoration. Fields of study of past are enrolled in a U.S based
recipients have ranged from forestry to applied institution. Must be a U.S citizen or
plant sciences to ecology and evolutionary biology. permanent resident.

This scholarship supports study at an accredited

college, university, or major botanic garden or
arboretum. Projects may include, but are not Open to college undergraduates
restricted to, plant propagation, and the acquisition and graduate students. Eligibility is
of skills for working with native plant collections, open to U.S. Citizens and
including techniques for incorporating them in permanent residents who are
managed landscapes. Photographic and written enrolled in a U.S.-based institution
documentation of studies and research projects may
be considered.
Resident of the State of Hawai’i
Attend an accredited, four year,
not-for-profit institution within the
US (including US territories)
(excluding online universities and
Attend as a full-time student (as
determined by your school’s
financial aid office)
College Junior, Senior or Graduate
Major in: Aerospace, Astronomy,
Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science,
The Geoffrey Michael Chan Wing Au Scholarship Pharmacy, Physical Science,
Fund was established in memory of Geoffrey Au, a Marine Science, Medicine, Nursing,
former first chair viola player with the Hawai’i Youth or Technology
Symphony, and beloved science teacher at Minimum 3.0 GPA
Farrington High School. To commemorate his love 2 letters of recommendation, one
for science, this scholarship fund is designated to from a professor or instructor
benefit college juniors, seniors, and graduate within the student’s major field of
students at accredited four year colleges or study (science) and 1 letter or
universities, pursuing a degree in Science. recommendation from an
instructor or community member
(unrelated) speaking to the
student’s extra-curricular activities
and demonstrated community
service experience and leadership
1st Preference: Students who
have participated in the Hawai’i
Youth Symphony as a performer
and/or volunteer
2nd Preference: Students engaged
in any academic cancer research
3rd Preference: Awards may be
given to previous recipients
The primary role of the GSA research grants
program is to provide partial support of master's
GSA Members
and doctoral thesis research in the geological

Be enrolled in an accredited
Graduate students meeting the eligibility graduate institution in North
requirements noted below may apply directly to The America, Have strong academic
Wilderness Society. Applicants must be enrolled in qualifications, Have academic
an accredited graduate institution in North America, and/or career goals focused on
have strong academic qualifications and/or career making a significant positive
goals focused on making a significant positive difference in the long-term
difference in the long-term protection of wilderness protection of wilderness in the
in the United States. Graduate students in natural United States. Graduate students
resources management, law or policy programs are in natural resources management,
strongly encouraged to apply. law or policy programs are strongly
encouraged to apply.
Applicants must be currently
enrolled as a full time student at
one of NOAA’s EPP/MSI
Cooperative Science Centers in an
accredited graduate degree
program. In addition applicants
The NOAA Graduate Research and Training
must meet the following criteria:
Scholarship Program (GRTSP) leverages the initial
investment made by the agency in the NOAA
- Minimum GPA 3.5 or above for
EPP/MSI Cooperative Science Centers (CSC). GRTSP
the duration of GRTSP financial
helps establish a pipeline of well trained and
educated individuals who attend Minority Serving
- US Citizenship;
Institutions and earn degrees in science,
- Undergraduate degree in STEM;
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
- Enrolled in a MS or PhD program
disciplines that support NOAA’s mission.
and matriculated in STEM discipline
that directly supports NOAA's
- Must have completed 1 academic
term of graduate coursework;

Awards will be made to women

holding a degree from a recognized
institution of higher learning, of
To help increase knowledge in the natural sciences outstanding ability and promise in
and to encourage research careers in the sciences research, who are performing
by women. hypothesis-driven research at any
institution in the U.S. or abroad.
Financial need of research funding
is a requirement.

These scholarships are meant to give college and

Undergraduate, graduate students
graduate school students funds to pursue their
*must maintain a 2.7 GPA
education and give back to Hawaii.
non-profit 501(c) organizations,
state government agencies, local
financial support, projects to conserve hawaiian governments, municipal
birds specifically 'Alala, Maui parrtobill, Palila, Kaui governments, Indian tribes,
forest birds, Nihoa miller birds, and projects for educational institutions,
mosquito control businesses, unincorporated
individuals, international
Attend a non-profit college or
univerisity located in the United
States or its territories
Supports students of Hawaiian
ancestry. Applicants must submit
a copy of their Kamehameha
Schools Ho'oulu Hawaiian Data
The Ida M. Pope Memorial Scholarship was Center Ancestry Verification Letter.
established to benefit female students of Hawaiian Be a female.
ancestry studying in Health, Science, Mathematics, Minimum 3.5 GPA.
or Education. Pursue a major in one of the
following fields: Health, Science,
Mathematics, Education (includes
counseling & social work).
Be a resident of the State of
Demonstrate financial need.
Be a full-time student.

- Hawaii resident
-100 hours of Community Service
-Conferred/anticipating a
2019-2020 Application Opens November 15, 2018.
bachelor’s degree by Spring 2018
Open to Graduate students.
-Full-time student
-Maintain a 3.0 GPA
-Meet Maximum Funding
All Iindividuals around the world
The International Herpetological Symposium (IHS)
has established a grant program to provide financial Herpetological projects related to
assistance to individuals or organizations conducting 1) natural history,
herpetological research, conservation, and 2) conservation,
education. 3) captive propagation, and/or
4) education.
The selection of scholarship
nominees shall be according to the
following eligibility guidelines:
a. The selection shall be restricted
to junior and senior students of the
undergraduate study program
and students of the graduate study
program, enrolled in an accredited
course of college,
The purpose of this program is to promote the
directed toward a BS or MS degree
Association of Conservation Engineers (ACE) and
in engineering, any of the natural
the continued study and learning required for the
sciences, ecology, or agriculture.
conservation of our natural and renewable
resources in the areas of preservation and
b. Students shall carry a full
recreation. The Association of Conservation
program and be enrolled as a full
Engineers (ACE) is an international organization of
time student.
engineers and allied personnel employed by
c. The student shall submit a
conservation and natural resource agencies and
technical paper of 1250 words
consultants with specialized interests in the area of
maximum but not less than 750
fish, wildlife, parks, forests and related
words written in essay form. The
conservation/recreation fields. Additional
paper’s topic shall relate to the
information about ACE can be found on our website
conservation and/or preservation
of natural, cultural or renewable
d. A recommendation letter, on
university letterhead, from one of
the student’s instructors shall
accompany the submitted technical
paper stating the student’s
qualifications for this

Any graduate students regradless

ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources 
of citizenship
Interested in careers in the fields
Scholasrship award for general research funds. of corrosion control, treatment and
One-time funding of $5,000 to one master's student distribution of domestic and
and one-time funding of $7,000 to one doctoral industrial water supplies, aquatic
student. chemistry, and/or environmental
Applicants proposing to conduct research tin Early career scientist, advanced
systematics, evolution, ecology, zoology or pre-doctoral candidates, and
paleontology of marine ilfe and environments are postdoctoral reserachers. No
invited to apply to the Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine formal education restrictions to
Research apply.
This scholarship, in memory of Libbie H. Hyman,
first meaningful field station
one of America's foremost invertebrate zoologists,
experience for a first or second
provides assistance to students to take courses OR
year graduate student, or an
to carry on research on INVERTEBRATES at a
advanced undergraduate.
marine, freshwater, or terrestrial field station.

Open to graduate or advanced

undergraduate students. Eligibility
is open to U.S. Citizens and
The purpose of this scholarship is to promote the
permanent residents who are
study of tropical plants and their use in horticulture
enrolled in a U.S. - based
and landscape architecture. This is a
institution. This opportunity will be
complementary award, intended to supplement a
awarded upon verification that
student's pursuit of a previously accepted program
complete funding has been
of study.
obtained for the study abroad.
Travel must commence within 12
months of the award.

The Marine Conservation Action Fund (MCAF) is a

microgranting program that addresses critical needs
Anyone who proposes a project in
in the marine conservation field, including funding
a high need, underserved area of
for urgent, time-sensitive projects and support for
marine research.
early-stage, entrepreneurial projects led by
emerging conservation leaders.

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) at

Florida Atlantic University offers a Summer
Internship Program to qualified undergraduate and
graduate students interested in marine-related
fields. The major portion of the funding for this
program is provided through the generosity of the Open to currently enrolled
Link Foundation. graduate students or to graduating
This internship program is designed to give qualified seniors who have been accepted
undergraduate and graduate students experience in and are pre-registered for a
a research environment. The areas of study may graduate program.
include, but are not limited to: aquaculture,
biomedical marine research, marine biology, marine
mammal research, marine natural product
chemistry, marine microbiology, ocean engineering,
ocean technology and oceanography.
The Marine Turtle Conservation Fund (MTCA) is
soliciting proposals for the conservation of marine
turtles (Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta,
Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata,
Lepidochelys olivacea, Lepidochelys kempii)
throughout their range outside of the United States Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type
and its territories. The U.S. Government enacted of entity above), subject to any
the Marine Turtle Conservation Act of 2004 in clarification in text field entitled
response to the decline of many marine turtle "Additional Information on
populations worldwide and the serious threats to Eligibility"
their long-term survival. The primary purpose of the
Act is to provide financial support for projects that
conserve nesting populations and habitat and
address other threats to the survival of marine
turtles in foreign countries.

Graduate students, Postdoc, and

early career individuals who are
The Martin Frank Diversity Travel Awards are meant
typically underrepresented in the
to provide funds to allow members of
sciences. Applicants must be
underrepresented groups to attend APS meetings
attending institutions within The
and conferences, in order to increase participation
United States and conducting their
of underrepresented groups.
research within The United States
or its territories.

An applicant must be a
current/entering undergraduate or
graduate student at an accredited
To assist in the education of individuals that are college or university.
making contributions to the aquarium industry The student must have declared a
major/focus or have intent to
declare a major/focus in one of the
marine science disciplines
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s
Summer Internship Program provides an
opportunity for talented college students
(undergraduate and graduate) and educators to
come to MBARI for a period of 10 weeks to work on
a specific project under MBARI staff supervision.
Summer interns are responsible for further
developing a project (in conjunction with their
sponsor) which can be completed in the 10-week
period of the internship, and for carrying the project
to completion. The primary purpose of the intern
program is for the specific educational benefit of the
intern, and to contribute to the general good of the
oceanographic community. If publications result
Open to undergraduate and
from this collaboration, the authorship should be a
graduate students and educators
joint authorship (including both the intern and the

While the focus of the MBARI internship is on the

intern’s professional development—learning
research techniques and improving communication
and collaboration skills—interns also participate in a
variety of activities which afford them the
opportunity to explore California’s central coast and
to establish a sense of camaraderie with their fellow
interns. These activities may include: assisting with
MBARI’s annual open house event; a “behind the
scenes” tour of the Monterey Bay Aquarium; and a
kayaking trip on Elkhorn Slough.

Applicants can be affiliated with an

academic institution, non-profit
organization, government entity,
Azure compute credits: If you already have access
environmental start-up, or an
to a labeled dataset and are ready to start
innovative project within a
computing in the cloud and accessing Azure AI
company. For the Azure compute
tools, this grant provides you with Azure compute
grants, we recommend that the
credits worth $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000
main applicant has a demonstrated
(depending on your project scope and needs). By
background in environmental
being a member of the AI for Earth grantee
science and/or technology, and
community, you also have access to additional
that at least one member of the
resources (technical advice and support, online
team has strong enough technical
Azure training materials, as well as invitations to
skills to complete the project
the AI for Earth Summit for networking and
successfully. Applicants should be
education opportunities)
close to or done with their data
collection and ready to start with
computation and model building.
1. Hawaiʻi resident
The Nā Hoʻokama a Pauahi Scholarship is available 2. Full-time student
to students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate 3. Classified, degree-seeking
degree at an accredited post-high institution in the student
United States as recognized by Kamehameha 4. Have financial need
Schools 5. Meet Maximum Funding
graduate student, post-doc or non-ladder faculty
Must be graduate student. Post doc
committed to communicating science in your
or adjunct faculty

Applicants typically have a

master's degree and two years of
experience or a bachelor's degree
and four years of experience.
Jurisdictions may require additional
or alternate skills, such as
The National Coral Reef Management Fellowship is a outreach and education
two-year program established to respond to the experience. Jurisdictions may set
need for additional coral reef management capacity other specific eligibility
in our seven priority states and territories (referred requirements which are provided
to as jurisdictions). when new fellows are being
The fellowship provides state and territorial coral
reef management agencies with highly qualified Although most applicants hold
candidates whose education and work experience either bachelor's or master's
meet each island's specific needs, while providing degrees, applicants holding a
the individual fellows with professional experience in doctorate or law degree are
coastal and coral reef resources management. welcome to submit an application
for consideration. Previous
experience in participating
jurisdictions is desired, but not
required. Applicants must be a
U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent

NGC is proud of its college scholarship program -Must be attending school full-
which offers financial aid to students majoring in D4time as defined by NGC:
fields of study related to horticulture and the Undergraduate students must be
environment. Applicant must be planning a career enrolled for a minimum of 12
related to gardening, landscape design, graded hours of classes.
environmental issues, floral design or horticulture. Graduate students must be
Check your State Garden Club for scholarship enrolled for a minimum of 9
opportunities. graded hours of classes.9:9
Develop tools or capabilities needed to generate
data and insights on ecosystem health, biodiversity
distribution, patterns, and trends
Create or reimagine sensing modalities that can be
applied to determine ecological health
Reseachers working on technology
Implement new processing techniques that can
to better censervation
apply breakthroughs in data mining and machine
learning to glean new ecosystem health insights
from existing data streams
Develop low-cost, scalable, long-term, robust in-situ
or remote sensing modalities

Must be at least 18 years old.

Applicants are responsible for
Early Career Grants are designed to offer less
securing all necessary permits and
experienced individuals an opportunity to lead a
agreeing to the National
Geographic Society’s ethics

An Exploration Grant application is a request for

Must be at least 18 years old.
funding by an experienced project leader in the
Applicants are responsible for
areas of conservation, education, research,
securing all necessary permits and
storytelling, and technology. The applicant and his
agreeing to the National
or her team members are expected to demonstrate
Geographic Society’s ethics
successful completion of similar projects with
measurable and/or tangible results.
Graduate Fellowships to support the training for and
completion of master’s and doctoral degree
Master's Program, Ph.D. Program
programs in the Food, Agricultural, Natural
Resources, and Human Sciences (FANRHS).

Students in their fourth-year of

The National Science Foundation awards fellowships
college or first year of graduate
for graduate study leading to research-based
school, and recent college
masters or doctoral degrees in the fields of science
graduates are eligible to apply.
(including the social sciences), mathematics,
Students in joint BA/MA programs
science education, engineering and bioengineering,
are eligible to apply, but applicants
and other fields as supported by the National
who have earned any medical
Science Foundation. NSF Graduate Research
degrees are ineligible. US Citizens,
Fellowships (GRFP) are intended for students at the
nationals and permanent residents
beginning of their graduate programs.
are eligible to apply.
NSF's Graduate Research Fellowship Program
(GRFP) recognizes and supports individuals early in
their graduate training in STEM (Science,
Technology, Education, and Mathematics) fields. A
presentation - linked below - can be used for
outreach to potential applicants; it has been More than 12 months of graduate
updated for the 2019 competition. The purpose of study with an interruption of
the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program greater than 2 years (can have
(GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of M.S. degree) Second-year
the scientific and engineering workforce of the graduate students (no more than
United States. The program recognizes and one year of graduate study)
supports outstanding graduate students who are U.S. citizens, nationals, and
pursuing full-time research-based master's and permanent residents, Early-career:
doctoral degrees in science, technology, undergrad & grad students,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM Pursuing research-based MS and
education. The GRFP provides three years of PhD, Science and Engineering,
support for the graduate education of individuals Enrolled in accredited institution in
who have demonstrated their potential for US by Fall
significant research achievements in STEM or STEM
education. NSF especially encourages women,
members of underrepresented minority groups,
persons with disabilities, veterans, and
undergraduate seniors to apply.

This National Science Foundation internship has

Graduate students intern with Environmental Graduate Student (Master's or
Protection Agency (EPA), where the student will PhD)
receive mentoring from one of the researchers
At First Nations Development Institute (First
Nations), we believe that reclaiming control over
local food systems is an important step toward
ensuring the long-lasting health and economic well-
being of Native people and communities. Native
food-system control has the potential to increase • Applicant must be a full-time
food production, improve health and nutrition, and undergraduate or graduate student
eliminate food insecurity in rural and reservation- majoring in an agricultural-related
based communities, while also promoting field, or be able to demonstrate
entrepreneurship and economic development. how their degree program relates
The purpose of the Native Agriculture and Food to Native food systems.
Systems Scholarship Program is to encourage more • Applicant must be tribally-
Native American college students to enter these affiliated and able to provide
fields so that they can better assist their documentation.
communities with these efforts. First Nations will • Applicant must have a Grade
award five $1,000 scholarships for the 2018-2019 Point Average (GPA) of at least
academic school year to Native American college 2.75.
students majoring in agriculture and agriculture- • Applicant must demonstrate a
related fields, including but not limited to commitment to helping his/her
agribusiness management, agriscience technologies, community reclaim local food-
agronomy, animal husbandry, aquaponics, system control.
environmental studies, fisheries and wildlife, food
production and safety, food-related policy and
legislation, food science and technology,
horticulture, irrigation science, nutrition education,
and sustainable agriculture or food systems.

The U.S. Small Grants Program is a competitive,

matching grant program that supports public-
private partnerships carrying out projects in the
United States that further the goals of the North
American Wetlands Conservation Act. These
Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type
projects must involve long-term protection,
of entity above), subject to any
restoration, enhancement and/or establishment of
clarification in text field entitled
wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the
"Additional Information on
benefit of all wetlands-associated migratory birds. A
1:1 match is required. Research funding is
ineligible. In June 2016, U.S. Small Grants Program
award ceiling increased from $75,000 to $100,000
by the North American Wetlands Conservation
Council (NAWCC).
The United States Neotropical Migratory Bird
Conservation Act (NMBCA) established an annual,
competitive grants program to support projects that
promote the conservation of neotropical migratory
birds and their habitats in the United States,
Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean. The U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service's Division of Bird Habitat
Conservation (DBHC) is responsible for managing
the NMBCA grants program and administers all

Resident of the State of Hawai‘i

Demonstrate financial need
Attend an accredited, two or four
year, not-for-profit institution
within the US (including US
Attend as a full-time student (as
determined by your school’s
financial aid office)
Graduate of a public or private
high school in the districts of North
The scholarship is for students from the west side of Kona, South Kona, North Kohala,
the island of Hawai'i studying Marine Science, South Kohala, or Ka‘u
Biotechnology, Health Sciences or Early Childhood Major in one of the following fields:
Education. Marine Sciences, Biotechnology,
Health Sciences or Early Childhood
Include in your personal statement
a description of how your career
may benefit the lives of Hawai’i
residents upon completing your
Minimum 2.7 GPA
Undergraduate or Graduate

Any U.S. citizen who will complete

a master’s or other advanced
The Coastal Management Fellows are advanced
degree in natural resource
degree holding recipients who assist with state
management or environmental-
coastal zone management programs while getting
related studies at an accredited
on the job training and education in coastal
U.S. university between January 1,
resource management and policy.
2018, and July 31, 2019, is
Through the Center for Coastal and Marine
Ecosystems (CCME), a partnership led by Florida
A&M University (FAMU), HRI provides support for a To be eligible for the CCME
limited number of graduate students pursuing Fellowship, students must be U.S.
applied research in NOAA mission-related scientific citizens, maintain full-time status
focal areas. CCME is one of five Educational and a minimum of 3.0 Grade Point
Cooperative Science Centers funded under the Average, and not be engaged in
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration full-time employment outside the
(NOAA) Educational Partnership Program with CCME program and/or academic
Minority Serving Institutions. Preference is given to institution. 
under-represented minorities in selecting students
for the program.

-Applicants must have a major

To help students who are interested in developing a declared in a science related field.
career in science; Write a short essay on the -Enrolled or accepted for
biggest hurdle experienced in your field of interest. enrollment (baccalaureate,
Awarding $1500 (or international currency graduate, associate degree, or
equivelent) diploma)
-Open worldwide

To advance this mission, NSS will award Research

Grants of up to $1,500 to qualified individuals or
teams in support of research in a cave-related
branch of study. This includes but is not limited to
the natural sciences (e.g., cave biology, geology,
applicants must be a member of
paleontology, and hydrology), social sciences (e.g.,
the NSS at the time of the
archaeology), and the humanities (e.g.,
submission of the proposal
speleological history). Interdisciplinary proposals
are encouraged. Preference will be given to projects
with the potential to generate new information and
insights that are suitable for submission to peer-
reviewed publications
Minimum age of 21 and maximum
age of 26 at the time of the
application deadline (1 December
2018 for all regions)
Valid citizenship for the relevant
Rolex Scholarship (North America,
Europe, and Australasia)
Applicant has not yet earned a
graduate degree by April 1st of the
scholarship year and has not yet
chosen a clearly defined career
Funds are used for transportation and living path
expenses. The North American and European Rolex High academic standing
Scholars must submit a complete accounting for all Fluency in English
expenditures. Certification as a Rescue Diver or
equivalent with a minimum of 25
dives logged in the past two years
Evidence of adequate health
insurance for duration of
scholarship year
Submission of a completed diving
medical examination form which is
found in the application
If you are chosen as a scholar, you
will be required to pass a NOAA or
equivalent physical.

Is a citizen or legal permanent

resident of the United States or
Canada;s a citizen or legal
permanent resident of the United
States or Canada;s living and
studying in the United States or
Canada for the entire course of
The P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education (PCE)
study;has had at least 24
is intended to provide one-time need based grants
consecutive months as a non-
to women who are citizens or legal permanent
student sometime in her adult
residents of the United States or Canada for use in
life;is within 24 consecutive
completing a degree or certification necessary for
months of completing her
improving or gaining skills leading to employment.  
educational program which, at the
conclusion of, will lead to
employment or job advancement;
will complete her program of
education within 24 months after
the beginning date of the term for
which the grant is requested.
Candidates must be US citizens
who would not have reached their
30th birthday by July 1st of the
year they enter the program.
Candidates must have earned at
least a bachelor's degree or
reasonably expect to receive that
degree by July 1st of the year they
enter the program. Candidates
graduate research
must be in physical health that will
not restrict them from working in a
foreign environment. Birth parents
must have both been born outside
of the US as non-US citizens, and
both parents must not have been
eligible for US citizenship at the
time of the births. In addition, you
must be a US citizen

Project must support sustainable

fishing and/or MPAs as elaborated
in the program focus section.
Applicants need not hold advanced
degrees, but must demonstrate a
commensurate level of experience
and expertise with respect to the
proposed project.
Applicants must have and maintain
legitimate affiliation with an
academic institution or NGO for the
Grants will fund projects related to the Waitt
duration of the grant project.
Foundation mission of supporting sustainable fishing
ROC grants should constitute the
and marine protected areas (MPAs)
sole or primary source of funding
for the proposed project, not serve
as complementary funding for
larger, more costly projects.
Spending of grant funds must
commence within 1 month of
granting, and be completed within
6 months.
Funds cannot be used for event
sponsorships (e.g. conferences,
Proposals for renewal or
The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) is interested
supplementation of existing
in recieving proposals for research initiatives that
projects are eligible to compete
offer potential for advancement and improvement in
with applications for new Federal
the NPS core mission of graduate education and
awards under this Funding
Opportunity Announcement (FOA).

• Project must support

sustainable fishing and/or MPAs as
elaborated in the program focus
• Applicants need not hold
advanced degrees, but must
demonstrate a commensurate level
of experience and expertise with
respect to the proposed project.
The Rapid Ocean Conservation (ROC) Grants
• Applicants must have and
Program is a project of the Waitt Foundation. ROC
maintain legitimate affiliation with
Grants provide small grants with a quick turnaround
an academic institution or NGO for
time for solutions to emerging conservation issues.
the duration of the grant project.
This complements the Waitt Foundation’s existing
• ROC grants should constitute
major grants program and is responsive to
the sole or primary source of
conservation opportunities, supports higher-risk
funding for the proposed project,
ideas at a low financial cost, and engages with
not serve as complementary
small, local NGOs on a global scale.
funding for larger, more costly
• Spending of grant funds must
commence within 1 month of
granting, and be completed within
6 months.
• Funds cannot be used for
event sponsorships (e.g.
conferences, workshops).

The Rocky Mountain Sustainability and Science

Network Summer Academy is a one-week NSF
funded program providing intensive training to
students prior to either entering internships or jobs Unspecified
on public lands, or embarking on summer research
projects related to environmental science, climate
change, or sustainability.
able to participate in summer
internships at a DoD facility, willing
The SMART Scholarship for Service Program is an to accept post-graduate
opportunity for students pursuing a graduate employment with the DoD, a
degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and student in good standing with a
Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a full minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on
scholarship and be gainfully employed upon degree a 4.0 scale , a student in good
completion. standing with a minimum
cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0

Must be a farmer, rancher or be

the wife, daughter or other close
This scholarship is available to women who are
relative of a farmer, rancher or
returning students in agricultue and are 24+
other person employed in
Graduate student already
completed one semester at a
for graduate students to conduct independent
degree-granting university,
research usually before having been advanced to
currently enrolled, has not
candidacy if in a Ph.D. program.
advanced to candidacy to a Ph.D.
program. Must secure rotation with
a Smithsonian unit.

Fellowships range from three months to three years

and allow young scholars to explore their own
Students currently enrolled in a
research questions across Panama’s rich tropical
graduate program.
ecosystems while based at our state-of-the-art
accomplishments (classes taken,
projects completed). Transcripts
not required
Student’s career goals in soil and
water conservation
Student’s work experiences in the
field of soil and water conservation
Major professor’s support and
The candidate must be a student enrolled in a North acknowledgement of student’s
American (USA, Canada, and Mexico) University. activities
Preference will be given to students enrolled in a Student’s vision of the
land grant university, or other universities or importance of soil and water
colleges having an equivalent agricultural conservation in their near
curriculum. futureThe candidate must be a
The student can be a junior or senior in a B.S. student enrolled in a North
program or a M.S. candidate. American (USA, Canada, and
This award allows self-nominations. Mexico) University. Preference will
Former recipients of this Award are not be given to students enrolled in a
eligible.Student’s career goals in soil and water land grant university, or other
conservation universities or colleges having an
Student’s work experiences in the field of soil and equivalent agricultural curriculum.
water conservation The student can be a junior or
Major professor’s support and acknowledgement of senior in a B.S. program or a M.S.
student’s activities candidate. This award allows self-
Student’s vision of the importance of soil and water nominations. Former recipients of
conservation in their near future this Award are not eligible. The
student’s major professor must
support the candidate by writing a
letter of support. Members of this
SSSA Awards Committee, the
SSSA Board of Directors, and also
the ASA Executive Committee are
not eligible to be a reference for
this award.
-Applicants must be associated
with an organization (e.g. NGO,
university, etc.) through which
s/he can receive funding. Funding
General research funds
checks are provided to
organizations, not individals. There
are no eligibility restrictions on the
nationality of applicant.
Graduate Students (Masters)
Graduate Students (PhD)
The Switzer Fellowship Program offers one-year -be a U.S.
Fellowships to highly talented graduate students in citizen;
New England and California whose studies and -be enrolled in an accredited
career goals are directed toward environmental graduate institution ONLY in
improvement and who clearly demonstrate California or one of the six New
leadership in their field. Switzer Fellows are on the England states (ME, NH, VT, MA,
leading edge of environmental and social change CT, RI) and plan to be enrolled as
through efforts in environmental science, policy, a full-time student for the entire
conservation, environmental justice, public health, '19-'20 academic year;
economics, journalism, urban planning, business, -have very strong academic
law and more. qualifications, with academic and
career goals focused on
environmental improvement.

University students currently

pursuing bachelor's or master's
Continuing our commitment to the future of ag and
degrees in crop-related disciplines
the cultivation of tomorrow’s leaders, we annually
are eligible to compete for $20,000
award the Syngenta Agricultural Scholarship to
in scholarship awards. Applicants
university students currently pursuing bachelor’s or
must be U.S. residents enrolled in
master’s degrees in crop-related disciplines.
an accredited agriculture program
at an eligible university.

Founded in 2016, the TEKDiveUSA Technical Diving Studetns that are needing
Scholarship will provide internships, mentorships techinical diving to complete their
and training and educational opportunities. studies

financial support, cetacean behavior and/or graduate students active in the

cetacean conservation in natural environments animal behvior society

To promote conservation of rare and endangered

flora in the United States through the programs of Pursue a biology, horticulture, or a
the Center for Plant Conservation in partnership related degree.
with the Garden Club of America.

Funds are awarded to projects

with clear conservation priorities
for an odontocete or sirenian
species, population, or habitat
critical to the species. Research
that also impacts a local human
The Emily B. Shane Award (EBS) supports
community in terms of increased
conservation-oriented, non-harmful[1] field
public awareness, capacity
research on free-ranging Odontocetes and
building, or education may be
given special consideration. The
award is available to students and
other researchers who meet the
evaluation criteria. The application
should be submitted by the person
conducting the research.
Generally The Explorers Club
considers research proposals in a
wide array of disciplines, including:
• Climate Change, Geoscience,
Paleoclimate (i.e. Early Earth,
Tectonics, Volcanism,
This category of grant supports exploration and field Paleontology, Glaciology,
research for those who are just beginning their Geophysics, Astronomy)
research careers. Graduate, post-graduate, • Marine Science, Marine Biology,
doctorate and early career post-doctoral students Marine Life, Fish, Coral, Ocean,
Fresh Water, Rivers, Lakes,
• Anthropology/Archeology
• Plants and Molds
• Animals
• Conservation Science

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide

financial aid to study areas in the United States that
Open to college seniors and
provide seasonal habitat for threatened or
graduate students only (second-
endangered native birds and to tend useful
semester juniors may apply for
information for land-management decisions. In
their senior year). Eligibility is
special instances because of two unusually fine
open to U.S. Citizens and
candidates or two candidates working on one
permanent residents who are
project, the award may be divided between two
enrolled in a U.S. - based
candidates. Funds from the Peacock Scholarship can
be used at the discretion of the awardee for
expenses directly related to the proposal project.

-Open to graduate students

-U.S. Citizens and permanent
residents who are enrolled in a
To support specialized graduate study and research
U.S. - based institution
in ecological restoration, the “active healing of the
-Fields of study; forestry, applied
plant sciences, ecology,
evolutionary biology, ecological
The Minority SURGE Capacity in Disasters project
will focus two grand challenges: the • Enrolled in a graduate degree
underrepresentation STEM racial and ethnic program in a STEM (Science
minorities in hazards and disaster research and the Technology Engineering Math) field
disproportionate impacts of disasters on • Individuals enrolled in social
underserved racial and ethnic minorities. science graduate programs are
Goals: also eligible to apply
• Increase the number of minority graduate • Interest in hazards and
researchers in STEM field with a disaster focus, disaster research
• Develop and guide well-trained, qualified • Interest in using research to
disaster scholars from STEM fields, give back to communities
• Provide academic and professional mentorship disproportionately impacted by
for next-generation minority STEM scholars in disasters
hazards mitigation and disaster research, and • Member of a historically under-
• Develop professional and research opportunities represented racial and ethnic
that involve outreach and problem solving for minority group in the U.S.
vulnerable communities in the U.S.

This three year fellowship is portable and allows the

recipient to attend any institution they wish, with
their tuition and mandatory fees waved. It is meant
Master's or PhD students
for US citizens and nationals who are seeking a
doctoral degree in one of the fifteen supported
fields (includes STEM).
The PADI FOUNDATION encourages and supports Anyone can apply. The PADI
research and education related to aquatic FOUNDATION considers proposals
environments. with budgets up to $20,000

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program

offers opportunities for independent research or Applicants are encouraged to
study related to Smithsonian collections, facilities, propose to conduct research in-
and/or research interests of the Institution and its residence at the Smithsonian in
staff. Fellowships are offered to graduate students, one of its areas of research as
predoctoral students, and postdoctoral and senior outlined in the publication,
investigators to conduct independent research and Smithsonian Opportunities for
to utilize the resources of the Institution with Research and Study, for a period
members of the Smithsonian professional research of three to twelve months, or ten
staff serving as advisors and hosts. These weeks for the Graduate Student
fellowships are offered through the Smithsonian’s Fellowship. Past or current
Office of Fellowships and Internships, and are fellowship recipients are eligible to
administered under the charter of the Institution, apply for another award.
20 U.S. Code section 41 et seq.
Students of all nationalities are
welcome to apply; however,
applicants must be enrolled full
time in an accredited
Travel grant undergraduate or graduate
institution of higher learning in the
US. Notification of the award will
be made approximately one month
after the application deadline.

Early career scientist, advanced

Applicants proposing to conduct research in any
pre-doctoral candidates, and
phase of wildlife conservation or related fields of
postdoctoral reserachers. No
North American fauna - terrestrial and freshwater,
formal education restrictions to
extant or fossil are encouraged to apply.
Regular students attending any of
General research funds
the ten UH campuses.

This scholarship program, funded through the Office

Of Hawaiian Affairs, focuses on Native Hawaiian
students in STEM and STEM Education degree
pathways. The UH-OHA Hoʻonaʻauao Higher
Native Hawaiian ancestry – verified
Education Scholarship Program helps fund tuition
by enrollment in the Office of
and fees for Native Hawaiian scholarship awardees
Hawaiian Affairs Registry Program,
across all 10 campuses within the University of
Enrolled at any of the 10 University
Hawaiʻi System. Awardees of the scholars will
of Hawaiʻi campuses,
receive mentorship provided through established
Demonstrate financial need –
Native Hawaiian support programs and are required
verified through the Free
to attend a scholarship orientation, academic
Application for Federal Student Aid
advising, and other activities which help strengthen
the relationships and knowledge of educational
Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA for
pathways at the student’s home campus. The UH-
undergraduates or 3.0 GPA for
OHA Hoʻonaʻauao Higher Education scholarship
graduate students.
application is available to all current and potential
students who meet the requirements and are
seeking a degree at any one of the 10 campuses in
the UH System
Western SARE Graduate Student projects should:
• Conduct research and education, not research
or education. Both elements are required.
• Demonstrate measurable impacts and outcomes
that can increase the body of knowledge of
sustainable agriculture.
• Produce scholarly works and educational
Graduate Students
materials to assist others in acquiring new
• Communicate the project goals, activities, and
findings to producers and other stakeholders.
• Consult with farmers and ranchers throughout
the life of the project (inception to finish) to help
ensure these results.

Wildlife managers, biologists,

ecologists, and students from
California, Nevada, Hawaii, and
Guam all devoted to the
sustainable conservation of wildlife
General research funds
in the western United States region
are eligible to apply. Proposals
must have consistency with TWS
purposes and objectives as cited in
the Western Section By-Laws

Project makes significant use of

bioacoustics for data collection
and/or analysis. The work
advances scientific knowledge and
contributes to long-term
conservation. The grant award
would have significant impact on
the success of the project. The
financial support, bioacoustics avian, terrestrial, grant request provides adequate
amphibious, marine, chiropteran information to evaluate the
project, including detailed
expected outcomes and use of
bioacoustics data to support those
outcomes. The project should
begin in the year that the
application is submitted, or in the
following year if the application is
submitted in the off-season.
Scholarships are offered in marine conservation,
The scholarships will be awarded
marine biology, underwater archaeology, and
to qualified women of any age who
underwater education. They are intended to support
are enrolled in accredited graduate
independent research and/or education programs.
or undergraduate academic or
They do not support tuition, living expenses or
research programs in the field of
student loans. Scholarships are paid directly to the
marine conservation.

The GWIS National Fellowships Program is proud to

offer fellowships in 2018 to help increase knowledge
in the natural sciences and to encourage research Women holding a degree from a
careers in the sciences by women. Fellowship funds recognized institution of higher
may be used for such things as: expendable learning. Financial need of
supplies; publication of research findings; travel and research funding required.
subsistence while performing field studies; travel to
other labs for collaborative work

Women who are pursuing an

The Women In STEM Scholarship is available to
undergraduate or master's degree
undergraduate and graduate female students. You
and are majoring in science,
must be pursuing a degree in science, technology,
technology, engineering, or
engineering, or mathematics to be eligible for this
mathematics during the 2019
$3,000 award.
school year.

Certified scuba divers who are

graduate students in the field of
Certified scuba divers who are graduate students in
aquatic biology, ecology and
the field of aquatic biology, ecology and marine
marine science. Must be able to
attend award ceremony in Nevada
or Florida.
Application deadline(s). Scholarship,
Any info on size of awards and
Also, is this an annual fellowship, grant,
how they are distributed.
competition? stipend?

June 30th 2018 $3000 Scholarship

1-Jul-2019 $1,000 Scholarship

6-Apr-2018 $5000 Scholarship

Funding is is available to support 6

demonstration working groups
selected from proposals. Individual
awards will vary from $10,000-
Application deadlines, July 16, $13,000. Up to $2,000 of any Grant, working group
and October 15, 2018 single award may be allocated to projects
the working group lead as a
stipend. Supplemental funds may
be requested pending funding
30-Sep-2019 upto $1,000,000 grants

9-Jan-2019 Varies Scholarship

$2,000-12,000 for educational

expenses, living expenses,
November 15, 2018 Stipend
dependent child care, and
professional travel
November 15, 2018, by 11:59 Master’s/first professional degree:
p.m $18,000

January 11 2019 $25,000 Stipend

February 1 (summer work)

not stated grant
August 1 (for next calendar

Deadline: Applications for the

2017 scholarship are due
November 13, 2017, and the $500 to $6,000 Scholarship
scholarship will be awarded in
January 2018.

10-Jan-2019 $7,500 Scholarship

Every April 15th, annual

$3,000 Scholarship
selected for this program:

- Paid conference registration fee

Additional student benefits:

- Reimbursement of travel
expenses to attend the conference,
and paid hotel (double occupancy)
and meal allowance during the

- Opportunity to participate in
other workshops Sunday afternoon
on topics useful for students

- Other student-oriented activities

throughout the conference
Mid-May, annually Travel funds to CERF
- Free two-year student
membership to CERF

Additional mentor benefits:

- Up to $500 (USD) reimbursement

of travel expenses to attend the

- Rising TIDES workshop Part I on

Sunday morning featuring
testimonials by URM professionals
on paths to success and small
group discussions with speakers,
URM mentors, and other CERF
January 1st, 2019 $5,000 maximum award, Annual Scholarship

January 30, 2019; annual $24,000-30,000 Fellowship

$5,000, depending on which
Mid-April, annually Scholarship

Award Ceiling: $90,000, Award Cooperative

Floor: $1 Agreement
$2,000-$12,000. Award is
November 15 2018. Award is distributed in two parts. One at the
for one year, one time only. beginning of fiscal year and the
other one at the mid-point.

31 January (of the preceding

year of study), annually - only
one GCA scholarship, $4,500 Grant
fellowship or award may be
applied for annually

November 15 annually $1,000-$3,000 Grant

1-Jul-2018 $1000.00 Scholarship

Feb 1, 2019   $7,000 Grant

This two-year opportunity offers a

competitive salary, medical
Friday, October 12, 2018 Fellowship
benefits, and travel and relocation
expense reimbursement.

Housing and a stipend of $8,000

plus up to $3,000 for expenses
February 1 (Mountain Time) related to research and program Fellowship
fulfillment are included in the
15-Jan-2018 1,000/week Stipend

1 February (of the year

preceding the study), annually
- only one GCA scholarship, $3000 Scholarship
fellowship or award may be
applied for annually
January 31st, 2019 $5,000 maximum award, Annual Scholarship

Financial support includes $5,400

per person for travel and lodging
November 01, 2018 Internship/Stipend
costs and host lab research supply
A yearly stipend of $36,000
Payment of full tuition and required
fees during the appointment period
(at any accredited U.S. university)
A $5,000 academic allowance in
the first fellowship year and a
$1,000 allowance each renewed
year (to be used for the purchase
of a computer workstation or for
research/professional development
Up to four years of total support,
depending on renewalA yearly
Annual competition Fellowship
stipend of $36,000
Payment of full tuition and required
fees during the appointment period
(at any accredited U.S. university)
A $5,000 academic allowance in
the first fellowship year and a
$1,000 allowance each renewed
year (to be used for the purchase
of a computer workstation or for
research/professional development
Up to four years of total support,
depending on renewal

February 15, 2019 Not Stated Scholarship

early support of up to $42,000 per
student (a 12-month stipend of
$30,000 in addition to an
education allowance of up to
$12,000), and up to $10,000 of
Usually December, yearly support for a 4-6 week program Scholarship
collaboration at an NOAA facility.
Master’s students may be
supported for up to two years and
doctoral students for up to four

15 April 2019, subject to

$5000 Scholarship
change each year
$1,250 per week and reimbursed
Dec. 3, 2018 and Jan. 7, 2019 for travel expenses to the EDF Fellowship
Climate Corps Training

not stated $2000 grant

October 30th for the spring $3,500 - one time payment

grant - one time towards project
Accepted students will receive a
$10,000 stipend paid in regular
disbursements throughout the
summer, as well as a small travel
Beginning of February, award for travel required as part of
Fellowship - Summer
annually the fellowship. Travel to the
Environmental Grantmakers
Retreat will be covered by the
Environmental Fellows Program
and EGA partnership
March 31, 2019 scholarship

The fellowship program provides

This is an annual competition.
up to $42,000 per year of support
Deadline not listed.
per fellowship.

October 24, 2018 Amount not listed. Fellowship

February 23, 2018 (annual) $61,500 Grant

Tuesday, October 31, 2017 $4,500 - $262,000 Grant

Stipend & Tuition

October 9 2018 Varies (depending on

 The next round of applications

for the 2020 Awards will open 50,000 Grant
in the summer of 2019
Funding may vary in amount, but
15 January normally will be in the range of Fellowship

31 December (of the year

preceding the study), annually
- only one GCA scholarship, $8000 Fellowship
fellowship or award may be
applied for annually

1 February (of the year

preceding the study), annually
- only one GCA scholarship, minimum of $3000 Scholarship
fellowship or award may be
applied for annually
Not Stated Not Stated Scholarship

February 1 2019 Varies, but average is $2,400 Grant

$10,000. Two installments, one at

April 20, 2019 beginning of school year and other Scholarship
in January.
$36,000 to support tuition and
fees as well as other costs
associated with opportunities for
Unspecified; applications will
professional development; $7,000 Scholarship
be accepted twice per year.
(maximum) travel cost to support
research travel and to present
findings at conferences.

2018-2019 funding cycle, we

distributed approximately $50,000
January 11, 2019. Annual in fellowships funds to five Fellowship
deserving women scientists
Max. of $10,000 requested

Closed for 2018-2019, annual

$2500 Scholarship

August 16 2018, yearly $50000 - $300000 grant

Jannuary 31st, 2019 Varies Scholarship

N/A-Opens November 15, merit-based

N/A-Opens November 15, 2018
2018. Annual scholarship

Apr 30, 2019 9:59pm PDT $1,000 Grant

August 30 1500 Scholarship

TBD for 2019 $61,500 Felllowship

one-time funding of $5,000 to one

Applications open in master's student and one-time
General scholarship
September. Annual competition funding of $7,000 to one doctoral

March 15, 11:59PM Eastern

$500-$2,500 Grant
Standard Time
February, 5th $700 and $1900 Scholarship

1 February (of the year

preceding the study), annually
- only one GCA scholarship, Varies Scholarship
fellowship or award may be
applied for annually

Rolling Deadline $1,000-$10,000 Grant

Compensation is $4,000 for the

March 1, annually 10-week program and is based on Internship – Summer
full time participation
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Nov 26, 2018 Agreement
Award Ceiling: $80,000
Award Floor: $10,000

11/21/2018, annual Travel

competition Reinbursement

1-Jun-2019 $4000 Scholarship

$600/week for 10 weeks; partial
travel support may be available.
Housing costs are not included;
11-Feb-2019 Internship
however, MBARI will try to help
arrange shared housing for all
interested interns.

October 2019 $5,000 - $15.000 Grant

February 14, 2019 Not Stated Scholarship

Annual application $9000 for year Fellowship

July 11, 2017 Unspecified Stipend

February 1 $4,000.00 Scholarship

Open $50,000 - $150,000 RFP

January 9, 2019 $5,000-$10,000 Grant

January 9, 2020 $10,000-$30,000 Grant

31-Oct-2017 $41,000, funding for two years Fellowship

The application deadlines vary

based on field of study, but
The fellowships cover $12,000 for
tend to occur in early
tuition and fees and provide a
November. Deadline for the Fellowship
$34,000 stipend. The fellowship is
Graduate Research Fellowship
renewable for up to three years.
Program is October 22, 2018
Three years of support
– $34,000 Stipend per year
Usually around October 22 Fellowship
– $12,000 Educational allowance
to institution

*varies depending on
December 4, 2018 Internship Allowance
Application Deadline is
Thursday, October 4, 2018, $1,000 Scholarship

Oct 19, 2017  All applicants

must submit SF-424 in by 4pm EST; Email Award Ceiling:$100,000Award
proposal & support docs: Floor:$1,000
Nov 06, 2018  Due date Estimated Total Program Funding:
midnight Pacific on November $4,000,000, Award Ceiling: Grant
6, 2018 $200,000, Award Floor: $10,000

This is an annual competition.

Amount not listed. Scholarship
February 15th, 2019.

October 12 2018 $34,000/yr Salary

Unspecified 16,800 Stipend

December 13, 2018 12 p.m. $1500 awarded to one student for

MST. Annual the fall and spring semesters

Proposals may be submmitted

RAC grants range up to $1500,
at any time. The RAC will make
average $500-$1000, and are for
funding decisions twice
one year. Proposal budgets should
annually, in January and June. Grant
indicate the amount and source of
Proposals should be received at
additional funding received or
least one month in advance to
be considered.
1-Dec-2018 $25000 Scholarship

No date listed. $3,000 Grant

Each award is for up to $25,000 in
stipend support, as well as 50
November 1, 2018 percent of required tuition and Fellowship
fees, up to $20,000 per year, for
1-2 years

$10,000 - reviewed and selected

Rolling - apply year round Grant
Varies depending on the research
Must be submitted no later
area and the technical approach to
than May 31, 2019 at 4:00PM Grant
be pursued by the application
Pacific Time

The funding cycle is open to

Proposals for grants up to $10,000
new applications. Proposals
will be reviewed on a monthly
are reviewed monthly on a
rolling basis. Proposals up to
rolling basis, although some
$15,000 will be considered, but
application take additional time
granted highly infrequently. Project Grant
to evaluate. Please visit the
funds will be distributed with in 2
ROC Projects Spotlight page for
weeks of funding decisions, which
samples of projects funded.
are made on a monthly rolling
There are no deadlines for
basis throughout the year.
submitting an application.

Deadline is due March 25,

Unspecified stipend
Full tuition and education related
fees (does not include items such
as meal plans, housing, or
parking); cash award paid at a rate
of $25,000 - $41,000 depending
on prior educational experience
This is an annual competition. (may be prorated depending on
Deadline not listed. award length); a paid summer
internships; Health Insurance
reimbursement allowance up to
$1,200 per calendar year; book
allowance of $1,000 per academic
year; mentoring; and employment
placement after graduation

June 1, 2019 $1,000 Scholarship

11/1/2018 $7,500 stipend

November 1 2018 Varies Stipend

A stipend of $3000 will be awarded
to the selected candidate. $500
will be awarded to the student
Annual competition. awardee’s major professor or Stipend
advisor to accompany the awardee
attending the SSSA Annual

June 1, 2019 $1,000 Grant

January 7, 2019 Upto $15,000 Fellowship

25-May-2019 $6,000 Scholarship

Uknown Varies Scholarship

not stated $2000 grant

December 15th, 2018. Annual $4500 Fellowship

$ 10,000 (could be divided up

Annual application scholarship
among several winners)
Deadline for applications is $500-5,000
5:00 PM EST, November 5, The average award is Grant
2018 approximately $2,500.

15 January (of the year

preceding the study), annually
- only one GCA scholarship, $4500 Scholarship
fellowship or award may be
applied for annually

Applications are due by

December 31 of the year $8000 Grant
before study. Annual
participants will receive travel to
workshops, conferences and on-
site project for networking,
professional and academic Professional
development, and hands-on Development
experience -- related to hazards
mitigation and disaster

fellowship, stipend,
All tuition and mandatory fees
December 7, 2018 $1000 for medical

Must submit beginning

November 1, 2019 and no later $5,000-$10,000 Grant
than January 6, 2019.

November 1, 2018; annual $50,400; per year Senior Fellowship

Fall 2018 Two awards in the amount of $500 Grant

February 15, 11:59pm Eastern

$1000-$3,500 Grant
Standard Time

March 1, 2019 Unspecified amount Scholarship

Typical annual award: $1000

March 1st, 2019 (undergraduate) – $3000 Scholarship
Jan 12, 2019 1:00pm Up to US $25,000 Grant

Rolling $1,000 Grant

2018 Q2 May 15, 2018

2018 Q3 August 15, 2018
2018 Q4 November 15, up to $5000 grant
2019 Q1 February 15, 2019
October 31, 2018 $2000 for graduate students Scholarship

TBD Max of $10,000 Fellowship

April 15, 2019; annual $3,000 Scholarship

August 31 of the application

$6000; $500 travel voucher Grant
year. Annual competition
Website Url for further information and application.

Title of the Award

1 AAZK Trees for You and Me

2 Climate Program Office FY2019

Community Restoration

Comparative Genomics Research


Continued Support for a Hawaiian

Monk Seal Rehabilitation Program:
An Essential Tool to Species
Recovery (NA18NMF4390055)
6 Coral reef conservation fund

CRCP State and Territorial Coral

7 Reef Conservation Cooperative

Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise

8 Program

9 Environmental Engineering

Environmental Sustainability
National Science Foundation

Hawaii Working Lands

Long Term Research in
Environmental Biology

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority

Participation (LSAMP) Program

14 Marine Debris Removal

15 Marine Debris Research
NSF Scholarships in Science,
16 Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics Program

Population Dynamics & Marine

17 Resource Economics Graduate

18 Seabird conservation program

SeaWorld and Busch Gardens -
Conservation Fund

State and Territorial Coral Reef

20 Conservation Cooperative

Stranding Response and Causes of

21 Mortality in Pacific Island
Cetaceans (NA18NMF4390058)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Trails


Water Conservation Field Services

What type of award is this? i.e., funding
for salary, travel, or general research
Who can apply? What are the
funds? What subject area, type of
researchers/students, or geographic
area, etc. is targeted?

The Trees for You and Me grant is a forest-

based carbon offset grant with funds
generated through American Association of
Zoo Keepers (AAZK) chapters hosting Trees Any US or international non-profit
for You and Me fundraising events. This grant proposing a reforestation project is
furthers AAZK's and Polar Bears International invited to apply.
(PBI's) quest to fight climate change by
asking for grant applicants that will use it for
reforestation and habtitat revitalization.

CPO manages competitive research programs

through which NOAA funds high-priority
climate science, assessments, decisioin
support research, outreach education, and
US or international
capacity-building activities, designed to
advance the understanding of Earth's climate
system and to foster the application of this
knowledge to enable effective decisions.

Applicants must be tax-exempt

501(c)(3) organizations. Projects
that are not associated with an
Targeted for on-the-ground lower watershed
organization with 501(c)(3) status
and coastal restoration projects in Hawaii
must have a fiscal sponsor with
501(c)(3) status. Project must be
in Hawaii

NIFA invites application for research

developing comparative approaches that can
be used to understand genome structure and
function and the relationship between
genomic features and phenotypes. NIFA will
support studies that enable the use of a
colleges and universities;
diverse array of species to advance our ability
university research foundations;
to improve genome annotations that
State agricultural experiment
complements Functional Annotation of Animal
Genomes (FANNG) efforts or understand basic
biological processes related to health and
disease of agriculturally important animals, as
well as studies that develop novel analytical
tools and resources for the comparative
genomics research community

Prescott Grants support a core mission of

NOAA Fisheries – the conservation and
Members of the Marine Mammal
recovery of protected marine species – by
helping to improve our national marine
mammal stranding response capabilities.
all persons, organizations, and
partnership, coral reef health improvement,
non-U.S. Federal agencies,
pollution reduction, management, watershed
including parties within and outside
of the United States

Eligible applicants are limited to the

State, Territorial and
Commonwealth natural resource
management agencies that were
The objective of these Cooperative appointed by their respective
Agreements is to support coral reef Governors to serve as the primary
management and monitoring programs and point of contact agencies for coral
conservation projects that seek to improve reef conservation activities in each
the condition of coral reef ecosystem of the jurisdictions of American
resources located in these seven U.S. States, Samoa, Florida, the Commonwealth
Territories and Commonwealths. of the Northern Mariana Islands,
Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the
U.S. Virgin Islands. No current
NOAA employees or those who hold
ferderal positions can apply

Environment, Natural Resources, Science and

Technology and other Research and N/A

Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type

47.041 -- Engineering Grants for Science and of entity above), subject to any
Technology and other Research clarification in text field entitled
and development "Additional Information on
Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type
47.041 -- Engineering Grants to provide of entity above), subject to any
ecological protection and maintain stable clarification in text field entitled
economic conditions. "Additional Information on

Eligible applicants include: non-

profit 501(c) organizations, farmer
and commodity-led organizations,
expand and enhance conservation of wetlands educational institutions, tribal
and agricultural lands through the NRCS governments, and state or local
Working Lands for Wildlife and Environmental units of governments (e.g. state
Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) agricultural and/or conservation
agencies, counties, townships,
cities, conservation districts, utility
districts, drainage districts, etc.)
The LTREB Program supports the generation
of extended time series of data to address
important questions in evolutionary biology,
ecology, and ecosystem science. Research
areas include: the effects of natural selection
or other evolutionary processes on
Institutions of Higher Education
populations, communities, or ecosystems; the
(IHEs), Non-profit, non-academic
effects of interspecific interactions that vary
organizations: Independent
over time and space; population or
museums, observatories, research
community dynamics for organisms that have
labs, professional societies and
extended life spans and long turnover times;
similar organizations in the U.S.
feedbacks between ecological and
associated with educational or
evolutionary processes; pools of materials
research activities
such as nutrients in soils that turn over at
intermediate to longer time scales; and
external forcing functions such as climatic
cycles that operate over long return intervals.
The Program intends to support decadal

Citizens, nationals, or permanent

Science, technology, engineering and residents of the U.S, African
mathematics (STEM) Americans, Hispanics, Native
Americans, and Pacific Islanders.

The NOAA Marine Debris Program, authorized

in the Marine Debris Act, codified at 33 U.S.C.
1951-1958, supports the development and
implementation of locally-driven, marine
debris prevention, assessment, and removal
projects that benefit coastal habitat,
state, local, tribal, and territory
waterways, and NOAA trust resources.
governments whose activities affect
Projects awarded through this grant
research or regulation of marine
competition will create long-term, quantifiable
debris and any institution of higher
ecological habitat improvements for NOAA
education, nonprofit organization,
trust resources through on-the-ground marine
or commercial (for-profit)
debris removal activities, with priority for
organization with expertise in a
those targeting derelict fishing gear and other
field related to marine debris
medium- and large-scale debris. Projects
should also foster awareness of the effects of
marine debris to further the conservation of
living marine resource habitats, and
contribute to the understanding of marine
debris composition, distribution and impacts.
In accordance with the Marine
Debris Act, eligible applicants are
state, local, tribal, and territory
The NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP),
governments, institutions of higher
authorized in the Marine Debris Act (33 U.S.C.
education, nonprofit organizations,
1951-1958), provides funding to support
or commercial (for-profit)
eligible organizations to conduct research
organizations with expertise in a
directly related to marine debris through field,
field related to marine debris.
laboratory, and modeling experiments. The
Applications from federal agencies
MDP invites applications for research funding
or employees of federal agencies
in any of three areas of focus: research that
will not be considered. Interested
explores the ecological risk associated with
federal agencies may collaborate
marine debris and determines debris
with eligible applicants but may not
exposure levels; research that examines the
receive funds through this
fate and transport of marine debris; and/or
competition. All projects must take
research that quantifies habitat impacts
place within the United States or
resulting from marine debris and the gains in
territories or their respective
ecosystem services that result when debris is
waterways. Foreign organizations
removed. Projects may address one or more
and foreign public entities (non-
of these research priorities and should be
U.S. or territory organizations) are
original, hypothesis-driven projects that have
not eligible to apply as the primary
not previously been addressed to scientific
applicant but can be listed as a
standards. Successful proposals through this
sub-awardee or contractor. NOAA
solicitation will be funded through cooperative
is strongly committed to
agreements. Funding of up to $1,500,000 is
broadening the participation of
expected to be available for Marine Debris
veterans, minority-serving
Research grants in Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19).
institutions, and entities that work
Typical awards will range from $150,000 -
in underserved areas. The NOAA
$250,000. Funding for this grant competition
MDP encourages proposals from, or
comes through the NOAA Marine Debris
involving any of the above types of
Program as appropriations to the Office of
institutions. Applications that have
Response and Restoration, National Ocean
been submitted to other NOAA
grant programs or as part of
another NOAA grant may be
considered under this solicitation.
or graduate degrees in the S-STEM
disciplines listed in Section IV.B.
are invited to submit proposals.
*Who May Serve as PI: For Track 1
(Institutional Capacity Building)
and Track 2 (Design and
Development: Single Institution)
projects, the Principal
Investigatormust be a faculty
member currently teaching in one
of the S-STEM disciplines listed in
Section IV.B. who can provide the
leadership required to ensure the
success of the project. Projects
involving more than one
department within an institution
Science and Technology and other Research are eligible, but a single Principal
and Development Investigator must accept overall
management responsibility. Other
members of the S-STEM project
leadership and management team
may be listed as Co-Principal
Investigators. For Track 3 (Design
and Development: Multi-
Institutional Consortia) projects,
the Principal Investigatormust be a
faculty member currently teaching
in one of the S-STEM disciplines
listed in Section IV.B. or an
institutional, educational, or social
science researcher who can provide
the leadership required to ensure
the success of the project. A
consortium projectmust have a
This program provides support for graduate
The Fisheries Fellowship is available
students in a Ph.D. program for fisheries
to US citizens who are graduate
population dynamics or marine resource,
students enrolled in PhD degree
natural resource, or environmental
programs in academic institutions
economics. Two to four fellowships in each of
in the United States and its
the two areas of study are generally awarded
territories. Only U.S. citizens are
each year. The fellowship was established in
eligible to apply. Foreign Nationals
1999 and is sponsored by the NOAA Fisheries
are not eligible.
and the National Sea Grant College Program.

non-profit 501(c) organizations,

U.S. Federal government agencies,
state government agencies, local
governments, municipal
finacial support, pacific seabird program,
governments, Indian tribes,
educational institutions,
businesses, international
The fund grants awards to projects focused on
protecting wildlife, people and places in ways
non-profit organizations,
that are sustainable and long-term. The Fund
governmental entities, and schools
also workds to increase global awareness of
and universities.
wildlife and inspire everday actions that can
help animals survive and thrive.

Eligible applicants are limited to the

State, Territorial and
Commonwealth natural resource
The objective of these Cooperative management agencies that were
Agreements is to support coral reef appointed by their respective
management and monitoring programs and Governors to serve as the primary
conservation projects that seek to improve point of contact agencies for coral
the condition of coral reef ecosystem reef conservation activities in each
resources located in these seven U.S. States, of the jurisdictions of American
Territories and Commonwealths Samoa, Florida, the Commonwealth
of the Northern Mariana Islands,
Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the
U.S. Virgin Islands

Prescott Grants support a core mission of

NOAA Fisheries – the conservation and
recovery of protected marine species – by University of Hawaii
helping to improve our national marine
mammal stranding response capabilities.

Natural Resources N/A

The objective of this Funding Opportunity

Announcement (FOA) is to invite eligible
Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type
applicants located in the geographic area
of entity above), subject to any
covered by the Pacific Northwest Region to
clarification in text field entitled
leverage their money and resources by cost-
"Additional Information on
sharing water conservation planning with
Reclamation to make more efficient use of
existing water supplies.
Application deadline(s). Any info on size of ip,
Also, is this an annual awards and how fellowshi
competition? they are distributed. p, grant,

AAZK chapters raise

$25,000 of funds for
Trees for You and Me
May 1 annually Grant
grant, which funds

Letter of Intent is accepted

four weeks after September
10, 2018. (October 10, 2018 funding level between
will be the last day) Full $50,000-$300,000 per Grant
applications must be recieved year
by 5:00pm Eastern time
November 20, 2018.

Up to $50,000 for a
April 17 Grant
one-year grant period

 Feb 5, 2019 upto $3000000 Grant

Federal Funding
October 17, 2018 Grant
pre-proposal March 15 2018, domestic $40000 -
full proposal May 17 2018, $150000, international grant
yearly $30000 - $60000

NOAA expects that

each eligible applicant
will request Federal
funding at a funding
level between
$300,000 and
$900,000 per year,
depending on the Matched
Feb 14, 2019  
existing capabilities of grant
the applicant agency to
implement the
proposed work. The
average annual award
size is expected to be
$500,000 per year.

Jan 16, 2019  $250,000 Grant

15-Aug-2019 N/A Grant

Oct 20th $7,066,000 Grant

Oct. 18, 2018 - one time $225,000 - 1:1 match Grants

Estimated Maximum
Total Value:
Maximum Total Value
Accepted anytime - goof for 5 Grant or
per Award: $600,000
years Continuing
Estimated Contract
Duration: 5 years
Estimated Number of
Awards: 10

16-Nov-2018 $125,000 Grant

Estimated Total
Program Funding:
Oct 29, 2018 - one time Award Ceiling: Grant
Award Floor:
Estimated Total
Program Funding: Cooperativ
$1,500,000 e
Dec 14, 2018
Award Ceiling: Agreemen
$350,000 t
Award Floor: $75,000
Mar 27, 2019   650,000 - 5,000,000 Grant

26-Jan-2018 $43,500 per year Stipend

pre-proposal June 7 2018, full

proposal August 16 2018, $50000 - $500000 grant
November 30 or Between
$10,000-$25,000 Grant
Decemeber 1 -April 30

Estimated Total
Program Funding:
Feb 14, 2019 Award Ceiling: Grant
Award Floor:

Federal Funding
October 17, 2018 Grant

Nov 15, 2018  $536,023 Grant

Estimated Total
Program Funding:
Dec 31, 2018 Grant
Award Ceiling:
Award Floor: $1
Website Url for further information and

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