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Conflict and Conflict Resolution 261

Originally aimed at the business market with prod- See also Computing; Connectedness, Global; Global
ucts such as RIM’s BlackBerry and Palm’s Treo, Communications and Technology; Information Age;
the smart phone has entered the consumer market Internet; Knowledge Management Systems; Media,
with Apple’s introduction of the iPhone. Opening Global; Social Networking; Technology Sector;
up the iPhone to independent application develop- Web 2.0
ers has turned it into a specialized computing
device as well as a phone. Other smart phone plat- Further Readings
forms, such as Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, and
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2002). Retrieved from ftp://
Google’s Android, are also encouraging applica-
tion development, changing the landscape in the
personal computing industry.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2009). Retrieved from ftp://
Another innovation is in the low-end netbook
category, with small devices capable of simple PC Curry, J., & Kenney, M. (1999). Beating the clock:
tasks selling for US$200 to US$400. Sales of net- Corporate responses to rapid change in the PC
books took off in 2008 when 10 million units were Industry. California Management Review, 42(1), 8–36.
sold. Aimed originally at the developing country Dedrick, J., & Kraemer, K. L. (1998). Asia’s computer
education market, these devices are now sold to challenge: Threat or opportunity for the United States
consumers in all countries and seem to be cutting and the world? New York: Oxford University Press.
into sales of full-fledged laptops. Netbooks also Dedrick, J., & Kraemer, K. L. (2005). The impacts of IT
promise to open up new markets of lower income on firm and industry structure: The personal computer
consumers around the world. industry. California Management Review, 47(3),
With all this innovation around new devices, is 122–142.
it possible that the Wintel-based PC will become Dedrick, J., & Kraemer, K. L. (2006). Is production
obsolete? Google is not only trying to organize all pulling knowledge work to China? A study of the
of the information in the world, it is also sug- notebook computer industry. Computer, 39(7), 36–42.
gesting that users only need a simple terminal, International Data Corporation (IDC). (2006).
netbook, or smartphone to access the Internet. In Worldwide PC market: 4Q05 and 2005 review.
their vision, user applications and user data will Framingham, MA: International Data Corporation.
reside online, as well as all the information encom- International Data Corporation (IDC). (2008, December).
passed by the World Wide Web. Even traditional Economic crisis response: Worldwide PC 2008–2012
computer companies such as IBM are touting simi- forecast update. Framingham, MA: International Data
lar concepts such as cloud computing, software-as- Corporation.
Juliussen, E. (2006). Worldwide PC market: May, 2006
a-service, and virtualization (in which the individual
version. Arlington Heights, IL: eTForecasts.
PC is no longer a physical device). Will Google and
Reed Electronics Research. (2007). Yearbook of world
others succeed in this grand vision, or will users
electronics data, 2007. Surrey, UK: Author.
and device makers stick stubbornly to their more
Treacy, M., & Wiersema, F. (1993, January–February).
intelligent stand-alone devices? As of 2009, there Customer intimacy and other value disciplines.
does not seem to be a simple answer. Harvard Business Review, pp. 84–93.
Nearly 300 million PCs were sold in 2008—
more than ever before in history—so it looks as if
all of the new devices are supplements rather than
substitutes for the PC. Instead of converging on
one type of device or approach to computing,
Conflict and
the market is expanding with a wider array of Conflict Resolution
options than the traditional categories of desktop
and laptop. Personal computing is now mobile and The term conflict, as it relates to global studies,
increasingly ubiquitous, and those options will refers to the actual or perceived incompatibility
likely keep expanding in the future. of values, identity, resources, and/or access to
power between two or more parties that leads to
Jason Dedrick and Kenneth L. Kraemer disagreement. The study of conflict, in general, has

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262 Conflict and Conflict Resolution

been divided into different types, namely, intraper- and international dispute resolution. It was during
sonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, and this period the first international body devoted to
international. International conflict is the type of international peace was developed, the League of
conflict normally associated with global studies Nations, which was the precursor to the United
because its effects often have immediate global Nations. With the emergence of World War II
significance. As the nature of conflict has changed (1939–1945), and the subsequent collapse of the
and become more readily globalized, the category League of Nations (1946), it became apparent that
“international conflict” has increasingly encom- there were problems with the early efforts of con-
passed interpersonal and intergroup conflicts. flict resolution, and much of the work on conflict
International conflict resolution is the academic resolution came to a standstill.
discipline that examines international conflicts. Phase two (1945–1965) is marked by institu-
International conflict resolution is rooted in the tional growth of conflict resolution. Following
larger field of study and practice called conflict World War II, the central concern of international
resolution. As both a field of study and a practice, conflict resolution was on how to ensure interna-
conflict resolution is interdisciplinary in nature. It tional peace and the protection of human rights
draws from diverse disciplines, such as psychology, within sovereign nation-states. As a result, 50
sociology, political science, and economics. Despite country representatives came together in 1945 to
its name, conflict resolution recognizes that not all draw up the Charter of the United Nations, which
conflict needs to be resolved. Instead, it combines laid the framework for the United Nations, an
theory, research, and practice in an attempt to international organization with the explicit man-
manage, transform, and/or resolve conflict. date to work for international peace.
International conflict resolution examines (a) the During this phase, the Cold War developed as a
nature of conflict that has global significance; rivalry between groups of nations practicing two
(b) the various methods available to address inter- different ideologies. On the one side, the United
national conflict, for example, negotiation, con- States and its allies constituted the Western bloc,
ciliation, mediation, diplomacy, arbitration, which promoted the ideologies of capitalism and
adjudication, and reconciliation; and (c) the effects democracy. On the other side, the Soviet Union
the conflict has (or may have) on parities directly constituted the Eastern bloc, which promoted the
and indirectly involved, including the social, cul- ideologies of socialism and communism. In the
tural, political, economic, environmental, psycho- 1950s and 1960s, at the height of the Cold War,
logical, and medical effects. scholars and practitioners in Europe and North
America were trying to understand and manage
conflict in light of the experience of the end of
Development of International
World War II and the emergence of the Cold War.
Conflict Resolution
Academic journals and centers devoted to the
Resolving conflict and maintaining peace have been study of conflict resolution were established. For
employed as long as there has been international example, in the United States, Kenneth Boulding,
conflict. However, international conflict resolution an economist at the University of Michigan, helped
as an academic field of study and practice began to establish The Journal of Conflict Resolution and
emerge only after World War I (1914–1918). The the Centre for Research on Conflict Resolution
development of international conflict resolution at the University of Michigan. In Europe, Johan
has four phases. Phase one (1918–1945) is shaped Galtung, a sociologist, founded the Journal of
by the experiences of World War I and World War Peace Research and the International Peace
II, traditional wars that were between nation-states Research Institute, associated with the University
or groups of nation-states. Much of this early of Oslo, in Norway.
work on international conflict resolution was done Phase three (1965–1989) is a period of expan-
in the field of international relations, which was sion of international conflict resolution. It was
an emerging subject field in political science. After a period deeply shaped by the intensification of
World War I, the focus was on ways to prevent the Cold War and the threat of a nuclear war.
another world war through security, disarmament, The focus was predominantly on nation-state

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Conflict and Conflict Resolution 263

resolution. In the 1970s and 1980s, there was an conflict and power struggles are intrinsic to human
increase in undergraduate and graduate programs nature. It emphasizes the role of the nation-state
at universities throughout Europe and North and assumes that nation-states are motivated by
America, the development of departments and national interests. For states to maintain their
institutes of conflict resolution at universities, and power, they must preserve their political autonomy
the creation of independent organizations dedi- and their territorial integrity, and they must do this
cated to conflict resolution. It was during this through a balance of power. As a result, interna-
period that various theories and methods associ- tional conflict resolution theories emphasize the
ated with international conflict resolution were state as the key actor and international diplomacy
developed. as the conventional game plan for maintaining
The theories and methods of international con- stable relations.
flict resolution are based on the fact that conflict is International conflict resolution has an intellec-
a dynamic process, and as a result, there is not just tual history that not only mirrors the dominant
one theory for examining the nature of conflict on Cold War schools of thought by focusing on statist
the global scene, nor is there just one method for means of resolving conflict but also reflects the
resolving international conflict. It is more accurate liberal, Western intellectual tradition that empha-
to say that there are numerous theories and meth- sizes socioeconomic concerns (materialism), and
ods of international conflict resolution. For exam- secularism as means of resolving conflict. As a
ple, there is not just one single school of thought result, international conflict resolution theory has
or a single theory of international conflict resolu- conventionally focused on economic, social, and
tion. It would be more accurate to suggest that political transformation.
as a result of the experience of the Cold War, con- Numerous methods can be used for resolving
ventional international conflict resolution was an international conflict. Most methodological
approach to international conflict. It was influ- approaches to conflict resolution recognize that
enced by three often-converging trends in the because of the dynamic nature of conflict, conflict
Western tradition, namely materialism, political progresses through various stages. For example,
realism, and secularist political philosophy. the stages of conflict tend to include conflict emer-
Philosophically, materialism refers to preoccu- gence, conflict escalation, stalemate, deescalation,
pation with the material world, as opposed to dispute settlement, and postconflict peacebuilding.
intellectual or spiritual concepts, or to the theory These stages are nonlinear; the stages can be
that physical matter is all there is. In conflict reso- repeated, or sometimes the conflict primarily
lution theory, this meant that if the sociopolitical moves between two or three stages. Each stage has
and socioeconomic causes of the violence could be corresponding strategies to help minimize violence
identified and redeveloped, then subsequent vio- and to help resolve and transform the conflict. For
lence might possibly be avoided. example, conflict emergence occurs when compet-
Secularism is an ideology that holds that reli- ing interests, needs, or values manifest. To prevent
gious issues should not be the basis of politics, or the conflict from escalating, methods such as con-
in the extreme, that religion has no place in public ciliation, negotiation, mediation, or arbitration
life. Although modern secularists disagree on would be explored. Conflict emergence may be
many matters, they did share the common belief dealt with through a settlement or resolution, such
that, with the rise of secular institutions and scien- as a peace accord, or it may be followed by subse-
tific reasoning, religion would become increasingly quent escalation. The stalemate stage is when nei-
irrelevant in people’s lives. As a result, interna- ther party in the conflict can win and neither side
tional conflict resolution tended to focus on secu- wants to back down or accept loss. In international
lar matters, with little consideration of religion, conflict, the stalemate stage is often the high point
and religion has been left out of international of war, and methods such as peacekeeping or
conflict resolution theories and processes. humanitarian intervention are considered. The
Realist political thought, or realpolitik, empha- deescalation stage can be temporary, or it can be
sizes that politics is based on practical concerns part of a broader trend toward settlement or reso-
rather than theory or ethics. Realism assumes that lution. Here, the intention is to decrease violence

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264 Conflict and Conflict Resolution

and generate agreements among different parties nation-states, cultures, and technologies developed.
through methods such as negotiation, conciliation, Little research has been conducted on the relation-
or mediation. The dispute settlement stage is when ship between conflict and globalization. What
the underlying causes of the conflict are dealt with. research has been done has focused on the debate
At this stage, peace accords may be negotiated, regarding the impact of globalization on the world.
new constitutions may be developed, and demo- On one side of the debate, there are advocates of
cratic elections are often held. Once a settlement or globalization who praise it for its free market capi-
resolution is agreed to, the conflict moves to a talist economic system and the technological
postconflict stage where the focus is on repairing advancements that have globally integrated the
the damage that was done with a long-term goal to world. On the other side of the debate, there are
work for sustainable peace. A variety of strategies critics who suggest that globalization is detrimental
are used at this stage, such as criminal prosecu- because the Western homogenization it purports
tions, lustrations, truth commissions, amnesty, and damages culture, and it perpetuates poverty by
reconciliation processes. increasing the gap between the rich and the poor,
The fourth phase (1989–present) of the develop- particularly in the poorer nations of the world.
ment of international conflict resolution is rooted in
the major shifts in the nature of international con-
Current Research
flict post–Cold War. It is at a stage of reconstruction,
where responses to the changing nature of interna- The many changes in the global system after
tional conflict are still being worked out. This phase the Cold War have transformed how individu-
has been shaped primarily by two interconnected als, societies, and states interact with each other.
transformations that have occurred after the Cold In terms of international conflict, the number
War and have substantially changed the nature of of international conflicts has decreased dramati-
international conflict. The first transformation is the cally, whereas the number of internal, intergroup
shift from a bipolar world to a unipolar world. conflicts has increased. These conflicts tend to be
During the Cold War, the conflict between the two identified as ethnically based conflicts in which the
major superpowers shaped the global world and key actors are nonstate actors, and the key issues
essentially created a bipolar world. The focus of are based on identity, culture, and/or religious
international relations was on a balance of power nationalism. Yet the conceptual theories employed
between the two superpowers, which meant that by conflict resolution theorists are still rooted in
intergroup conflicts were essentially kept in check. materialist, realist, and secularist assumptions,
However, with the end of the Cold War, the United and they have, for the most part, been unable to
States emerged as the lone superpower. As a result, a address the complexities of contemporary conflict
power vacuum was created around much of the that include ethnic cleansing, civil war, religiously
world, and there was no superpower to control inspired violence, and a global War on Terror. As a
domestic and global affairs. Under the Cold War, result of the changing nature of international con-
ethnic and religious identities had been held down flict, the field of international conflict resolution
around the world under the communal mentality of has slowly responded, and the current work being
communism. However, with no superpower to keep done tends to focus on four areas.
things in check, regional intergroup conflicts, with The first area focuses on strengthening the role
ethnic and religious dimensions, began to flourish. of the state. Although this may seem to be rooted
Conflicts in the Balkans, Bosnia, and Rwanda are in political realism, it does not solely focus on
examples of the fallout from the transformation of a the traditional realist method of conflict resolution
bipolar to a unipolar world. of balancing power between states. Instead, it
The second transformation that took place after responds to the fact that the newly integrated
the Cold War is associated with the movement global order has presented many challenges to the
toward economic, political, cultural, and techno- concepts of national sovereignty and state auton-
logical global integration associated with global- omy, and by extension international order. In the
ization. After the Cold War, borders opened, and post–Cold War era, the number of failed states has
a ripe arena for global integration of markets, risen, and as a result, the field of international

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Conflict and Conflict Resolution 265

conflict resolution has focused on two interrelated The fourth and final area on which interna-
areas. The first area looks at how to prevent failed tional conflict resolution research focuses is tech-
states, and the second area focuses on issues asso- nology. The technical revolution has created both
ciated with humanitarian intervention. Both areas challenges and opportunities for international
focus on failed states and the issues of human conflict resolution, particularly in terms of global-
security; the role of the state in conflict resolution; ized information and communication technology
and the role of international organizations, like the in the form of the Internet. Although this area is
United Nations, and nonstate actors within failed relatively new in international conflict resolution,
states. scholars and practitioners are primarily focusing
The second area of work being done by contem- on two areas. The first area examines the effects
porary conflict resolution scholars to respond to that the advancements in technology have on vio-
the changing nature of international conflict lence and conflict on a global scale. This research
focuses on the role of nonstate actors. This area of examines the role of the Internet in international
work directly challenges political realist assump- affairs, as a medium both for proliferating political
tions in that it is based on the assumption that propaganda and rhetoric and for establishing
states are not the only key actors in politics and by transnational networks that support political vio-
extension, in international conflict. It focuses on lence. The second area focuses on how informa-
two areas related to nonstate actors. The first area tion technology can be used as a peacebuilding
examines the role of nonstate actors in violence tool. This area examines how the technological
and perpetuating international conflict. It exam- revolution has changed socialization and commu-
ines terrorist organizations, such as al Qaeda; nication patterns and the impact this can have in
organized crime networks, such as drug cartels; conflict zones. It focuses on how global access to
and rebel groups, such as armed militias and war- information technology can build transnational
lords. The second area of work examines the role peace networks; assist in diplomacy and dialogue;
nonstate actors play in international conflict reso- help bridge the growing gap between developed
lution processes. It focuses on regional, national, countries and developing countries; and aid gov-
and transnational nongovernmental organizations ernment, private-sector organizations, and non-
(NGOs), multinational corporations (MNCs), civil state actors in conducting their work.
society, faith-based actors and organizations, busi-
ness communities, and media conglomerates. Megan Shore
The third area of work examines the role reli-
See also Cold War; Ethnic Identity; Globalization,
gion can play in international conflict resolution.
Phenomenon of; International Relations;
This field of study developed out of the resurgence
Religious Identities; Security; Terrorism; United
of religious nationalism on the international scene Nations; War
and the rise in religious terrorism. This area of
international conflict resolution is referred to as
religious conflict resolution. It directly challenges Further Readings
realist-secular assumptions that claim that the role
Boulding, K. E. (1957). Organization and conflict.
religion would play in the world and in people’s Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1, 122–134.
lives would decline and that only state actors Cheldelin, S., Druckman, D., & Fast, L. (Eds.). (2008).
should be involved in politics and conflict resolu- Conflict: From analysis to intervention (2nd ed.). New
tion. The basic thesis of religious conflict resolu- York: Continuum.
tion states that if religion plays a role in people’s Deutsch, M., Coleman, P. T., & Marcus, E. (Eds.).
lives and if it played a role in perpetuating the (2006). The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory
conflict, then it should at least be accounted for in and practice (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
the resolution. Without accounting for religion, Galtung, J. (1965). Institutionalized conflict resolution:
the conflict resolution mechanisms and theories A theoretical paradigm. Journal of Peace Research, 2,
fail to deal with the elements of the conflict and 348–397.
miss the potential peacebuilding sources found in Jeong, H.-W. (2000). Peace and conflict studies.
the religions themselves. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

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266 Confucianism

Juergensmeyer, M. (2008). Global rebellion: Religious manifestations. However, the positing of humans
challenges to the secular state, from Christian militias within correct social and moral structures to
to al Qaeda. Berkeley: University of California Press. achieve harmony remained foundational within
Kriesberg, L. (2007). The conflict resolution field: the Confucian worldview. Sources often refer to
Origins, growth, and differentiation. In I. W. Zartman early or classical Confucianism, Neo-Confucian-
(Ed.), Peacemaking in international conflict: Methods ism, and modern New Confucianism, which points
and techniques (pp. 25–51). Washington, DC: United to various Confucian practices and philosophies
States Institute for Peace. spanning different time periods. Confucianism has
Kriesberg, L. (2007). Constructive conflicts: From
had to coexist, although not always without ten-
escalation to resolution (3rd ed.). Lanham, MD:
sion, with several other philosophies/religions/
Rowman & Littlefield.
belief systems, and it has been integrated into
Paczynska, A. (2008). Globalization. In S. Cheldelin, D.
sociopolitical and economic structures of the East
Druckman, & L. Fast (Eds.), Conflict: From analysis
to intervention (2nd ed., pp. 217–220). New York:
Asian countries mentioned. Academics are investi-
gating the prevalence and relevance of Confucian-
Ramsbotham, O., Woodhouse, T., & Miall, H. (2005). ism today as it encounters modernity for the East
Contemporary conflict resolution: The prevention, Asian nations mentioned, their diasporic commu-
management and transformation of deadly conflicts nities, and the global community.
(2nd ed.). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Shore, M. (2009). Religion and conflict resolution: Early Confucianism
Christianity and South Africa’s truth and
reconciliation commission. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Kung-Fuzi (Confucius) was born in eastern China
Stern, P. C., & Druckman, D. (2000). International to an aristocratic family during the Zhou Dynasty.
conflict resolution after the Cold War. Washington, Supposedly founding his own school when he was
DC: National Academy Press. 22 years old and teaching up to 3,000 students,
Confucius is most commonly associated with the
Analects of Confucius (Lunyu), a collection of
his sayings composed by his followers between
Conflict and Security, Global 500 and 300 BCE. Confucius believed he was
rediscovering and promoting a philosophy that
extended back to ancient times. This philosophy
See Global Conflict and Security
tried to explain the roots and develop theories
of human relationships to promote collective
and individual stability, prosperity, and harmony.
Confucius did not make theological assertions
Confucianism about deities, gods/god, or the afterlife, although
Confucianists did discuss heaven’s relation to
Confucianism is a philosophical system of beliefs, humanity. Confucius’s work, along with that of
sometimes referred to as a religion, instituted his followers Meng-zi (Mencius) (372–289 BCE),
in varying degrees during the past 2,500 years author of the Four Books (Si Shu), and Xun-zi
throughout several East Asian nations—including (310?–211? BCE), formed the backbone of clas-
China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, sical Confucian thought. Confucius has been
Singapore, and Vietnam—and globally through referred to as “the sage of all times.”
Asian diaspora communities. The English word Generally, collective well-being was prioritized
Confucianism can be traced back to 16th-century over fulfilling individual desires and aspirations.
Jesuit missionaries in China who used the term to Humans were essentially social creatures who
describe a tradition that had Chinese philosopher could attain fulfillment by perfecting their indi-
Kung-Fuzi (551–478 BCE) as its figurehead. vidual and social moral natures, which was a self-
Because Confucianism evolved within several realizing process. Confucian scholars debated the
different cultures concurrently, there are cultural essence of human nature, whether it was inher-
differences in doctrinal emphases, expressions, and ently good and moral (Mencius) or not (Xunzi),

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