Bullying 3

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mapeh 9

Prepared by: Marvin Joshua Abulencia

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Describe the different types of bullying;
b. Determine the factors that may lead to bullying;
c. Participate actively in the class discussions and activities; and
d. Demonstrates ways to prevent and control bullying.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Bullying
References: Physical Education and Health Grade 9 Learner’s Material pp. 378-379
Materials: Laptop,LED T.V, PowerPoint Presentation, Portable Speaker
Values Integration: Discipline, Health and Safety

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
a. Greetings
Good Morning, class! Good Morning, Sir!

b. Prayer
Shall we start our class with a
solemn prayer
Melan will you lead the prayer? Yes, Sir.

c. Check the Attendance

Anyone in the class who is absent None, Sir.

Very Good! So how is your day? We are all fine, Sir.

d. Review/Recall
Last meeting we have discussed
about suicide and parasuicide.

So what is suicide again? Sir, suicide is the intentional taking of

one’s own life and who attempt to
take his or her life

Very good, how about parasuicide? Parasuicide is a suicide attempt in

which a person does not intend to die.
Very good, I am glad you have
learned a lot from our past lesson.

B. Motivation
Before we start with our new lesson, I Yes, Sir.
will show you a video presentation, you
need to focus on the presentation
because I will be asking questions

C. Presentation/Lesson Proper
Based on the video that I have Sir, the video is about bullying.
presented, what did you observed?


What happened at the end of the video? Sir the boy who bullied children in
school found his counterpart that
leads to his defeat.

That is right.

So, what do you think would be our topic Sir. It’s about bullying!
for today?

Very Good!

Based from the video that I presented, Sir, bullying is an unwanted

how could you define bullying? aggressive behavior. The behavior is
repeated or can be repeated, over
Very Good!

In other words, bullying is the use of

force, threat, or coercion to abuse,
intimidate or aggressively dominate
others. The behavior is often repeated
and habitual.

There are different classifications of Sir. Verbal Bullying

bullying. Anyone who can give an
example of bullying?


What is verbal bullying? Sir. Saying or writing mean and nasty


Verbal bullying is when someone who is a

bully, uses insulting or dreaming
language or insult other person.

How about social bullying? Sir hurting someone’s reputation or


Very Good!

Social bullying, sometimes referred as

relational bullying by hurting someone’s
reputation or relationships.

Next is physical bullying Physical bullying is hurting a person’s

body or destroying his/her
possessions sir.


Physical bullying is hurting someone’s or

destroying, stealing their belongings.

And lastly, cyber bullying? Sir Verbal and social bullying done
through the use of technology and
electronic means.

Cyberbullying or what we called cyber

harassment using electronic and

D. Generalization

Why is that there are people who bully? Sir maybe those people who are
bullies also experienced bullying in the
past I think it is their way of getting
their revenge.

Do you think there is a positive effect of The positive effect is that the people
being bullied? who are bullied will strive to be better.

Very Good!

IV. Evaluation
I will group you into three (3) groups. Each group will plan and create a creative
presentation on what they have learned and what they can do to prevent and
control bullying. Each group will be given five minutes to prepare and three minutes
to present their short role play.
Criteria :
Relevance to the topic – 25%
Creative Presentation – 15%
Cooperation /Teamwork– 10%

V. Assignment

1. Make a slogan on how you can stop or spread awareness about bullying.

Checked by: Noted by:

Hazel O. Mariano, Ph. D. Ma Lourdes Criselda Laguardia, Ph. D.

Cooperating Teacher Head Teacher III-MAPEH

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