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Book Extension Activity (25 points)

Your Name: Alicia Alvarado

Book Title: Back of the Bus

Book Author: Aaron Reynolds

Publisher: Puffin Books

Date: January 5, 2010

1. Pre-K/CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Standard

● 3.PK.1 Compare objects by size to determine smaller and larger.
● 3.PK.1 Combine objects in a variety of ways.
● 6.PK.2 Demonstrate the muscle strength, dexterity, and control needed to manipulate items (e.g.,
scissors, writing utensil, paint brushes, play dough, buttons/snaps, etc.).

2. Objectives (What will children expect to learn?)

● Children will utilize fine motor skills to create unique artwork while contrasting objects of
different sizes.

3. Materials and Equipment needed:

● Marbles (small,medium,large)
● Butcher paper
● Paint (various colors)

4. Teaching (What will you do?)

● After reading and discussing the story, I will lead the children to their two large tables.
The tables will each be completely covered in white butcher paper with bowls of
marbles and cups of paint set in front of each chair. I will explain the activity as follows:
"Remember the little boy from the story Back of the Bus? What kind of game did he
play with his marble? Today we are going to play a similar game with different marbles
and colors of paint. We are going to sit at the table and grab one marble, dip it in
some paint, and then gently roll it across this white paper. What do you think will
happen when we roll these marbles? What do you want to create with them?
● As the children begin their activity, I will ask them questions such as "Tell me about your
marble. What colors do you see? What sizes do you see in the bucket of marbles?
What colors did you make with your paint? How did you make this part of your
painting? What will happen if you dip the large marble in different paint colors? What
will happen if you roll two marbles at once?"

5. Closure:
● To conclude this activity, the children will remain seated in front of their marble
painting. Each child will take turns discussing their experience, how they created their
artwork, describing their artwork, and what they liked best about the experience.

6. List 3 additional books in this genre to extend the learning:

● Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down by Andrea Davis Pinkney
● Faithful Elephants: A True Story of Animals, People and War by Yukio Tsuchiya
● Separate Is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and Her Family's Fight for Desegregation by
Duncan Tonatiuh

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