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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh

System Development Project

Presented By
Engr. Md. Fazlul Kader
Assistant Professor, Dept. of APECE
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
 System
 Information System
 System Development

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

System & Information System

 System: A system is a set of components that

interact to achieve a common goal.
 Information System: An information system is a
collection of hardware, software, data, people,
communications & procedures that work together
to produce quality information.

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

Systems Development

 System development is the activity of creating a new

business system or modifying an existing business system.
 Information system development:
 An information system is a socio-technical entity, an
arrangement of both technical & social elements.
 The development of a new information system involves of
hardware, software, data, people, communications &
procedures .
 Also includes changes in jobs, knowledge, skills,
management, policies, process & organization.

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

Participants in Systems Development

 Effective system development requires a team

 The team usually consists of :
 Stakeholders
 Users
 Mangers
 System development specialists
 Various support personnel

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

Participants in Systems Development

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

System Development Life Cycle

 SDLC is a very formal approach to build information

systems & refers to all the activities that go into producing
an information systems solution to an organizational
problem or opportunity.
 The activities of SDLC can be grouped into the 5
major phases.
 Planning
 Analysis
 Design
 Implementation
 Operation & maintenance
Engr. Md Fazlul Kader
Phases of the SDLC

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

Importance of Management of a System
Development project
 Project management refers to the application of knowledge, skills.
Tools, and techniques to achieve specific targets within specified
budget and time constraints.
 Project management activities include:
 planning the work
 assessing risk
 Estimating resources required to accomplish the work
 organizing the work
 acquiring human and material resources, assigning tasks
 Detecting activities
 Controlling project execution
 Reporting progress
 Analyzing the result.

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

Project Management
 Project management of information systems must deal
with 5 major variables:
 Scope (defining what work is included in a project)
 Time (defining the amount of time required to complete the
 Cost (calculating the total cost of hardware, software) human
resources, and work space)
 Quality ((specifying an indicator of how well the end result of a
project satisfies the objectives)
 Risk(estimating the potential problems that would threaten the
success of a project)

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

Importance of Planning of a System
Development project

 During planning four major activities are

 Reviewing and approving the project requests;
 Prioritizing the project requests
 Allocating resources such as money, people. and
equipment to approved projects and
 Forming a project development team for each
approved project.

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

The steps of information system

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

Importance of Control

 The system specialist control the system & provide its

users with ongoing assistance during its operation period.
 The control consists of 4 major activities:
 conducting a post implementation system review
 correcting errors;
 identifying enhancements; and
 Monitoring system performance.

Engr. Md Fazlul Kader


Engr. Md Fazlul Kader

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