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A: Assessment Details

Module Title Marketing Across Boundaries

Written Assessment
Assessment Type, Word Count & Weighting 3,000 words

B: Learning Outcomes

3. Identify the elements of marketing planning and critically evaluate its use in the organisation
you are examining.
4. Critically evaluate the use of target marketing (segmentation, targeting and positioning) in the
organisation of your choice.
5. Critically evaluate the use of components of the marketing mix by the chosen organisation
and relate this to the approach to target marketing identified in Learning Outcomes 3 and 4.

C: Assessment Task

Using an organisation of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate
how strategic marketing tools and techniques are used to attain desired marketing

D: Specific Criteria/Guidance
Areas that should be included in your discussion are as follows:

 The aim of the assignment is for you to show your knowledge and evaluation of strategic
marketing methods and techniques.
 You may select any organisation, but one in consumer markets may be easier to help
illustrate your points. This also depends on your own work experience and access to a
 It is essential that you make full use of marketing theory and references.
 You may refer to other organisations or industry cases for comparison, to support your
 The importance of planning and the use marketing activities should be a theme through
your assessment and how these help achieve specific marketing objectives.
 You are not expected to provide detailed information about the organisation’s actual
marketing strategies or marketing objectives, but you should be able to make sensible
inferences based on your reading, knowledge and context of the organisation. In some
cases this information may be available, and you should look to use it in supporting your
 You should provide a critical evaluation of how your organisation could use marketing
techniques to achieve its marketing objectives and fulfil consumer requirements.

Ensure that your work has not even the smallest element of plagiarism. You are advised to
refer to the links to the rules and regulations on Academic Integrity on the module space and
in the module handbook.

E: Key Resources

See the module handbook and lecture material for key reading and journals framed around key

F: Submission Guidance
 Students should submit work before 12 noon on the deadline date via the appropriate ‘Turnitin
submission’ link on the Moodle module page. Please check your email confirmation to ensure you
have submitted to the correct place.
 Assessments should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx), Microsoft PowerPoint
(.ppt, .pptx. .pps and .ppsx), Excel (.xls and .xlsx) or PDF format (generated from the word-
processing or presentation software you are using, not a scanned document. Do not upload Open
Office documents (.odt, .odp).
 Do not upload documents directly from Google Drive and One Drive.
 The file must be no larger than 40MB.
Please refer to section on Moodle for further guidance on online submissions

G: Document Format

 The font size must be a minimum of point 12 Calibri (or equivalent).

 Line spacing in the body of the assessment must be 1.5 lines.
 Include the following details written on the first page:
Title of your work
Module title and code
Your student assessment number (J Number). Do not write your name or your student number.
Word count (Please note penalties for excess word count)
Module Leader and Seminar Tutor (if relevant)
 Number the pages consecutively.

H: Academic Integrity and Penalties

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with all of the information contained in this brief as
failure to do this may impact on your achievement.

Please refer to the various Assessment Guidance below for detailed information on:

 Late Work Penalties: Unless you have an extension, any work submitted past the assessment
deadline will be subject to a penalty as per university regulations (5 marks per day deduction).

Mitigating Circumstances: Please refer to the latest University guidance if for any legitimate reason you are
unable to meet the assessment deadline.

I: Marking Criteria

Please see attached rubric.

Assessment Rubic

Module Title: Marketing Across Boundaries Level: 7

Assessment Title: Marketing Strategy Weighted: 75% 3,000 words

Distinction Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail
90–100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 30-39% 20-29% 10-19% 0-9%
Evidence Evidence of… Evidence of… Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence of… Evidence Evidence Evidence
of… of… of… of… of… of… of…
Knowledge  Exceptional  Excellent Excellent  Very good  Demonstrates  Limited links  Very limited  Very weak or  Some  No
Identify key evaluation of analysis of the demonstration work an between the understanding no understandi understan
drivers in the the relationship of the demonstratin appreciation of organisation of the understanding ng of goals ding of
elements of relationship between the organisations’ g full the goals and the connection of the and business
marketing between the drivers of approach to understandin connections marketing between the connection strategy, or
planning and drivers of marketing strategic g of the between the strategy. organisation between the but no marketing
demonstrate a marketing strategy, its marketing strategic organisation goals and the organisation connection goals or
clear strategy, its implementatio planning in marketing goals and the marketing goals and the between marketing
understanding implementatio n and achieving its planning, and marketing strategy. marketing the strategy
how these n and outcomes of marketing how clear strategy. strategy. organisatio
affect strategic outcomes of the strategy. objectives by objectives n goals and
marketing the strategy. evaluating the drives the
activities and effectiveness of organisation’s marketing
decisions. organisation’s marketing strategy.
(20%) holistic decisions and
marketing activities/
approach Evidenced by
(nature, role and both
value). practitioner
and academic

Analysis  Exceptional  Outstanding  Excellent and  Good critical  Some  Very basic  Little  Minimal  No  Minimal
Critical and insightful and insightful insightful application of application of application of application of application of application mention
application of critical critical critical theory theory theory theory and theory and of theory of theory
models, application of application of application of demonstrating demonstrating demonstrating little or no little or no and no and
concepts and theory theory theory good limited use of little use of development development developme practical
theory to demonstrating demonstrating demonstrating evaluation and theory to theory to of an of an nt of any aspects
support your exceptional extremely high high quality use of theory support an support a argument. argument. form of relating to
analysis. evaluation and quality evaluation and to support a argument. weak  Little synthesis  Minimal discussion the
(25%) use of theory evaluation and use of theory well written  Weak argument. of theory and synthesis of or assignme
to support a use of theory to support a argument. synthesis of  Little synthesis practice in theory and argument. nt brief.
strong to support a strong  Good synthesis theory and of theory and parts of the practice in  No
argument. strong argument. of theory and practice practice discussion. parts of the synthesis of
 Exceptional argument.  Very good practice throughout throughout discussion. theory and
synthesis of  Excellent synthesis of throughout the discussion. the discussion. practice in
theory and synthesis of theory and the discussion. any part of
practice theory and practice the
throughout practice throughout discussion.
the discussion. throughout the discussion.
the discussion.

Critically  Exceptionally  Highly  Imaginative,  Good  Basic level of  Weak level of  Poor level of  Little or no  No  No
evaluate the imaginative, imaginative, insightful sustained level analysis and analysis and analysis and analysis and evaluation evaluatio
relevant theory insightful insightful interpretations of analysis and evaluation evaluation of evaluation of evaluation of of any areas n of any
and apply to the interpretations interpretations . evaluation of above the core core areas of core areas of core areas of of the areas of
nature, role and . .  Impressive, all key areas of areas of theory theory and theory and theory and theory or the
value of the  Impressive,  Impressive, sustained level theory and and practice a practice a practice a very practice no practice theory or
strategic sustained level sustained level of analysis and practice a clear basic weak development associated practice
marketing of analysis and of analysis and evaluation of strong argument. argument. argument. of argument. with the associate
activities of the evaluation of evaluation of excellent areas discussion.  Good level of  Basic level of  Weak level of  Very limited or assessment d with the
chosen extremely excellent areas of theory and  Very good understanding understanding understanding no high level brief. assessme
organisation, pertinent of theory and practice a level of and synthesis and synthesis and synthesis of  Some very nt brief.
showing an areas of practice a cogent understanding of the use and of the use and of the use and understanding weak
appreciation of theory and cogent argument with and synthesis role of role of role of and synthesis descriptive
marketing practice a argument with some of the use and marketing marketing marketing of the use and work
strategy (30%) cogent awareness of awareness of role of activities in activities in activities in role of covering a
argument with limitations. limitations. marketing achieving the achieving the achieving the marketing minimal
a high  Excellent level  High level of activities in organisation’s organisation’s organisation’s activities in amount on
awareness of of understanding achieving the marketing marketing marketing achieving the the role of
limitations. understanding and synthesis organisation’s objectives. objectives. objectives. organisation’s marketing
 Exceptionally and synthesis of the use and marketing marketing activities in
high level of of the use and role of objectives. objectives. achieving
understanding role of marketing the
and synthesis marketing activities in organisatio
of the use and activities in achieving the n’s
role of achieving the organisation’s marketing
marketing organisation’s marketing objectives.
activities in marketing objectives.
achieving the objectives.

Communication  Exceptional  Excellent  Good structure  Clearly  Reasonably  Weak  Poor structure.  Minimal  Minimal or  No
structure of structure of of assignment. structured structured. structure and Very weak or structure. no structure
Academic assignment as the Points are put with points put Some points few no Weak structure. to the
writing whole and of assignment across in a across in an may be weak. conclusions. conclusions. evidence of Little work.
(25%) paragraphs. and clear manner. easy to  Limited  Work is Mainly any thought in evidence of
Points are put paragraphs.  High level understand evaluation and descriptive descriptive the writing of any thought
across in a Points are evaluation way. conclusions. with little or writing. the in the
clear succinct clear and with  Good  Limited no approach assignment. writing of
manner. Very succinct. inferences and evaluation and development to building an the
high level in  High level of conclusions. conclusions. of an argument. assignment.
depth detailed  A strong  A well written argument in
evaluation evaluation argument that argument that the work that
with with very good flows. flows. could fit
sophisticated original together
original insightful better.
insightful inferences and
inferences and conclusions
conclusions throughout.
throughout.  An
 A strong authoritative
authoritative flowing
argument that argument.
flows in a

Sources • Extensive • Extensive • Substantial • An assured • A satisfactory • Insufficient • Reading • Very weak • Severely • Negligible
range and range and use range and range of range of core range of material is engagement lacking attempt
Reading and use sophisticated of appropriate sophisticated reading, with and basic source reading inadequate with source source to identify
of appropriate use of sources. use of sources; sustained texts, which of core and and may not reading of core reading; source
sources. appropriate • Extremely well • Well- reference to references basic texts; include core and basic • Sources material;
sources; referenced referenced key and core current • Sources not and basic texts; either not • No
SCOPE: accurate Unparalleled research both research both texts. The research in the acknowledged texts; • Inconsistent present indication
and consistent standard of in breadth and in breadth and work may discipline; in line with • Sources and/or limited and/or not of source
acknowledgmen research both depth, which depth, which include • Sources academic inaccurately referencing of referenced. reading.
t and in breadth and demonstrates demonstrates current acknowledged conventions of referenced. sources.
referencing of depth, which high clear research at the appropriately referencing.
sources. demonstrates intellectual intellectual leading edge according to
a very high engagement rigor. of the academic
intellectual and rigor. discipline. conventions of
engagement • Very good referencing.
and rigor. referencing in The work may
breadth contain minor
and/or depth, errors and be
which shows a limited in
very good level breadth, depth
of intellectual and
rigor. intellectual
• Sources rigor.
according to
conventions of

The weighting are only indicative of the emphasis you should put on your work. It’s reasonable that there is much overlap and
integration of the criteria as you progress through your work.

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