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It says I say And So

Know your learners (Tesol) I would say this applies to all of I am really big on relationships
my learners whether they are with my students. The more
ELL or not. I remember this that I get to know them, the
being said in teacher’s training. more that they connect and
Knowing your learners is respond to me when they need
important to the building of help. The element of trust is a
relationships. With ELL learners, big thing with ELL learners when
this is especially important they are just getting to know
when finding ways to connect people in a new setting.
with them to see ways to help
them learn.
Engage and collaborate within a I think this statement says that I need to be more proactive in
community of practice (Tesol) educators in an ELL community getting together with teachers
are stronger when they get who are working in the same
together to share stories and field. There is a wealth of
what they have learned about experience from educators
the world of ELL. working in the field. The BC
standard “Educators contribute
to the profession” means that
educators mentor and provide
encouragement to other
teachers. When I have the
breadth of knowledge, I will
certainly share it with other
Design standard academic This means that all content that I have to get better at this. I am
content and make it more is designed by myself needs to not perfect at it. Now that I will
accessible (Jun Li) have access to different things have more students that might
like visuals, technology, have special needs or not speak
translations incorporated into English, they need to have
the material. materials that reach them. They
need to have the same
High quality material that has opportunities as others.
different ways of accessing it
allows the learner to have the
same shot as regular English
Students’ access to instructional This says that with curriculum, I agree with the statement
tasks requiring complex thinking you need to meet students on because ELL students are just as
is enhanced when linguistic their level while still meeting capable as regular students. The
complexity and instructional the requirements of the instruction needs to to be as
support match their levels of curriculum. It is also means high quality as possible allowing
language proficiency (WIDA) that the complex thinking skills for all of the mini lessons that
have to be taught at their levels teach these skills. I am working
as well as well as the skills on this and hope to provide skill
found in the English Language. based lessons that teach these
Students develop language Everything is interconnected I sometimes am too fixated on
proficiency in listening, when it comes to learning a one of these activities and
speaking, reading and writing second language. ELL learners forget to practice the others. To
independently but at different learn in their own way and their get the full benefit of the
rates and in different ways. own time. An emphasis on English Language, you have to
(WIDA) practicing all skills is equally practice all of the aspects.

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