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Legislative Assignment

Shannon Bull


Author Note

Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.


1. Search for, identify and summarize  (In your own words...)  in one or two paragraphs, one

of the proposed education related bills (Either Assembly Bill [AB]or Senate Bill [SB])

for the most recent Legislative Session at the Nevada legislature website.

- AB96: This bill was introduced in the assembly December 15, 2008 by the Education

Department. AB96 clarifies eligibility for and the administration of Millennium

Scholarships for students enrolled in more than one eligible institution. This assembly

bill states that a student trying to accept the scholarship must be enrolled in at least 6

semester credit hours in a 3-community college or 12 semester credit hours in another

eligible institution. The criteria that is based upon eligibility for the Millennium

Scholarship is based on specific credits that the student must uphold. Also, the

student must be a resident of the state for two years or more to apply. This bill also

states that The Board of Regents must establish procedures regarding the Millennium

Scholarship that include criterion based on: academic progress, credits, residency, and

eligible institutions. AB96 became effective July 1, 2009.

2. Go to the law library section of the  Nevada Legislature website

(  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.), click on

table of contents under Nevada Revised Statutes  and read the following chapters: 385,

386, or 387(all related to education). Select one of the chapters and summarize (In your

own words...) the purpose of the chapter. For example, chapter 386 identifies the school

district organization - from Board of Trustees down to personnel. What does each section

in this chapter tell you?


- Chapter 386: Local Administrative Organization

o This chapter breaks down how the administrative workings of the education

system would be organized and how power would be dealt. It gave the school

district the power to sue, meanwhile delegating roles to the boards of trustees

including listing their duties and term dates. This chapter also listed detailed

procedures you would find in a public school such a recycling and

transportation (buses) listing the rules of procedure and costs/money allotted

to that area. It even details what to do if an allergic reaction occurs at school

and information regarding missing children. In conclusion, chapter 386 gives

the delegates roles and responsibilities to the administrative organizations

meanwhile checking and balancing the others. It also details specific

procedures for different things involved in the public-school system like

transportation and recycling.

3. Identify the Legislator's in your district that are your representatives for both the Nevada

State Assembly and the Nevada State Senate (The information is posted on the website

and you are expected to figure it out!).

- My name is Shannon Bull and I live in the zip code of 89129 which puts me in

District 4. My State Assembly member is Richard McArthur and my State Senator is

Scott Hammond. The Congressional member is Ruben Kihuen and the Regent

District member is Mark W. Doubrava.


4. Write an email about an education related issue that you are concerned about and send to one

or more of your State Legislator's either in support or against any issue for which you have

concerns about as a future educator and make a copy of your actual email (including the

address(s) of your legislator(s) that was sent and any response that you may have received back.

Even if you have posted this assignment and get a response, send a copy to me in "mail."

17 September 2018

Shannon Bull

9100 Sapphire Ridge Avenue

Las Vegas NV, 89129-1617

Richard McArthur

4640 Panoramic Court

Las Vegas, NV, 89129-1617

Subject: In support of where you stand

To Whom it May Concern,

I wanted to contact you regarding your stance on education. I am in school right now at the College of

Southern Nevada for special education and I have noticed that there is not a lot of support for the

public school education in this state. The teachers are underpaid, the students are not doing well, and

the curriculum's being taught are putting our state behind in that field. I was wondering if there is

anything you can do to help with the focus on funding for students and teachers? I saw that you have

sat through many legislative sessions and was wondering if you could bring up the importance of

education in this state and how we need to be focusing on the funding, school choice, and like you

mentioned in your page, getting back to basics. In my opinion, common core is a huge problem and

the schools are not preparing the future of this state. As a future educator I really hope that education

is brought up more in these meetings and that someone like you can see that a future educator of this

state is worried about my future and my future students' futures.

Sincerely, Shannon Bull

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