Decrepid Seer Standalone

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Decrepid Seer
Sorcerer. Magician. Witch. What you have traded for your terrible secrets will always haunt you,
to touch the strange world beyond and see its endless tapestry, to twist it to your will. A useful
tool that pays you twice over in spite and distain. To learn the secrets of Gods is to be a lonely
Begins with 2d6x10 Silver and d4 Omens.
HP: Toughness + d4

Wyrd borne, roll 3d6+2 for Presence. Frail, roll 3d6-2 for Toughness. Roll d4 on the weapon
table and d2 on the armour table.

You begin with one Galdr of each type and one of the following:
1. Torch of the Hungering Flame. An ever burning 4. Well-worn Bones. Once per day, choose one: You
torch of twisted cruel metal. Sacrifice one medium may roll 6 dice, for every 6 you roll, gain 1 Omen.. Or,
creature to gain a random temporary unclean scroll. you may roll 6 dice, for every 6 you roll, you may ask
Or gain max omen die. the gods a yes or no question and they will answer.
If you roll three 1s, lose all Omens.
2. Corpse-tongue. You speak the language of zom-
bies and horrors, and after a long death they owe
you favours. Once per day, you can coerce a friendly 5. A Keen Bloodletter. Deals 1d4+1 damage, when
skeleton or familiar zombie into helping you out. HP you damage yourself with this blade, you gain omens
7, attack with DR10, defends with DR12, Damage equal to the HP lost. When an omen is spent on an
d2. You make a reaction roll when encountering the attack with this weapon it ignores armour.
6. A Wand of Quartz and Yew. While this wand is in
3. 9 Herbs of Life and Love. You always have your possession you go up an omen die, roll for one
enough ingredients and herb lore to treat diseases and additional galdr in each table, make a note of them,
poisons, test Presence DR12, after a long rest and a you may cast those as long as you possess this wand.
good meal they wake cured. Additionally, you know
enough to make any condition dramatically worse Whenever you advance, gain a random Galdr from
with no test. a table of your choice or a random Scroll (Sacred or

MÖRK BORG is copy-

right Ockult Örtmästare
Games and Stockholm
An old Curse, d6
1. A Lover’s Death, forseen in the still waters of
the lake. Their cries and deaththrones rippling over
its calm surface, unbearable to watch.

2. A Ill Wrought Birth, befell your lover’s child and

one day the mother will make you pay a blood price.

3. Strange Whispers, haunt you in the quiet mo-

ments, almost audible. What are they saying?

4. An Honourable Man Brought Low by your

magic, for naught but a slight.

5. Dancing Under the Stars the heat of flame

on your skin, cries and screams of a village put to
torch, sick to your stomache and giddy with delight.

6. A Vision of the End Times, came to you in the

joy of spring, you saw gods brought low and
mortals dying in droves.

Heroes from Beyond the Endless Sea: Ragnarök & the De-
crepid Seer class are an independent productin by Graven Images
and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm
Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party

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