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8501, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur


Sector Health, Wellness & Other Services (Including Language & Culture)
Qualification Title Bookkeeping NC III
Nominal Duration 312 Hours
Training Schedule
Pre-Requisite Basic Competencies with 21st Century Skills

Training Implementation Plan

Course Discription
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the bookkkeepers in accordance with industry standards. It covers basic, commo and core competencies on journalizing
transactions, posting transactions, preparing trial balance, preprating financial reports and reviewing internal control system.

Unit of Competencies Learning Outcomes

Basic Competencies
1. Lead workplace communication
1.1 Communicate information about workplace processes
1.2 Lead workplace discussions
1.3 Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace
2. Lead small team
2.1.1 Provide team leadership.
2.1.2 Assign responsibilities among members
2.1.3 Set performance expectation for team members
2.1.4 Supervise team performance
3. Apply critical thinking and problem-solving techniques in the workplace
3.1.1 Examine specific workplace challenges
3.1.2 Analyze the causes of specific workplace challenges
3.1.3 Formulate resolutions to specific workplace challenges
3.1.4 Implement action plans and communicate results
4. Work in a diverse Environment 4.1.1 Develop an individual’s culturalawareness and sensitivity
4.1.2 Work effectively in an environment that acknowledges and values cultural diversity
4.1.3 Identify common issues in a multicultural and diverse environment

5. Propose methods of applying learning and innovation in the organization 5.1.1 Assess work procedures, processes and systems in terms of innovative practices
5.1.2 Generate practical action plans for improving work procedures, processes
5.1.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed action plan

6. Use information systematically 6.1.1 Use technical information

6.1.2 Apply information technology (IT)
6.1.3 Edit, format and check information

7. Evaluate occupational safety and health work practices 7.1.1 Interpret Occupational Safety and Health practices
7.1.2 Set OSH work targets
7.1.3 Evaluate effectiveness of occupational safety and health work instructions
8. Evaluate environment work practices 8.1.1 Interpret environmental practices, policies and procedures
8.1.2 Establish targets to evaluate environmental practices
8.1.3 Evaluate effectiveness of environmental practices

9. Facilitate Enterpreneurial skills for micro-medium enterprises 9.1 Develop and maintain micro-small-medium enterprise (MSME’s) skills in the organization
9.2 Establish and maintain client-base market
9.3 Apply budgeting and financial management skills

Common Competencies
1.     Maintain an effective relationship with clients/ customers 1.1.1 Maintain a professional image
1.1.2 Meet client/customer requirements
1.1.3 Build credibility with customers /clients

2. Manage own performance 2.1.1 Plan own workload

2.1.2 Maintain quality of own performance
2.1.3 Establish credibility with customers/clients

3. Apply quality standards 3.1.1 Assess client service needs

3.1.2 Assess own work
3.1.3 Engage in quality improvement

4.    Perform computer operations 4.1.1 Identify and explain the functions, general features and capabilities of both hardware and software
4.1.2 Prepare and use appropriate hardware and software according to task requirement
4.1.3 Use appropriate devices and procedures to transfer files/data
4.1.4 Produce accurate and complete data according to the requirements
4.1.5 Maintain computer system

Core Competencies
1.    Journalize Transactions 1.1 Prepare chart of accounts
1.2 Analyze documents
1.3 Prepare journal entry
2. Post - Transactions
2.1 Prepare Ledger
2.2 Transfer Journal Entries
2.3 Summarize Ledger
3. Prepare trial balance
3.1 List Account TItles
3.2 Transfer Balances from the Ledger
3.3 Summarize Trial Balance
4. Prepare financial reports
4.1 Prepare Financial Statements
4.2 Analyze Financial Statements
5. Review internal control system
5.1 Check Policy Compliance
5.2 Prepare Policy Compliance Report
A. Study Guide
Mode of Instruction
Learning Content/Activity Methods Practice Feedback Resources Date Remarks
Online Face to face
Orientation Demonstration Open Forum *Pc
UC 1: Lead Workplace Communication
LO 1: Communicate Information about Workplace Processes
1.1-1. Method of communication Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.1-2. Communication skills Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.1-3. Communication tools Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
i *Smartphone
1.1-4. Questioning techniques Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 2: Lead Workplace Discussions
1.2-1. Method/ techniques of *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
discussion *Handouts
1.2-2. How to lead discuss Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.2-3. How to s0licit response Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 3: Identify and Communicate issues arising in the Workplace
1.3-1. Identify problems and issues Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.3-2. Organizing information on
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
problem and issues
1.3-2. Organizing information on *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
problem and issues *Handouts
1.3-3. Relating problems and issues Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.3-4. Communication barriers *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
affecting workplace discussions *Handouts
UC 2: Lead Small Team
LO 1: Provide Team Leadership
2.1-1. Facilitation of Team work Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.1-2.Company policies and *Smartphone
procedures relating to work Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
performance *Handouts
2.1-3. Performance standards and *Smartphone
expectations Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.1-4. Monitoring individual’s and *Smartphone
team’s performance vis a vis client’s Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
and group’s expectation *Handouts
LO 2: Assign Responsibilities Among Members
2.2-1. Work plan and procedures Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.2-2. Individual and group *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
expectations and assignments *Handouts
2.2-3. Ways to improve group *Smartphone
leadership and membership Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 3: Set Performance expectation for Team Members
2.3-1. One’s roles and responsibilities
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
in the team
2.3-1. One’s roles and responsibilities *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
in the team *Handouts
2.3-2. Feedback giving and receiving Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.3-3. Performance expectation Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 4: Supervise Team Performance
2.4-1. Performance Coaching Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.4-2. Performance management Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.4-3. Performance Issues Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 3: Apply Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Techniques in the Workplace
LO 1: Examine specific workplace challenges
3.1-1. Examine the variances from *Smartphone
normal operating parameters and Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
product quality. *Handouts
3.1-2. Define the extent, cause and *Laptop
nature of specific problem through *Smartphone
observation, investigation and Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
analytical techniques. *Projector
3.1-3. State the problems clearly and *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
specific. *Handouts
LO 2: Analyze the causes of specific workplace challenges
3.2-1. Identify the possible causes of *Laptop
specific problems based on experience *Smartphone
and the use of problem solving tools / Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
analytical techniques. *Projector
3.2-2. Develop possible cause
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
statements based on findings.
3.2-2. Develop possible cause *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
statements based on findings. *Handouts
3.2-3. Identify fundamental causes of *Smartphone
workplace challenges Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 3: Formulate resolutions to specific workplace challenges
3.3-1. Consider all possible options for *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
resolution of the problem. *Handouts
3.3-2. Consider strength and *Smartphone
weaknesses of possible options. Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
3.3-3. Determine corrective actions to *Smartphone
resolve the problem and possible Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
future causes. *Handouts
3.3-4. Develop action plan that can *Laptop
identify measurable objectives, *Smartphone
resource needs and timelines in Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
accordance with safety and operating *Handouts
procedures. *Projector
LO 4: Implement action plans and communicate results
3.4-1. Implement and evaluate action *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
plans. *Handouts
3.4-2. Prepare results of plan *Smartphone
implementation and Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
recommendations *Handouts
3.4-3. Present recommendations to *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
appropriate person. *Handouts
3.4-4. Follow-up recommendations if *Smartphone
required. Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 4: Work in a Diverse Environment
LO 1: Develop an individual’s cultural awareness and sensitivity
4.1-1. Understanding cultural diversity
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
in the workplace
4.1-1. Understanding cultural diversity *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
in the workplace *Handouts
4.1-2. Norms of behavior for *Smartphone
interacting and dialogue with specific Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
groups *Handouts
4.1-3. Different methods of verbal and *Smartphone
nonverbal communication in a Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
multicultural setting *Handouts
LO 2: Work effectively in an environment that acknowledges and values cultural diversity
4.2-1. Value of diversity in the *Smartphone
economy and society in terms of Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Workforce development *Handouts
4.2-2. Importance of inclusiveness in a *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
diverse environment *Handouts
4.2-3. Strategies for customer service *Smartphone
excellence Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 3: Identify common issues in a multicultural and diverse environment
4.3-1. Value, and leverage of cultural *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
diversit *Handouts
4.3-2. Inclusivity and conflict resolution Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.3-3. Advanced strategies *Smartphone
for customer service Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
excellence *Handouts
UC 5: Proposed Methods of Applying Learning and Innovation in the Organization
LO 1: Assess work procedures, processes and systems in terms of innovative practices
LO 2: Generate practical action plans for improving work procedures, processes
LO 3: Evaluate the effectiveness ofthe proposed action plans
5.1-1. Seven habits of highly effective *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
people. *Handouts
5.1-1. Seven habits of highly effective Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
5.1-2. Character strengths that foster *Smartphone
innovation and learning Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
5.1-3. Five minds of the future *Smartphone
concepts Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
5.1-4. Adaptation concepts in *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
neuroscience *Handouts
5.1-5 Transtheoretical model of *Smartphone
behavior change Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 6: Use information Systematically
LO 1: Use technical information
6.1-1. Organized information into *Smartphone
suitable form for reference and use Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
6.1-2. Classify stored information so *Smartphone
that it can be quickly identified and Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
retrieved when needed *Handouts
6.1-3. Offer guidance to people who *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
need to find and use information *Handouts
LO 2: Apply information technology
6.2-1. Operate technical information *Smartphone
system using agreed procedures Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
6.2-2. Use appropraite and valid *Smartphone
procedures in operating, maintaining Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
and archieving information *Handouts
6.2-3. Utilize Software to execute *Smartphone
project activities Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
6.2-4. Share Skills and understanding *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
to others *Handouts
6.2-5. Implement speceified security *Laptop
measures to protect the confidentiality *Smartphone
and integrity of project data held in IT Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 3: Edit, Format and check information
6.3-1. Use Basic Editing Techniques Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
6.3-2. Use Editing and formatting tools *Smartphone
and Techniques for more complex Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
documents *Handouts
6.3-2. Use Proofreading techniques to *Smartphone
check that documents look Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
professional *Handouts
UC 7: Evaluate Occupational Safety and Health work Practices
LO 1: Interpret Occupational Safety and Health practices
7.1-1. Identify OSH work practices *Smartphone
issues relevant to work requirements Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
7.1-2. Determine OSH work standards *Smartphone
and procedures based on applicability Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
to nature of work *Handouts
7.1-3. Identify Gaps in work practices *Smartphone
relevant to OSH work standards Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 2: Set OSH work Targets
7.2-1. Gather relevant work *Smartphone
information necessary to determine Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
OSH work targets *Handouts
7.2-2. Gather OSH indicators *Laptop
information based on agreed upon to *Smartphone
measure effectiveness of workplace Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
OSH policies and procedures
7.2-3. Endorsed the agreed OSH *Smartphone
indicators to appropriate person for Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
approval *Handouts
7.2-4. OSH work instructions must be *Smartphone
received in accordance with workplace Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
policies and procedures* *Handouts
LO 3: Evaluate effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health work instructions
7.3-1. Observe OSH practices based on *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
workplce standards *Handouts
7.3-2. Measure the observe OSH *Smartphone
practices against approved OSH Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
metrics *Handouts
7.3-2. Assess the Findings regarding *Laptop
effectiveness and identify the gaps are *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
implemented based on OSH work *Handouts
standards *Projector
UC 8: Evaluate Environmental work Practices
LO 1: Interpret environmental practices, policies and procedures
8.1-1. Environmental Issues, *Smartphone
Environmental Work procedures and Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Environmental Laws *Handouts
8.1-2. Environmental Hazardous and *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Non-Hazardous Materials *Handouts
8.1-3. Identify the Gaps in work *Smartphone
practices related to Environmental Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Standards and Procedures *Handouts
LO 2: Establish targets to evaluate environmental practices
8.2-1. Gather Relevant information *Smartphone
that are necessary to determine Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
environmental work targets *Handouts
8.2-2. Gather Environmental Indicators *Smartphone
based on information are set to Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
measure environmental work targets *Handouts
8.2-3. Verify Indicator with *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
appropriate personnel *Handouts
LO 3: Evaluate effectiveness of environmental practices
8.3-1. Record Work environmental *Smartphone
practices based on workplace Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
standards *Handouts
8.3-2. Compare Recorded work *Smartphone
environmental practices against Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
planned indicators *Handouts
8.3-3. Assess Findings regarding *Laptop
effectiveness and Identify the gaps *Smartphone
implemented based on environment Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
work standards and procedures
UC 9: facilitate Entrepreneurial Skills for Micro-Small-Medium- Enterprises (MSMEs)
LO 1: Develop and maintain micro-smallmedium enterprise (MSMEs) skills in the organization
9.1-1. Business models and strategies Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
9.1-2. Types and categories of *Smartphone
businesses Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
9.1-3. Business operation Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
9.1-4. Basic quality control and *Smartphone
assurance concepts Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
9.1-5. Government and regulatory *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
processes *Handouts
LO 2: Establish and maintain client-base/market
9.2-1. Public relations concepts Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
9.2-2. Basic product promotion *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
strategies *Handouts
9.2-3. Basic market and feasibility *Smartphone
studies Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
9.2-4. Basic business ethics Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 3: Apply budgeting and financial management skills
9.3-1. Cash flow management Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
9.3-2. Basic financial management and *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
financial accounting *Handouts
9.3-3. Business internal controls Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 1: Maintain an effective relationship with clients/ customers
LO 1: Maintain a professionnel image
1.1-1. Stance, Posture and Body *Smartphone
Language Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.1-2. Proper Grooming Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.1-3. Company policy and procedures Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 2: Meet Client/Customer Requirements
1.2-1. Identify Assignment instructions *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
and post orders *Handouts
1.2-1. Identify Assignment instructions Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
and post orders
1.2-2. Accomplished Scope to modify *Smartphone
instrutions/orders in light of changed Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
situations *Handouts
1.2-3. Meet Client requirements *Smartphone
according to the assignment Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
instructions *Handouts
1.2-4. Monitor Changes to client’s *Smartphone
needs and requirements and take Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
appropriate action *Handouts
1.2-5. Clear All communication with *Smartphone
the client or customer and comply Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
with assignment requirements *Handouts
LO 3: Build Credibility with Customers/Clients
1.3-1. Interpersonal skills Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.3-2. Customer service skills Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
1.3-3. Telephone etiquette Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 2: Manage Own Performance
LO 1: Plan Own Workload
2.1-1. Identify task accurately *Smartphone
according to instructions Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.1-2. Develop Work plans according *Laptop
to assignment requirements and *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
employer policy Priority and timelines *Handouts
are allocated to each task *Projector
2.1-3. Know Tasks deadlines and *Laptop
comply with whenever possible Work *Smartphone
schedules are known and completed Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
according to agreed time frames
LO 2: Maintain Quality of Own Performance
2.2-1. Monitor Personal performance *Smartphone
against agreed performance standards Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.2-2. Seek Advice and guidance when *Smartphone
necessary to achieve or maintain Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
agreed standards *Handouts
2.2-3. Apply Guidance from
management to achieve or maintain *Smartphone
agreed standards of work clarified and Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion *Handouts
agreed according to employer policy
and procedures
LO 3: Establish Credibility with Customer/Clients
2.3-1. Adhere to Client expectations *Smartphone
for reliability, punctuality and Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
appearance *Handouts
2.3-2. Identify Possible causes of *Smartphone
client/customer dissatisfaction Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
2.3-3. Inform Client on all relevant *Laptop
security matters in a timely manner *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
and according to agreed reporting *Handouts
UC 3: Apply Quality Standards
LO 1: Assess client service needs
3.1-1. Obtain Work instruction and *Smartphone
accordance with standard operating Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
procedures *Handouts
3.1-2. Evaluate Client needs base on *Smartphone
workplace standards and Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
specifications *Handouts
3.1-3. Record Faults on clients in any *Laptop
identified causes and report it to the *Smartphone
supervisor concerned in accordance Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
with workplace procedures *Projector
3.1-4. Document Client’s profile and *Laptop
service extended to them in *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
accordance with workplace *Handouts
3.1-4. Document Client’s profile and
service extended to them in Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
accordance with workplace
LO 2: Assess Own Work
3.2-1. Identify and use Documentation *Smartphone
relative to quality within the company Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
3.2-2. Check Completed work against *Smartphone
workplace standards relevant to the Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
tasks undertaken *Handouts
3.2-3. Identify Errors and improved it Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
3.2-4. Record Information on the *Laptop
quality and other indicators of *Smartphone
individual performance in accordance Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
with workplace procedures
3.2-5. Document cases of deviations *Laptop
from specific quality standards, causes
and report it in accordance with the Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion *Smartphone
workplace standards operating *Handouts
3.2-6. Collect and analyze Feedback *Smartphone
base on required quality standards Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 3: Engage in Quality Improvement
3.3-1. Participate Process *Smartphone
improvement procedures in relative to Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
workplace assignment *Handouts
3.3-2. Carry Work in accordance with *Smartphone
process improvement procedures Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
3.3-3. Monitor Performance of *Smartphone
operation or quality of product of Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
service to ensure client satisfaction *Handouts
UC 4: Perform Computer Operations
LO 1: Identify and explain the functions, general features and capabilities of both hardware and software
4.1-1. Main types of computers and *Smartphone
basic features of different operating Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.1-1. Main types of computers and
basic features of different operating Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
systems *Handouts
4.1-2. Main parts of a computer Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.1-3. Storage devices and basic *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
categories of memory *Handouts
4.1-4. Types of Software and *Smartphone
peripheral devices Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 2: Prepare and use appropriate hardware and software according to task requirement
4.2-1. Basic ergonomics of keyboard *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
and computer use *Handouts
4.2-2. Standard operating procedures *Smartphone
in entering and saving data into the Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
computer *Handouts
4.2-3. Ergonomic guidelines Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 3: Use appropriate devices and procedures to transfer files/data
4.3-1. Procedures/techniques in *Smartphone
accessing Information Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.2-2. Desktop Icons Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.2-3. Keyboard techniques based on *Smartphone
Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
OHS requirements *Handouts
LO 4: Produce accurate and complete data according to the requirements
4.4-1. Software commands Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.4-1. Software commands Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion

4.4-2. Operation and use of peripheral *Smartphone
devices Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.4-3. Procedures in transferring Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
files/data *Handouts
LO 5: Maintain computer system
4.5-1. Cleaning, Minor Maintenance *Smartphone
and Replacements of Consumables Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion

4.5-2. Creating More Space in the Hard *Smartphone

Disk and Deleting Unwanted Files Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.5-3. Viruses and Up to Date Anti- *Smartphone
Virus Programs Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 1 : Journalize Transactions
LO 1: Prepare Chart of Accounts
1.1-1. Definition and functions of Research / Written *Smartphone
Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Bookkeeping and accounting. Test / Problem Solving *Handouts
Research / Written *Smartphone
1.1-2. Types of business organization Test / Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Research / Written *Smartphone
1.1-3. Types of business activities Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Test / Problem Solving *Handouts
Research / Written *Smartphone
1.1-4. Basic Accounting Equation Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Test / Problem Solving *Handouts
1.1-5. Basic Financial Statement Research / Written Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Test / Problem Solving
Research / Written *Smartphone
1.1-5. Basic Financial Statement Test / Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 2: Analyze Documents
Research / Written *Smartphone
1.2-1. Types of Business Documents Test / Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Research / Written *Smartphone
1.2-2. Account Title Selection Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Test / Problem Solving *Handouts
LO 3: Prepare journal Entry
1.3-1. Generally Accepted Accounting *Smartphone
Principles Research / Written
Test / Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Research / Written *Smartphone
1.3-2. Accounting Equation Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Test / Problem Solving *Handouts
1.3-3. Journalizing of Proprietor Research / Written *Smartphone
account titles Test / Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 2 : Post - Transactions
LO 1: Prepare Ledger
2.1-1. Posting Procedure for all types Written Test / *Smartphone
Reporting Open Forum Discussion
of business organization and activities Problem Solving *Handouts
LO 2: Transfer Journal Entries
2.2-1. Posting Procedure for all types Written Test / *Smartphone
Reporting Open Forum Discussion
of business organization and activities Problem Solving *Handouts
LO 3: Summarize Ledger
Written Test / *Smartphone
2.3-1. Balance Extraction Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 3 : Prepare trial balance
LO 1: List account titles and transfer balances from the ledger
3.1-1. Listing of Account Titles *Laptop
Written Test / *Smartphone
Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
3.1-1. Listing of Account Titles
Written Test /
Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Problem Solving *Handouts
3.1-2. Transfer of Balances *Laptop
Written Test / *Smartphone
Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Problem Solving *Handouts
LO 2: Summarize trial balance
3.2-1. Adding Debit & Credit Columns *Laptop
Written Test / *Smartphone
Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Problem Solving *Handouts
3.2-2. Checking Totals of Debit & *Laptop
Credit Columns Written Test / *Smartphone
Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
UC 4 : Prepare financial reports
LO 1: Prepare financial statements
4.1-1. Financial Statements for Single *Laptop
Proprietorship Written Test / *Smartphone
Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.1-2. Financial Statements for *Laptop
partnership Written Test / *Smartphone
Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
4.1-3. Financial Statements for *Laptop
Corporation Written Test / *Smartphone
Problem Solving Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 2: Analyze financial statements
Written Test / *Smartphone
4.2-1. Financial Ratios Reporting Open Forum Discussion
Problem Solving *Handouts
UC 5 : Review internal control system
LO 1: Check policy compliance
5.1-1. Internal Control Fundamentals Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
LO 2: Prepare internal policy compliance report
5.2-1. Internal Control Policy Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
5.2-2. Preparing Compliance Report Research Reporting Open Forum Discussion
• Institutional Assessment
Written Test / Institutional
Institutional Assessment
Problem Solving Assessment Rating Results * Institutional Assessment tool
Assessment Sheet
B. Health Measures for Trainer, Trainess & TVI Personnel During Face to Face Session
To ensure a safe and healthy school environment, all faculty members, trainers and trainees are required to implement the following measures:
• Schedule attendees of face to face session with a maximum of 10 participants
• Install hand washing and foot bath facility at the entrance of the building/workshop
• Observe the prescribed social/physical distancing norms
• Redesign classrooms and re-arrange workshops/workstations and install necessary partitions in areas where prescribed physical/social distancing norms cannot be implemented
• Require all attendees of face to face session to wear face mask/face shield during the whole duration of the face to face activities
• Provide accessible hand sanitizers/alcohol in the classroom/workshop
• Provide covered trash bins
• Require students/trainees attending face to face sessions to bring their own drinking water bottles and food provision since operation of school canteen is
suspended and buying of food outside the campus is discouraged
• Develop prototypes and digitized learning materials which can be borrowed by learners who cannot physically report to the school for demonstration /
written lessons due to age restrictions and absence of internet connection.
C. Disinfection and Maintenance of Training Facilities
To ensure a safe and healthy school environment, all faculty members, trainers and trainees are required to implement the following measures:
• To ensure maintenance of training facilities, the trainer will develop, implement and monitor the following:
a. Maintenance Plan
b. Maintenance Schedule
c. Maintenance Checklists
d. Regular conduct of 5-S Audit

Prepared by: Reviewed BY:


TVI/Company Representative TVI President

Recommending Approval: Approved:


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