Project Real

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Project REAL: the new normal

(Read, Enjoy, and Learn)

Reading is an active process that includes interaction between the reader, the
text and its context. It is the heart of all formal education. Our instructions focus and
take into considerations the process and the product of reading.

Project REAL (READ, ENJOY AND LEARN), is a school reading program of

Bagong Silang Elementary School. This reading program would like to focus on
enhancing the reading abilities of BSES pupils and make sure that those in
Frustration level will go up to Instructional level and the instructional ones would be
up to Independent level. To achieved the given targets, the following activities were
designed, BAR (Building Appetite in Reading), WedREALday, Shared reading and
ART (Active Reading Teacher). Each program has its own unique activities.

In the midst of pandemic, Project REAL will be fit to the learning modalities by
designing activities and materials for modular learning modality.

As what Frederick Douglas said, “Once you learn to read, you will be forever
free.” …. We want our pupils to learn to read…we want them to be free of poverty and
ignorance, to be part of our world and be productive members of our society.

Bagong Silang Elementary School whose learners can independently read,
impart love for reading, and become a



Based on the observations made by Teachers and results in PHIL-IRI school
year 2018-2019 and 2019 -2020 that was conducted some common reading problems
were described/identified among our pupils. It includes:
1. word guessers
2. has trouble naming letters
3. has difficulty associating letters and sounds
4. avoids reading or reads reluctantly
5. poor comprehension
6. ack of focus
7. mispronounces or skips over words while reading
8. forgets words even right after being helped
9. slow readers

To address these reading problems, Bagong Silang Elementary School would like to
focus its reading program on Developmental Reading. It is a branch of reading
instruction designed to support pupils pursue learning through reading. This process
focuses on making reading as a habit and not only when necessary. The contents of
Developmental Reading could help pupils to have strategies in engaging themselves to
context texts like books, articles and other reading materials. It could generate positive
attitude towards reading so that they could convert their weaknesses into their
strengths. It also helps develop survival skills in learning.
Through Developmental Reading, the development of reading skills for the pupils
may be gradually addressed. They will be given strategies and activities according to
the stage where they should be. In this technique, pupils may be given proper
remediation according to their progression.

Project REAL (READ, ENJOY AND LEARN), is a school reading program

of Bagong Silang Elementary School. This reading program would like to focus on
enhancing the reading abilities of BSES pupils and make sure that those in
Frustration level will go up to Instructional level and the instructional ones would be
up to Independent level. To achieved the given targets, the following activities were
designed, BAR (Building Appetite in Reading), WedREALday, Shared reading and
ART (Active Reading Teacher). Each program has its own unique activities.


With our earnest desire to make every child a reader, Bagong Silang Elementary School
anchored to the following guidelines and theories as the Project REAL: this new normal was
1. Division Reading Program Project PAGPABASA (Pag- agak og Pabasa sa mga Batang
2. DO 173, s. 2019. Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3Bs Initiative); Strengthening Every Child
A Reader Program (ECARP)
3. The Schema Theory. Comprehending a text is an interactive process between the reader’s
background knowledge and the text. This involves the three levels of comprehension, the
literal level, the inferential and the critical level.
4. The interactive theory of reading – there is a transitive give and take of information from the
writer to the reader. Pre- reading activities, during reading activities and after reading
5. The Cognitive View (top-down processing) in this view, reading is not just extracting
meaning from a text but a process of connecting information in the text with the knowledge
the reader brings to the act of reading.
6. The Behaviorist Theory. The traditional bottom-up view
The traditional bottom-up approach to reading means a habit formation brought about by
the stimulus.). Behaviorism became the basis of the audio-lingual method, which sought to
form second language “habits” through drilling, repetition, and error correction.

7. Bio ecological Systems Theory- A child and youth development is influenced by

many different “contexts,” “settings,” or “ecologies” for example, family, peers,
schools, communities, and policy systems.

Project REAL: the new normal

Project REAL: the new normal

Monitoring and Evaluation

Delivering the basic needs of

the Learners
Participation, SCHOOL

Moral Support FAMILIES Spiritual Support


The big six in Reading: 1. Oral Language,Phonemic Awareness,Phonics,Fluency,and Vocabulary development.

Holistic Development : Intellectual ,Social,Emotional,Spiritual,Physical

General Objectives
 Improve Reading ability of Bagong Silang Elementary School
 Target zero non readers
 Increase Instructional, Independent and quality readers

 sustain support from stakeholders;

 Recognize partners and key players.

 Provide additional activities for the learners that conforms to the minimum health
protocols implemented by the IATF ensuring the safety if the learners, teachers and
parents as well.


 Re-Orientation on the conduct of Phil IRI guidelines and EGRA
 Data gathering of the Pre-Reading Assessment Results of the current year using
the reading tools:
o EGRA for Primary
o Phil-Iri for Intermediate
 Conduct one on one interview with learners who belong to Non-readers,
frustration, with parents and teachers.
 Develop and produce reading materials


 Production and distribution of Reading materials

 Conduct homebound and visitation of identified non-readers and frustration

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