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1 Grammar - Question tags

Study the sentences below.

Nice weather today, isn’t it?

The weather was really bad, wasn’t it?
Isn’t it? is called a question tag. Question tags are formed with an auxiliary verb (have, was, will, shall
etc.), do/does for the present simple, and did for past simple.

We normally use a negative question tag after a positive sentence and a positive question tag after a
negative sentence. The table below summarises the main uses of question tags.

Use Examples

Inviting agreement, for example to Nice weather today, isn’t it?

emphasize a statement or start a

Asking real questions, for example You’re coming to the party tonight, aren’t
when you want to make a suggestion, you?
ask for something or check that your You don’t know where Anne is, do you?
information is correct

Making suggestions beginning with Let’s go out for a drink, shall we?

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When we invite agreement, our intonation goes ‘down’:

Lovely day, isn’t it?

When we use question tags to ask a real question, our intonation goes ‘up’:

It’s time to leave now, isn’t it?

2 Starting a conversation

Match the two parts of each sentence to form conversation starters.

1. It was a lovely day this morning, a. aren’t they?

2. The speakers were quite boring, b. are they?

3. They are playing really well, c. hasn’t it?

4. They aren’t working very hard, d. is it?

5. It’s been a wonderful evening, e. isn’t he?

6. The party is going to be really fun, f. isn’t it?

7. Joe is very rude, g. is she?

8. It isn’t very warm today, h. wasn’t it?

9. She isn’t very smart, i. weren’t they?

Read each sentence with the correct intonation.

Now look at the pictures below and invent your own conversation starters using question tags.

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3 Intonation

Decide if the question tag in each of the sentences below is probably used to ask a real question or
invite agreement. Put ‘Q’ (Question) or ‘A’ (Agreement) and then read each sentence with the correct

1. Lovely day, isn’t it?

2. Why can’t you speak French? Your parents are French, aren’t they?
3. It wasn’t an exciting match, was it?
4. You’re coming to the wedding, aren’t you? Tom didn’t tell me if you were invited.
5. Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
6. You don’t know the answer, do you? You look very confused.

4 Grammar practice

Now complete the following sentences with question tags.

1. Excuse me, this is Foxgrove Road, it? / Yes, that’s right.

2. He’s very good at speaking, he? / Yes, he is.
3. Let’s go for a coffee, we? / Sure. Good idea.
4. He didn’t help you in the kitchen, he? / Yes, I know. And it’s not the first time!
5. Alison won’t lend you the money, she? / Probably not. She’s not very generous.
6. Jack is very stressed these days. / But he’s on holiday, he?
7. It was a lovely meal, it? / Yes, it was delicious.
8. Mike is smoking again, he? / Yes, I know. Somebody needs to tell him to stop.
9. Excuse me, you’re Johnny Depp, you? / No, I’m not. I just look like him.
10. He was very tired this morning, he? / Yes, I know. He probably had a late night.

Now read each dialogue with the correct intonation.

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2. Starting a conversation

1. h 2. i 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. f 7. e 8. d 9. g

Do the first picture as an example. Possible answers:

Great film, isn’t it?
It was a good match, wasn’t it?
It’s really hot today, isn’t it?
He’s terrible at parking, isn’t he?
The weather’s awful, isn’t it?
He’s really fast, isn’t he?

3. Intonation

1. A 2. Q 3. A 4. Q 5. Q 6. A

4. Grammar practice

1. isn’t 2. isn’t 3. shall 4. did 5. will

6. isn’t 7. wasn’t 8. isn’t 9. aren’t 10. wasn’t

Learn without forgetting! i
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