Background of The Study

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MacArthur National High School

MacArthur, Leyte

Part four, definition of terms, conceptually and operationally defines the important
terms in the study.

Part five, scope and delimitation of the study. States the scope of the study including
the setting, the time from, the research instrument, and the respondents of the study.

Background of the Study

Cyber-bullying is a serious concern for any teenager that has become a growing
problem today because of the influence of digital or electronic media. It is also a unique form
of bullying that has gained a significant amount of attention in recent years. According to
Smith 4 Tippet (2006), cyber-bullying can be penetrated over a large number of technological
mediums, including: Social networking media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), email, instant
messaging, text messaging, pictures or videos taken via mobile phones or webcams, chat
rooms, or forums, and may other types of websites.

In addition, cyber-bullying is not limited to simply sending hurtful or insulting

messages, it encompasses a range of behaviours, from publicly revealing personal
information or humiliate a victim. Cyber-bullying can be thought of an online reputation
which may be accessible to schools, employers, clubs, and other who may be searching an
individual now or in the future. It can harm the online reputation of everyone involved-not
just the person being bullied, but those doing cyber-bullying or participating in it.

Furthermore, the most visible difference between cyber-bullying and traditional

bullying in the format in which is occurs. According to Juvonen and Gross (2008),
tradditional bullying typically occurs face to face but cyber-bullying takes place using an
electronic forms of contact.

Moreover, Cyber-bullying can affect the self-esteem of a person so it may also affect
the self-confidence and satisfaction of the victims. Cyber-bullying also has affects on the
bullies. Bullies can experience a negative impact on their behavior while growing up.
According to Tettegah (2006), the effects include criminal behavior, abusive behaviours, and
a stronger inclination to drinking, smoking and committing suicide.

The main purpose of this study is to find out how students perceived the effects of
cyber-bullying in MacArthur National High School for Arts and Trades.

The research chose this study because cyber-bullying is a serious problem among
teenagers today which greatly affects online reputation. It has big effects on the life of the
people involved, especially the bullied. The researchers wanted to measure the effects of
cyber-bullying and the offensive discourages in cyberspace, as well as to find out ways to
prevent cyber-bullying.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Cyber-bullying Grade 10 Students

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm showing the relationship of variables.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this research paper would provide information about the effects of cyber
bullying. Specially, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age, and specialization?
2. What are the effects of cyber-bullying as perceived by Grade 10 students?

Significance of the Study

The results of this study provided beneficial to the following:

Cyber-bullies. This study will let the cyber-bullies know what are the effects of cyber-
bullying to people they bullied and how it can greatly affect their self-esteem. Bullied as
Victims. The study will give information to the victims for them to know what the possible
consequences when they are being bullied and how they can overcome those.

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