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Sr. Contributory Time Content Matter Teaching- A.V.

Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives Learning

1. To introduce self 30 sec Self-Introduction: Myself Ruchika Kaushal, Lecture cum Verbally Self
student of M.Sc. Nursing 1st year at Lala Lajpat Rai discussion introduction
Institute of Nursing Education. done.

2. To introduce the 30 sec Introduction to the Topic: Today we are going to Lecture cum Verbally Introduced
topic among the discuss about Dengue Fever. discussion the topic.
3. To assess the 2 min Assessment of Previous Knowledge: Lecture cum Verbally Previous
previous discussion knowledge is
knowledge of the Which disease occurs due to mosquito bite? assessed.
group How can we prevent ourselves from seasonal
What is Dengue Fever?

4. To explain the 3 min INTRODUCTION OF DENGUE FEVER Lecture cum Verbally Introduction
introduction of discussion of dengue
dengue fever Dengue fever is most commonly an acute febrile fever is
illness defined by the presence of fever and two or explained.
more of the following, retro- orbital or ocular pain,
headache, rash, myalgia, arthralgia, leukopenia, or
hemorrhagic manifestations (e.g., positive
tourniquet test, petechiae; purpura/ecchymosis;
epistaxis; gum bleeding; blood in vomitus, urine, or
stool; or vaginal bleeding) but not meeting the case
definition of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Anorexia,
nausea, abdominal pain, and persistent vomiting
may also occur but are not case-defining criteria for
Dengue Fever. 
Sr. Contributory Time Content Matter Teaching- A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives Learning

5. To describe the 1 min Incubation Period of Dengue Fever: Lecture cum Verbally Incubation
incubation period discussion period of
of dengue fever Symptoms usually last for 2-7 days, after an dengue fever
Incubation period of 4-10 Days after the bite from is described.
an infected mosquito.

6. To explain the 5 min TRANSMISSION  Lecture cum Chart Transmission

transmission of discussion of dengue
dengue fever Aedes aegypti or the common household mosquito fever is
are the transmitter of the disease, is a day-biting explained.
mosquito which lays eggs in clear and stagnant
water found in flower vases, cans, rain barrels, old
rubber tires, etc. The adult mosquitoes rest in dark
places of the house.
This disease occurs more frequently in the rainy
season and immediately afterwards (July to October)
in India. 
The Dengue virus is present in the blood of the
patient suffering from Dengue fever. Whenever an
Aedes mosquito bites a patient of Dengue fever, it
sucks blood and along with it, the Dengue virus into
its body. The virus undergoes further development
in the body of the mosquito for a few days. When
the virus containing mosquito bites a normal human
being, the virus is injected into the person's body
and he/she becomes infected and can develop
symptoms of Dengue fever.

Sr. Contributory Time Content Matter Teaching- A.V. Aids Evaluation

No. Objectives Learning

7. To enlist the sign 3 min SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS  Lecture cum Flash Sign and
and symptoms of discussion cards symptoms of
dengue fever First 4 days: febrile or invasive stage  dengue fever
is enlisted.
 Sudden onset of high fever 
 Abdominal pain Joint & muscle pain 
 Headache 
 Vomiting 
 Conjunctival infection / pain behind the
 Epistaxis 
 Loss of appetite and Weakness 

4th - 7th days: toxic or hemorrhagic stage 

 Lowering of temperature 
 Skin rashes maculopapular rash or red tiny
spots on the skin called petechiae 
 Severe abdominal pain 
 Vomiting 
 Hematemesis and melena 
 Unstable BP 

7th - 10th day: convalescent or recovery stage 

 Generalized flushing with intervening areas

of blanching appetite regained and BP
already stable.

Sr. Contributory Time Content Matter Teaching- A.V. Aids Evaluation

No. Objectives Learning

8. To enlist the 2 min DIAGNOSIS  Lecture cum Verbally Diagnosis of

diagnosis of dengue discussion dengue fever
fever o Tests may include the following blood tests:  is enlisted.

o Antibody tests-to see if your body is

producing| substances that fight the dengue
fever viruses.

o Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain

reaction test (RT- PCR) to determine the
presence and quantity of virus present in the

o 20 or more petechiae that form within a 2.5-

cm diameter circle by tourniquet test.
9. To explain the 5 min MANAGEMENT:  Lecture cum Verbally Management
management of discussion of dengue
dengue fever No medications available that can provide a cure. fever is
Treatment addresses the symptoms and it also explained.
attempts to avoid potential complications. 

 Symptomatic and supportive treatment. 

 Bed rest during acute febrile illness. 
 Avoidance of antipyretics or aspirin because
of gastritis and bleeding. 
 Paracetamol may be given. 

Sr. Contributory Time Content Matter Teaching- A.V. Aids Evaluation

No. Objectives Learning

 Analgesics / mild sedation for pain such as

 For vomiting and sweating, oral fluids and
electrolytes must be supplemented IV fluids
if necessary. 
 Monitoring of patient is required till he
becomes afebrile, has normal platelet count
and normal hematocrit. 
 Prevention of Dengue Fever by early
recognition of plasma leakage by frequent
estimation of hematocrit (> 20% in normal
values) and platelet count < 50,000/mm3
would cause Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. 
 Check for low BP and for Narrow pulse
pressure (< 20 mm Hg).
10. To explain the of 7 min PREVENTION AND CONTROL  Lecture cum Pamphlets Prevention
prevention and discussion and control
control of dengue  Cover water drums and water pails at all times of dengue
fever to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.  fever is
 Replace water in flower vases once a week. 
 Clean all water containers once a week. 
 Scrub the sides well to remove eggs of
mosquitoes sticking to the sides. 
 Clean gutters of leaves and debris so that rain
water will not collect as breeding places of

Sr. Contributory Time Content Matter Teaching- A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives Learning

 Old tires used as roof support should be

punctured or cut to avoid accumulation of water. 
 Collect and dispose all unusable tin cans, jars,
bottles and other items that can collect and hold
 Insect repellents, screen the window and bed
mosquito net.
 Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. Also wear
socks and shoes, and apply insect repellents on
your skin and your clothing whenever going out
in infected area.
 Reducing the number of natural and artificial
water-filled container habitats support breeding of
the mosquitoes. 
 Villagers are advised to avoid stagnant water
filling and are advised to always cover containers
filled with water. 
 During outbreaks, insecticides may be sprayed to
kill flying mosquitoes, applied to surfaces in and
around containers where the mosquitoes land. 
 For protection during outbreaks, clothing which
minimizes skin exposure to the day- biting vectors
is advised to the villagers. Wearing long sleeves
and pants minimizes the exposure of clothing to a
good extent. 

Sr. Contributory Time Content Matter Teaching- A.V. Aids Evaluation

No. Objectives Learning

 Repellents can be applied to exposed skin or to

clothing in strict accordance with product label
 Mosquito coils or other insecticide vaporizers
may also reduce indoor biting. 
 Basic precautions should be taken by people
traveling to risk areas and these include use of
repellents, wearing long sleeves and pants and
ensuring rooms are fitted with screens to prevent
mosquitoes from entering.


o Introduction of dengue fever.

o Incubation period of dengue fever.
o Causes of dengue fever.
o Transmission of dengue fever.
o Sign and symptoms of dengue fever.
o Diagnosis of dengue fever.
o Management of dengue fever.
o Prevention and control of dengue fever.


o What are the causes of dengue fever?

o How dengue fever transmits?
o How can you prevent dengue fever?
o How can you control dengue?

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