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Cva infarct vs bleed

• Hemorrhagic: there is bleeding in the brain due to a break in a blood
vessel. There will be limited blood flow to the brain cells and this can
cause excessive swelling in the brain from the leakage of blood in the
brain tissue. A ruptured brain aneurysm or uncontrolled hypertension
can cause this.
• Ischemic (most common) is due to a blood clot within the blood
vessel or stenosis of an artery feeding the brain tissue. This limits the
blood that can reach the brain cells.
• This can happen due to:

ISCHEMIC • -Embolism: where a clot has left a part of

the body (example the clot has left the
heart due to a heart valve problem or atrial
fibrillation) and has travelled to the brain,
which stops blood flow.

• -Thrombosis: a clot forms within the artery

wall within the neck or brain. This is seen in
patients with hyperlipidemia and
• In general, if a stroke is suspected,
imaging tests, including magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT)
scans, will be done to produce a detailed
Diagnostics picture of the brain. Further testing may
include: Electrical activity tests, including
electroencephalogram (EEG) and evoked
potential tests.
Prevention : Aspirin to thin the blood
and lower risk of bleeding and lower
the chance of stroke.

Stroke medication:
Tpa or tissue plasminogen
activator (clog deisolve)

Post stroke: slopidogrel (plavix)

; warfarin (coumadine)
• Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion
• Impaired Physical Mobility
• Impaired Verbal Communication
• Disturbed Sensory Perception
Risk for Injury

•f-Care Deficit
•Risk for Impaired Swallowing
•Activity Intolerance

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