2018 Attachment-Based Family Therapy

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Attachment-Based Family how to facilitate depth-oriented therapy in a 12 to

Therapy 16 week period. The model unfolds in five dis-
tinct, but interrelated, treatment tasks that focus on
Guy Diamond, Jody Russon and Suzanne Levy critical treatment processes. These tasks serve as a
Center for Family Intervention, Drexel guide for helping the family to repair attachment
University, Philadelphia, PA, USA ruptures and work toward increasing trust and

Name of Model
Prominent Associated Figures
Attachment-Based Family Therapy
Guy Diamond, Ph.D.
Gary Diamond, Ph.D.
Introduction Suzanne Levy, Ph.D.

Attachment-based family therapy (ABFT;

Diamond et al. 2014) is a trust-based, emotion- Theory
focused, empirically supported treatment that
aims to repair interpersonal ruptures and rebuild ABFT is a brief family-based therapy with a solid
secure, protective caregiver-child relationships. grounding in attachment theory (Bowlby 1969).
ABFT is designed to improve the family’s capac- This theory proposes that when children are dis-
ity for affect regulation, relational organization, tressed, they are “hard-wired” to seek support and
and problem solving. This strengthens family comfort from their parents. When children expe-
cohesion, which can buffer against depression, rience their parents as responsive and available in
suicidal thinking, and risk behaviors (Restifo and the face of distress, they begin to feel that (a) the
Bogels 2009). This framework is particularly rel- world is a safe place and (b) they are worthy of
evant to adolescents for whom the family context being loved protected. Over time, these experi-
is inescapable (Maccoby and Martin 1983). ences of protection become internalized as work-
ABFT is rooted in structural family therapy, multi- ing models (or expectations) of relationships. If a
dimensional family therapy, emotionally focused child is treated well, then they seek out similar
therapy, and contextual family therapy. The relationships. When a child is treated poorly, they
ABFT manual is interpersonal and process- internalize expectations that their relationships
focused, but offers a structure and roadmap for will be unresponsive, if not hurtful. In the face of
# Springer International Publishing AG 2018
J. L. Lebow et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy,
2 Attachment-Based Family Therapy

these untrustworthy relationships, children helps caregivers develop greater empathy for
develop attachment (interpersonal) strategies that their adolescent’s experiences. With this insight,
will protect them from more harm: dismissive, caregivers become more motivated to learn new
preoccupied, or disorganized. emotion coaching and parenting skills.
If internal working models are shaped by real Next, in Task IV, the therapist brings the ado-
relationships, then these real relationships can lescent and caregivers back together to discuss
revise internal working models and other behav- and understand how these relational disappoint-
ioral changes. ABFT aims to revive the adoles- ments have damaged trust in the relationship. As
cent’s hope for attachment security and promote adolescents share these thoughts, feelings, and
responsive parenting. Improving the family’s memories and receive acknowledgment and
communication, problem-solving, and emotional empathy from their caregivers, they become
regulation can create the corrective attachment more willing to consider their own contributions
experiences that help adolescents work through to family conflicts. As caregivers acknowledge
past traumas and relational ruptures. This estab- adolescents’ experiences, adolescents become
lishes the groundwork for rebuilding secure rela- more emotionally regulated and cooperative.
tionships with parents. Although these conversations may not address or
resolve all relational problems, this mutually
respectful, and often emotionally profound, dia-
Strategies and Techniques Used in ABFT logue serves as a “corrective attachment experi-
ence,” thus revising the adolescent’s internal
In ABFT, the “corrective attachment experience,” working model of self and other. In this new
and subsequent autonomy building, is engineered emotional climate, caregivers become a resource
using five distinct treatment tasks. Tasks are not and secure base for their adolescent. Task V then
equated with sessions. Instead, a task is a set of focuses on using the caregiver to support the
procedures, processes, and goals related to resolv- adolescent’s exploration of competency and
ing or accomplishing specific aims in therapy autonomy. Adolescents begin to seek comfort,
(e.g., building alliance). Task I offers a roadmap advice, support, and encouragement from their
for establishing an essential and common process caregivers while exploring new opportunities
inherent to many family therapy models: getting and managing life stressors. Table 1 summarizes
the family members to agree to work on relation- the treatment targets and expected outcomes for
ship building rather than behavioral management. each of these five treatment tasks.
To achieve this, the therapist focuses on resusci-
tating the adolescent’s desire for protection and
support as well as the caregivers’ longing for love Populations in Focus
and connection with their child. The therapist pro-
motes the caregivers as “the medicine” to help the ABFT is a therapy for adolescent depression and
adolescent cope with, and recover from, depres- suicide; however, youth with other presenting
sion and suicidal ideation. problems can benefit from the clinical model.
Task II consists of individual sessions with the ABFT has been useful for clients with histories
adolescent. The therapist aims to help adolescents of trauma, eating disorders, substance use, or vic-
identify and articulate their perceived experiences timization due to their sexual identity (see full
of caregivers’ attachment failures and prepare review in Diamond et al. 2016a). ABFT is flexible
them to discuss these felt injustices in Task enough to incorporate comorbid conditions and
IV. Task III consists of individual sessions with has gained empirical support for young adults
the caregivers. The therapist aims to help each with unresolved anger toward a caregiver
caregiver consider how their own life stressors (Diamond et al. 2016b).
and intergenerational legacies of attachment rup- Low income, minority families have been
tures affect their parenting style. This insight absent from many of the clinical trials testing
Attachment-Based Family Therapy 3

Attachment-Based Family Therapy, Table 1 Targeted risk factors, relevant treatment task, and expected
outcomes. Adapted from Diamond et al. (2003)
Treatment targets Interventions Expected outcomes
Caregiver criticism and Relational reframe Caregivers and adolescent become more willing to
blame focus on relationship building instead of behavior
Adolescent hopelessness Alliance building with Build treatment bond with adolescent, help them
about, and disengagement adolescent understand their attachment rupture narrative, and
from, caregiver prepare them to discuss these stories with their
caregivers in task IV
Caregiver stress and Alliance building with Build treatment bonds with caregivers, increase
abdication caregivers caregiver awareness of adolescent’s attachment
needs, and teach parenting skills that will promote
attachment-repairing conversations in task IV
Adolescent-caregiver Repairing attachment Increase adolescent’s perceptions of caregivers’
disengagement and conflict availability and protection, increase adolescent’s
confidence in communicating his or her needs, build
caregivers’ view of their adolescent as having
legitimate concerns (who can express themselves in
a direct and emotionally regulated manner), work
through memories of loss and abuse, and improve
interpersonal and conflict resolution skills
Poor adolescent functioning Promote caregiver support for Increase adolescent’s use of the caregivers as a
in extra-familial contexts adolescent competency and secure base for problem solving and identity
autonomy development

psychotherapies for youth depression and suicide studies have been conducted demonstrating the
(Bernal et al. 2009). ABFT, however, has had a efficacy of ABFT. These studies have shown that
history of success working with diverse families. ABFT is more effective than waitlist control
In general, ABFT is recommended for clients groups or treatment as usual in reducing depres-
12 years of age and older and is not limited by sion and suicidal ideation. ABFT has also been
treatment context. The model has been used in adapted for use with suicidal LGB adolescents
outpatient, inpatient, home-based, hospital set- (Diamond et al. 2012). Secondary data analysis
tings, and residential care. ABFT is not indicates that ABFT is effective for severely
recommended as a treatment approach for clients depressed adolescents and those with a history of
with active psychosis, low-functioning autism sexual abuse, both predictors of poor response in
spectrum disorders, borderline intellectual func- treatment with combined medication and cogni-
tioning, or severe externalizing behaviors. How- tive behavioral therapy (Asarnow et al. 2009;
ever, the guiding principles and tasks of ABFT can Barbe et al. 2004). Also several process studies
be applied when working with any family. have explored the proposed mechanisms of
change (see Diamond et al. 2016a for a review).
A new study comparing ABFT to Family-
Empirical Support Enhanced Non-Directive Supportive Therapy
has just been completed. Results are not yet avail-
ABFT research is conducted at the Center for able, but seem very promising.
Family Intervention Science (CFIS) at Drexel Several effectiveness research projects have
University and at partnering sites throughout the been conducted or are currently underway. Israel
world (Diamond et al. 2016a). ABFT research has and Diamond (2013) explored the feasibility of
focused primarily on reducing depression and sui- training therapists to conduct ABFT in a hospital
cide in adolescents, ages 12 to 18. To date, several setting in Norway. Similar implementation
4 Attachment-Based Family Therapy

challenges are explored in three recent papers on Brittney and Sharise attended ABFT sessions
implementing ABFT in Australia (Diamond et al. for 4 months. Sessions were focused on repairing
2016c), Belgium (Santens et al. 2016), and Swe- ruptures between mother and daughter. The pri-
den (Ringborg 2016). In the United States, we mary ruptures involved Brittney’s feelings of
have recently partnered with an LGBTQI youth “being attacked” by her mom when she tried to
center to conduct an implementation study of share feelings about being bullied at school, feel-
ABFT in a community counseling center working ing rejected by her father, and feeling abandoned
with this population. This empirical support by her mom during episodes of domestic violence
reviewed above meets the criteria for a promising between Sharise and her previous partners. After
intervention (Chambless and Hollon 1998) and trust was rebuilt between mother and daughter,
ABFT is currently listed on the National Registry sessions focused on being bullied, school strug-
of Evidence-based Programs and Practices gles, career goals, identity development (e.g.,
(NREPP). what it means to be a biracial woman), and
Task I: Relational Reframe. Initially the ther-
Case Study apist joined with Sharise around her concerns
about her daughter’s depression, sexual behavior,
Brittney was a 17 year old, African American, and and peer relationships. She also joined with
Caucasian (biracial) adolescent who lived with Brittney around her depression which resulted
her mother, Sharise, and younger brother. The from being bullied, feeling rejected by her father,
father lived in the home until Brittney was nine; and feeling as though she did not “fit in” given her
however, he was not involved in her life at the biracial identity. The primary focus of the Rela-
time of this therapy. The family was referred from tional Reframe was captured in the following
a local inpatient psychiatric hospital after treat- question: “When you feel so bad that you want
ment for severe suicidal ideation. Brittney strug- to hurt yourself, why don’t you go to your mother
gled throughout her life socially and for help?” In response, Brittney disclosed that she
academically. Although very creative, athletic, worries about her mom’s negative opinions of her
and intelligent, Brittney reported difficulties and does not want to stress and burden her mother.
“fitting in” and being bullied given her biracial Brittney expressed that, in the past, she had felt
identity. She discussed how she felt “not black more comfortable talking to her few close friends
enough.” These issues with peers impacted her and boyfriend; however, with her recent struggles
ability to attend school. with peers, she felt completely “alone.” At first,
Sharise self-identified as African American Sharise was frustrated with Brittney for not com-
and came to therapy with concerns about her ing to her. The therapist shifted Sharise’s tone by
daughter’s suicidal ideation, depression, anger, acknowledging her love and concern for Brittney
and “out of control” sexual behavior. Specifically, and asking her to share those emotions: “Let your
Sharise had recently “caught” her daughter daughter know how sad you are that she does not
kissing “an older guy” outside of her school. trust you. Let her know how worried you are that
Sharise described her daughter as being highly she is all alone.”
susceptible to peer influence (e.g., cutting class This softened the mood in the room and shifted
to hang out with friends, provoking fistfights in the family from anger to sadness. At this point,
school, and staying out past curfew). Sharise Brittney and Sharise could focus on interpersonal
reported no history of family mental health con- ruptures instead of problem behavior. Both
cerns, but described a history of domestic violence mother and daughter were able to remember the
in several of her past romantic relationships and close relationship they once shared and how dis-
between her own parents in childhood. At the time tant they had become. The therapist helped them
of treatment, Sharise had a steady job and was acknowledge that they felt this loss of closeness.
single. With the relational narrative now at the center of
Attachment-Based Family Therapy 5

the conversation, Sharise agreed to the relational attachment narrative and her depression and sui-
treatment contract: to make relationship repair the cidal ideation. Understanding this link motivated
initial goal of the treatment. Brittney was more Brittney to talk to her mom about the ruptures.
hesitant. She, like many adolescents, had lost The therapist then spent time preparing Brittney
hope that family relationships could improve. for these conversations.
Brittney was protecting herself from further hurt Task III: Caregiver Alliance. In this task,
by no longer wanting attachment security. The Sharise was initially very guarded and worried
therapist validated this concern but also talked about being judged or blamed for her daughter’s
about the consequence of being so alone in life: problems. In the first session of Task III, the
depression and suicide. After the therapist therapist got to know Sharise better, including
explored her resistance and validated her con- her work responsibilities, social life, supportive
cerns, Brittney agreed to come to the next session relationships, and current stressors. Sharise was
and discuss this further with the therapist alone. burdened with balancing childcare and her job.
Task II: Adolescent Alliance. The therapist She described feeling “stressed,” “exhausted,”
met with Brittney for her first Task II session to and “guilty” on a daily basis. Sharise acknowl-
continue building an alliance and to better under- edged that these stressors impacted her capacity to
stand her depression and suicidal ideation. After be present with her children. The therapist also
this initial session, Brittney participated in two helped her realize that when she felt worried about
more Task II sessions where she discussed what her daughter (e.g., when Brittney failed to arrive
got in the way of going to her mother for help and home on time), this would trigger her own feel-
support (e.g., relational ruptures). Brittney noted ings of guilt. Sharise actually attributed her
two ruptures that were different from those origi- daughter’s acting out behavior as a result of her
nally identified in Task I. First, rather than being own lack of availability as a mom. When these
worried about her mother’s opinion of her or feelings of guilt were triggered, Sharise tended to
feeling like a burden, Brittney actually felt lash out verbally at her daughter. Despite this
attacked and humiliated by her mother. Specifi- initial work to understand how current stressors
cally, she said that when she shared things with impacted her, Sharise remained highly defensive.
her mother, the mother would then follow her In the next Task III sessions (sessions two and
around the house and “yell” at her if she did not three), the therapist explored Sharise’s
keep talking about these things. If she brought up intergenerational history, specifically helping her
feelings about her father, her mother would “lash- talk about vulnerable moments as a child. At first,
out” and reprimand her for wanting a relationship Sharice resisted exploring her own history of
with such a “horrible man.” attachment ruptures. The therapist worked slowly
Brittney also described feeling abandoned by with Sharise to uncover fears and disappointments
her mother during the scariest moments in her life. resulting from witnessing domestic violence in
Brittney had witnessed episodes of domestic vio- her own family of origin. The therapist used infor-
lence that her mother suffered at the hands of mation gathered in Task II with Brittney to look
multiple romantic partners. This had never been for similar attachment themes in mom’s life.
discussed before. In sessions, Brittney talked Sharise struggled to emotionally connect to her
about the impact that witnessing the violence own childhood experiences of betrayal and
had on her as well as the consequences of not abandonment.
being able to talk with her mother about these In the therapy, Sharise would often distance
events. These conversations helped Brittney herself from the emotional intensity of the con-
understand how these relational ruptures impacted versation by flippantly saying, “Oh I just had to
her sense of safety and security in her relationship get over all this.” Each time Sharise retreated like
with her mother (i.e., her attachment rupture nar- this, the therapist would gently invite her back
rative). The therapist spent the fourth session of into uncovering more vulnerable feelings. To
Task II helping Brittney see the link between her stay in this zone, Sharise’s primary emotions
6 Attachment-Based Family Therapy

related to abandonment and neglect needed to be by her father and how bad this made her feel about
identified and validated. Only when Sharise could herself. With the help of the therapist, Sharise
allow herself access to these more vulnerable feel- listened to her daughter’s feelings with empathy,
ings could she begin to have more empathy, rather rather than criticism and interrogation. In fact,
than indifference, for her own painful experiences Sharise was so moved by Brittney’s sadness that
as a child. she physically moved closer and comforted her
Once she was able to acknowledge this, the daughter as she cried. In this moment, the thera-
therapist helped her empathize with her daugh- pist had the adolescent sharing vulnerable feelings
ter’s experience of witnessing domestic violence and the parent providing comfort and protection: a
and having no one to turn to for support. Sharise corrective attachment experience. This conversa-
quickly realized what her daughter needed to tion also laid the foundation for the more difficult
resolve these frightening experiences. discussions about domestic violence.
Brittney needed to have someone help her In the second Task IV session, they talked
understand these frightening events and tell her about Brittney’s experience of fear and abandon-
it was not her fault; just what Sharise wished she ment during the episodes of domestic violence.
had gotten from her mother. With the support of the therapist, Brittney
The therapist spent the fourth session of Task disclosed feeling abandoned by her mother
III helping Sharise identify how themes of aban- because she had never asked Brittney about
donment permeated her own life and her current these events. After mom validated, rather than
approach to parenting. Sharise acknowledged that dismissed, Brittney’s feelings, Brittney began to
she was “walking with blinders on.” She admitted share her memories of the violence. In this con-
that she wanted to deny that the witnessing of versation, the therapist encouraged Sharice to lis-
domestic violence had an effect on her daughter. ten, be curious, ask questions, and not talk too
She also acknowledged that she attacked her much. The therapist also discouraged her from
daughter out of guilt. Specifically, when her apologizing too quickly, as this often brings clo-
daughter unknowingly reminded Sharise of her sure to a conversation that the therapist wanted to
own “failings” as a caregiver, she felt accused sustain. When the time was right and Brittney had
and blamed. Sharise now recognized how her shared her full story, Sharise gave her daughter an
daughter must have felt during their times of con- honest apology for not being there for her during
flict; Sharise said “I didn’t know how to manage those difficult times. Sharise also shared a bit
my own hurt when Brittney needed me.” In this about her own life experiences as a child, but not
task, Sharise developed a new narrative about so much that the mom would become the center of
herself, her childhood, and her parenting – an attention.
approach that had more tolerance for painful feel- In Task IV sessions, the conversations between
ings. In the fifth and final Task III session, the Brittney and Sharise were different from those in
therapist offered Sharise the opportunity to the past. Mom was softer and Brittney was more
change her relationship with her daughter. Once willing to share her experiences and emotions
Sharise agreed, the therapist prepared her for the openly. At the end of Task IV, the therapist asked
first Task IV conversation. the family to reflect a bit on how these conversa-
Task IV: Repairing Attachment. Building on tions had gone. Mom and daughter both acknowl-
the preparation in Task II and Task III sessions, edged how different the other one had been: both
Brittney and Sharise immediately engaged in an more open, more receptive, and more honest.
attuned discussion about relational ruptures in They both realized how often they bury their
Task IV. In the first session of Task IV, they hurt feelings and how much better it was to
discussed how Brittney felt alienated and attacked share them with each other. Mom and daughter
by her mother when she tried to talk to her about only needed two Task IV sessions before moving
upsetting experiences. After some discussion of on to Task V.
this, Brittney shared her feelings of being rejected
Attachment-Based Family Therapy 7

Task V: Promoting Autonomy. Sharise and ▶ Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy

Brittney had four Task V sessions to discuss issues ▶ Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples
contributing to Brittney’s depression (e.g., being ▶ Enactment in Structural Family Therapy
bullied, struggling to fit in, school attendance), ▶ Multidimensional Family Therapy
plans for the future (e.g., work, college), and ▶ Primary Emotions in Couple and Family
personal development (e.g., sexuality, romantic Therapy
relationships, biracial identity). All of these con- ▶ Softening in Emotion-Focused Therapy
versations allowed Sharise to practice supporting ▶ Structural Family Therapy
her daughter on her path toward womanhood. The
therapist encouraged Sharise to serve as a support
for her daughter (i.e., help Brittney express her
emotions and make better decisions). By the end
of Task V, the family felt like trust was coming Asarnow, J. R., Emslie, G., Clarke, G., Wagner, K. D.,
back, reducing mom’s worries about her daugh- Spirito, A., Vitiello, B., et al. (2009). Treatment of
ter’s “out of control” behaviors and increasing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-resistant depres-
Brittney’s tendency to go to mom for support. sion in adolescents: Predictors and moderators of treat-
ment response. Journal of the American of Child and
Case Review. At the close of the final session, Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(3), 330–339.
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ing conversations together about future difficul- D. A. (2004). Suicidality and its relationship to treat-
ties. Brittney began college preparatory courses ment outcome in depressed adolescents. Suicide and
Life-threatening Behavior, 34(1), 44–55. https://doi.
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symptoms and suicidal ideations had dropped to a Diamond, G.S., Siqueland, L., & Diamond, G.M. (2003).
nonclinical level. Brittney and Sharise found Attachment-based family therapy for depressed adoles-
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Child and Faily Psychology Review, 6(2), 107–127.
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▶ Attachment Theory productive emotional processing. Psychotherapy,
▶ Contextual Family Therapy 53(1), 34–44. https://doi.org/10.1037/pst0000025
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