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BR Poneman neat inate esecone 02125010 FORM TP 2019233 |=—=—=————— MAYUNE 2019 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY FXAMINATION® rocrarny ‘UNITA ~Paper 01 POPULATION GEOGRAPHY, GEOMORPHIC "PROCESSES AND HAZARDS. T hour 30 minutes 13 JUNE 2019 (. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them, 2. Imaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer she 3. Donot be concerned thatthe answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this est, 4. Bach item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C),(D). Read each tem, ‘you ae about to answer and decide which choice is best. 5, On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade te space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below. Sample tem ‘Which ofthe following pases refers to alluvial fans? ‘Sample Answer (A) _Deposional features in body of standing water © (B) Steps cut into thick deposits of alluvium or bedrock ® e (©) Features formed when confined streams low cao plan (©) Thick sccumulaons of allovium deposits ona Mood pan ‘The best answer to this item is “Features formed when confined steams flow onto pl (C) hasbeen shed. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new eheice, 7. When you are told to beg, tur the page and work 2s quickly and as cereflly as you san, If _you cannot answer an item, goon to the next one. You may return to that iter later. 8. You may do any rough work in this booklet 9. You may usea silent, non-programmable calulatr to answer items. 10. The use of eometial instruments i permite, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Which of the following fetures are NOT likely tobe associated with a contra business distin? (A) Banks (B) Office blocks (©) Highorder shops ©) Heavy industries Which of the following terms BEST ‘explains why early settlements were sited in river valleys? (A) Favourable climate (8) Mineral resource © — Ferile soit (©) Defence 3 0 ® o o Which ofthe following diagrams illustrates clustered linear stems? GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE tems 4-5 refer tothe following diagram 7, which shows zones (numbered 2 to 9) in tustan are. > 3 4 a2 a} 4 Se . r 2 4. Which model of urban structre is ‘tte nthe gram above? 8 (Hox © Wauh (© Bupess (D) Ullman and Hanis 8 9. w 2 @ 3 © 4 ® 5 In the demographic transition model, 4g, high birth rates and falling death ats a chareterisis of stage Ww 2 @ 3 © 4 o 5 o212s010MsiCAPE 2019 ‘The ‘rule of 70° can be used to ealeulate (A) age structure (B) sex structure (©) doubling time (©) canying capacity ns $10 rofer to the following model of urban social structure represented by concent rings. ‘The model depicted is named after (A) Hoyt (®) Haris (©) Boserup (©) Burgess ‘On which ety is this model based? (A) Pais (B) Tokyo (©) New York (©) Chicago ‘The ving labelled 2 indicates the (A) light industry area (B) —_low-class residential area (©) digh-class residential area (©) central business district GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE AM. Which of the following terms describes 14. The idea that unchecked population she suation where people move beck ineesee geometrically an fod potion to inner city areas’ and bring about incresesritmetially elas whichot improvements in housing? the lowing theories? (4) Migation (a) Matus? (Urbanization @) Morons (© Rowtenizton (© Bosenp's ©) Subastanition ©) manana Hate 12, Overpopulation noquted with geogphi> 15. Which ofthe following tsi the MAIN calares fictorinfuencng the “Sublg time” of « aon? (A) ofhigh fertility rates and high birth ae ras Bich (of imbalance fertility rates and @ Death copendencystios © Grown (©) inthe stags of he demographic ©) tnmigation transition mode (D) of imbalance between population and carrying capacity 16, Which of the following factors have a major ifluence onthe ate ofearhonatinn? tem 13 refers othe following table which ‘The amount of CO, in the ar nd showsimmigrationandemigraton staisties in water for countries I, 1 and I IL. Theamount of rainwater in contact with limestone ‘Country [Immigration | Emigration ML. The distribution ofainfal “ 20 2 (A) Land ont ony a 40 io (@)—Landitl only i 25 3 | (©) Hand tonly D)itlend 13. Which of the countries above have a e negative ns migration? (A) Land It only (B) Land ll only (©) Mandi only ©) yltandur GO ONTO THENEXT PAGE 17 refers tothe following diagram ofa storm hydeograph Rafal in ma Discharge ‘iver as 6 28 20] Rent 0 it ° Lf bo T2205 678 9 WH 16 17 8 ‘Time hours) 17. The lag time, in hours, ofthe storm hydograph shown is 18, Which of the following phrases BEST 20. describes barter reefs? “ ® oO o Totaly submerged due to erosion Patches of coral near the coast Immediately surrounding the ‘shoreline Separated from the coast by awide lagoon 19, Which of the following terms refers to changes in set level that result from ‘movement ofthe earth's erst? «@ ®) © o Epeirogeny Orogeny Isogeny Isostasy (021250101MJICAPE 2019 ‘A wave-cut platform forms wien OO) @) © o cli retceats the sea level rises headlands develop Tongshore d GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 21. 2, 23, tem 21 refers to the following diagram which 'M, inan oceanic wave. lstraes the movemeat or path ofawater particle, ‘The movement of Mis described as (A) orbital () ellipsoidal (©) omthogonal (©) refractional ‘Which ofthe following conditions will MOST likely eause wave refaction? (A) The-sea bed topography is steep. (B) The water close tothe coast is turbulent, (©) Waves ae approaching at an angle that is oblique to the shore. (D) The coastal tpogrephy thatthe waves are approaching is niform. Which ofthe following phrases defines ‘overland flow"? (A) Highest water discharge ina stream (B) _Non-channel sueface water flow (©) Stream flow contributed by groundwater (D) Water flow ina stream at meximum capacity GOON TO THENEXT PAGE toms 24-25 refer to the following sam with coastal features labelled I, 1, HI and IV. 24, Which of the following titles is MOST 25, appropriate for the diagram above? (A) Beach profile ®) _Beseh erosion (©) Beach materials (D) Beach e-nourishment tem 26 refers to the following diagram ‘of a headland and other coastal features. 2, Headland 26. The feature MOST likely to form in the are labelled Risa (A) beach @) dela (©) saltmarsh (©) sand dune ‘Which ofthe consta features above BEST represents cusp? aw ot ® w © ©) Vv Item 27 refers to the following wave characteristics, 1. Short wavelength Which ofthe characteristics above ae trie ‘of destructive waves? (A) Land It only (B) Land Wonly (©) Manditt only ©) iad GO ON TO THENEXTPAGE 28, 2 tem 28 refers to the following sketch map which shows a landform, ‘The landform located between the 100 m contour ines is & (A) drowned valley (B) food pain © plates ©) canyon tem 29 refers to the following diagram of a drainage basi, ‘The stream order forthe segment labelled X is « @) © © GO ON TO THENEXT PAGE Nem 30 refersto the following cross section ofa river channel om 30. Thehydeaulicradi of thechannel shown, above is @® 13m ®) 257m © 210m ©) 340m Hem 31 refers tothe following schematic diagram ofa portion ofthe lithosphere with four points labelled 31, At which point isa ridge MOST likely 12 form? wo. @) ou © Ml o Vv 02125010NM/CAPE 2019, 2 33 34 1m 32 refers tothe following hazard map, Key 1 Noscces 2 asenial occupants (atime) 23. Prepare for possible QE 4 Fall ocupation Which of the following groups would MOST likely find the map above useful? I , i wy @) © o Air traffic controllers Landéuse planners Engineers 1 and If ont i Il only Wand ti only 1 Mand It In dissster management, which of the following terms focuses on long-term ‘etural end non-structural measures of iminating risks? (A) Preparedness (@) Mitigation (©) Recovery (D) Response ‘The Richter seal for earthquake “ @) © o ‘geometric logarithmic GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 35. Which of the following des associated witha flash ood? (A) Slow-rising event caused by snowmelt (B) —Slow-rising eventcoused by heavy aint (©) Extreme, short-lived event caused by storms (D) Extreme, short-lived eventeaused by tial surges 36. ‘Themagnitude ofan earthquake isa measure ofthe (A) destevetion caused (B) energy released (©) acceleration (D) duration lem 37 refers to the following diagram, Es Voteano 37. The feature created at (A) asitvvalley (8) snocean ridge (©) a fold mountain (D) a deepsea tench O2125010/M/CAPE 2019 39. 4. 41 ‘Why is Mooding more intense in areas of human settlement? (A) Building of dams increases river discharge (B) Establishment of settlements increases the amount of runoff, (©) Soils are more saturated and inflation capacity is reduced, (D) —Thereis always more precipitation Tn towns and cities Which of the following seismic waves CANNOT move through iguids? (A) Lwaves B) Paves ©) Swaves ©) Twaves Which of the following human activities may contribute to flooding? (A) Dredging (B) Reforestation (©) Usanizaton (©) Aoresttion Which of the following features is NOT associated with convergent plate margins? (A) Island ares ®) Rittvalley (©) _Decp-sea trenches (D)_Deep-focus eathakes GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ne Mem-42 refers to the following sketch map which shows a feture labelled X to X’ usa PACIFIC ‘OCEAN “The feature labelled X to X’ on the map above i the (A) Himalayas (@) San Andreas Fault (©) Andes Mountains (D) _Pacifi Ring of Fire tiem 43 refers to the following diagram which shows the erss section of a voleenie landform. “The diagram above represents the cross section of @ (A) tephra cone (®) _stratovoleano (© voleani dome (0) shield volcano GO ON TO THE NEXTPAGE wt 44, Which ofthe following features is found on the oceanic erust near subduction zones? (A) Island ae (B) Lava plateau (©) Fold mountain (©) Midoceanie ridge tem. refers to the following diagram which shows the numberof people who did from various disasters in 1980, Landa Drought q a Veleano 3 g . O°] earthquake Flood ‘Type of dsaster 45. The percentage of people who died from floods is “43 ® 0 © 603 ©) 1000 END OF TEST IP YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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