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1. BASELINE Outhaul <10=2” 10-15=1” >15=max

Backstay nipped

Sheets: Main - Top batten parallel to boom.

- Leech ribbon 50%.

Jib - Mid batten parallel to centreline.

- Tight as possible but with leech ribbon always flowing.

Keep sheets trimmed like this throughout the tuning sequence.

2. SHROUDS Get mast straight / mid popped to windward if 20 knots.

Tend towards rig tension for the lower end of expected wind range

Balance of Mainsheet/Backstay Tension and Chocks to achieve correct sail depths simultaneously.

 FORESTAY SAG - for correct jib fullness and steering groove.

Light/medium- no backstay: control forestay with Mainsheet/Chocks.

If undertrimming main to keep FS sagged: add aft chock.
(also: rig tension may be too high/ may use long hanks).

Medium/ heavy- control forestay with Backstay/Chocks.

FS too loose : more backstay / more front chock. If need to overtrim main
to get FS tight, add front chock / apply backstay. (may need to tighten rig).

 MAST BEND - Flatten mainsail until achieve desired angle of heel.

Light/Medium: (Power-On) Main too full then add aft chock to prebend.
(If need >1.5 inch of aft chock then butt is too forward.)
More aft chock in flat water, less if lumpy.
Mainsheet :” Close enough to point before you tighten flatten and slow down”. (Elvstrom).

Medium/Heavy (Depower) Main too full then apply backstay.

Add front chock to stiffen mast; to tighten forestay and prevent overbend wrinkles.
(If need too much front chock, then butt is too aft.)
As backstay bends mast, apply more Cunningham to keep draft at 50%.

4. TRAVELLER - Boom on centerline when depowering. May drop up to 2 inches if rough.

5. GUST RESPONSE– In waves ease sheets: Ease jib, then main if needed and retrim together.
In flat water ease traveler (and/or apply backstay).
Don’t forget to ease backstay when the breeze dies.
MAST BEND ------------------------------------------------->>> FORESTAY SAG
Via mainsheet/backstay MAINSAIL CAMBER


FRONT CHOCK is the catalyst; the critical fine control -

Too much  Tight FS / Full mainsail  High and Slow

(Helm from closed main leech)

Too little  Loose FS / Flat or backwinding main  Low and Slow

(overbend wrinkles) (Helm from closed slot)

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