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1.) How many languages do you speak? 3

Identify those languages. Bisaya, Tagalog and English
2.) What is/ are your first language/s or Bisaya
mother tongues?

3.) How did you acquire your first language/s? At home

4.) What skills can you perform using your first Communication skill

5.) What is/ are your second language/s? Tagalog

6.) How did you learn your second language? school
7.) What veins can you perform using your I can create/make stories
second language?

8.) What are your language strength? New ideas, words, knowledge
9.) What are your language weaknesses? Grammar, pronunciation,spelling
10.) Which language is Bisaya becauce it is easily to use
your favorite and why?

I speak three languages, these are tagalog, bisaya and English languages but I often used the English
language because it is one of the most difficult languages to learn there are roles that we ap

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