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Cite this: Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 CRITICAL REVIEW

Hair analysis as a biomonitor for toxicology, disease and health status
Ivan M. Kempson*a and Enzo Lombibc
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

Received 19th January 2011

DOI: 10.1039/c1cs15021a

Hair analysis receives a large amount of academic and commercial interest for wide-ranging
applications. However, in many instances, especially for elemental or ‘mineral’ analysis, the degree
of success of analytical interpretation has been quite minimal with respect to the extent of such
endeavors. In this critical review we address the questions surrounding hair analysis with
specific intent of discovering what hair concentrations can actually relate to in a biogenic sense.
This is done from a chemistry perspective to explain why and how elements are incorporated
into hair and their meaning. This includes an overview of variables attributed to altering
hair concentrations, such as age, gender, melanin content, and other less reported factors.
Hair elemental concentrations are reviewed with regard to morbidity, with specific examples
of disease related effects summarized. The application of hair analysis for epidemiology and
etiology studies is enforced. A section is dedicated specifically to the area of population
studies with regards to mercury, which highlights how endogenous and exogenous incorporation
relies on species dependant metabolism and metabolic products. Many of the considerations are
relevant to other areas of interest in hair analysis, such as for drug and isotopic analysis.
Inclusion of a table of elemental concentrations in hair should act as a valuable reference
(298 references).

Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, 128 Academia Road, Section 2, 1. Introduction
Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan. E-mail:;
Fax: +886 (0)3 578 0281 (#3290) With increasing application and demand in medical diagnostics
Centre for Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation, University and biomonitoring, interest in biological media/biopsies for
of South Australia, Building X, Mawson Lakes Campus, Mawson toxicology, epidemiology, and assessing individuals’ homeo-
Lakes, South Australia SA-5095, Australia.
E-mail:; Tel: +61 (08) 8302 6267 static state or morbidity is immense. With regard to toxicology
CRC CARE, P.O. Box 486, Salisbury, South Australia 5106, Australia and environmental related exposure to pollutants, biological

A. Prof. Kempson conducted Enzo Lombi is Associate

studies in Applied Physics at Professor and Australian
the University of South Research Council Future
Australia before conducting Fellow at the University of
his PhD within a physical South Australia. He received
chemistry institute (IWRI) in a PhD in agricultural chemis-
the same organization. After try from the Catholic Univer-
conducting research in Canada, sity of Piacenza, Italy. Enzo
Japan and the USA, he is now held positions at the Univer-
in the Institute of Physics, sity of Agricultural Science in
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and Vienna, at Rothamsted Research
proven diverse adaptability in (UK), at CSIRO Land and
problem solving and analytical Water in Adelaide and at the
approaches with emphasis on University of Copenhagen.
Ivan M. Kempson organic and inorganic associa- Enzo Lombi His major research focus is
tions and interactions. His on the biogeochemistry of
current focus is on understanding such interactions for bio- trace elements with a special interest on synchrotron-based
monitoring, biosensors and delivery of nanostructures in biologic techniques for the investigation of biological and environmental
systems for a variety of applications. This has involved intense processes. He is the current President of the International
characterization of materials with applied interpretation. Society of Trace Element Biogeochemistry.

This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 3915
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samples are sought that provide accurate indications of con- of hair analysis, followed by a concise historical perspective
sumption or ingestion and metabolism of the particular xeno- leading into the current status. What this review then attempts
biotics. A sample providing after-the-fact analysis for is to summarise how and why metals’ and other elements’ fate
retrospective assessment is additionally attractive. For indicating includes deposition into hair from systemic concentrations.
homeostasis, or deviation from, a convenient sample insensitive Hair is a complex medium and many of the variables impacting
to major short-term temporal fluctuations is desirable. these concentrations are summarised to provide greater awareness
Successful analysis of a biopsy can assist in the diagnosis, of complicating considerations. These are presented with the
prognosis and treatment of disease and morbidity; indicate intention of providing factors to which a hair concentration
diet and nutrition status which has relevance in modern-day may need normalisation, to enable ascribing a meaningful
and archaeological contexts; and assess exposure to toxins and interpretation of the measurement. Basically, the fundamental
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

polluted environments. Currently, blood or urine sampling is question with regard to measuring a concentration in hair is:
undertaken for monitoring such aspects of health. These ‘‘what does it mean?’’. This is really a multi-part question:
commonly encountered procedures are constantly being Firstly, why does a hair concentration relate to a blood
improved and diversified with continuing research. However, concentration, if it even does at all? Secondly, what then
alternative media have been sought to extend beyond the would the blood concentration relate to? And subsequently,
shortfalls of current sample choices to provide complementary how should this be interpreted with respect to a population, or
information or more convenient screening. In this regard, hair to an individual? The sections regarding the variables in hair
analysis has the potential of offering a convenient and unique should be considered in any pursuit to deliver meaningful
medium for assessment of individuals and populations. interpretation of hair analysis with respect to elemental
Hair has several distinct advantages and unique qualities analyses. These typically can also be extended to other areas
providing it with particular promise in a number of regards to of hair analysis, such as for drug screening. Included is a
biomonitoring. It is well proven that hair composition is discussion of exogenous contamination. A major hurdle in
influenced by blood composition and concentrations. This hair analysis is the decontamination, or washing, step to
can be taken as fact, however it is rather complicated to reveal remove the exogenous material.
what an analyte concentration in hair actually means. After covering these aspects, different approaches to hair
Extension of a measurement by way of hair analysis to actual analysis are covered in two different sections with regard to
endogenous concentrations and biological relevance is far more fundamental work utilising spatially resolved analysis
from trivial. Nevertheless, hair analysis has become quite and highly applied bulk analysis (in particular for large
prominent in recent years with numerous commercial services population studies). Included in the review of spatially
providing promises of identifying nutritional deficiencies and resolved analysis is the ability to perform longitudinal, or
health status. The extent of commercial practices invokes temporal, analysis of individual hair strands, demonstrating a
difficulty for those unfamiliar with the subject in knowing distinct advantage of hair. The bulk analysis is primarily
what is factual and what could be unscrupulously driven. discussed with regard to large population studies in discriminating
Analysis of a biological specimen is complicated. A thorough groups of people. A specific section is included here dedicated
understanding of the material and the factors that influence to the analysis of mercury in hair. This topic has received a
the specimens’ composition is critical. We attempt to highlight large amount of attention and warrants a dedicated section.
the complexity and intertwined relationships associated with The section on Hg is included as a mini-review within itself. The
hair elemental concentrations. We draw attention to a few of review finishes with a final discussion of the status of hair analysis
the many physiological variables associated with attempts to in light of the reviewed material, the areas of most promising
attribute elemental concentrations to homeostasis/morbidity, application and possible future directions. Included within this
etiology, or simply, as a bioindicator of health status. We review are tables summarising concentrations of elements
provide an overview of where hair analysis has been applied, determined in hair from the literature. These tables are provided
specifically for essential and non-essential elements. The non- to serve as a reference for typical and atypical results from various
essential elements are encompassed by the term xenobiotics, population groups, and should serve as a valuable resource.
meaning here anything foreign to homeostatic function, with
particular emphasis on metals such as Pb, Hg, etc. Other elements
1.1 Historical perspective
such as Ca, Cu, Zn are essential in acquiring homeostasis, but are
perturbed due to the effects of disease and other potentially In 1966 a manuscript titled ‘‘Analysis of zinc levels in hair for
detrimental abnormalities in the biological system. Due to the the diagnosis of zinc deficiency in man’’1 was published.
prevalence of publications regarding mercury in hair and the This was by no means the first proposed measurement of
success in regards to research assessing mercuric species, we have nutritional elements in hair, but it did highlight the potential
dedicated a section specifically discussing this metal. for application as a biomonitor. In addition, the authors were
The review contained herein has been motivated by the already mindful of variables impacting hair concentrations,
unique properties offered by hair for analysis of incorporated such as season. Since this time, many analytical methods have
elemental species and has been written with the chemistry of been developed and optimised with regard to hair analysis and
hair and elements in mind. The sheer multitude of publications applied to biomonitoring, disease detection, anthropological
regarding hair analysis means only a fraction of publications studies, toxicology and so forth. Proficiency tests in 1997 by
can be referenced here. A brief description of hair structure the Society of Hair Testing demonstrated unsatisfactory
and growth is provided and an explanation of the advantages quality control between laboratories.2

3916 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Numerous correlations with hair elemental concentrations Techniques applied often involve the destruction of the hair
have been discovered since then. The application for isotopic sample by way of digestion, and tend to require a relatively
analysis has been quite successful, in particular for dietary large sample size severely limiting the identification of localised
studies in archaeological contexts. Analysis for drug abuse in concentrations. These bulk methodologies are rarely applied
the general community and dopants in the sporting community to understanding specific details regarding localisation, binding
has also begun to reach a general level of acceptance (however and incorporation or even loss from a hair sample. Microprobe
some hurdles still remain). For organic xenobiotics, analysis techniques have contributed further to a thorough under-
has benefited from the detection of metabolites and their ratios standing. Publications arising in the previous decade
to confirm consumption and relate to pharmacokinetics. For have proven the value of microprobe analysis to assist in
elemental levels however, very little progress has been achieved understanding elemental localisations and longitudinal
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

in confirming ingestion and interpretation severely suffers variation.8–10

from exogenous contamination. The initial lure of hair analysis Many papers over recent years are reiterative of the areas
has been to provide diagnostics for individuals; however where hair analysis distinguishes population groups based on
greater application in recent years has been in larger population elemental concentrations. What is required now is a collation
studies with regard to epidemiology and etiology, and even of the current knowledge and a fundamental enhancement in
animal populations at risk.3 understanding what these data mean and how they can be
practically applied. To apply hair analysis, the fundamental
incorporation must be understood, discrimination from
1.2 Current status
exogenous sources achieved and ideally a normalised process
It has been convincingly shown that any element and almost relating hair concentrations to blood concentrations.
any xenobiotic imaginable can be detected and quantitatively
measured in hair. Credibility for hair analysis is becoming 1.3 Commercial analysis
more apparent, in particular for drug and doping investigations. Despite the complexity involved in the interpretation of
Despite this, hair analysis undergoes considerable criticism elemental hair analysis, commercial providers are prevalent
with regard to elemental analysis (see section on commercial and appear quite popular to the general public. Two particular
analysis below). This is due to the fact that such measurements publications have assessed several commercial providers and
generally can’t be interpreted in a meaningful and consistent are summarised below.
manner. There remain many variables4,5 that appear to influence Based on the study by Drasch and Roider,11 not only can
concentrations in hair that have not been accurately measurements and recommendations vary from one service
described.3 Sadly, many publications only provide incrementally provider to the next, but even from the same provider from the
more information than was obtained in previous decades, i.e. same samples at different times. Such poor quality control
yes, differences in elemental concentrations in hair can be with time appeared to be common amongst commercial
observed between individuals or populations. Few publications providers. They stated: ‘‘Hair mineral analysis from these
grapple with the fundamental incorporation mechanisms, or laboratories is unreliable. Therefore we must recommend to
to implement screening protocols, or provide epidemiological refrain from using such analysis to assess individual
and etiological information with regard to risk factors and nutritional status or suspected environmental exposure’’. Very
disease. little consensus was found between 7 laboratories. For one
A quantitative measurement from a hair sample does not volunteers’ samples, only 2 out of 23 elements were within
represent a quantitative measurement of an ingested dose. agreement between laboratories.
Many authors have found hair concentrations vary in a dose- An earlier assessment of 6 laboratories by Seidel et al.12
dependent manner, however too many variables impart greater found a similar conclusion: ‘‘Hair mineral analysis from these
complexity to relate to blood concentrations. Incorporation laboratories was unreliable, and we recommend that health
depends on many factors (discussed below). Other barriers care practitioners refrain from using such analyses to assess
also need to be overcome by understanding incorporation individual nutritional status or suspected environmental
mechanisms, dose concentration relationships, hair treatment exposures’’. Normal reference ranges were highly variable,
effects, exogenous discrimination etc. A number of these nearly all elements were categorised differently and
factors have previously been summarised4 and will also be recommendations were contradictory, as too the suggested
discussed further here. Many of these concerns can be argued courses of action. Three laboratories offered proprietary
to originate from poor understanding of the incorporation products for extra expense.
mechanisms and how substances are biogenically and/or
diagenetically bound into hair. Particularly in trace element
2. Why hair?
research, the role of exogenous contaminants is poorly
understood. Contamination, if present, must be discriminated There is intense interest in conventional and unconventional
before analysis by conventional bulk methods. A multitude of biosamples to assess homeostasis and abnormal exposure to
washing methods have been suggested, but it remains to be pollutants or toxins.13 Typically, urine and blood are the
seen whether any of these options remove all and only samples of choice. They are well understood and routine
exogenous contaminants.6,7 Again, this problem was identified analysis generally offers reliable results. Urinalysis is a well-
decades ago and little has progressed considering the known and practiced technique that can be used for the
time span. diagnosis of a variety of diseases. For analysis of acute

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exposure, urine generally only has a window of detection of up Biological samples, such as hair, that persist with time, while
to around 36 to 72 hours. Concentrations vary with hydration others may degrade and decay, also offer superiority in the
of the individual and vary widely with dose and time. Its anthropological study of ancient individuals. Hair analysis
complement with hair analysis, however, has interesting potentially offers a number of analytical advantages over
potential.14 conventional biological specimens. However, it suffers from
Blood analysis similarly can be routinely used for monitoring many complicating factors described below.
of essential and non-essential elements, but again, concentrations
can decline rapidly in cases of acute exposure. It is invasive 2.1 You are what you eat
with a risk of disease transmission and requires experienced
The old adage of ‘‘you are what you eat’’ is especially
personnel for obtaining and handling samples (adding to
exemplified by the use of isotopic analysis of hair which can
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

expense). As with urinalysis it is most useful for very recent

provide an isotopic fingerprint of quite specific geographical
and/or chronic exposure.
origin based on hair composition.27–29 Similarly seasonal
Toe and finger nails also have potential application. They
fluctuations are also apparent from longitudinal analysis,30
contain no melanin which simplifies interpretation but grow in
as well as geographical movements.31,32 These observations
thickness and length at different stages of the growth cycle.
stem from the isotopic variation in water sources and dietary
Therefore they reveal limited temporal information and also
intake. This also applies for non-essential elements such as
suffer significantly from contamination. Nails have a poorly
inhaled particulate material (Be)33 and exposure to Pb (with
defined ‘‘window’’ of analysis and may incorporate lower
subtle correlations to blood concentrations).34 These elements
concentrations than hair.15
undergo incorporation via normal transport pathways at the
Deciduous teeth can be informative of Pb exposure in
cellular level (for essential elements) and also via inhibitive or
children and offer promise for general screening, but cannot
mimicry properties of non-essential elements.
be collected as desired from any individual.16 A review of the
For essential elements, metals such as Ca, Cu and Zn are
application of biomonitoring with various matrices has been
vital at certain concentrations in the activity of proteins and
conducted for a particularly large population and over a long
the like for cellular function, growth and division. Often these
time scale by Wilhelm et al.17 Other more specific reviews
metals play roles as catalysts in promoting energetically
include different media in relation to maternal/fetal exposure
favourable biological processes. Deficiencies in these elements
highlighting various advantages and disadvantages,18 and for
(representing poor nutrition, metabolic dysfunction or effects
Cd and Pb exposure.19
of disease for example) are represented in blood concentrations,
Human hair typically provides a good source of tissue
indicating that insufficient quantities are being transported for
samples, being easy to obtain, is robust and sample storage
homeostasis. Following from this, cellular concentrations are
and preparation for analysis is simplified since no special
affected, and hence hair concentrations. Heavy metals have the
preservation techniques are required. The nutritional source
propensity to competitively complex with proteins such as
of growing hair is the blood supply, which contains traces of
enzymes and become incorporated into cells through the
anything ingested by the individual. Any xenobiotics and their
membrane. While positive correlations between hair and
metabolites can become incorporated into the growing hair
blood concentrations exist, for Pb in one example,35 this is
matrix creating a time resolved profile. Hair analysis is commonly
not always observed.16 This can be attributed to the many
utilised in the study of nutrition,20 dietary habits,21 exposure
variables involved in the incorporation and different time
to toxins,22,23 and drug abuse as evidenced by the numerous
periods represented by each medium.
publications in circulation. In many studies, hair has been a
medium of choice due to its representation of short- to mid-term
2.2 Why would hair reflect disease?
history prior to sampling.24,25 Hair analysis offers particular
advantages over urinalysis26 including a larger window of Here we provide a very brief introduction into some effects of
detection (greater than 1–3 days), ease of collection and disease and effects of elements on homeostasis to give some
stability of sample. A superior aspect of hair analysis is its basic understanding of how hair concentrations can be linked
ability to provide a historical profile of the exposure to with biological processes. Blood concentrations of elements
xenobiotics which can provide particular interest for acute can be correlated with morbidity, such as Mg with depression36
exposures. No other medium provides information regarding a and Cd with hypertension.37 It is not always clear if these are
period of time which hair represents. Biological fluids are only due to cause or effects however. Metals are involved in roles
suitable for short term representation, generally on the order associated with disease prevalence and progression, such as
of hours to days. Bone sits at the other end of the spectrum competing roles of Se and Pb in mammary tumour development.38
when used for the study of trace elements for it represents a Additionally, Cu and Zn play vital roles in carcinogenesis.39
collective average of the prior ten or so years. Hair, depending Similarly altered Zn concentrations could have impact on
on length, may represent a period from a few days to months atherosclerosis by way of impacting on cellular regulation
or even several years. Hair analysis may miss consumption and expression.40
within the previous few days before collection however, unless The transport protein transthyretin and its transmembrane
the hair is plucked to include the region below the skin, but receptor protein, Megalin, are multiligand endocytic receptors.
this encounters difficulties in collection, especially if a large Megalin is expressed within the hair follicle. During the hair
number of hairs are needed. Otherwise, sufficient time is cycle it is involved in mediating hair follicle signalling, the
required for the hair to emerge from the skin. degree of which varies over the cycle course and is also the case

3918 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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for transthyretin.41 Transthyretin has the capacity to bind with pigmentation that can be eumelanin in black hair, or the
Zn,42 thus could impact on cellular concentrations. While it reddish/brown pheomelanin which can encompass different
has not been shown that these proteins directly interact in the pigment structures.55
accumulation of metals in hair, they help to demonstrate The protein is composed of amino acids, 21 of which have
the complexity of the follicle biology and reveal possible been reported in human hair. The amino acid content of hair
mechanisms that could impart roles on the incorporation of varies with the structural components of the hair and is
metals for purposes of hair analysis. influenced by genetics, weathering, cosmetic treatment and
Subsequent to such biogenic function, various biomarkers diet. Water content is largely influenced by the relative
can be identified with analysis of hair.43 There are many humidity. Lipids in hair come principally from sebum and
dependencies of homeostasis and morbidity upon essential consist of free fatty acids and neutral fat (esters, glyceryl, wax,
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

and non-essential elements in human biology. The cellular hydrocarbons and alcohols). The chemical structures within
expression of proteins can be up- or down-regulated as a result hair create unique physical characteristics. Strong disulfide
of disease. Of particular relevance can be changes in metallo- bonds linking adjacent keratin chains produce a structure
protein expression with disease44 which can have severe significantly resistant to chemical and biological degradation.
implications on metal transport. Within the follicle, changes The structure and chemical characteristics of the protein
in cellular expression and demands on nutrition will also vary (covalently linked amino acids) are determined by the
due to the hair growth cycle,45 other hormonal changes and in sequence, number and chemical nature of its constituent
hair associated growth factors. All of these have dependencies amino acids. Condensation reactions between a-NH3+ and
or could affect essential and non-essential element a-COO terminal groups of amino acids lead to covalently
concentrations. bound peptide chains. The resulting sequence of main chain
Not only can elemental levels be perturbed due to a morbid atoms is characterised by a –Ca–C–N–Ca– repetition. Each
state, but their concentrations themselves can be linked with Ca has a side chain functional group. In an a-keratin, the
the cause of morbidity such as in the case of various toxic favourable structure is that of a helical chain. The polypeptide
metals. For example, there is evidence of arsenic exposure backbone follows a right-handed helical spring. Each carbonyl
inducing impaired glucose tolerance.46 Obviously in this case, group forms a hydrogen bond with the amide group of the
As is most heavily linked to the etiology rather than vice versa residue four amino acid units further along the chain. Each
(i.e. the glucose intolerance would not cause a bioaccumulation 3601 turn incorporates 3.6 amino acids and advances by
of As in the hair). Cellular dysfunction is induced by oxidative 5.6 angstroms in the helical direction. Aligned dipoles form
stress or interference in signalling or gene expression due to the hydrogen bonds and the helix radius dimension allows for Van
As or its metabolites.47 Inter-personal differences could have a der Waals attraction across the helix.56 The amino acid side
significant impact.48 Needless to say, the impacts of the chains are arranged in a spiral around the polypeptide, hence
glucose intolerance may have other compounding effects on when alpha helices bind together with two or three units they
the transport and incorporation of other elements and form a strong, compact left handed twist. These fibrous
homeostatic cellular growth and expression. Correspondingly, structures are composed of individual polypeptides laterally
it is known that As metabolism, transport, excretion and cross-linked by several types of bonding. Because of their
pathology are highly complex and far reaching within human structure, they are physically tough and water insoluble. The
biology.49 Complexes in the body can create competitive basic structural unit of a-keratin usually consists of three
mechanisms of exclusion of other essential elements. right-handed a-helical polypeptides in a left-handed coil that
These too may then be reflected in the hair as decreased is stabilised by cross-linking disulfide bonds. The formation of
concentrations. a ‘cable’ with twisted alpha helices results from optimisation of
packing among the amino acid residue side chains. The thiol
(–SH) group of cysteine is highly reactive and will readily
3. Hair oxidize to covalently bind with another cysteine residue to
form a disulfide bond (–S–S–), forming cystine. Such bonds
3.1 Composition and structure
are a major contributor to the rigidity, mechanical properties
The composition and morphology of hair, particularly within and tertiary structure of the protein. The individual alpha
the follicle, is quite complex.50,51 While a genetic remnant of helices covalently bind with a high level of cross-linking by
history offering protective function and minor advantages for disulfide bonds between adjacent polypeptide chains. In hair,
homeostatic health,52 it is of major social and cultural these are organised into microfibrils of about 70 angstroms in
importance. Its composition is quite variable from one individual diameter. The microfibrils are embedded in a matrix of an
to another. As a guide, the following figures have been amorphous substance containing sulfur rich proteins to form a
published:4 fibrous proteins which are mostly alpha keratins macrofibrillar structure. Four type I acidic keratins and four
(85–93%), melanins (complex eumelanin and pheomelanin type II basic keratins are unique to living hair-forming cells
polymers derived from tyrosine), water (typically 3–5%, but (trichocytes), mainly in the medulla and cortex.57–59
up to 15% by mass),53 lipids (1–9%) and mineral compounds The following description of the hair structure is based on
(0.25–0.95%). Typical levels of the constituents of hair are the work of Swift60 and the references therein. The cuticle
C (45.7%), O (28.2%), N (13.6%), H (7.5%), S (4.1%) and Ca layer (outer region of a mature hair) of the hair shaft is
(0.3%) resulting in a structure with a density of approximately comprised of overlapping cuticle cells with a total thickness
1.47 g cm 3.54 Hair colouration is derived from the melanin of roughly 5 mm but varies considerably. Initially there may be

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9 or 10 layers of cuticle cells but these are typically eroded between the incorporation in hair and hair emergence from the
moving distally. Cuticle cells are laminated, roughly rounded skin considering a growth rate of approximately 1 cm per month
square shapes with sides of 50 mm and a thickness of 0.3 to (e.g. Myers et al.).63
0.5 mm. Atomic force microscope studies also show cuticle step Nutrition is supplied to the growing hair via the blood in the
heights to generally range between 0.3 and 0.5 mm with large dermal papilla. At the crest of the dermal papilla are melano-
variations in an individual hair.61 The outer facing layer of the cytes, which produce melanin granules that subsequently
cell is the A-layer which is approximately 110 nm of mechanically become incorporated into the hair. As the keratinocyte cells
tough and chemical resistant protein. Its strength originates continue to grow and divide, the cylindrical arrangement is
from isopeptide cross-linking and a high cystine content forced towards the opening of the follicle. Within the follicle,
(B11.8% sulfur). Inside from the A-layer is the exocuticle, the hair shaft is constructed from a number of layers: from the
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

accounting for about 50% of the cell volume. This region is medulla moving radially outwards there exists the hair cortex,
also of high cystine content but not to the extent of the hair cuticle, inner root sheath cuticle, inner root sheath Huxley
A-layer. Below this is the endocuticle which accounts for the layer, inner root sheath Henle layer, outer root sheath,
bulk of the remaining cell volume. This region is void of basement membrane and the dermal sheath. Cells associated
cystine but possesses abundant free amino and carboxyl with the development of hair are among the fastest dividing
groups. This may be because the proteins in this region are cells in the body (dividing approximately every 24 hours).
of low molecular weight, or comprise high concentrations of Compounds are reportedly associated with the forming
residues with acidic and basic functional groups. The inner- fibrils in the dermal papilla within 5 minutes of systemic
facing surface of the cuticle cell is a layer of around 20 nm administration.64 100–1000 cells an hour move from the
thickness of similar composition to that of the exocuticle. undifferentiated stage to the differentiated stage. A technical
Inside the cuticle layer, the bulk of the hair volume is review summarising hair growth factors has been presented by
constructed from cortical cells. Cortical cells are spindle- Peus et al. and is recommended for a highly detailed account.65
shaped, 50–100 mm long and around 3–6 mm in diameter. Additionally, in vitro studies aid in understanding of growth
Centrally within the cortical cell exists the nuclear remnant, factors and the formation of the hair shaft.66
which is typically around 40 mm long and 0.5 to 1 mm in Sebaceous gland openings within the follicle excrete sebum
diameter. The nuclear remnant does not possess any cystine (a waxy lipid material) within the hair follicle and occasionally
and is rich in amino and carboxyl functional groups. The bulk to the surface of the skin, thus the hair is coated by this
of the volume within a cortical cell is comprised of long material. Approximately one third of sebum comprises free
cystine-containing macrofibrils, each with a length of between fatty acids, another of combined fatty acids and the last third,
40 and 200 nm in diameter. Each of these macrofibrils are in unsaponifiable matter such as squalene, cholesterol and
turn compiled from numerous microfibrils. The packing of the waxes.67
macrofibrils within a cortex cell gives rise to one of two
different cortical cells, either paracortical or orthocortical. 4. Considerations and variables in hair analysis
Each of these contains similar levels of cysteine in human
hair. The microfibrils are a-helix proteins cemented together Due to the nature of hair, in that it has highly inter-individual
by the intermicrofibrillar matrix comprising a random coiled chemical variability, it has significant exposure to the environment
protein of high cysteine content. and undergoes numerous treatments for purposes of hygiene
At the centre of the hair shaft there may exist a medulla and cosmetic appeal, it is no surprise there exist many variables
where the structure becomes denatured and can consist of that affect hair concentrations. In some instances, such as
vacant, air filled spaces. There is a coating on the hair of lipids dying, hair can offer little credibility. In the best case scenarios
generated in the sebaceous glands.62 The majority are fatty there are still many variables that should be kept in mind when
acids, in particular 18-methyl-eicosanoic acid comprising 40% interpreting hair analysis. This section highlights considerations
of the fatty acid content (4.3 mg g 1 hair). Other lipids include that may affect hair concentrations and highlights the
cholesterol sulfate (3.3 mg g 1 hair), and to a lesser extent complexity in attempting to infer blood concentrations from
cholesterol and fatty alcohol. All cell surfaces are covered in a hair concentrations. References specifically regarding Hg with
lipid layer covalently bound to the protein. respect to these factors are confined to the section dedicated to
Hg later in this review.

3.2 Growth 4.1 Colour and melanin

The shaft of a hair is formed within a hair follicle (simply About the most dramatic difference in hair is the variability in
defined as a depression in the skin layers), within the pilose- colour due to the melanin content which can affect elemental
baceous unit. Hair growth occurs in a series of growing and composition of hair.68 Due to the massive variability in hair
resting phases. During the growth (anagen) stage, the matrix based on colour, some extra consideration is included here.
cells differentiate, keratinise and die. This occurs for 2–6 years Melanin is synthesized in melanocytes (dendritic cells) at the
before going through a catagen stage of 2–3 weeks and resting crest of the papilla and is affected by hormones and local tissue
(telogen) stage for about 3 months after which it either falls growth factors. Melanins (eumelanin and pheomelanin) are
out or is forced out by the reinitiation of the growth cycle. At polyanionic polymers which possess a high number of charged
any time, approximately 85% of scalp hairs are in the growth carboxyl groups and o-semiquinones among the keratin fibrils.69,70
stage. It is generally assumed that a delay of 2–4 weeks occurs Levels of eumelanin and pheomelanin determine hair colour.

3920 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Melanin concentrations may be quite different although two hairs This has been shown with high resolution images by SIMS85
appear to be of the same colour.71 Their structure and synthesis and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.86 P, Fe, Al, Mn and Cr have
have been described in detail elsewhere.71 Eumelanin (a brown/ been quantitatively shown to vary in hair based on colour.68
black polymer of dihydroxyindole subunits) is synthesized from
the precursor amino acid tyrosine, has a quinone like structure and
4.2 Contamination and natural deterioration
is highly anionic. Ito summarised that ‘eumelanins have the
properties of polyanions and may, in vivo and in vitro, bind with Hair is subject to numerous external sources of contamination,
various cations such as di- and tri-valent metal ions, polyamines, intentionally and unintentionally. Atmospheric dust and
and anionic drugs.’69 pollution as well as water borne content are particularly
Pheomelanin (a reddish-yellow pigment) is also synthesized important considerations. In many case studies examining
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

from the precursor tyrosine. Incorporation of cysteine results hair concentrations, the analyte being tested with regard to
in benzothiazine derivatives that polymerize to pheomelanin. exposure is the same that can contribute most to contamination.
Pheomelanin possesses free carboxyl and amine groups For example, investigating hair for biomonitoring of smelter
suggesting electrostatic forces or hydrogen bonding could workers to test for workplace exposure, the same atmospheric
retain certain xenobiotics. route of exposure can deposit as contamination on hair. In the
Melanins have been shown to influence elemental concentrations case of smelter workers, SEM coupled with EDX revealed
in hair, however many fundamental studies regarding the deposition of particulate gold, lead and steel onto hair.86
incorporation have revolved around analysis for drugs and Mass spectrometric imaging also revealed non-particulate
are used here to highlight considerations relevant to the deposition of Pb. Similarly, in cases of using hair to test for
binding of elemental species. Organic molecules often show exposure to arsenic polluted drinking water where the same
that black or dark hair binds larger quantities than light or water is used for washing, contamination should be considered
white coloured hair even though blood plasma levels were the as problematic.87 Tap water can contain many other metals
same in the original subjects,72,73 eumelanin can be of greater and other elements, particularly copper and calcium. Lead can
importance for binding xenobiotics than pheomelanin.71,74 also be problematic in the case of lead plumbing.
Studies into the effect of melanin content as binding sites in The external surface of hair has distinct regions of different
hair have long been investigated. Experiments from the 1970’s chemical composition and can accumulate exogenous
studied the incorporation of D-amphetamine, L-dopa, products differently.88 Topically applied material can readily
L-a-methyldopa and DL-isoproterenol in pigmented and non- penetrate hair.89 Longitudinal analysis of hair in fundamental
pigmented guinea pig hair.75 Drugs access melanocytes via studies with regard to the impact of contamination reveals
arteriovenous and lymphatic circulations.76 The drug molecules significant penetration of contaminants into hair.90 In one
enter the melanosomes interacting with melanin and melano- study, hair was sectioned longitudinally and the internal
somal protein and become incorporated into the hair pigment longitudinal distribution was compared to the external
granules. A number of other studies have investigated the distribution. Contaminants increased on the outer surface of the
affinity of drugs for melanin, including studies into the hair and within the internal structure moving longitudinally.91
competition between drugs for the same binding sites. For The follicle also has a degree of permeability which has
example, quantification of the capacity and affinity of a variety been described with regards to pharmaceuticals92 highlighting
of drugs for synthetic levodopa melanin have been an additional route for exogenous material to enter the
presented,77 and fastest association has been by the most pilosebaceous unit.
lipophilic compound.78 Hair undergoes natural deterioration with loss of its
Xenobiotics with cationic properties appear to be bound to mechanical and chemical protective integrity, such as commonly
melanin by electrostatic forces between the positively charged seen with split ends and increasing fragility of long hair. A
form and anionic sites on the melanin polymer.79 For organic particularly interesting publication in this regard is that by
molecules, ionic bonding may be strengthened by non-electrostatic Thibaut et al. in the rather unique study of hair 2.4 m long that
contributions, such as van der Waal’s forces and interactions had not been exposed to chemical treatments.93 Deterioration
with the aromatic indole nuclei of the melanin. The binding is obviously will increase as a function of distance away from the
typically complex with Scatchard analyses showing that more scalp, i.e. time exposed to the external environment. This
than one type of binding is involved. Carboxyl, quinol and begins with mechanical deterioration by abrading of the outer
amine groups are all possible binding sites.70 Codeine and cuticle and following loss of the protective lipids, in particular
morphine can deposit in both pigmented and non-pigmented 18-methyl eicosanoic acid. This is followed by progressive loss
hair, however fail to bind in non-pigmented hair and diffuse of hair keratin proteins. As such mechanical strength decreases
out.80 Two binding sites were proposed in black rat hair, but longitudinally as with hydrophobicity and shine. It can be
only one in brown. Differences in melanin content based on expected that elemental concentrations will be affected by
gender may also impart variability.81,82 Bleaching samples of these chemical and physical changes.
Africoid and Caucasoid hair dramatically reduced the binding Particularly in archaeological contexts, a variety of processes
capacity of cocaine but had little effect on blonde hair.82 Other can occur that act to detract from the informative value of hair
drugs however appear to have no dependence on melanin analysis as a result of fungus, bacteria, chemical degradation
content.83,84 and even mineralisation.94–96 Burial environments can have a
In cross-sectional elemental imaging of hair, there is strong massive impact of hair composition and should be assessed in
association of various elements with melanin granules. hand with hair analysis to aid interpretation.97

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4.3 UV-degradation in hair have been reported for metals, metalloids, drugs and
organo-pollutants (see above). Animal studies have been used
UV light has the ability to severely damage hair structure and
to monitor changes in biomarkers with age.43
integrity. It is involved in the damage of both the keratin
For children under 4 years old, Zn concentrations were
structure and the melanin pigment molecules.98 Certain
significantly lower and the rate of low Zn concentrations was
amino-acid residues demonstrate photosensitivity and have
increased in one study.108 Other authors have reported Ca
been shown to lead to cross-linking of protein fragments with
decreasing with age,109 Ca, Mg and Fe decreasing with age,110
amorphous domains of the hair.99 White, brown, red and
and for a Korean population of children, Zn, Ca, Na, P, Mn,
blonde hair have all been shown to undergo colour change
and Li were positively correlated with age, while Cr, V and
after radiation exposure.100 UV degrades melanin, while infra-
U were negatively correlated.111
red wavelengths can act to degrade tryptophan which also
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

alters hair colour, thus white hair undergoes yellowing. Such 4.7 Gender
alteration has been shown to significantly alter elemental
composition in wool fibers of sheep,101 and could contribute Several publications have identified differences in elemental
to the longitudinal variation observed for many elemental concentrations in hair based on gender.112 For example, Ca
concentrations.91 and Mg were higher in females.109 However, Cu and Mg were
lower in girls suffering from Autism as opposed to boys.113 In
4.4 Hair treatments other studies, Zn, Na and Pb were higher in boys, while Fe and
Cosmetic treatments offer a significant source of contamination. Bi were higher for girls.111 Au, Ca, Mg and Sr were higher
Henna dyes can all but rule out meaningful analysis, similarly while Cl, Fe, I, Sc, Se, and Sm were lower in females’ hair
for many other dyes,102 especially of a mineral base. Typically compared to males’.114 Other correlations with age for Ce, La
dyed hair should be omitted from serious consideration. and Th increasing with age were only significant for females
Shampoos can have several inorganic ingredients, in particular and not males. These results highlight discrimination based on
selenium and zinc in anti-dandruff formulations. Hair colour- gender and should be considered to impact hair
ing can have a number of chemical and compositional effects, concentrations.
such as for Cu and Ca.103 Bleaching can have quite dramatic
4.8 Ethnicity
effects on elemental compositions, as demonstrated in a
longitudinal analysis of individual hairs traversing bleached On the basis of structural differences hair is usually categorised
to untreated regions of hair.91 The disulfide bonds are into three ethnic groups (African, Asian and Caucasian).
destroyed in the evolution of cysteic acid and cortical proteins There are obvious differences between hair of different ethnic
also convert to a random coil structure.104 Interestingly, the origins. Colour and hence melanin content is highly variable,
disulfide bond cleavage is accelerated for melanin-rich hair but there are also differences specific to structure, such as the
which may act to compound any influence on elemental thickness and composition. Some differences may exist due to
incorporation or loss, as it becomes increasingly vulnerable hair shape (see section above on straight and curly hair), but
to external aqueous solutions.105 other differences also exist. Rhodamine B has been shown to
rapidly incorporate into extensively bleached hair, followed
4.5 Curly or straight (less dramatically) by Chinese hair, African hair, and Caucasian
While there do not appear to be published data regarding the blonde hair demonstrating differences in permeability.115
impact of hair curliness on elemental concentrations, it is However it is also important to discriminate between what is
worth consideration and may contribute to some perceived actually an ethnic difference rather than a related cultural
racial differences. Hair that is curly or straight may bind difference.116 Quite simply, different cultures can have
metals differently. Genetic differences lead to differences in different life-style habits with regards to washing, cosmetic
hair structure.106 Additionally, altered expression of a growth treatments and diet. African hair may have a much larger
factor binding protein (IGFBP-5) impacts expression of several permeability to environmental exposure due to a greater
extracellular matrix proteins and disruption of adhesional proportion of amorphous regions.105 Another study compared
junctions, leading to differences in the hair morphology leading Korean hair to Caucasian hair, showing a greater number
to curliness.107 In this case, if there are changes in cellular density of cuticle scales and a greater number of cuticle cell
expressions related to hair shape, then there is potential that layers in the Asian hair.117 These factors add variation in
curly hair has different capacity to bind metals than relative and total amounts of particular proteins and the
straight hair. accessibility of the internal structure to contamination.

4.6 Age 4.9 Personal habits and seasonal fluctuations

With age various changes such as hormonal and steroidal Personal use and frequency of use of shampoos and
levels change, as too with numerous other proteins and conditioners are an obvious inter-individual difference. However
physiological processes. These changes can influence blood other factors can also have impact. Smoking has been identified
concentrations and thus hair concentrations. In addition, to actually restrict the ingestion of essential minerals and lead
changes at the dermal papilla can also induce variation in hair to a decrease in Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Cu.110 Some personal
composition. Age-related oxidative stress affects melanin habits such as having ‘‘hair painted’’ obviously dismisses an
production, ultimately seen as greying. Many melanin associations individual from being accurately assessed by hair analysis.118

3922 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Season can also impact hair concentrations as previously In rats fed a Zn deficient diet, hair concentrations were
mentioned to be observed as early as the 1960’s.1 Particularly correspondingly lower. An interesting observation was that
in non-tropical regions this may have a reliance on changes in Cu, Fe and Mn concentrations simultaneously increased.127
personal activity with season, sunlight exposure and especially For many of these relationships it is not clear at what level
dietary change. they occur, i.e. at the point of ingestion, in the transport
mechanisms, cellular incorporation or after the hair has
4.10 Growth/cycle stage formed by way of contamination or substitution. Various
Hair growth is a cyclic phenomenon based on changes in competitive and substitution mechanisms can be expected.
hormone levels, local regulation of growth factors and ultimately 4.13 Genetic polymorphism
cellular activity. During these different stages, it is foreseeable
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

that individual hairs will undergo changes in their ability and Very simply, it is observed within biology that there is large
capacity to incorporate essential and non-essential elements. variation of responses to identical conditions. With regard to
For example, by mapping micro-compositional elements within endogenous metal concentrations, genetic variability has been
the hair follicle, the activation of vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) shown to vary As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Se and Zn concentrations
(which is a Ca permeable channel) at the instigation of the in erythrocytes.128 Thus blood and hair concentrations could
catagen stage was found to correspond with an increase in vary due to inter-individual as well as inter-cellular genetic
Ca.119 Thus hairs, particularly at the beginning and end of differences.
their growth cycle may incorporate metals and minerals 4.14 Structural change
differently. While this would be averaged over the analysis
of a large number of hairs it will add to the intra- and Hair structural changes can occur with morbidity and
inter-individual variability in concentrations. nutritional deficiencies.129 Si may also play a role in maintaining
healthy growth of hair.130 In cases of severe poisoning, metals
4.11 Speciation can impact hair structure, for example in the case of thallium.131
Structure and nutrition within the hair follicle are likely to be
The simple presence of an element being ingested by an
interconnected. Structural analysis of hair from breast cancer
organism is not sufficient to predict its fate within that organism.
patients shows distinct differences, possibly offering greater
It is commonly known that a metals’ transport and interaction
convenience and earlier diagnosis of breast cancer than
in biology is strongly dependent upon its speciation.120 An
conventional methods.132–134 Such structural changes may
elements’ species is highly influential on biological toxicity.
be related to the cause or effect of altered elemental
Similarly, its biological transport and fate is highly dependent
upon the chemical form.
Thus, an element may or may not be preferentially absorbed
by an individual depending upon its chemical species. The 5. Exogenous vs. endogenous elements: washing
presence of other metals can also inhibit absorption depending Ineffective washing procedures will leave remnants of
on species. Even upon entering the blood stream, metals will contaminants and results may be artificially high. Alternatively,
exist in different forms with different capacities to interact with a procedure that is too rigorous may remove elements from the
other parts of the human body and its constituents such as a hair reducing the true biogenic signal. Diffusion into human
myriad of proteins.121 What’s more is that the relative fractions hair has been modelled previously,136 and also shown for dye
of species can vary as a function of concentration, particularly (rhodamine B) to uniformly penetrate hair in as little as
in cases of high chronic or acute exposure. Furthermore, the 30 minutes in aqueous solution.115 Hair is not as impervious
incorporation into hair occurs with additional biochemical to external contamination as would be convenient to assume.
and redox interactions with the forming proteins and other Large variance may be induced by non-standard washing
components. It could therefore be expected that the chemical procedures employed.137–139
form, availability and affinity will have a dependence on the The real impact of exogenous contamination on extracting a
elemental species involved. This in turn will depend upon the meaningful result from hair analysis based on the endogenous
source, extent and route of exposure. Also see the section incorporation is far from trivial. The decontamination or
dedicated to mercury below. washing step in the analysis of hair is vital, yet no approach
is universally followed.
4.12 Inter-element correlations and competition
The importance of an effective technique to discriminate the
As is typical in chemistry, elemental competition, substitution, endogenous contribution from contamination is obvious. The
and correlations exist. For example Pb and Zn in children’s simplest approach would be a cleansing procedure that would
hair have shown a negative correlation,16 Ca and Mg can be remove the contamination and leave the endogenously
correlated,109,122,123 and also Al and V, Al and Mn and Mg incorporated elements unaltered, rather than chemically distinguish
and V.123 Mg and Ca, Mn and Ca, Sr and Ca, Sr and Mg, endogenous and exogenous material. Many authors have
U and Na, Ni and Zn, Mn and Sr, Cd and Ni, Sb and Pt have published statements such as: ‘‘. . .hair samples were cleaned
also shown strong correlations.124 Gender effects again may of surface contamination. . .’’; or ‘‘To exclude the influence of
impart influence, for instance Ca and Fe were correlated for external contamination. . .’’; etc., often without any mention
men, and Mg and Na in women.125 For a more detailed study about how effective the treatment actually was. It is a bold
into correlations based on gender, see Chojnacka et al.126 assumption that all influence of exogenous sources will be

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removed by a simple rinsing procedure when the binding of 6. Hair analysis

elemental and molecular species in hair has been shown to be
quite complex and far from fully understood. Chronic and acute exposures represent themselves distinctively
Authors of papers critically reviewing decontamination in hair analysis. Acute exposure is effectively indistinguishable
have demonstrated that these procedures are an important by bulk analysis and longitudinal ‘‘time’’ resolved analysis is
and vital step in producing credible, indisputable results. critical for the interpretation. A distinct band due to an acute
Results have shown to depend significantly on the washing exposure of a metal, if diluted along the entire hair length by
procedure utilised6 and external contamination is indeed a bulk analysis, could simply appear to be the same as a lower-
‘‘stumbling block’’ for hair analysis.140 Such authors have level chronic exposure. Typically hair will be cut at skin level
identified issues involved and have developed what they have from the posterior vertex or occipital region, however, for
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

deemed to be the most suitable and effective procedures for fundamental studies or particular case studies, the information
their analysis. Many following these instructions bear no provided below the skin level can be highly informative. It
mention of the warnings and questions that still remain and assists in identifying what contributes to hair concentrations
should be addressed. The possibility that any cleansing process as far as incorporation via the dermal papilla, sebaceous
has not performed ideally, i.e. removed all and only that which deposition or exogenous accumulation.90,91 Additionally, in
has contaminated the sample, should always be considered. specific case studies this region can divulge information in the
Washing procedures are most stringently discussed in immediate hours to days prior to sampling, or death.147
papers dealing with the detection of drugs. In these cases, Packaging can be an important consideration depending on
contamination is perhaps less likely than in elemental elements of interest. Many plastics are covered in siloxanes
investigations, but however, is of greater importance that false and will add Si-based contamination to the hair. This however
results (false positives in particular) do not occur. Studies is most likely to be removed easily but is preferable to avoid.
investigating the most or least suitable washing method remain An alternative is aluminium foil providing it also is not
very difficult to effectively examine. It remains that in these covered in contaminants originating from lubricating oils used
studies, the component of trace elements being removed in the foil manufacture. If Al itself is to be analysed then this
cannot be distinguished as being of either endogenous or would be better avoided. Some foresight and consideration is
exogenous origin. Therefore it is difficult to distinguish obviously needed regarding packing material with respect to
whether a method that removes the greatest proportion is the elements that will be analysed. If the samples are only to be
the best since it has removed the most contamination, or the stored for a short term, there is little threat of the hair
worst since perhaps there was no contamination and the deteriorating. However for long periods of time, fungi,
method succeeded in only removing elements biogenically keratinolytic microbes and even insects can consume hair.
bound in the hair. This question is extremely difficult to To avoid this, it may be desirable to store hair in freezing
answer due to the many uncertainties in the security of the conditions.
hair matrix and the indistinguishability of many biogenic and Instances of acute exposure can be readily analysed in
diagenetic species. longitudinal hair analysis,147 but such analysis requires more
Washing procedures remain as one of the major ‘unknowns’ specialised equipment and would not be suitable for screening
for hair analysis. The large number of washing approaches large numbers of samples. These approaches are also important
and the different measurements obtained, depending on the for studying fundamental aspects of hair elemental incorporation,
procedure used, demonstrate this.6,141,142 However where distribution and associations. Bulk analysis is suitable for
contamination is restricted such as the case for fetal hair, the running large numbers of samples routinely which is important
procedure does not appear as influential.143 Many publications for population studies. The following sections provide examples
bear little mention of the washing procedure used or specific of the usefulness and applications of high-resolution and bulk
details, and many demonstrate little consideration with regard techniques. A small section is included to mention historical
to the solvents, duration and use of any agitation. Most and archaeological studies, before a comprehensive section on
commonly, the procedures presented by Rodushkin and the analysis of Hg in hair is provided. The following section on
Axelsson,144 and the IAEA145 are used. However, the specific Hg exemplifies the use of hair for epidemiological studies and
elements of interest should also be regarded in the approach with the benefit of analysing different species.
used according to Hawkins and Ragnarsdóttir for sheep
6.1 Spatial and longitudinal analysis
The method proposed by Rodushkin and Axelsson involves Spatial analysis is important for hair analyses in two major
washing in a sequential order with acetone, deionised water respects and regimes. A resolution of tens to hundreds of
and 0.5% Triton X-100 solution in an ultra-sonic bath and microns will provide sufficient resolution to monitor acute vs.
laboratory shaker, allowing a few minutes for each stage. The chronic exposures. Such resolutions are appropriate to identify
hairs are then repeatedly rinsed with ultrapure water and air increase and decay curves along the hair that could relate to
dried in a clean room. pharmacokinetics. High resolution imaging on the order
The IAEA recommend washing in a non-polar solvent of B100 nm to a few microns provide more for fundamental
(double distilled acetone), followed by two washings in a polar studies into hair analysis, composition, elemental associations
solvent (deionized or redistilled water) and finally a wash with and understanding incorporation mechanisms. In many
acetone, with each stage lasting for approximately ten minutes. biological contexts there is particular desire to measure
This approach was also advocated by Bencko.22 elemental distributions for fundamental understanding.148

3924 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Ion beam probes for example can offer good spatial resolution. One of the most novel aspects of hair is the nature of its
Micro-PIXE has been used for studying nutritional elements growth and potential in recording a historical timeline of
in the hair follicle.119 blood xenobiotic concentrations along its length.158–160 This
A significant amount of work has been performed with aspect is one of the most impressive approaches of hair
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and synchrotron analysis with respect to the information withheld by individual
based X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). Synchrotron sources can strands. The time span of the longitudinal analysis depends on
provide a variety of analytical techniques for very sensitive the length of hair, which grows at a rate of roughly 1 cm per
analysis for material characterisation.149 Synchrotron XRF month, thus a strand of hair can reflect a period of the prior
offers excellent sensitivity for elemental imaging,150 and coarse hours (at the bulb of the hair) up to several months or even
XRF probes are ideal for longitudinal analysis of individual years. Scanning along a hair can be performed by cutting the
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

hairs.147 This approach is non-destructive and due to the depth hair into segments and running sensitive, bulk analysis of each
penetration of X-rays will probe the entire hair thickness. segment. However, with greater spatial resolution comes
Transverse line scans can also be interpreted with basic greater ‘time’ resolution and microprobes can resolve
algorithms to infer transverse distributions.90 The longitudinal concentration fluctuations on the order of hours. Such analysis
analysis of the hair plucked from a Pb smelter employee can yield quite dramatic and visually interesting exposure
clearly showed longitudinal increase of Pb in the hair above profiles, as demonstrated in several examples.
skin level, while Zn remained relatively constant. Subsequent Laser Ablation coupled with ICP-MS can also be successfully
analysis of hair cross-sections with a higher resolution applied to longitudinal analysis with interesting affect,161,162
(B130 nm) revealed associations of metals within the hair, and has the powerful added advantage of isotopic sensitivity.31,163
such as the cuticle layers, nuclear remnants or melanin Its depth sensitivity is in between that of XRF and SIMS
granules and corticle proteins (Fig. 1).86 techniques, thus scans can be performed on the outer region of
In attempts to address the fundamental questions regarding a hair and then an internal region by ablating away more outer
contamination of hair fibers, hairs were sectioned longitudinally material.164 The surface sensitivity of ToF-SIMS is far superior,
and had the outer surface and inner surface analysed with Time- but this approach does not require sectioning of the hair. The
of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS).151 laser ablation is partially destructive to the sample, but this is
ToF-SIMS has monolayer surface sensitivity, thus is a truly rarely a concern considering the ease of collecting multiple
surface analysis technique that does not suffer from having to hairs from the same individual. In cases where limited sample
interpret what contribution underlying material may have to is available, such as in historical contexts, this requires
spectra. In this regard, it is thus possible to section an individual consideration. Such analysis has distinctly shown workplace
hair and analyse the external surface of the hair and then also uranium exposure over the course of a three day period.165
the corresponding internal section of the same hair; the primary Those authors present interesting quantified results and
motivation being to address fundamental questions regarding detailed analytical considerations for such analysis with
the influence of longitudinal accumulation of exogenous LA-ICP-MS as well as fundamental considerations for hair
products on internal concentrations and hence, to infer the analysis. Similarly, exposure to U in drinking water has been
integrity of the internal structure, or assess factors regarding monitored in longitudinal scans.163
decontamination of hair.91 ToF-SIMS can acquire elemental as Another dramatic example of longitudinal analysis was in
well as molecular information and provides interesting informa- the profiles of arsenic and its specific chemical species to
tion of inorganics in organic matrices and vice versa,152–154 as indicate poisoning of Phar Lap (Fig. 2). Strong debate over
well as chemical and structural information.155,156 With this the cause of death of the famous race horse Phar Lap led to
approach, elemental distributions can be analysed with regard hair analysis in an attempt to quell speculation. At the time of
to organic and molecular fragments88,91,97 and have been used his death, Phar Lap exhibited symptoms that could be attributed
to identify localised phosphorus based depositions in ancient to three different proposed causes of death, including arsenic
hairs.157 Analysis with nano-SIMS can achieve spatial poisoning. Longitudinal analysis of his hair was performed
resolution around 50 nm with excellent sensitivity and provide with a synchrotron based X-ray fluorescence microprobe with
interesting analysis of hair cross-sections.85,103 a resolution on the order of 10 microns. Mapping of his hairs

Fig. 1 Elemental maps constructed with an X-ray fluorescence microprobe from a hair thin-section. Bar = 10 mm. Reproduced with permission
from the American Chemical Society from Kempson et al.86

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hair elemental concentrations affected by a variety of conditions

(Table 2), this has rarely been extended to identify
fundamental mechanisms that result in the changes. Rather,
such studies have added supporting data to proposed underlying
mechanisms. It is important to note that the concentrations
discriminating groups in Table 2 are only relevant within each
specific study in comparison to the specific control group,
hence we have not provided quantitative data in this table. In
some instances, the morbid population from one study
Fig. 2 Longitudinal analysis of arsenic in a single hair from completely overlaps the control population from a different
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

Phar Lap. study. Population studies are also useful for assessing
geographically distinct groups which may have exposure to
showed a dramatic profile of arsenic increasing rapidly and pollutants, such as being proximal to industrial activities.174
then decaying in a typical pharmacokinetic-like curve. The Quantitative bulk analysis has diminished relevance in the
half-life of arsenic is quite short and complete clearance occurs study of acute exposure. As seen with longitudinal analysis, an
in approximately 24 hours. This leads to a very distinct band element of interest can be highly concentrated within a band in
of high arsenic-concentration at a location just above the bulb the hair.147 This concentration will be diluted relative to the
and below the skin level. It is worthwhile to note that for this size of the hair segment analysed.165 Table 2 briefly
analysis it was critical that the hair was plucked, rather than summarises a selection of publications identifying statistically
cut at the skin level. This assisted in assessing external significant differences in elemental concentrations in population
contamination and in providing information from the very groups based on morbidity compared to a homeostatic state.
hours before death. The authors concluded that the only An emphasis has been put upon essential elements, however
reasonable way to obtain such a profile was via ingestion the ubiquitous Pb is often involved.
(rather than the use of arsenic-based preservatives in the Bulk analysis techniques typically require a variety of
taxidermy). Another particularly interesting result to come instrumental consideration critical for obtaining accurate
from that work was to apply a longitudinal analysis of arsenic results.144,165,175 Instrumentation must be rigorously set up
speciation by way of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). for analysis of hair for optimal analysis and accurate
XAS can provide information on speciation of elements even interpretation. Cheaper, faster and reliable digestion176 and
at a trace level in hair.166 The analysis was performed with the analysis are desirable in developing high throughput analysis
same X-ray probe used for the XRF mapping and by acquiring of samples to ensure confidence, and to minimise cost and
data across the absorption edge at varying longitudinal points. time. Non-destructive, quantified bulk analysis enables other
This technique revealed two dominating species of arsenic in analysis to be performed which may be of interest to probe
the hair, but the astounding result was that the longitudinal different levels of information from a hair, or to preserve the
variation in the ratio of the species demonstrates ability to sample in legal or cultural heritage applications.89
observe metabolic alteration of the arsenic. Thus, it was not
only possible to see the longitudinal arsenic profile, but to also
probe the time-resolved changes in the incorporation of 6.3 A retrospective look
arsenic based on metabolism. Due to the nature of hair growth and the ability for its
Such analysis can also be applied to following therapy structure to persist for a long period of time, there exists
regimes utilising metals or metalloids such as in the application opportunity in retrospectively assessing individuals based on
of As167,168 and Pt based therapeutics.169 However, longitudinal hair analysis.147 In archaeological contexts, hair can potentially
analysis requires somewhat more technically exclusive access provide an indication of dietary and cultural habits205,206 and
to analytical techniques. The approaches would typically be exposure in ancient individuals. For example, As exposure of
applied to either case studies of acute exposures and/or Chilean mummies.207 Hair can be preserved extremely well
fundamental studies elucidating basic mechanisms of even for hundreds or thousands of years in good environments.
incorporation, loss and various effects of specific considerations. However, the hair will have prolonged exposure to contamination
For example geographical translocation, changes in diet, onset and degrading effects over the decades to centuries or even
of disease, effect of a hair treatment, etc. millennia. It can be a remarkable feat simply for the hair to
even exist after such periods and not to have succumbed to
6.2 Bulk analysis
degradation. These can include breaking down of the proteins
Bulk analysis is useful for the study of chronic exposure and by hydrolysis and consumption by fungi or insects and other
morbid effects on elemental concentrations due to disease. keratinolytic microbes.95 Contamination is highly dependent
Population studies can provide insights into epidemiology,170 upon the local environment and can be highly influential on
etiology,171 endemic diseases172 and the influence of risk altering elemental concentrations.95,97 Accumulations may
factors by way of monitoring effects on elemental concentrations even occur in the medullary canal.157
in hair.110,173 A summary of elemental concentrations Many analyses have been performed on the hair of Napoleon
measured in hair is provided in Table 1. These concentrations in attempts to determine a cause of death being attributed to
can then assist to infer physiological conditions contributing arsenic poisoning.208–211 These interpretations are complicated
to the perturbed concentrations. While many studies identify by many factors. In some instances the credibility of the hairs’

3926 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Table 1 Elemental concentrations in hair

1 a
Mean(n)  s.d.[range]/mg g Population Reference
Li 0.017(114)  0.013[0.005–0.046] Swedish pop. 21
0.01(655)  0.01[0.00–0.0] Korean children 111
0.016(45)  [0.003–0.042] 177
Be 0.0060–0.0076(5) 178
0.0013(114)  0.0009[0.0004–0.0042] Swedish pop. 21
0.007(45)  [0.003–0.012] 177
B 0.67(114)  0.620[0.13–3.30] Swedish pop. 21
0.54(45)  [0.26–1.87] 177
Na 497.0(1236) Moscow women (40–60 yo) 179
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

118(100)  113[7–643] Iran pop. 180

147(114)  149[17–670] Swedish pop. 21
27.14(655)  19.07[1.18–153.00] Korean children 111
Mg 118.7(1236) Moscow women (40–60 yo) 179
96(100)  45[19.9–208] Iran pop. 180
46(114)  38[8.5–141] Swedish pop. 21
12.29(655)  13.39[3.30–29.80] Korean children 111
Al 26(100)  18[4.0–77.5] Iran pop. 180
8.2(114)  4.8[2.7–25.6] Swedish pop. 21
8.78(655)  3.94[1.05–25.55] Korean children 111
1.63(45)  [0.26–5.30] 177
Si 33(114)  31(o4.6–132] Swedish pop. 21
P 133(114)  17[102–169] Swedish pop. 21
121.21(655)  19.33[65.84–193.90] Korean children 111
S 4.7%(100)  0.60[3.34–6.83] Iran pop. 180
4.77%(114)  4.1%[4.07–5.50] Swedish pop. 21
Cl 1231(100)  1081 Iran pop. 180
8600(114)  5900[1350–27000] Swedish pop. 21
K 282.2(1236) Moscow women (40–60 yo) 179
185(100)  181[15–754] Iran pop. 180
81(114)  83[7.4–420] Swedish pop. 21
34.10(655)  13.48[4.49–117.10] Korean children 111
Ca 1162.6(1236) Moscow women (40–60 yo) 179
955(100)  503[210–2353] Iran pop. 180
750(114)  660[113–2890] Swedish pop. 21
212.47(655)  92.33[70.23–1001.00] Korean children 111
Sc 0.0014(114)  0.0010[0.0004–0.0045] Swedish pop. 21
Ti 0.830(114)  0.680[0.12–2.71] Swedish pop. 21
V 0.13(100)  0.09 [0.02–0.54] Iran pop. 180
0.027(114)  0.024[0.005–0.134] Swedish pop. 21
0.08(655)  0.03[0.02–0.25] Korean children 111
0.016(45)  [0.001–0.051] 177
Cr 2.2(113)  0.5 Indian group with diverse medical status 181
0.167(114)  0.118[0.046–0.527] Swedish pop. 21
0.47(655)  0.21[0.14–1.09] Korean children 111
0.20(45)  [0.11–0.52] 177
Mn 3.76(20)  2.12 Indian pop. 182
0.74(100)  0.49[0.13–2.46] Iran pop. 180
0.560(114)  0.550[0.080–2.41] Swedish pop. 21
0.29(655)  0.18[0.05–2.61] Korean children 111
0.067(45)  [0.016–0.57] 177
Fe 43.42(20)  13.33 Indian pop. 182
9.6(114)  4.4[4.9–23] Swedish pop. 21
12.62(655)  4.33[4.16–32.48] Korean children 111
Co 0.043(1236) Moscow women (40–60 yo) 179
0.30(20)  0.18 Indian pop. 182
0.013(114)  0.011[0.002–0.063] Swedish pop. 21
0.01(655)  0.001[0.00–0.19] Korean children 111
0.023(45)  [0.004–0.14] 177
Ni 4.9(113)  0.8 Indian group with diverse medical status 181
1.13(20)  0.28 Indian pop. 182
0.430(114)  0.400[0.11–1.60] Swedish pop. 21
0.23(45)  [0.08–0.90] 177
Cu 17.1(20)  12.5 183
18.0(2) 184
44.4(113)  6.0 Indian group with diverse medical status 181
16.6(150)  3.4 5–15 yo males 185
11.07(20)  4.16 Indian pop. 182
12(100)  9[4.6–66.7] Iran pop. 180
25(114)  21[8.5–96] Swedish pop. 21
15.51(655)  10.08[5.82–104.70] Korean children 111
20.3(45)  [9.0–61.3] 177

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Table 1 (continued )
1 a
Mean(n)  s.d.[range]/mg g Population Reference
Zn 159(20)  80.1 183
137.8(2) 184
186.1(1236) Moscow women (40–60 yo) 179
183.7(113)  24.0 Indian group with diverse medical status 181
245.0(150)  17.8 5–15 yo males 185
91.29(20)  20.34 Indian pop. 182
166(100)  48 [36–329] Iran pop. 180
137(67)  [34–543] 6 yo children in Poland 16
142(114)  29[68–198] Swedish pop. 21
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

69.99(655)  28.89[13.82–170.60] Korean children 111

162(45)  [129–209] 177
Ga 0.0025(114)  0.0015[0.0008–0.0067] Swedish pop. 21
0.011(45)  [0.002–0.068] 177
Ge 0.0046(114)  0.0031[o0.0022–0.015] Swedish pop. 21
0.004(45)  [0.001–0.039] 177
As 0.3 Cambodia, Mekong delta pop. 186
0.83(150)  0.1 5–15 yo males 185
0.085(114)  0.054[0.034–0.319] Swedish pop. 21
0.11(655)  0.05[0.01–0.91] Korean children 111
0.05(45)  [0.03–0.08] 177
Se 0.280(20)  0.058 183
0.830(114)  0.280[0.48–1.84] Swedish pop. 21
0.75(655)  0.14[0.33–1.82] Korean children 111
0.54(45)  [0.37–1.37] 177
Br 3.2(100)  1.8[0.23–7.7] Iran pop. 180
Br 37(114)  33[5.6–221] Swedish pop. 21
Rb 0.006(45)  [0.003–0.03] 177
Sr 1.20(114)  1.00[0.14–5.54] Swedish pop. 21
0.89(45)  [0.17–4.63] 177
Y 0.023(114)  0.029[0.003–0.104] Swedish pop. 21
Zr 0.155(114)  0.237[0.011–1.21] Swedish pop. 21
Nb 0.0019(114)  0.0012[0.0005–0.0058] Swedish pop. 21
Mo 0.042(114)  0.020[0.021–0.046] Swedish pop. 21
0.07(655)  0.05[0.02–0.71] Korean children 111
0.021(45)  [0.01–0.028] 177
Ru 0.000028(114)  0.000040[o0.00002–0.000039] Swedish pop. 21
Rh 0.000021(114)  0.000047[o0.00001–0.00004] Swedish pop. 21
Pd 0.00032(114)  0.00078[o0.00006–0.0021] Swedish pop. 21
0.01(45)  [0.004–0.049] 177
Ag 0.231(114)  0.298[0.025–1.96] Swedish pop. 21
0.08(45)  [0.02–1.31] 177
Cd 1.4(57)  0.2 187
0.5(113)  0.08 Indian group with diverse medical status 181
3.2(150)  0.69 5–15 yo males 185
0.32(20)  0.12 Indian pop. 182
0.05(63)  [0.0–2.0] 6 yo children in Poland 16
0.08(655)  0.12[0.00–2.21] Korean children 111
0.011(45)  [0.004–0.17] 177
Sn 0.320(114)  0.390[0.06–1.41] Swedish pop. 21
0.046(45)  [0.007–0.34] 177
Sb 0.008(45)  [0.003–0.13] 177
Te 0.00034(114)  0.00033[o0.00007–0.001] Swedish pop. 21
0.0003(45)  [0.0003–0.001] 177
I 7.20(1236) Moscow women(40–60 yo) 179
0.57(100)  0.44[0.13–2.45] Iran pop. 180
0.680(114)  0.580[0.13–3.31] Swedish pop. 21
Cs 0.00067(114)  0.00046[0.00017–0.0019] Swedish pop. 21
Ba 0.640(114)  0.490[0.16–1.92] Swedish pop. 21
0.32(655)  0.29[0.05–3.75] Korean children 111
0.28(45)  [0.05–1.58] 177
La 0.035(114)  0.046[0.0046–0.106] Swedish pop. 21
Ce 0.039(114)  0.050[0.007–0.164] Swedish pop. 21
Hf 0.0054(114)  0.0081[0.0004–0.037] Swedish pop. 21
Ta 0.0044(114)  0.0034[o0.002–0.020] Swedish pop. 21
W 0.0053(114)  0.0049[0.001–0.021] Swedish pop. 21
0.0013(45)  [0.0001–0.007] 177
Re 0.000037(114)  0.000034[0.000005–0.00016] Swedish pop. 21
Ir 0.00003(114)  0.00011[o0.00001–0.000045] Swedish pop. 21
Pt 0.00015(114)  0.00017[0.0002–0.00061] Swedish pop. 21
0.00035(45)  [0.0004–0.0008] 177
Au 0.030(114)  0.0028[0.003–0.200] Swedish pop. 21

3928 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Table 1 (continued )
1 a
Mean(n)  s.d.[range]/mg g Population Reference
Hg 1.73(263)  2.12 Taiwan pop. 188
3.4(19)  2.8 Exposed Cambodia p. 189
1.51(59)  0.91 19–20 yo Japanese Fem 190
1.03(100)  0.82[0.2–4.8] 123
0.261(114)  0.145[0.053–0.927] Swedish pop. 21
0.49(655)  0.29[0.05–1.83] Korean children 111
0.66(45) [0.31–1.66] 177
Tl 0.00061(114)  0.00032[0.0002–0.0016] Swedish pop. 21
0.0002(45) [0.0001–0.0004] 177
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

Pb 5.7(113)  2.9 Indian group with diverse medical status 181

12.7(150)  3.5 5–15 yo males 185
1.43(42)  [0.31–12.07] From maternal/fetal pairs 191
1.25(245)  1.20[0.2(DL)–9.9] 8–10 yo in Germany 34
1.96(20)  1.25 Indian pop. 182
1.00(112)  [0.2–14.6] 6 yo children in Poland 16
0.960(114)  0.850[0.22–7.26] Swedish pop. 21
1.68(655)  1.12[0.10–7.09] Korean children 111
0.41(45)  [0.13–4.57] 177
Bi 0.019(114)  0.025[0.002–0.255] Swedish pop. 21
0.04(655)  0.06[0.00–0.51] Korean children 111
0.009(45)  [0.0004–0.14] 177
Th 0.0013(114)  0.0010[0.0003–0.0044] Swedish pop. 21
U 0.057(114)  0.065[0.006–0.436] Swedish pop. 21
0.04(655)  0.07[0.00–0.67] Korean children 111
0.009(45)  [0.002–0.03] 177
In some instances the median has been quoted where the mean value was not provided.

Table 2 Elemental correlations with morbidity

Condition Observation with reference to hair concentrations relative to control groups Ref.
Retardation Pb was higher in children with retardation. Cu correlated with severity 192
IQ Pb inversely correlated with IQ 35
Neurological disorders Pb was elevated in children with neurological disorders 193
ADHD Pb correlated with instances of ADHD 35
Autism Fe decreased and Se elevated with autism. Girls also had decreased Cu and Mg 113
Parkinson’s disease Fe was lower 109
Hyperactive disorders Mn was associated with oppositional and hyperactivity indices 194
Body mass index Pb and Cd correlated with BMI in children 16
Hypertensive diabetes K, Mg and Ca were lower while Na was higher 171
Osteomuscular disorders Pb and Zn were elevated and Cu lower for children with rheumatic diseases 195
Amblyopia Ca and Mg were elevated and Mn decreased for child patients 196
Bone mineral density Mg was elevated while serum Mg was lower for higher bone mineral density 197
Cardiovascular disease Ca and Mg correlated with a marker for arterial stiffness associated with vascular calcification 122
Myocardial infarction Fe and Zn were lower while Pb, Cd and Ni were elevated 198
Hepatitis Cu and Fe were elevated and Zn was lower in blood, serum and hair of viral hepatitis patients 199
Kidney failure Al, Ni, Cd and Pb were elevated 200
Anaemia Fe, Cu and Zn were lower while Cd and Pb were elevated for anaemic children 201
Premenstrual syndrome Zn/Cu and Hg were elevated while Fe, K and Mg/Ca were lower 202
Psoriasis Zn was lower while Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb were elevated 203
Metabolic syndrome Ca, Mg and Hg corresponded with prevalence of metabolic syndrome 173
Breast cancer Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn were lower while Na, As and K were elevated 204

origins are vague and was common practice at the time to treat fetal blood may not be representative of fetal exposure and
hair with arsenic for preservation. Thus order-in-magnitude hair could be a better option for assessment,213 with specific
differences in arsenic concentrations have been reported.212 short term exposures identifiable.214 However, Black et al.
However, little information exists on these samples regarding only found minor evidence of Pb crossing the placenta based
the longitudinal or transverse position which may also account on hair analysis.191
for some variation in measurements in the case of endogenous
Another application for analysis in retrospect of exposure, 7. Hair analysis for mercury
where other media are not suitable, is in the study of fetal hair.
7.1 Occurrence in the environment
Assessment of blood lead for example can be difficult, as 95%
of Pb in a person can be incorporated in the bone structure Mercury, as with every naturally occurring element, is wide-
and released when an individual is under Ca stress. In this case spread throughout the environment. As such, a global cycle of

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Hg has always been active at local as well as at a global scale The absorption of Hg0 is strictly dependent on its physical
due to various processes such as volatilisation/condensation, state. While liquid Hg0 is very poorly sorbed by the gastro-
adsorption/desorption, methylation/demethylation and different intestinal tract, Hg0 in the form of vapour is readily sorbed
forms of transport. For instance, Hg in its monoatomic through the lungs.222 Similarly, there is some evidence that
gaseous form has a residence time in the atmosphere of about aerosols of HgCl2 can be sorbed to some extent.223 The uptake
one year and therefore it is hardly surprising that Hg is of inorganic ionic species of Hg is dependent on the diet and
ubiquitous in the environment. However, human activity has the solubility of the compound involved.222 Methyl-Hg is
dramatically increased the biogeochemical cycle of this almost completely sorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
element. Dietz et al.215 have recently reviewed the literature In a similar fashion as observed in the case of uptake, the
concerning the anthropogenic contribution to Hg levels in pharmacokinetics of Hg is highly dependent on the species
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

Arctic animals. Their findings clearly indicate that an order of involved. Alkyl-Hg, such as methyl-Hg, and Hg0 can cross
magnitude increase in Hg in Arctic marine foodweb-based both placental and blood-brain barriers.222 In contrast,
animals has been evident from the mid to late 19th century. inorganic ionic forms of Hg do not efficiently pass these
This increase has continued in the 20th century due to barriers.
human activities that today account for over 90% of the Hg Once in the bloodstream Hg0 is readily transported to
concentrations in Arctic animals. several organs including the cranial region and the kidneys
Currently Hg is employed in a number of industrial which represent the main accumulation organ.224 Within the
operations including small-scale mining of Au and Ag and cells elemental Hg is oxidised to its divalent ion which has a
chlor-alkali production. While both these activities are still of half-time of several weeks.222 The half-time of methyl-Hg in
concern in developing countries, they are being phased out in the human body is approximately 1.5–2 months.225,226
advanced economies. However, Hg is still present in a number The half-times of different Hg species, and in particular,
of products including manometers, thermometers, electrical methyl-Hg, have to be considered when hair and other
switches, fluorescent lamp bulbs, some batteries and dental biomarkers are compared.
amalgam fillings. Furthermore Hg is released during the
combustion of fossil fuels.216
7.3 Toxicity
In terms of human health, two pathways of exposure are
widespread across the general population in many countries. The acute toxicity of Hg has been recognised for a long time.
These are the exposure to methyl Hg through fish consump- For instance, the Romans used slaves to extract cinnabar
tion (and possibly rice)217 and to Hg vapour from amalgam (Hg sulfide) at the Almaden mine in Spain, where acute
tooth fillings. An additional form of widespread exposure is mercurialism caused miners’ life expectancy to be as short as
due to the use of an ethyl Hg derivative (thimerosal) as an three working years.227
antiseptic in some vaccines.218 However, the use of Hg in most Methyl-Hg compounds were first synthesized in the 1860s.
vaccines is being phased out.219 Other pathways of exposure Their acute toxicity was immediately evident as two of the
are pertinent to specific occupations. Among these the above- laboratory technicians died in the process.228 More recently,
mentioned small scale Au mining activities and chlor-alkali acute poisoning episodes were related to the misuse of
productions are responsible for significant occupational Hg-containing compounds. Noteworthy is the mass poisoning
exposure to inorganic forms of Hg. that occurred in Iraq at the beginning of the 1970s. In this
case, methyl-Hg was used as a fungicide on wheat and barley
seed stocks and poisoning occurred when these grains were
7.2 Speciation and pharmacokinetics
directly used to produce flour.221
As it will be discussed below, the mobility, toxicity and Besides acute toxicity, chronic effects linked to the
accumulation of Hg are strictly dependent on its speciation. consumption of fish and other seafood are by far the occurrences
This element is in fact characterised by a considerably of most concern. This scenario reached dramatic consequences
complex chemistry due to the existence of different oxidation when a factory manufacturing acetaldehyde discharged
states [mercury (Hg0), inorganic mercurous (Hg+) and methyl-Hg in the Minamata Bay of Japan from the 1950s to
mercuric (Hg2+)] and organic species (e.g. methyl-, ethyl- 1968 (e.g. Ninomiya et al.).229 The most well known effect of
and phenyl-mercury). Methyl-Hg is produced by saprophyte methyl-Hg relates to its ability to disrupt neuronal cell division
aquatic organisms from inorganic Hg. As it is readily and migration during brain development.230 For this reason,
absorbed by animals, methyl-Hg bioaccumulates in the and for the ability of this compound to cross the placental
aquatic food chain reaching the largest concentrations in barrier, prenatal exposure is considered as the most susceptible
predatory fish. While exposure to methyl-Hg through seafood stage of life. Prenatal exposure to Hg has in fact been linked to
consumption is by far the most widespread pathway, learning delays and alterations of the autonomic nervous
contamination of other foodstuff such as cereal seeds and system.231 However, it should be noticed that chronic
meat by methyl-Hg (or other alkyl-Hg) based fungicides has exposure to Hg, and methyl-Hg in particular, could have
also been reported.220,221 deleterious effects on the neurological activities of adults
The absorption and disposition in the body of Hg species as well.
has been thoroughly reviewed elsewhere,218 however a brief In addition to the effects on the central nervous system,
summary is provided below as this information is relevant in methyl-Hg has also been implicated in risk of cardiovascular
terms of the interpretation of hair analysis. disease. For instance, methyl-Hg derived from fish consumption

3930 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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was linked with risk of acute myocardial infarction in adult males (490%) was present as inorganic species. In this case,
in Finland.232 Hg in fish may diminish the cardioprotective inorganic Hg could have accumulated in the hair through
effects generally associated with a diet rich in fish.233 the blood circulation, upon lung absorption, or through
deposition. Spatially resolved analysis of hair strands including
the follicle could possibly provide a way to differentiate
7.4 Incorporation of different Hg species in hair
between these two accumulation pathways as the portion of
During keratinisation of hair, Hg is incorporated in the protein hair not yet emerged through the scalp should be largely
structure of the hair through bonding with S-containing amino protected from atmospheric Hg.
acids.234 Methyl-Hg is readily incorporated into the hair
during its formation in the follicle and the concentration of
7.5 Other factors affecting the Hg content in hair
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

methyl-Hg in the hair is proportional to the blood concentration.

This proportional relationship results in a concentration in the Various factors, such as those described earlier, may play roles
hair which was generally considered to be B250 times higher in the accumulation of Hg in hair. So far no distinctive ethnic
than in the blood (when the concentration in the hair is differences have been reported in regard to the degree of
expressed in mg per g hair and mg per L blood).235 However, accumulation of Hg in hair or in relation to different
the blood-to-hair ratio has been demonstrated more recently blood-to-hair Hg ratios.236 Hair colour has also been investigated
to vary with age.236 Once methyl-Hg is incorporated in the in a few studies but the results appear to be inconclusive.
hair structure, it remains stable for long periods of time. This Ando et al.243 reported that total and methyl-Hg in elderly
allows a retrospective analysis of the exposure to Hg on the men and women were statistically higher in grey hair than in
basis of the rate of hair growth. dark hair. In contrast, a study conducted in Spain on a cohort
In contrast to methyl-Hg, the incorporation of inorganic of 233 school children failed to reveal a difference in hair Hg
forms of Hg during hair growth is much more limited. This concentrations due to hair colour.244
situation has been convincingly supported by Cernichiari The effect of age has been investigated in a number of
et al.237 who produced a brief but powerful article showing epidemiological studies again with contrasting results. This
that inorganic Hg concentrations in blood and urine do not issue is discussed in detail by Budtz-Jorgensen et al.236 who
correlate to Hg concentrations in hair. This work was reported a change in the blood-to-hair Hg ratio between
produced as a response to the claim by another group who children at the age of 7 and 14 years. While the blood
suggested that the 7th President of the USA, Andrew Jackson, Hg concentrations doubled with increase in age, the hair
may not have suffered from Hg poisoning even though he was concentrations only increased by 50%. The results were
therapeutically administered calomel (mercurous chloride).238 explained on the basis of changes in elemental composition
This conclusion was drawn by Deppisch et al.238 based on the of hair during childhood. In particular, finer hairs at the age of
analysis of 2 samples of Jackson’s hair which showed low 7 seem to accumulate more Hg, on a weight base, than adult
levels of Hg. However, Cernichiari et al.237 reported the case of hair. In addition to these changes due to age-dependent hair
5 individuals exposed to inorganic Hg (in the form of vapour structures, changes related to the age of individuals were found
or salts) whose blood and urine Hg content was highly to be relevant in some cases245–247 but not in others.248,249
elevated despite the Hg hair concentrations remaining at Another important issue is regarding the effect of gender on
nearly background levels. This convincingly supports the case Hg concentration. Again this is a factor that has been
made by Suzuki that Hg in hair is not a robust marker for considered in a number of studies and conflicting evidence
dietary exposure except in the case of methyl-Hg.239 can be found in the literature. For instance, Yasutake et al.250
The situation is more complex when volatile species of and Grandjean et al.251 found that females had lower Hg
inorganic Hg are present in the environment such as in the concentration than males. However, other studies244,245,252,253
case of chlor-alkali plants or small scale artisanal mining reported an opposite trend with females having higher
operations. When this is the situation, elemental Hg could concentrations of Hg in hair than males. These differences
accumulate in hair through simple sorption from the atmosphere have been tentatively explained on the basis of differences in
as well as through blood circulation since approximately 80% the diet, and in particular in the amount of consumed fish, or
of the inhaled Hg0 is absorbed by the lungs and remains in the hormonal control in Hg uptake.245 In this regard Hirayama
body.240 Little is known about the lung absorption of other et al.254 reported differences in methyl-Hg uptake and
inorganic Hg species such as HgCl2 or Hg oxide aerosols. In elimination between male and female mice. In other studies
dogs, Hg oxides aerosols were shown to be cleared by the body however, no differences related to gender were found.217,246
in less than 24 hours while the remaining Hg had a half-time of All the above mentioned factors are however likely to play a
approximately a month.241 Again it is expected that these role that is less marked than other determinant factors such as
inorganic species of Hg could accumulate in hair through dietary or other habits (e.g. smoking)255 and conclusive
sorption (i.e. without Hg entering the blood circulation). Hair evidence of their importance would be difficult to achieve.256
of workers and non-workers near artisanal mercury mines in One factor that should be considered, as it has the potential
China showed enhanced elevated concentrations of Hg in to invalidate epidemiological studies if not taken into account,
hair.217 Interestingly, while in populations exposed to Hg is the effect of permanent hair treatment on the Hg hair
through a fish diet methyl-Hg in hair is strongly correlated concentration. This effect may also be correlated to gender
to total Hg (representing 80% of it, e.g. Pellizzari et al.),242 in differences as women are more likely than men to have hair
these Chinese studies a large proportion of Hg in the hair treatments. In a comprehensive study of 327 women, ranging

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in age from 24 to 49 years, artificial hair-waving reduced total Besides these ‘bulk’ analysis techniques, a few applications
Hg concentration in hair by approximately 30% (after correcting of spatially resolved techniques to assess the distribution of Hg
for other factors including daily Hg intake).257 A similar result along hair strands have also been employed. For instance,
was obtained by Yasutake et al.250 who showed a decrease of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was used to analyse a single hair
the same order after a single hair treatment with further strand with a longitudinal resolution of 2 mm.263 This study
decrease in successive treatments. These results are explained was conducted on a hair sample of a chemistry professor
by the fact that waiving lotions contain thioglycolate which is who died of dimethyl-Hg exposure several months after the
an effective agent in Hg removal from hair.258 On the basis of poisoning accident happened. This analysis confirmed the date
these findings Dakeishi et al.257 correctly point out that of the accident and also detected the subsequent increase in Hg
‘the myth that Hg concentration in hair reflects the methyl- concentration caused by the chelator used to treat the patient.
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

Hg concentration circulating in the blood, may collapse if a High-resolution synchrotron-based XRF has been used to
study population includes subjects with such hair treatment’. analyse the spatial distribution of Hg in the hair of rats
exposed to methyl-Hg through an endogenous and exogenous
pathway.264 Cross sections of the hair clearly show the
7.6 Analysis of Hg in hair
different distribution caused by the two pathways of exposure
Generally, total Hg is measured in hair. This is considered while a longitudinal analysis could describe the timeline of
sufficient in most cases as most of the studies focussing on exposure. Zareba et al.265 visualised the distribution of Hg in a
methyl-Hg, which are the most common, indicate that methyl-Hg human scalp/nude mouse model through autoradiography
represents the preponderant majority of Hg in hair. For with radiolabelled CH3203 HgCl. These studies demonstrate
instance, 490% of the total Hg in hair was in the form of the potential of in situ analytical techniques to understand
methyl-Hg in the hair of Faroese women exposed to Hg the mechanism of Hg accumulation in hair and to provide
through whale meat consumption.251 Issues arise when total valuable information regarding the pathways and timelines of
Hg is also analysed in the blood as the percentage of inorganic exposure.
Hg in the blood could be significant and would decrease the
correlation with Hg in hair (as inorganic species are incorporated
7.7 Case studies, potentials and limitations of Hg hair analysis
in the hair to a lesser degree than methyl-Hg).236 Furthermore,
the analysis of total Hg may not be a good predictor of The validity of hair analysis to assess methyl-Hg exposure has
exposure when vapour/atmospheric Hg is a determinant factor been recently investigated by a human scalp/nude mouse
as direct adsorption to the hair could occur. In this case, model.265 This model system consists of grafting human scalp
speciation of Hg in the hair would provide additional and hair on to nude mice and subsequent exposure of the animal to
important information. methyl-Hg. The results showed that methyl-Hg is rapidly
The most commonly used method to assess total Hg in hair incorporated in the human hair and Hg concentrations in
is based on the digestion of a sample of at least 5–10 mg the hair were 2 orders of magnitude higher than in blood.
followed by cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry The observed hair-to-blood ratio (217 : 1) is similar to that
(CV-AFS) or inductively couple plasma mass spectrometry observed in human studies. As mentioned above, the useful-
(ICP-MS) (e.g. Gill et al.).259 However, a method for single ness of hair testing in the case of other Hg species is not as
human hair analysis has also been proposed.260 This method is established and it should be treated carefully as various path-
based on a combination of combustion, Hg collection with ways of exposure may be present at the same time.
Au amalgamation and detection by atomic absorption The analysis of Hg hair concentrations offers several
spectrometry (C-GA-AAS). Legrand et al.158 reported a advantages: (a) the prolonged life-time of Hg in blood produces
satisfactory 1 : 1 relationship between these two methods. easily interpretable timelines of exposure and Hg concentrations
Interestingly, the standard deviation in Hg concentration are largely stable once incorporated in the hair structure;
between individual hair strands was reported to be 6.5% (b) hair samples are easy to collect, store and transport as
which is not much larger than what can be expected when described earlier; and (c) methyl-Hg is concentrated in the hair
CV-AFS is employed. It should be pointed out again here that in comparison to the blood, facilitating analysis.277 These
large variability can occur in the results obtained between advantages have made hair analysis an attractive option to
commercial laboratories. For instance, variation in results assess Hg exposure in epidemiological studies.278,279 However,
obtained from 6 commercial laboratories in the USA ranged the situation is different when Hg exposure of single patients is
from 0.1 to 2 mg kg 1 for a split sample of hair.12 It is of concern. Nuttall (2006) provides a comprehensive review of
therefore essential that accurate quality controls are in place the issues related to the interpretation of hair Hg levels in
when analysing hair samples for Hg. individual patients.280 When individual patients are concerned, Hg
A detailed review of the analytical techniques that can be used concentrations in the hair need to be interpreted taking into
for the speciation of Hg species and the determination of methyl-Hg account the patient’s history, signs and symptoms and possible
is beyond the scope of this review. Gas chromatography alternative explanations. In this case, blood or urine Hg
techniques hyphenated to a variety of detectors have proven concentrations are possibly a more robust measurement of
popular due to the convenient conversion of Hg species in exposure as exogenous contamination can be excluded.
volatile compounds.261 However, an increasing number of However, hair analysis can be valuable in order to reconstruct
techniques have been developed that achieve separation through a pattern of early exposure. As Nuttall points out, the risk is
liquid chromatography and detection through ICP-MS.262 that of attributing subtle symptoms to modest concentrations

3932 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Table 3 Mercury hair concentrations and selected variable in a number of epidemiological studies

Other Adverse
Location Source No. of subjects Age Median/mean (mg g 1) measurements effect(s) Reference
Minamata Fish 3038 10–470 2.1 (control) 30.0 (exposed) — Y 266
(and ref. therein)
Iraq Hg-dressed 2147 1–450 5 (control) 136 (exposed) Blood Hg Y 267 and 268
Seychelles Fish 779 6.5 months to 6.9 (mothers) — N 63 and 269–272
(mother–child pairs) 10.7 years
Faroe Whale meat 1022 0–14 years 4.2 (mothers) Cord blood Y 236 and
Islands (mother–child pairs) 273–275
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

Germany Amalgam 245 8–10 years 0.18 Urine, saliva — 238

USA Amalgam 534 6–10 years 0.3–0.4 (over 5 years) Urine — 276
China Mining 66 23–67 years Total: 0.8 (control), 69 (exposed) Urine Y 249
methyl-Hg: 0.6 (control), 2.3

of Hg in hair. In fact, while acute toxicity symptoms can be content in hair of 191 fishermen and their families living in
more safely related to large Hg concentrations in hair, chronic the Hg polluted area was, with a few exceptions, in the
and subtle symptoms are more difficult to diagnose and normal range (o10 mg g 1).283 However, various neurological
differentiate from other causes. symptoms of mild Minamata disease were still prevalent
As mentioned above, hair analysis for Hg is much more suggesting that, due to the time elapsed, the current hair Hg
established and accepted when epidemiological studies are content is not a useful criterion for the diagnosis of chronic
concerned. A large number of these studies, especially in the Minamata disease.
case of methyl-Hg exposure, have been conducted worldwide;
a selection of some of the most relevant studies is reported in 7.7.2 Fungicide-treated wheat and barley in Iraq. In
the following sections. The main parameters investigated in 1971–1972 a large amount of barley (22 000 t) and wheat
the studies reported are summarised in Table 3. (73 000 t) were distributed in Iraq. These grains were to be
used as seeds and, as such, were treated with methyl-Hg
7.7.1 Methyl-Hg release in Minamata Bay, Japan. The first fungicides.285 Organomercury compounds were introduced
patient with a neurological syndrome, referred to as Minamata in 1915 for seed-dressing to prevent seed and soil-born fungi.
disease, was identified in 1942.281 This disease was associated Unfortunately, an unknown quantity of these seeds was used
with a number of neurological effects ranging from numbness to produce bread and as feed for domestic animals. Several
in the extremities to paralysis. The Minamata disease was studies were conducted following this accident. In one study,
caused by the continuous discharge of methyl-Hg in the the Hg concentration in hair of 184 individuals was investigated
Minamata Bay by a local chemical company producing against clinical symptoms of Hg poisoning.286 Generally, no
acetaldehyde over a period of several decades (ending in 1968). effects were detected when Hg concentrations in hair were
Methyl-Hg accumulation in fish, which represented a significant below 300 mg g 1. However, individual data were not always
input in the local diet, was the main pathway of exposure. As consistent as some elevated concentrations of Hg in hair were
early as 1960 a survey showed high levels of Hg, ranging from not accompanied by symptoms. These false-positive data
97 to 705 mg g 1, in hair of patients affected by Minamata points were possibly related to external contamination from
disease.282 Other patients showed elevated levels of Hg in hair the fungicide.267 A similar study in which a total of 2147
(up to 191 mg g 1) without showing apparent symptoms. people, from both highly exposed and control areas, were
However, it should be noted that in 1960, residents in the area examined and Hg was measured in hair and blood.268 Using
were already aware of the cause of Minamata disease and their these data Kazantzis et al.267 concluded that hair Hg
fish consumption was already reduced, it is therefore likely concentrations allowed a better discrimination between different
that Hg concentrations in hair would have been larger in categories of exposure than blood Hg. The main reason of this
previous years.283 Since then a large number of studies have finding was attributed to the retrospective capability of hair
focussed on the effects of this pollution and investigations are Hg analysis as several months had elapsed between the onset
continuing to assess the long-term effects of it. Recently, of the poisoning episode and the survey. Another important
Yorifuji et al.266 reanalysed data collected during two surveys outcome of studies related to this accident is the finding that
in 1960 and 1971. They identified 120 residents in the exposed concentrations as low as 10 mg g 1 in maternal hair were
area that were included in both surveys. Based on these data associated with adverse effects to the foetus.287
they reported that neurological signs of Hg poisoning were
found among residents having Hg content in hairo50 mg g 1. 7.7.3 The Seychelles child development study. This long-
The same set of data was also used to investigate the effect of term longitudinal cohort study was designed to investigate the
Hg exposure in relation to cardiovascular disease (by using developmental outcomes of prenatal methyl-Hg exposure in a
hypertension as a proxy). A dose–response relationship was fish-eating population. This study started in 1989–1990 when
found between the hair Hg content and hypertension 779 infant–mother pairs were enrolled. The Seychelles diet is
outcomes.284 A more recent survey showed that the Hg heavily reliant on fish and the mothers taking part in this study

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consumed a mean of 12 fish meals per week.269 The concentrations form of Hg is largely retained by the human body and is
of methyl-Hg in local fish are similar to those commonly found carried by the blood cells and crosses both the placenta and
in commercially available fish in the USA.288 However, due to blood-brain barriers. However, inorganic Hg that circulates
the diet, the concentration of Hg in maternal hair (6.8 mg g 1) through the blood system is not significantly incorporated in
is much higher than what is commonly found in the hair of hair. For this reason some studies have used Hg in hair as a
women of child-bearing age in the USA (1 mg g 1).289 measure of exposure to methyl-Hg through fish consumption
The cohort was investigated several times from 6.5 months while inorganic Hg in urine was used as a measure of exposure
to 17 years of age (for references of the individual studies see to Hg vapour.276 In general, while it has been observed that
Davidson et al.270 and Schoeman et al.).290 Results of this Hg concentration in urine increases with the number of
longitudinal study did not reveal a relationship between amalgam and defective amalgam fillings (e.g. Pesch et al.),247
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

prenatal Hg exposure and neurodevelopmental deficits.63 Only the concentrations of Hg in tissues due to this exposure
1 out of 21 endpoints that were measured showed a slight pathway are below those considered of concern (for review
adverse association with prenatal methyl-Hg, and this was see Clarkson and references therein).218
only observed in boys.63 Similar conclusions were reached
when scholastic achievements were investigated at age 9 and 7.7.6 Occupational exposure in artisanal small scale mining.
17 years.270 In contrast, language and functional attention Comprehensive reports of occupational exposure in artisanal
were beneficially influenced by methyl-Hg levels.271 Recent small scale mining are available (e.g. Veiga and Baker)291 and
studies conducted in the Seychelles seem to point to the a thorough review of the matter is beyond the scope of this
counteracting role of micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Se and I) review. Briefly, while most modern gold mining operations
and polyunsaturated fatty acids present in fish which could rely on a cyanide leaching process of the ores, artisanal small
mitigate the detrimental effects of methyl-Hg.269,272 scale mining in developing countries is often still reliant on the
use of liquid Hg to bind Au (or Ag). The amalgam is then
7.7.4 Faroe Islands study. Another long-term study similar heated and the Hg released as vapour. Another case relates to
to the Seychelles Child Development Study was conducted at the exposure of workers at artisanal Hg mines where cinnabar
the Faroe Islands. In this case a cohort of 1022 consecutive is smelted.249 Inhalation as in the case of dental amalgam
singleton births was generated in 1986–1987. The source of is therefore the principal exposure pathway even though
prenatal methyl-Hg exposure in this case was due to the contamination of the surrounding areas by Hg can generate
traditional consumption of pilot whale meat. Mercury secondary exposure pathways. As in the case discussed above,
concentrations in cord blood and in hair of the mothers were incorporation of inorganic Hg through the blood stream is not
measured. Hair concentrations in the mothers ranged from an efficient process. However, extremely large concentrations
o0.2 to almost 40 mg g 1 (geometric average of 4.2 mg g 1). of Hg in hair have been reported for artisanal workers. For
The children were tested for a number of indicators of instance, hair Hg concentrations above 300 mg g 1 were
cognitive performance at 7 and 14 years. In contrast to the reported in workers at Hg mines in Wuchuan, China.217 As
results reported for the Seychellois children, adverse effects expected in these cases, direct exposure of hair to Hg vapours
related to pre-natal exposure were reported at both ages makes the use of this biomarker hardly suitable to assess Hg
investigated.273,274 Post-natal methyl-Hg exposure did not body burden.
have any significant effects. The deficits due to pre-natal
exposure were similar at 7 and 14 years and affected the 8. Delivering a meaningful result. The use and
motor, attention and verbal parameters tested. These results
future of hair analysis
indicated that the methyl-Hg caused permanent effects. The
differences between the results of this study and the study The optimal goal of bulk hair analysis will be to provide a
conducted at the Seychelles may be due to various reasons. In quantitative measurement which can be related to a blood
the Faroe Islands, the consumption of whale blubber could concentration. This can only occur with discrimination
provide an exposure pathway to other co-contaminants such between contamination and endogenous content. One possibility
as organochlorine compounds. However, Grandjean et al.273 is the assessment of metabolites, which is a distinct advantage
showed a lack of association between PCB exposure and of drug analysis in hair,292–295 i.e. that a metabolite will only
neuropsychological test results even though an additional exist with consumption and hence proves ingestion.
study subsequently indicated that PCB could aggravate the In the interest of a standard biomonitor such as in
symptoms of methyl-Hg exposure in children already exposed commercial provision, this requires reduction of the contribution
to high Hg levels.275 Another possibility is that the nutritional of exogenous sources, consideration of the many variables
value of a rich fish diet, as that of Seychellois, could counteract influencing endogenous incorporation to the extent that inter-
the negative effects of methyl-Hg in comparison to the individual variability is removed allowing assessment of the
Faroese diet. concentrations pertaining to an individual. As discussed
earlier there are many variables influencing the incorporation
7.7.5 Mercury vapour exposure: studies of dental amalgam. into hair which vary greatly from one individual to another.
Mercury represents approximately 50% of the metal content These include age, gender, hair colour, lipid content etc., as
of dental amalgam. As the Hg in the amalgam can be released well as any other variables based on the genetics of the
in the form of vapour, concerns have been raised in terms of individual and the actual source of exposure. For this to be
Hg inhalation through this exposure route. This inorganic realised, a great deal of normalisation needs to take place and

3934 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 3915–3940 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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it is not sufficient to simply measure the hair elemental components were required to be quantitatively measured and
concentrations. could make the approach prohibitive.
Hair analysis has had considerable debate over its The following paragraphs highlight areas of hair analysis
application and has remained controversial, particularly in where pursuit holds specific value.
the commercial sector. There is definitive evidence that
essential elements and xenobiotics that find their way into an
8.1 Fundamental studies
individual are subsequently incorporated into hair, the
concentrations of which have a dependence upon the extent Greater understanding of the fundamental incorporation of
of consumption/exposure and can provide information elements into hair is required. This is needed with respect to
regarding chronic and acute exposure. localisation and association of the elements in the hair structure
Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

The value for hair analysis has been demonstrated, for with sub-cellular information. The chemical characterisation
mineral analysis, with particular success in the cases of acute as a function of these associations will assist in the discrimination
exposure, exemplified in several cases including the death of Phar of exogenous content, enabling proper assessment of washing
Lap. For the investigation of chronic exposure levels, particular protocols and furthering ability to normalise hair concentrations
ability has been shown for epidemiological studies where data to blood concentrations. Normalisation to blood concentrations
from a population group can be pooled in comparison to other would be a major and significant accomplishment. This may
groups and deconvolve important factors relating to the sources, come with further development of quantitative methods with
exposure routes and extent of exposure to xenobiotics. ability to assess elemental speciation.
With respect to morbidity, hair analysis has shown distinct In vitro growth methods66,296 could also add control over
ability to reflect changes in endogenous metal concentration variables in the study of hair growth and the incorporation
and/or transport. In this sense there is promise for etiological and effects of elemental concentrations297 and speciation.
studies, discriminating cause and effects, and identifying Hairs from the same individual would give unprecedented
environmental or habitual risk factors. However, to classify information with the removal of inter-individual variability.
an individual is much more problematic. For instance, if an
individual returned a result of a perturbed Zn concentration,
8.2 Longitudinal/temporal analysis
certain aspects may be normalised for, such as gender, age and
a crude estimation of hair colour. The measured concentration Longitudinal analysis of hair offers unique possibilities for
will also be altered based on lipid content and genetics toxicology and monitoring acute exposures and/or changes in
(as examples), and other local variables such as water lifestyle, metabolism and impact of other variables. Information
concentrations when washing, swimming and other hair care from the hair analysis can be correlated with the pharmaco-
products. Assuming all these aspects can be normalised and kinetics known for the blood concentrations and also assist in
accounted for, then what does the concentration of this metal hair–blood concentration normalisation. Such studies also
actually indicate? Based on the references indicating perturbed reveal information regarding incorporation mechanisms and
Zn concentrations in hair with morbidity, it could be due to a with speciation can probe the effects of metabolic processes.147
multitude of reasons (Table 2). A general ‘screening’ of an
individual may give an indication of homeostasis, or lack
8.3 Metabolic discrimination
thereof, but offering a diagnosis as to the cause of an abnormal
concentration is currently not feasible and is difficult to see as Analysis for metabolites, organoproteins for example or
realistic. In addition, hair analysis could only show homeo- complexes that can be identified as originating from biogenic
static deviation, not the problem. For example, if cancer incorporation can discriminate contamination. This is particularly
reduces Zn in hair and hair analysis indicates a deficiency, it vital for toxicology in a forensic context. An understanding of
is not a cure for cancer to provide Zn supplements. the influence of metabolites on incorporation will also assist in
The methods employed for hair analysis are greatly varied achieving normalised concentrations to relate to blood
and there’s unlikely a need for an individual approach to be concentrations. Value exists in developing methodologies
the one and only standard. This is particularly evident in capable of assessing elemental species and identifying meta-
comparing analysis for acute versus chronic exposure. The bolic products.298
analysis for acute exposure requires high resolution and
typically more exclusive approaches (such as XRF micro-
8.4 Epidemiological and etiological studies
probes or LA-ICP-MS). These approaches are time consuming
and viable only for a very limited number of samples. Analysis As demonstrated in this review, hair elemental concentrations
for chronic exposure will typically involve large populations from large population studies can identify correlations with
and require a high throughput of samples. These utilise bulk lifestyles, morbidity and risk factors. This information can
methodologies which yield no, or very limited, temporal then be extended for the pursuit of underlying mechanistic
resolution. The approach (including washing procedure) phenomena for disease state and development. For instance,
should be proven and robust. Ideally the analyses will undergo identifying deficiencies in trace elemental levels may reveal
interlaboratory comparisons for confirmation of protocols. metabolic dysfunction pertaining to the impact of the disease
The future would also ideally see normalisation with a multitude on other organs, which may not initially be apparent. The
of factors to provide a comparison for blood concentrations. advantages of hair analysis could hold value in such studies
However this would dramatically increase expense if other hair rather than attempting to identify a disease itself.

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8.5 Economical remote and proof of concept studies 27 A. H. Thompson, L. A. Chesson, D. W. Podlesak, G. J. Bowen,
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benefits for remote sampling and screening of large population 28 G. J. Bowen, J. R. Ehleringer, L. A. Chesson, A. H. Thompson,
groups for a broad range of elemental concentrations with D. W. Podlesak and T. E. Cerling, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 2009,
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beneficial economics. This enables cheaper investigative and 29 J. R. Ehleringer, G. J. Bowen, L. A. Chesson, A. G. West,
proof-of-concept studies before conducting more rigorous and D. W. Podlesak and T. E. Cerling, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.,
expensive programs such as including blood sampling. The 2008, 105, 2788–2793.
benefit of hair here is for the ease in collection and storage with 30 C. D. White, J. Archaeol. Sci., 1993, 20, 657–666.
31 R. Santamaria-Fernandez, J. G. Martinez-Sierra,
respect to remote communities and little influence from hourly J. M. Marchante-Gayon, J. I. Garcia-Alonso and R. Hearn, Anal.
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Published on 06 April 2011. Downloaded by Dalhousie University on 17/09/2013 01:31:31.

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