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• Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is the process of selectively
imaging antigens (proteins) in cells of a tissue section by
exploiting the principle of antibodies binding specifically to
antigens in biological tissues.
IMMUNO HISTOCHEMISTRY • IHC takes its name from the roots "immuno", in reference to
Obed Ohene-Djan Atuahene, MLS antibodies used in the procedure, and "histo," meaning
• Immunohistochemistry (IHC) combines histological,
immunological and biochemical techniques for the
identification of specific tissue components by means of a
specific antigen/antibody reaction tagged with a visible label
• Albert Coons conceptualized and first implemented the
procedure in 1941.

• The principle of immunohistochemistry is the
localization of antigens in tissue sections by the use
of labelled antibodies as specific reagents
• Antigen-antibody interactions that are visualized by
a marker such as fluorescent dye, enzyme,
radioactive element or colloidal gold.

Immunoslide Showing tubulin, actin and nucleus in green,

red and blue respectively.


Immunostaining Patterns Advantages of IHC

• Nuclear: chromogenic expression targets the nuclear 1. Protein location and distribution seen.
content (chromatin).
2. Detectable in small and large tissue biopsies and fixed
• Membrane/Cytoplasmic: chromogenic expression is tissues.
localized around the membrane or within the cytoplasm.
3. Validation of other high-throughput studies (DNA

Nuclear staining Membrane/Cytoplasmic staining

Disadvantages of IHC Antigens

1. Limited ability to quantitate protein content • Molecule that induces the formation of an antibody
2. Problems with antibody types, limited ability to detect and bears one or more antibody binding sites.
protein modifications.
• These are highly specific topographical regions
3. Limited or lack of evidence based criteria. composed of a small number of amino acids or
4. Single or dual detection ability. monosaccharide units, being known as antigenic
5. Variable scoring methods and reproducibility determinant groups or epitopes.
6. No normalization methods
7. Limited throughput.
8. Limited capacity for clinical biomarker profiling (only
with tissue microarrays).


• The outer surfaces of antigens are covered by
unique 3-dimensional protein structures known as
• They are immunogenic - the ability to induce
antibody formation; and specifically reactive, which
means that the antigen can react “with the antibody
it caused to be produced.

Antibody Antibody
• Antibodies belong to the class of serum proteins • There are five types of antibodies found in the blood of
higher vertebrates: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM.
known as immunoglobulins.
• They are named for their heavy chains
• The terms antibody and immunoglobulin are often • IgG has heavy chains of the gamma type.
used interchangeably. They are found in blood and • IgA, alpha heavy chains
tissue fluids, as well as many secretions. • IgD, delta heavy chains
• The basic unit of each antibody is a monomer. An • IgE, epsilon heavy chains
antibody can be monomeric, dimeric, trimeric, • IgM mu heavy chains
tetrameric, or pentameric. • IgG is the commonest and the most frequently used
antibody for immunohistochemistry.
• The monomer is composed of two heavy and two • A primary antibody for immunoperoxidase staining that
light chains. is "specific for gamma chains“ will localize the heavy
chain of an IgG molecule.


• There are only two types of light chains common to
all five groups: kappa and lambda.
• An IgG molecule has two identical light chains. Ie.
either two kappa chains or two lambda chains
• A single antibody can never have both kappa and
lambda chains.

Antibody production
• A source for the antigen such as serum , urine or
tissue is subjected to a combination of procedures
including precipitation, centrifugation, dialysis…
• Other techniques like chromatography and
electrophoresis to obtain a highly purified antigen.
• The antigen is then injected into an animal, not
same species.
• Antibody production begins within twenty minutes
after injection, although a measureable quantity of
antibody cannot be detected for 5-10 days.
• Bossting may be required


Antibody types Mouse or rabbit hybridoma Many different species (mostly rabbits)

• Polyclonal antibodies Tends to be cleaner and highly specific Tends to have more non-specific reactivity and
greater potential for false positive staining
• made by injecting animals with the protein of interest, or
a peptide fragment and, after a secondary immune More likely to get false- negative results if More likely to have success in an unknown
target epitope is damaged or altered application
response is stimulated, isolating antibodies from whole
serum. Expensive to produce Inexpensive
• Polyclonal antibodies are a heterogeneous mix of Training is required for the technology Skills required are low
antibodies that recognize several epitopes. used
Time scale is long for hybridomas Time scale is short
• Monoclonal antibodies
Recognizes only one epitope on an Recognizes multiple epitopes on ant one
• made by injecting the animal and then taking a specific antigen antigen
sample of immune tissue, isolating a parent cell, and Can produce large amount of specific Produces large amounts of non specific
using the resulting pure cell line to create antibodies. antibodies antibodies with batch-to-batch variability
• This causes the antibodies to show specificity for a single
epitope. unlimited supply limited supply

Conjugation/ labelling Conjugation/ labelling

• Antibodies are not visible with standard microscopy Common labels
and must be labelled in a manner that does not • Flurochromes (fluorescein, rhodamine)
interfere with their binding specificity.
• Enzymes (peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase)
• Conjugation is the process of chemically linking
some type of marker onto an antibody molecule • Electron scattering compounds for use in electron
microscopy (ferritin, colloidal gold).
• A wide variety of conjugates are available for use in
various direct and indirect immunohistological stains


Antibody detection IHC Methods

• For immunohistochemical detection strategies, • Direct
antibodies are classified as primary or secondary • Indirect
• Primary antibodies are raised against an antigen of
interest and are typically unconjugated (unlabeled), while
secondary antibodies are raised against immunoglobulins
of the primary antibody species.
• The secondary antibody is usually conjugated to a linker
molecule, such as biotin, that then recruits reporter
molecules, or the secondary antibody itself is directly
bound to the reporter molecule.

IHC Methods Direct Method

• The primary antibody is conjugated directly to the
label. The conjugate may be either a fluorochrome
or an enzyme.
• The labeled antibody reacts directly with the antigen in
the histological or cytological preparation.
• Quick and Easy but provides little signal amplification
and low on sensitivity.
• It is mainly confined to the demonstration of
immunoglobulin and complement in frozen sections of
skin and renal biopsies.
• Low levels of antigen present in certain tumors may not
be demonstrated by this technique


IHC Methods Indirect Method

• A labeled secondary antibody directed against the
immunoglobulin of the animal species in which the primary
antibody has been raised visualizes an unlabeled primary
• Horseradish peroxidase labeling is most commonly used,
together with an appropriate chromogen substrate.
• More sensitive because multiple secondary antibodies may
react with different antigenic sites on the primary antibody,
thereby increasing the signal amplification.
• Same labelled secondary antibody can be used with a
variety of primary antibodies raised from the same animal


Avidin biotin-complex (ABC) IHC Methods

• Require a 2-step process of detection involving • READ
biotinylated secondary antibody followed by • Polymer chain two step indirect technique
exposure to an avidin-peroxidase complex prior to
• Unlabeled antibody enzyme complex techniques (PAP
chromogenic detection. and APAP)
• Immunogold silver staining technique (IGSS)
• Stretavidin-biotin techniques
• Hapten labelling technique

Step Effect on IHC

Biopsy Depending on the appropriate tissue type, tissue
samples can be obtained in different ways such as
punch/core biopsy, excisional/incisional etc.
Tissue degradation begins at the time of sample
Fixation The sample should be fixed as soon as possible after
sampling, ideally within less than an hour. The chemical
fixation crosslink proteins in the sample thereby
stopping the degradation process.

Protocol Embedding After fixation, the sample is embedded in paraffin for

long-term storage and to enable sectioning for
subsequent staining. Once embedded in paraffin,
samples can be stored (almost) indefinitely.
Sectioning Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues are sectioned
and Mounting into thin slices (4-5 μm) with a microtome.
The sections are then mounted onto adhesive-coated
glass slides.


Antigen Due to the fixation process, an antigen retrieval

Retrieval treatment is applied to unmask the epitopes, either by Sample Preparation
heat (heat-induced epitope retrieval; HIER) or
enzymatic degradation (proteolytic-induced epitope
retrieval; PIER). • Critical to maintain cell morphology, tissue
architecture and the antigenicity of target epitopes.
Primary The specificity and sensitivity of the antibody affect the
Antibody staining result. • This requires proper tissue collection, fixation and
Visualization The antigen/antibody complex signal is amplified and
visualized using a detection system. The strength of • The tissue may then be sliced or used whole,
amplification of the reaction affects the staining result dependent upon the purpose of the experiment or
the tissue itself.
Interpretation The staining pattern is assessed by a pathologist in
context with other biomarkers, controls and other tests • Before sectioning, the tissue sample may be
(e.g. H&E, special stains. embedded in a medium, like paraffin wax or

Sample Preparation Sample Preparation

• Specimens are typically sliced at a range of 3 µm-5 • Depending on the method of fixation and tissue
μm preservation, the sample may require additional
• The slices are then mounted on slides, dehydrated steps to make the epitopes available for antibody
using alcohol washes of increasing concentrations binding, including deparaffinization and antigen
(e.g., 50%, 75%, 90%, 95%, 100%), and cleared retrieval.
using a detergent like xylene before being imaged • For formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues,
under a microscope. antigen-retrieval is often necessary, and involves
pre-treating the sections with heat or protease.
• These steps may make the difference between the
target antigens staining or not staining.


Fixation Slide Preparation

Goals of fixation IHC-P: Paraffin-embedded Cell Pellets and Tissue
• Prevent autolysis by rapidly terminating • Prior to immunostaining, harvested and fixed in
enzymatic/metabolic activities 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF) to preserve cell
• Prevent bacterial decomposition morphology and target epitopes.

• Preserve tissue structure while stabilization and

hardening the tissue for processing IHC-F: Frozen Tissue
• Frozen tissue should be stored at -80°C
• When ready to stain, equilibrate tissue at -20°C for
15 minutes before attempting to section. Section the
tissue to a 6-8 μm thickness using a microtome

Slide Storage Deparaffinization/ rehydration

• Freshly cut slides - For best results • Paraffin wax must be completely removed- for
• Slides may lose antigenic potential over time in staining
storage. • This is done through a series of sequential
• If slides must be stored, do so unbaked at 4°C. xylene/ethanol/water washes that remove the wax
and rehydrate the tissue for subsequent antibody
• Insufficient paraffin removal can lead to spotty,
uneven background staining.


Visualising IHC Reactions IHC reporters (Labels)

• This can be accomplished in a number of ways. • Enzyme Labels
• In the most common instance, an antibody is conjugated • Fluorescent Labels
to an enzyme, such as peroxidase, that can catalyse a
colour-producing reaction (see immunoperoxidase • Radiolabels
• Alternatively, the antibody can also be tagged to a
fluorophore, such as fluorescein or rhodamine (see

Enzyme Labels Enzyme Labels

• Enzymes are the most widely used labels in • Horseradish peroxidase is commonly used as an
immunohistochemistry, and incubation with a antibody label for several reasons:
chromogen using a standard histochemical method • Its small size does not hinder the binding of antibodies to
produces a stable, colored reaction end product adjacent sites.
suitable for the light microscope. • The enzyme is easily obtainable in a highly purified form
• The variety of enzymes and chromogens available and therefore the chance of contamination is minimized.
allow the user a choice of color for the reaction end • It is a stable enzyme and remains unchanged during
product manufacture, storage and application.
• Any endogenous activity is easily quenched.


Enzyme Labels Enzyme Labels

• HRP in combination with the most favored • Other chromogens used and colour rxn:
chromogen, 3,3α-diaminobenzidine • 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole - red
tetrahydrochloride (DAB), yields a crisp, insoluble, • 4-chloro-1-naphthol - blue
stable, dark brown reaction end product. • Hanker-Yates reagent - dark blue
• Reaction with DAB can be enhanced using nickel, • α-naphthol pyronin - red-purple
producing a deep purple/black staining. • 2,2’ -azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS)
• Commercial kits include Vector Red, Vector Blue, Vector VIP
• DAB is classed as a hazardous chemical and has (purple) and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate
been reported to be a potential carcinogen (BCIP/NBT) (blue/violet).
• NB
• It should be noted that some of these chromogens produce reaction
products which are soluble in alcohol and xylene, and therefore the
sections requireaqueous mounting.

Enzyme Labels Enzyme Labels

Calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase • Other labels such as glucose oxidase with nitroblue
• Alternative enzyme tracer to horseradish tetrazolium, bacterial derived β-d-galactosidase,
peroxidase, particularly in alkaline phosphatase- colloidal gold and silver metals have been
anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) method. developed but not suitable for routine use in the
diagnostic laboratory.
• Fast Red TR used with naphthol AS-MX phosphate
sodium salt gives a bright red reaction end product • Colloidal gold has a much wider use in the electron
which is soluble in alcohol. microscope field.

• New fuchsin has been reported as giving a

permanent insoluble red product when mounted in
resinous mountant.


Fluorescent labels Fluorescent labels

• Fluorochromes are fluorescent labels which when • Different serum proteins bind differently to
conjugated to the antibody absorb ultraviolet or fluorochromes.
visible light of a particular wavelength to reach an • Immunoglobulins, in particular, have less affinity for
unstable excited state as its electrons gain energy. fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) than other more
• The fluorochrome subsequently emits light of a ‘negatively charged’ proteins such as albumin and
different, usually longer, wavelength to that of the β-proteins.
excitation light as the electrons return to their • Fluorescent reporters traditionally include FITC,
ground state. Tetramethylrhodamine (TRITC) and
Aminomethylcoumarin (AMCA), while commercial
derivatives, include the Alexa Fluors and Dylight

Fluorescent labels
• Advantages
• Hi-resolution, easy to double/triple label
• Better sub cellular detail
• Can be used with 3D microscopy/live imaging
• Disadvantages
• Background auto fluorescence
• Cost
• Lack of surrounding tissue/cellular detail
• Not permanent


• The use of radioisotopes as tracers requires
autoradiographic facilities, and developed from the
need for quantitation in IHC.
• Techniques involving the use of radioisotopes are
not used in the routine diagnostic laboratory.

Comparing immune slides showing intense autofluors

(background staining) with treated slide that reduces

Quantitive analysis in IHC Antigen retrieval

• For chromogenic and fluorescent detection • Antigens can be masked by the chemical
methods, densitometric analysis of the signal can processes involved in formalin fixation and paraffin
provide semi- and fully quantitative data, processing
respectively, to correlate the level of reporter signal • This reduces visualization and lead to mis-diagnosis
to the level of protein expression or localization.
• Frozen sections were commonly used to bypass the
problem of “over fixation” but gives poor
• Unmasking of these antigens is required before
immunostaining to increase accessibility to the


Antigen retrieval Antigen retrieval

Techniques Techniques
• Proteolytic enzyme digestion • pressure cooking and autoclaving are considered to be
• Microwave oven radiation more effective than microwaving, due to the more
uniform heating and higher temperatures
• Combined microwave oven radiation and proteolytic
enzyme digestion • Pathways to achieving success here may include
• Pressure cooker heating • the breaking of cross-linkagesblock antibody access to target
• Decloaker heating
• the extraction of diffusible blocking proteins,
• Pressure cooker inside a microwave oven
• the precipitation of proteins,
• Autoclave heating • the hydrolysis of Schiff's bases,
• Water bath heating • calcium chelation,
• Steamer heating • paraffin removal and the rehydration of tissue.

Proteolytic enzyme digestion Proteolytic enzyme digestion

• Enzymatic digestion of tissue sections for epitope • Enzymes used include trypsin, proteinase K,
unmasking is typically accomplished through pronase, ficin and pepsin.
incubation in a solution of protease. • The effect of protease induced epitope retrieval
• All are effective, but they may result in increased (PIER) depends on the concentration and type of
background staining because the cleavage is enzyme, incubation parameters (time, temperature,
nonspecific and some Ags might be negatively and pH), and the duration of fixation.
affected. • The enzyme digestion time is inversely related to
• For those antibodies that require enzymatic retrieval the fixation time.
rather than heat methods, the recommended
enzyme and digesting conditions will be clearly
indicated on the product datasheet.


Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques

• Revolutionary method • It also acts by other less known mechanisms

• Mechanism involved in HIER is unknown, but final because it enhances immunostaining of tissue fixed
effect is the reversion of conformational changes in ethanol, which does not produce cross-links.
produced during fixation. • Other hypotheses proposed are
• Heating can unmask epitopes by hydrolysis of • extraction of diffusible blocking proteins,
methylene crosslinks • precipitation of proteins,
• rehydration of the tissue section allowing better
penetration of Ab, and
• heat mobilization of trace paraffin.

Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques

• Another possible theory was described by Morgan Various types of equipment may be used
JM et al. (1997), who postulated that large calcium • including a de-cloaker (commercial pressure cooker
coordination complexes formed during formalin with electronic controls for temperature and time),
fixation prevent antibodies from combining with vegetable steamer, microwave oven, or pressure
epitopes on tissue-bound antigens. cooker.
• High temperature weakens or breaks some of the • The advantage of a de-cloaker over other heating
calcium coordinate bonds, but the effect is devices is that the boiling temperature is not
reversible on cooling, because the calcium complex affected by the atmospheric pressure, which varies
remains in its original position. depending on the altitude.


Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques

• The relationship between temperature and exposure Microwave antigen retrieval:-

time is inverse: the higher the temperature, the shorter
• The method improves the demonstration of well
the time needed to achieve beneficial results.
established antibodies such as CD45 and CD20
• pH of the retrieval solution is important. Some and enables the demonstration of a wide range of
antibodies bind well regardless of retrieval new antibodies, such as CD8 and p53.
solution pH, whereas others bind weakly at neutral pH,
but strongly at very low or high pH. • Most domestic microwave ovens are suitable for
antigen retrieval and operate at 2.45GHz
• Common buffers used in heat-induced AR are citrate,
Tris-HCl, and EDTA (ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid). corresponding to a wavelength in vacuum of
• A low pH buffer (acetate, pH 1.0–2.0) appears
especially useful for nuclear antigens.

Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques

Microwave antigen retrieval:- Pressure cooker antigen retrieval:-

• The actual heating time will depend on: • The pressure cooker could be used as an
• Wattage of the oven. alternative to the microwave oven.
• Choice of antigen retrieval buffer. • More uniform than microwave heating methods.
• Volume of buffer being used. • A pressure cooker at 15psi (103kPa) reaches a
• Fixation of the tissues under investigation, in terms of temperature that appears to be a major advantage
fixative used and duration of fixation. when unmasking nuclear antigens such as bcl-6,
• Thickness of tissue sections. 3μm sections require less p53, p21 etc.
antigen retrieval than 5μm sections.
• Antigen to be demonstrated


Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques

• It is preferable to use a stainless steel domestic Steamer:-

pressure cooker, because aluminium pressure • Steam heating appears to be less efficient than
cookers are susceptible to corrosion from some of either microwave heating or pressure cooking.
the antigen retrieval buffers.
• Times in excess of 40 minutes are sometimes
• The pressure cooker should have a capacity of 4-5 required, but the method does have the advantage
litres. in being less damaging to tissues than the other
heating methods.

Heat mediated antigen retrieval techniques

Water bath:- Autoclave:-

• A water bath set at 90°C is adequate for antigen • This method offers an alternative form of heat
mediated antigen retrieval, producing good results
• The technique has the advantage of being gentler on for nuclear antigens such as MIB1, p21 and p53
the tissue sections because the temperature is set
below boiling point.
• By using a lower temperature than other heating
methods the antigen retrieval buffer does not evaporate
and expensive commercial antigen retrieval solutions
can be safely reused.
• The method has the disadvantage in that the antigen
retrieval times are increased compared to other


Reducing background/ non-specific Reducing background/ non-specific

immuno-staining immuno-staining

• Although antibodies show preferential avidity for • A great amount of non-specific binding causes high
specific epitopes, they may partially or weakly bind background staining which will mask the detection
to sites on nonspecific proteins (also called reactive of the target antigen producing inaccurate results.
sites) that are similar to the actual binding sites on • The major causes of background staining in IHC are
the target antigen. hydrophobic and ionic interactions and endogenous
• Depending on the tissue type and the method of enzyme activity.
antigen detection, endogenous biotin or enzymes
may need to be blocked or quenched, respectively,
prior to antibody staining.

Reducing background/ non-specific

immuno-staining Reducing Background staining
• Background staining may be specific or non specific • To reduce background/non-specific staining,
due to the apparent affinity of certain tissue samples are incubated with a buffer that blocks the
components. reactive sites to which the primary or secondary
• Tissues that give background staining include antibodies may otherwise bind.
collagen and other connective tissues, epithelium • Routinely, blocking the samples in buffered saline
and adipocytes. plus 5% normal goat serum (NGS) for 1 hour at
• Hydrophobic bonding can be minimized by the room Temperature reduces background staining.
addition of a blocking protein, by the addition of a • Common blocking buffers include normal serum,
detergent such as Triton X or the addition of a high non-fat dry milk, BSA, or gelatin.
salt concentration, 2.5% NaCl to the buffer.


Reducing Background staining Blocking endogenous enzymes

• Other Methods • Peroxidase and substances giving a pseudo-
• dilution of the primary or secondary antibodies,
reaction are present in some normal and neoplastic
• changing the time or temperature of incubation, tissues.
• using a different detection system or different • These may produced an exaggerated colour
primary antibody. reaction in final stages and may lead to wrong
• Quality control diagnosis.
• A tissue known to express the antigen as a positive • The most frequently used method is pre-incubation
control and negative controls of tissue known not to of the sections in absolute methanol containing
express the antigen should be used to validate the hydrogen peroxide.
results during visualization.

Blocking endogenous enzymes Blocking endogenous enzymes

• When using the hydrogen peroxide-methanol • Alkaline phosphatases within the human body can
method, care should be taken with certain antigens, be blocked by using a 1mM concentration of
notably CD4 levamisole in the final incubating medium.
• Over incubation in the blocking solution or high • Levamisole selectively inhibits certain types of
concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can significantly alkaline phosphatase, but not intestinal or placental,
diminish staining on formalin fixed, paraffin wax
when used at a concentration of 1 mM.
embedded tissue.
• Performing the peroxidase block after the binding of
the primary antibody to the tissue antigen is
recommended for antibodies such as CD4


Additional notes on reducing high

Blocking endogenous enzymes background staining
• Twenty percent glacial acetic acid inhibits all types • Carefully prepare tissue sample. Damage to the
of alkaline phosphatase thus, a better blocker of tissue can cause diffuse staining.
endogenous alkaline phosphatase. • Prepare thinner sections if penetration of the
• Another method includes the usage of one detection reagents is insufficient.
chromogen and then, following IHC staining, the • Optimize fixation. Each tissue antigen will react
enzyme tracer is localized by an alternate differently with different fixatives. Optimize the pH,
chromogen which yields a reaction end-product in a incubation time and temperature.
contrasting colour.

Additional notes on reducing high Additional notes on reducing high

background staining background staining
• Blocking  may be improved by simply draining the • Affinity-purify the antibody preparation on an
excess buffer instead of washing the tissue sample immobilized antigen column. Many primary
prior to the addition of antibodies. antibodies and almost all secondary antibodies are
purified in this manner by their suppliers.
• Use a monoclonal primary antibody instead of a
• Decrease the concentrations of the primary and/or
polyclonal to reduce cross-reactivity. secondary antibodies to reduce nonspecific binding.
• Use cross-adsorbed polyclonal antibodies to reduce • Decrease the incubation times with the primary and
cross-reactivity. secondary antibodies to reduce nonspecific binding.
• Choose an improved substrate that will produce a
higher signal-to-noise ratio for the system such as
metal-enhanced DAB rather than DAB, or kits
based on TSA technology.


Counterstains Mounting and examination

• After immunohistochemical staining of the target • Aqueous and non aqueous (permanent) mounting
antigen, a second stain is often applied to provide media are available.
contrast that helps the primary stain stand out. • The mounting media depends on the chromogen used
• Many of these stains show specificity for specific during the detection step and its solubility in organic
classes of biomolecules, while others will stain the solvents or water.
whole cell. • Water insoluble Chromogens should not be used with
non-aqueous mounting media and water soluble
• Both chromogenic and fluorescent dyes are
chromogens should not be used with aqueous media.
available for IHC and include: hematoxylin, Hoechst
stain and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). • Nonaqueous mounting media is not compatible with
water; therefore, the samples must be first dehydrated
with a series of ethanol and xylene washes.

Controls Controls
Controls validate immunohistochemical results Negative controls:
• Negative tissue control is defined as tissue that is known not to
• Positive controls: contain the antigen of interest.
• It is defined as tissue that is known to contain the antigen of • At least one ancillary test (e.g. PCR, virus isolation) performed on the
interest detected by identical IHC methods to those used in tissues/organ systems of the same animal should be used to rule out the
presence of the antigen of interest.
diagnostic cases.
• This also involves the omission of the primary antibody from the staining
• Positive tissue controls must be fixed and staine in the same schedule or the replacement of the specific primary antibody by an
way as the diagnostic case tissue for every antibody and immunoglobulin which is directed against
procedure used. an unrelated antigen.

• Positive elements within test sections, e.g. normal reactive • Commonly, the primary antibody is replaced by antibody diluent, same
species non-immune immunoglobulin of the same dilution and
lymphocytes when staining with an antibody to the leukocyte immunoglobulin concentration, an irrelevant antibody or buffer.
common antigen to identify a suspected lymphoma, are the
• These methods will assess the degree of cross-reactivity of the primary
best form of positive control. antibody, and the degree of nonspecific binding by the labeling
(secondary) antibody and detection system.


Internal positive tissue controls:
• Internal positive tissue controls are present in
diagnostic case tissues.
• An example is the detection of smooth muscle
markers or vimentin in normal blood vessels. The
presence of positive staining in these areas
indicates appropriate immunoreactivity.
• With this type of control, there is no fixation
Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemistry analyses of bone marrow (BM),
variable between the control tissue and the spleen, and lymph nodes (LNs) from autopsy. HE staining of BM showed hypercellularity, and
increased blasts. These blasts expressed myeloperoxidase (MPO), whereas the population of
diagnostic case tissue. lymphocytes was small and there was almost no staining for encoded small nuclear RNAs (EBERs)
in the BM. The spleen tissue also showed diffuse infiltration of myeloblasts, and rare EBER-positive
lymphocytes. In contrast, leukemic cells and EBER-positive lymphocytes were seen in the LNs.

Molecular Marker Description

• Epithelial marker: keratins
• General mesenchymal markers: vimentin
• Muscle markers: desmin, actins, myoglobins, myogenin
• Neural markers: S100, GFAP, neurofilaments, CD57
• Endothelial markers: CD31, CD34, factor VIII related
• Lymphoid markers: к and λ, CD3, CD15, CD20,
CD30,CD45, CD68, CD79a,ALK-1 and TdT
• Neuroendocrine markers: synatophysin, chromogranin
• Metastatic tumor markers: CK7, CK20 and villin
Immunohistochemistry of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) cancer tissue. Analysis was • Minor salivary gland tumor markers: S-100 protein,
performed to compare Connexin 43 membrane staining in FFPE sections of human lung
adenocarcinoma (right) compared to a negative control without primary antibody (left) actins


Immunohistochemistry (IHC) vs. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) Immunohistochemistry (IHC) vs. Immunocytochemistry (ICC)

• IHC is performed on samples derived from tissues • Prior to IHC, tissues are removed from the patient
that have been histologically processed into thin or animal and either frozen or chemically preserved
sections and the staining process exploits enzymes (fixed) and then embedded in paraffin wax.
which catalyze the deposition of a colored staining • Sections as thin as 4 μm are sliced from frozen or
product at antigenic sites within the sample. paraffin-embedded tissue and mounted onto slides
• ICC relies on the same enzyme reactions as IHC, in preparation for antibody-mediated staining.
but it is performed on samples consisting of cells • This enables visualization of the localization of the
grown in a monolayer or cells in suspension which target antigens within cellular components while
are deposited on a slide. maintaining the original architecture of the
surrounding tissue.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) vs. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) Immunohistochemistry (IHC) vs. Immunocytochemistry (ICC)

• For ICC, most, if not all, of the extracellular matrix

and other stromal components are removed,
leaving only whole cells.
• Sample sources for ICC can be from any
suspension of cells, obtained from patients or
animals (e.g., blood smears, swabs and aspirates)
or cultured cells grown in monolayers (eg. sterile
glass coverslips).
• ICC is also synonymous with IF staining, especially
when we present results with cultured cells. The 2
abbreviations are often used interchangeably in this


Immunohistochemistry (IHC) vs. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) Applications

• IHC and ICC differ in the amount of sample processing • Immunohistochemical staining is widely used in the
required before antibody-mediated staining. diagnosis of abnormal cells such as those found in
• ICC is associated with whole cells that have to be cancerous tumors.
permeabilized, either through a fixation procedure or a • Specific molecular markers are characteristic of
separate permeabilization step, to facilitate antibody particular cellular events such as proliferation or cell
penetration to the intracellular targets. death (apoptosis).
• Depending on the thickness of the section and the
method of fixation, IHC samples may not have to
• Useful in monitoring cancer treatment
undergo a separate permeabilization step. • Immunohistochemistry is also widely used in basic
• However, most formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) IHC research to understand the distribution and
sections must be further processed prior to antibody staining localization of biomarkers and differentially
to uncover latent epitopes on antigenic targets in a process expressed proteins in different parts of a biological
referred to as epitope or antigen retrieval.

IHC in Application IHC in Application

• IHC is typically applied to cases when the definitive The following are some of the conditions where IHC
diagnosis cannot be established on the sole basis staining has been proved to be immensely useful:-
of findings in H&E sections.
• Identifying the presence of genetic mutations and
• In a routine surgical pathology service, the chromosomal translocations.
maximum utility of IHC is in distinguishing • To identify therapeutic targets for cancer.
carcinoma from lymphoma and melanoma and also
in the work-up of hematolymphoid neoplasms. • Diagnosing papillary and intraductal proliferations, low-
grade carcinomas, radial scars, sclerosing adenosis,
tubular carcinomas and lobular carcinomas of the breast.
• Diagnosis of malignant round cell tumors.
• In detecting metastatic carcinomas of unknown origin.


IHC in Application Future Directions

Application of IHC in prognostic and predictive settings. • genomic IHC for diagnosis,
The prognostic markers include those that allow • search for proteins for targeted therapy,
• assessment of microscopic invasion of basal lamina, • methods to develop better monoclonal antibodies
• micro-metastasis to sentinel/regional nodes and bone with recombinant technology,
marrow, • ''technician free'' automation of the IHC procedures,
• hormone receptors (ER/PR), angiogenesis, tumor and ''pathologist free'' microscopic image analysis
associated genes including p53, growth factor receptors • technology for interpretation of high throughput
and anti-metastasis genes and results.
• markers that predict response to therapy such as
glycoprotein and c-erb-2.2,8

Bibliography and Further Reading

• Bancroft, J. D., & Gamble, M. (Eds.). (2008). Theory and practice of
histological techniques. Elsevier Health Sciences.
• Kabiraj, A., Gupta, J., Khaitan, T., & Bhattacharya, P. T. (2015). Principle
and techniques of Immunohistochemistry-a review. Int J Biol Med Res,
6(3), 5204-5210.
• Asiamah, E., (2018) Immunohistochemistry Basics Presentation
• ThermoFischer, IHC Troubleshooting Guide (Available Online)
• Nelson, G. (2018) Cell Cytoskeleton (Available Online)


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