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GERPHIS - Y08 Final Exam

Media plays a big role in our lives especially nowadays; given the advanced technology

we have in the palm of our hands. There are studies which shows that media influence show that

new consumers do not necessarily internalize all the news presented to them which is because of

people’s closed mindedness. A lot of Filipinos do not care with situations when they are not

concerned with it and also when the media, which says so otherwise, already influenced them

In the documentary “Pa-pogi”, it presented the various methods of campaigning by the former

presidents and their lives before being awarded the presidential position. They share a common

technique through their proficiency in using mass media and charismatic appearances.

Additionally, the use of captivating words to address the needs of the public added up to their

captivating reputation as future leaders of the nation. Basically, famous people are adept at

getting the attention of the masses. Politicians are obviously expected to master the skills of a

leader. However, in the Philippines, a significant criterion in choosing leaders is their distinct

style of campaigning against their rivals. The term “Pa-pogi” used within the context of the

country’s government is still absolutely evident today. The utilization of mass media by

candidates running for a position is a major factor to effectively make their campaigns alluring

for the masses. From Manuel Quezon to Joseph Estrada, all of them had a background in media

because they were once involved in the aspect of entertainment. However, pleasing looks won’t

always translate into being an effective leader.

Being part of the youth with a promising future, I am nothing but really proud by our cries for

the betterment of our nation. From the experience from the recently concluded senate elections,

I’ve seen various posts on social media that discussed their utter disappointments about the

results. It only shows how educated the youth can be in choosing the deserving leaders for the

nation. Senators with questionable credentials won, but those candidates who lost are indeed

overqualified for them to gain a position in the Senate. Sadly, the realization of having

uneducated voters could eventually lead to the downfall of the Philippines. On the positive side, I

still have an outlook that our future is possibly bright with the youth being vocal to the pressing

issues which the government chooses to ignore. I may not be much of a difference-maker, but I

must do my part as a citizen of the Philippines. But through my own little ways, it will gradually

become a huge impact. Considering the prevalence of the medium social media can be influential

to the behavior of the society, I would post information regarding the current challenges our

country is facing for the public to gain awareness and by advocating to consistently support and

fight for whatever that is right and just for society.

The government shouldn’t only be “pogi” but moreso a “magaling” one. There are countless of

negative effects this basis of governance may be, but the opportunities for our nation are yet to

be discovered due to the capability of high potential the youth sector possesses. Mass media can

be truly deceiving, but for all intents and purposes, it should be used for the greater good of the

people. Lastly, I envision that there will be a time when wooing voters isn’t only in the form of

entertainment but will be concentrated through their integrity and quality of service they could

offer. The government will soon be handled by individuals geared towards good governance and

skillful in their expertise in order to attain the goal of change the Filipinos have been longing for

ever since.

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