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8, AUGUST 2015 2033

A Novel Kalman Filter for Human Motion Tracking

With an Inertial-Based Dynamic Inclinometer
Gabriele Ligorio∗ and Angelo M. Sabatini, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Goal: Design and development of a linear Kalman fil- measuring the angular velocity and the acceleration, respec-
ter to create an inertial-based inclinometer targeted to dynamic tively, of the body segment they are attached to; oftentimes,
conditions of motion. Methods: The estimation of the body atti- IMUs integrate a three-axis magnetic sensor to sense the earth’s
tude (i.e., the inclination with respect to the vertical) was treated
as a source separation problem to discriminate the gravity and the magnetic field. One task for which IMUs are used concerns the
body acceleration from the specific force measured by a triaxial estimation of the 3-D orientation (pitch, roll and heading angles)
accelerometer. The sensor fusion between triaxial gyroscope and of the body segment relative to an inertial reference frame [3],
triaxial accelerometer data was performed using a linear Kalman [4]. For some applications like fall detection one may be just
filter. Wrist-worn inertial measurement unit data from ten partic- interested in estimating the attitude (pitch and roll angles), in
ipants were acquired while performing two dynamic tasks: 60-s
sequence of seven manual activities and 90 s of walking at natu- which case the magnetic sensor may be not necessary [5]–[7].
ral speed. Stereophotogrammetric data were used as a reference. The 3-D orientation can be computed by integrating the gyro-
A statistical analysis was performed to assess the significance of scope output from known initial conditions. However, the errors
the accuracy improvement over state-of-the-art approaches. Re- incurred during integration tend to increase unbounded over
sults: The proposed method achieved, on an average, a root mean time, because of low-frequency drifts and wideband measure-
square attitude error of 3.6° and 1.8° in manual activities and lo-
comotion tasks (respectively). The statistical analysis showed that, ment noise affecting the gyroscope output [8]. The 3-D orienta-
when compared to few competing methods, the proposed method tion can also be computed using the accelerometer and magnetic
improved the attitude estimation accuracy. Conclusion: A novel sensor output when the body segment is motionless, in locations
Kalman filter for inertial-based attitude estimation was presented where the earth’s magnetic field is known, or can be accurately
in this study. A significant accuracy improvement was achieved measured [9]. Sensor fusion methods for orientation estimation
over state-of-the-art approaches, due to a filter design that better
matched the basic optimality assumptions of Kalman filtering. Sig- determination can be designed using approaches based either
nificance: Human motion tracking is the main application field of on Kalman filtering [3], [4], [10], [11] or nonlinear complemen-
the proposed method. Accurately discriminating the two compo- tary filtering [12], [13]. In this paper, we stick to the former
nents present in the triaxial accelerometer signal is well suited for approach; this decision was not intended to bias the preference
studying both the rotational and the linear body kinematics. between the two approaches, which is well beyond the scope
Index Terms—Accelerometer, attitude estimation, human mo- of this paper. It is noted that the orientation errors can become
tion tracking, inertial sensors, Kalman filtering. large due to external acceleration and magnetic disturbance.
The problem with a three-axis accelerometer being used for
I. INTRODUCTION attitude estimation (leveling) is that it is sensitive to both the
reaction to the earth’s gravitational field and the acceleration
HANKS to recent advances in the technology of micro-
T electromechanical systems, sensor devices have become
available, the size, power consumption and cost of which are
the sensor is subject to because of the body motion (external
acceleration) [6], [11], [14]. As a matter of fact, humans move in
such a manner that the external acceleration is time-varying and
suited to the design of wearable sensor systems for several can be high in dynamic conditions, i.e., fast motions, in contrast
applications in biomedical engineering and health informatics with the situation when the human body takes static or quasi-
[1], [2]. An example of this technology trend is given by the static postures (slow motions). In conditions of slow motions
availability of inertial measurement units (IMUs). IMUs inte- the gravity acceleration dominates the external acceleration, and
grate a three-axis gyroscope and a three-axis accelerometer for the three-axis accelerometer can provide accurate estimates of
attitude [15]. To achieve high accuracy in conditions of fast
Manuscript received December 11, 2014; revised February 5, 2015 and March
5, 2015; accepted March 5, 2015. Date of publication March 9, 2015; date of motions, it is necessary to discriminate between the gravity
current version July 15, 2015. This work was supported by the Italian Min- acceleration and the external acceleration.
istry of Education and Research under the relevant national interest project “A Kalman filters (KFs) and extended Kalman filters (EKFs) are
Quantitative and Multifactorial Approach for Estimating and Preventing the
Risk of Falls in Elderly People,” and by the EC funded Project I-DONT-FALL the preferred sensor fusion methods for estimating the attitude
“Integrated Prevention and Detection Solutions Tailored to the Population and (orientation) using IMUs [14]. Different approaches to their de-
Risk Factors Associated With Falls” (CIP-ICT-PSP-2011-5-297225). Asterisk sign have been proposed to deal with the problem of the external
indicates corresponding author.
∗ G. Ligorio is with the BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, acceleration, i.e., the threshold-based switching approach and
Pisa 56025, Italy (e-mail: the acceleration model-based approach [6].
A. M. Sabatini is with Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. In the threshold-based approach, also known as vector selec-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at tion, the measured acceleration is screened before being used in
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBME.2015.2411431 the KF update [3], [16]. The norm of the measured acceleration

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See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO ESPIRITO SANTO. Downloaded on July 30,2020 at 01:45:13 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

is tested against the magnitude of the gravity acceleration g gyroscope output, while the GM model is used to predict the
(g = 9.81 m/s2 ), or the directions of the measured accelera- body-frame external acceleration.
tion and the predicted gravity acceleration, resolved in the body Although the credibility of the stochastic modeling approach
frame, are compared. When the norm and/or the directional dif- for describing the external acceleration is uncertain, few basic
ferences exceed given threshold values, the measured accelera- assumptions that help making a Kalman-based filter optimal
tion is not retained by the KF [14], [17]. Alternatively, the weight are satisfied in our design: 1) the state transition model and the
given to the measured acceleration in updating the state estimate measurement model are both linear; 2) the measurement noise
may be adapted according to the values of the norm and/or the is white Gaussian noise with zero mean and known covariance
directional differences. In [11], the measurement noise covari- matrix. Usually, these assumptions are not met by most Kalman-
ance matrix was augmented in a component-wise fashion by based filters for attitude estimation, either because of the need
using an additive term, whose magnitude was proportional to for linearization of the process and/or measurement equations
the components of the innovation vector that are related to the [14], or because the process and/or measurement noise covari-
acceleration. ance matrices are state-dependent, e.g., [6], [19]. In particular,
On the other hand, the model-based approaches predict the it is known that linearization errors due to, e.g., wrong initial
external acceleration by means of an a priori model. In [18], conditions or incorrect modeling, affect filter convergence and
the body-frame coordinates of the gravity acceleration and the statistical consistency [19], [20].
earth’s magnetic field were treated as system’s state components Experimental testing was done with a wrist-worn IMU, while
and estimated using a KF, with the advantage of a great sim- subjects performed different tasks. Insights were provided into
plification in the formulation of the measurement model. The the operation of the proposed sensor fusion method, compared
KF prediction step was driven using the measured angular ve- with the sensor fusion methods proposed in [6], [14] and with
locity; however, in the KF update step external acceleration and the time integration of the gyroscope output. Based on reference
magnetic disturbances were both assumed to be zero. A Kalman measurements of attitude and external acceleration that were ob-
mechanization was presented in [6] for estimating the attitude tained using a stereophotogrammetric system, the performance
and the external acceleration. In a similar fashion to [18], the of the tested methods were assessed empirically and compared
state vector included the body-frame coordinates of the grav- with a statistical analysis.
ity acceleration and the body-frame external acceleration was
modeled with a first-order Gauss–Markov (GM) stochastic pro- II. METHODS
cess. The KF prediction step was implemented by predicting the
body-frame gravity acceleration (within the filter, using the gy- A. Notation and Reference Frames
roscope output), and the external acceleration (outside the filter, The reference frames necessary to the filter development are
using the GM model). The measured acceleration was compen- the navigation frame and the body frame. The navigation frame
sated for the predicted external acceleration and plugged into the {n} is earth-fixed; the Z-axis points downwards so that it is
measurement equation, giving rise to an identity matrix map- aligned with the gravity. The body frame {b}—attached to the
ping from the state to the measurements. Finally, the external IMU case—is the frame where the inertial sensor measurements
acceleration was updated by subtracting the updated estimate are delivered in. We intend to estimate the following quantities:
of the body-frame gravity acceleration from the measured ac- 1) the attitude of the IMU case relative to the navigation frame;
celeration. The main problem with the KF proposed in [6] is and 2) the external acceleration the IMU case is subject to
the correlation between prediction and update. In fact, predic- because of the body motion.
tion errors are responsible for correlated measurement errors, With gbk and abk we denote, respectively, the representation
because of the way the measurement are defined. of the gravity acceleration and the external acceleration in the
In this paper, we propose a Kalman-based sensor fusion body frame {b} at the kth sample time. Henceforth, 0n and In
method that aims at discriminating the gravity vector and the indicate the n × n null and identity matrices, respectively.
external acceleration in the specific force measured from the
accelerometer. The attitude (roll and pitch angles) is then com-
puted from the body-frame gravity outside the KF framework, B. Algorithm Development
using standard formulae. Compared to [6] the novelty is that the The basic task that the proposed KF attempts to accomplish
external acceleration is inserted in the system’s state together is the discrimination between the gravity acceleration and the
with the gravity, both resolved in the body frame. Thereby, external acceleration, namely the two components of the specific
the KF measurement equation describes the specific force as force actually measured by the IMU accelerometer
the sum of two components that add together in a linear and
time-invariant fashion. In other words, we cast the problem of fkb = −gkb + abk . (1)
estimating the attitude using inertial sensor measurements as an
instance of the classical source separation problem. The two acceleration components are stacked together to form
Moreover, the prediction of the external acceleration is de- the vector state
coupled from observations in the measurement equations of our  b
algorithm, in contrast with [6]. In our design, the KF predic- xk = . (2)
tion step of the body-frame gravity acceleration is driven by the abk

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The following sensor models are considered, which are valid

for a calibrated IMU [6]:
yk = ωkb + g wk
yk = −gkb + abk + a vk . (3)
yk and a yk are, respectively, the angular velocity and spe-
cific force measured at the kth time sample, ωkb = [p q r] T
is the body angular velocity. g wk and a vk are the measure-
ment noise of the gyroscope and the accelerometer, respectively,
which are assumed uncorrelated white Gaussian noise with zero
mean and covariance matrices, respectively, Σg = I3 · σg2 and
Σa = I3 · σa2 .
The continuous-time evolution of the representation of the
gravity acceleration in the body frame is described by the fol-
lowing differential equation [18]:
d gb
= −[ω b (t)×]gb (4) Fig. 1. Flow chart of the proposed KF. Indicated within the blocks are the
dt Kalman equations. The minus and plus left superscripts denote the a priori and
where the a posteriori state and state error covariance estimates, respectively.
⎡ ⎤
0 −r q
 b  ⎢ ⎥
ω × =⎢
⎣r 0 −p ⎥
⎦ (5) model that allow to set, respectively, the correlation time con-
stant and the variance of each component of the external accel-
−q p 0
eration. For the sake of simplicity, they are assumed equal in
is the skew-symmetric operator. each direction.
When the gravity acceleration is aligned with the z-axis of In conclusion, the state-space discrete-time model is
the navigation frame, its expression in the body frame can be  b g  b 
written as follows: gk Fk −1 03 gk −1
⎡ ⎤ =
−sinϑ abk 03 gm
F abk −1
⎢ ⎥ g  g 
gb = g ⎢⎣ sinϕcosϑ ⎦
⎥ (6) Gk −1 03 wk −1
gm gm
cosϕcosϑ 03 G wk −1
where ϕ and ϑ are the roll and pitch angles, respectively, ac-   gk
cording to the default Z-Y-X rotation sequence [21]. yk = −I3 I3 + a vk . (10)
Under the assumption that the angular velocity is constant abk
in the sampling period Ts , (4) can be integrated leading to the Using a more concise notation, (10) can be restated as follows
discrete-time model (see Fig. 1):
gkb = exp(−[ω bk −1 ×] · Ts ) gkb −1 = g Fk −1 gkb −1 . (7)
xk = Fk −1 xk −1 + Gk −1 wk −1
Since the gyroscope output yk is used to propagate the grav- y k = H xk + a v k . (11)
ity vector in (7), prediction errors occur due to the measurement
noise g wk . A first-order approximation to the prediction error
is as follows [19]: The process noise covariance matrix Qk −1 and the measure-
  ment noise covariance matrix R are derived from (9)
Δgkb ≈ −Ts gkb −1 × g wk −1 = g Gk −1 g wk −1 . (8)
The body-frame external acceleration is modeled with a first- I3 · g σ 2 03
Qk −1 = Gk −1 GTk −1
order GM stochastic process with zero mean and uncorrelated 03 I3
components [5], [6]. The GM model captures the time evolution
of their realizations as follows: R = I3 · a σ 2 . (12)
abk = ca · I3 abk −1 + cb · I3 g m wk −1 The updated estimate of the gravity acceleration is enforced
gm to have the norm equal to g. This step is the same as, e.g., when
= F abk −1 + gm
G gm
wk −1 (9)
the updated estimate of the quaternion is normalized to have the
where gm wk −1 is white Gaussian noise with zero mean and norm equal to one in the update step of quaternion-based EKFs
identity covariance matrix; ca and cb are parameters of the GM for orientation determination [14].

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C. Other Tested Methods

In this study the proposed KF (denoted as Method A in the
remainder of the paper) was evaluated in comparison with three
other methods.
The KF proposed in [6] was implemented as our Method B—
this is the only example we are aware of where an acceleration
model-based approach to external acceleration compensation is
pursued, although the external acceleration is modeled and pre-
dicted outside the Kalman-framework. The quaternion-based
EKF developed in [14] estimated the attitude as our Method C;
Method C can be considered representative of the standard ap-
proach to determine orientation, where the external acceleration
is not modeled, rather it is considered a nuisance factor to guard
against with a threshold-based rule. Finally, the gravity acceler-
ation was projected in the body frame using (7) (Method D). In
practice, this method is equivalent to recursively applying the
prediction step of Method A and Method B without any update
from the measured acceleration. We took Method D as a useful
reference to assess the advantages of pursuing sensor fusion for
attitude estimation.
Although the influence of the magnetic sensor can be sup- Fig. 2. Plastic support where both IR markers and the IMU (not visible) were
attached. The red reference frame was the body frame associated to the IR
pressed by setting to zero the filter input parameters related to markers, whereas the yellow one was associated to the IMU. The reference
magnetic sensor measurements and bias compensation, Method frames were preliminarily aligned using the method proposed in [22].
C was implemented as described in [14], and the attitude was de-
rived from the full orientation solution. There are two reasons for
doing so: first, since the quaternion from the body frame to the
navigation frame is part of the system’s state, heading errors can Due to the oscillating motion of the upper arm, there were no
play a critical role in the EKF linearization errors; second, be- time intervals during which the IMU was motionless.
cause of the dynamics of the motion tracking tasks considered in All tasks were carried with the subjects sitting or standing
the experimental testing of this paper, the threshold-based rule still for at least 5 s before starting to move.
implemented in Method C may lead to low acceptance rates 2) Acquisition of Reference and IMU Data: The IMU (Opal,
of the acceleration measurements, making the difference with APDM, Inc., Oregon, USA) integrated a three-axis accelerom-
Method D small. eter, a three-axis gyroscope and a three-axis magnetic sensor
(±6g, ±1500◦ /s and ±600 μT of full-range scale, respectively).
It was fastened to the subjects’ dominant wrist using a Velcro
elastic belt (see Fig. 2). Angular velocity, acceleration and mag-
D. Experimental Setup
netic sensor data were acquired at the rate of 128 samples/s.
1) Subjects and Tasks: Ten healthy subjects participated in Magnetic sensor output was not used to run the sensor fusion
the study after being informed about the nature and goals of the methods in this study except for running Method C.
experimental procedures. The research methodology described A nine-camera stereo-photogrammetric system (Vicon MX3,
hereafter was approved by the university institutional review Oxford, U.K.) was used as a gold standard to measure wrist
board. Subjects were asked to wear an IMU on their dominant kinematics at the rate of 100 samples/s. Four reflective infrared
wrist during the execution of two paradigmatic motor tasks, (IR) markers were mounted over a small plastic support rigidly
namely manual routine and locomotion [22]. attached to the IMU, as shown in Fig. 2. The IR markers allowed
Manual routine tasks were acquired for about 60 s within a to define a marker frame aligned with the body frame. IMU and
limited measurement volume of about 0.8 m × 0.8 m × 0.8 m. stereo-photogrammetric data streams were synchronized using
Subjects mimicked the following activities while seated in front a square wave signal that was simultaneously detected by both
of a table with a shelf below it: drinking a glass of water (5 s), systems.
writing with a pencil (5 s), writing using a keyboard (5 s), All data processing was performed with customized functions
brushing teeth (10 s), brushing hair (10 s), approaching to a using the Matlab software (The MathWorks, Inc., MA, USA).
small magnet placed on the table (5 s), and moving an object IMU measurements and marker trajectories were resampled at
from the table to the lower shelf and back to the table (8 s). A the same frequency, set at 200 samples/s, using cubic spline in-
static pause of few seconds was included between each activity. terpolation. To remove random noise, marker trajectories were
Locomotion tasks were acquired for about 90 s while subjects low-pass filtered using a second-order zero-lag Butterworth fil-
were asked to walk at their preferred speed along an eight- ter [22]. The filter cutoff frequency was determined by perform-
shaped path, which covered approximately a 4 m × 2 m area. ing a residual analysis on each trial of each subject. The values

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obtained were similar among different motor tasks and among The RMSE θ of each variable θ of interest was computed as a
different subjects (standard deviation less than 0.3 Hz). Thus, function of the discrete time using the following equation:
the cutoff frequency value was conservatively set to 6 Hz for all
trials. Misalignment occurring between the marker frame and RMSEθ (kTs ) =

the body frame was preliminarily estimated and compensated k
using the method proposed in [23].  (θest (iTs ) − θref (iTs ))2 , k = 1, ..., N (13)
The calibration of the accelerometer was checked using the k i=1
following approach. First, three static trials were acquired where
each IMU axis was consecutively aligned with the gravity direc- where θest (i Ts ) and θref (i Ts ) are the estimated and reference
tion for one minute. A plumb line was used to verify the correct value of θ at the time instant iTs , respectively. The sequence
alignment of each axis with the vertical line. The average gravity RMSEθ (kTs ) was used to produce the time plots, while its
acceleration measured along each axis was computed, and its final value, i.e., RMSEθ = RMSEθ (N Ts )was involved in the
value compared to g, and to zero, for the two components lying statistical analyses. The reference values were null when the es-
in the horizontal plane. As the maximal difference between the timations errors were involved in computing the RMSE values,
measured acceleration and g, or zero, never exceeded 0.02 m/s2 , in the case of RMSEatt , RMSEpitch and RMSEroll .
the accelerometer was considered as properly calibrated. The Limited to Method A and Method B, the components of the
magnetic sensor was calibrated as described in [14]. The IMU reference external acceleration were subtracted from the cor-
was freely rotated about each of the three local axes for about responding components of the estimated external acceleration
60 s, and the offset and scale factor of the magnetic sensor were to compute RMSE x , RMSEy and RMSEz and the performance
estimated. metric RMSEt = RMSE2x + RMSE2y + RMSE2z .
The gyroscope bias was estimated by averaging the measured
The statistical analysis aimed at answering the following
angular velocity during the initial rest period at the beginning
questions concerning the attitude estimates: 1) the effect of the
of each trial; the estimated bias was then subtracted from all
factor method, so as to state the significance of differences exist-
gyroscope measurements made during the trial.
ing in the level of accuracy between each sensor fusion method
All methods were initialized using accelerometer data at the
(Methods A through C) and Method D; 2) the effect of the fac-
beginning of each experimental trial, for computing either the
tor task, so as to state the significance of differences existing
gravity in the body frame (Method A, B, and D), or the initial
in the level of accuracy between manual routine and locomo-
quaternion (Method C, [14]).
tion tasks. To answer 1) a repeated measures one-way ANOVA
was conducted with within-subject effect method (four levels,
E. Accuracy Assessment and Statistical Analysis corresponding to Method A through Method D), separately for
each motion task; the RMSEatt was the dependent variable. To
The marker trajectories were processed to compute marker-
answer 2) an independent samples t-test was applied, for each
based estimates of pitch and roll angles (reference attitude)
method, to the RMSEatt values obtained in the manual routine
[24]. The quaternion from the body frame to the navigation
and locomotion tasks.
frame was computed, from which the quaternion describing
The statistical analysis aimed at assessing the effects of the
only the attitude was derived (reference quaternion, qref ); the
factors method and task. As for the factor method, a paired sam-
estimates of the reference attitude and Euler angles (pitch and
ples t-test was conducted separately for each motion task to state
roll) were derived using standard methods [21]. It should be
the significance of differences existing in the level of accuracy
noted that the stereo-photogrammetric errors [25] propagate to
between methods; the RMSEt was the dependent variable. As
the angles of interest in this study causing a maximal inaccuracy
for the factor task, an independent samples t-test was applied,
of 0.5°. The central-time finite-difference approximation to the
for each method, to the RMSEt values obtained in the manual
second derivative of the coordinates of the centroid of the four IR
routine and locomotion tasks.
markers was taken to generate the external acceleration, which
The statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS
was rotated in the body frame using the quaternion from the body
Statistics software package (IMB SPSS Statistics 22, SPSS IBM,
frame to the navigation frame, yielding the reference external
New York, USA).
The estimated quaternion qest describing only the attitude,
was computed from the estimated gravity (Method A, B, and D) F. Filter Tuning
or from the full quaternion (Method C) [9]. The error quaternion Four tuning parameters were required by Method A and
qe = qest ⊗ q−1 ref was then derived (⊗ denote the quaternion Method B, namely: the standard deviation of the gyroscope
product). The scalar part of the quaternion error was involved measurement noise, which enters the process noise covariance
in computing the attitude error [14]; the errors incurred in the matrix Qk −1 via (8); the standard deviation of the accelerometer
pitch and roll angles were derived from the quaternion error measurement noise, which determines the isotropic measure-
using standard conversion formulae. ment noise covariance matrix R; the task-dependent parameters
The accuracy assessment for all Methods A through D was ca and cb , which enter the calculation of Qk −1 (Method A)
performed using the root mean square error (RMSE) metric. or help to introduce an element of adaptation in the matrix R

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Fig. 3. Tuning results: (a) RMSEs obtained for the attitude estimation in the manual routine task; (b) RMSEs obtained for the external acceleration in the manual
routine task; (c) RMSEs obtained for the attitude estimation in the locomotion task; (d) RMSEs obtained for the external acceleration in the locomotion task—The
black solid lines refer to the tuning results for method B. The colored dashed lines refer to method A, when the parameter cb was varied.

(Method B). Actually, cb = 1 in the original implementation of TABLE I

Method B, which reduces the number of tuning parameters to
Task Method A Method B
Sensor-dependent tuning parameters were set using data from
a 1-min static trial for either Method A or Method B; conversely, ca cb ca
task-dependent parameters were obtained using a grid-search Manual routine 0.01 0.1 0.5
Locomotion 0.01 1 0.3
procedure. A grid of parameters was built through the Cartesian
product of the same parameter set proposed in [6]: 0.001, 0.01,
0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 1.0. For each subject and task the
IMU sensor data were processed by assigning to ca and cb the and cb = 1 (set by default) were chosen for method B. Fig. 3(c)
values corresponding to each point in the grid; the RMSE values and (d) shows similar trends for the locomotion task: optimal
were then computed. For the sake of a fair comparison between results were achieved for ca and cb in the intervals [0.001 0.3]
Method A and Method B, we chose to adopt the approach to and [0.3 1], respectively (method A); ca = 0.5 and cb = 1 (set
parameter tuning presented in [6], separately for Method A (two by default) were chosen for method B.
parameters-search) and Method B (one parameter-search), leav- The task-dependent tuning parameters were chosen as indi-
ing to the results of the optimization process to tell the best val- cated in Table I. The sensor-dependent tuning parameters were
ues of ca , cb (Method A) and ca (Method B). Of course, this tun- g
σ = 0.5 ◦ /s and a σ = 0.2 · 10−3 m/s2 . Finally, the values of
ing approach may lead to different values of the task-dependent the tuning parameters needed by Method C are reported in Ta-
parameters in the two cases. The grid point corresponding to the ble II; they were found to perform adequately for the experi-
minimum RMSE, averaged across subjects, was chosen as the mental trials in this paper.
tuning parameter set for each task. This grid-search procedure Figs. 4–5 report, for each tested method, the barplots of the
was implemented separately for Method A and Method B. RMSEpitch , RMSEroll , RMSEatt , RMSEx , RMSEy , RMSEz ,
The tuning parameters required for running Method C were RMSEt corresponding, respectively, to the manual routine task
obtained by a trial-and-error procedure [14]. and the locomotion task. Finally, Fig. 6 reports the values of the
RMSEatt for each subject in both motion tasks.
The values of the RMSEatt were log-transformed in or-
III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS der to achieve normality (Shapiro-Wilk test, p > 0.05) before
Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows that, for the manual routine task, the being submitted to the repeated measures one-way ANOVA.
method A gave the most accurate results for ca and cb falling For the locomotion task, the Mauchly’s test indicated that the
in the intervals [0.001 0.1] and [0.1 0.3], respectively; ca = 0.3 assumption of sphericity had not been violated, χ2 (5) = 10.75,

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Manual routine Locomotion

Gyro standard deviation [°/s] 2.5 0.5

Gyro bias process noise standard 0.01 0
deviation [°/s2 ]
Magnetic variations process noise 10 1
standard deviation [μT/s]
Magnetic variations process noise 1 1
correlation time [s]
Accelerometer standard deviation 2.5 10
[g · 10 −3 ]
Magnetic sensor standard 3 3
deviation [μT]
Acceleration threshold for vector 10 40
selection [g · 10 −3 ]
Magnetic threshold for vector 5 5
selection [μT]

Fig. 5. (a) RMSE p itch , RMSE ro ll , RMSE a tt boxplots for the four tested
methods. (b) RMSEt boxplots for Method A and Method B—locomotion task.

Fig. 4. (a) RMSE p itch , RMSE ro ll , RMSE a tt boxplots for the four tested
methods. (b) RMSEt boxplots for Method A and Method B—manual routine

p > 0.05; therefore degrees of freedom were not reduced, yield-

Fig. 6. Values of the RMSE a tt that each method incurs when processing IMU
ing a significant effect of method, F (3, 27) = 18.74, p < 0.001. data from each subject, for either (a) locomotion task or (b) manual routine task.
The partial eta squared was 0.86, namely the factor method ac- It is noted that the errors incurred by each method are strongly correlated across
counted by itself for 86% of the overall variance in the depen- subjects, which justifies the choice of the repeated measures ANOVA as the
statistical tool to assess the factor method.
dent variable RMSEatt . Given that the effect was significant, the
Dunn–Sidak’s posthoc pair-wise comparisons were performed;
statistical significance was achieved when Method A was com-
pared with other tested methods, which did not differ from one p < 0.001; therefore degrees of freedom were reduced using the
another. Converting the log-transformed data back to the original Greenhouse–Geisser correction (ε = 0.36), yielding a signifi-
scale, the significant difference SD and the 95% confidence cant effect of method, F (1.09, 9.84) = 32.51, p < 0.001. The
interval CI were as follows: between Method B and Method partial eta squared was 0.98, namely the factor method ac-
A, SD = 0.39◦ (CI[0.14◦ , 0.68◦ ], p < 0.01); between Method counted by itself for 98% of the overall variance in the de-
C and Method A, SD = 0.54◦ (95%CI[0.18◦ , 0.97◦ ], p < pendent variable RMSEatt . Given that the effect was signif-
0.01), and between Method D and Method A, SD = icant, the Dunn–Sidak’s posthoc pair-wise comparisons were
0.64◦ (95%CI[0.31, 1.02◦ ], p < 0.01◦ ). The marginal mean for performed using the relevant correction; statistical significance
Method A was RMSEatt = 1.79◦ . was achieved when Method D was compared with other tested
For the manual routine task, the Mauchly’s test indicated that methods, which did not differ from one another. The marginal
the assumption of sphericity had been violated, χ2 (5) = 44.36, mean for Method A was RMSEatt = 3.65◦ .

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Fig. 7. Representative trial of the manual routine task. (a) Reference atti- Fig. 8. Representative trial of the locomotion task. (a) Reference attitude; (b)
tude; (b) Norm of the reference acceleration; (c) RMSE a tt for the four tested Norm of the reference acceleration; (c) RMSE a tt for the four tested methods;
methods; d) RMSE t for Method A and Method B. (d) RMSE t for Method A and Method B.

For each tested method, independent samples t-tests were T ∼ 30 s) [see Fig. 7(c)]. The external acceleration estimation
conducted on the RMSEatt obtained in the locomotion and errors increased over time too. It is noted in the RMSEatt time
manual routine tasks. Statistical significance of the indepen- plot that the error growth rate of Method D was faster than for
dent samples t-test was achieved for all methods (p < 0.01), other tested methods. The RMSEt time plots of Method A and
after verifying that the assumption of equal variance was not Method B look very similar to each other [see Fig. 7(d)]. Fig. 8
violated in all cases (Levene’s test—Method A: F = 0.16, p = shows the time plots of (a) the reference attitude angle, (b) the
0.70; Method B: F = 1.00, p = 0.33; Method C: F = 3.88, norm of the reference acceleration, (c) the RMSEatt and (d) the
p = 0.06; Method D: F = 0.91, p = 0.35). RMSEt time plots, for one representative trial of the locomo-
The RMSEt values were submitted to a paired sam- tion task. Although the reference acceleration norm tended to be
ples t-test. For the locomotion task, the significant differ- smaller than in the case of the manual routine trial of Fig. 7(b),
ence SD between Method B and Method A and the related it is apparent from Fig. 8(b) that no resting periods occurred,
95% confidence interval CI were as follows: SD = 0.02m/s2 because of the swinging motion of the instrumented upper limb.
(CI[0.01m/s2 0.03m/s2 ], p < 0.05); the marginal mean for The acceptance rate of the acceleration measurements by the
Method A was 1.31 m/s2 . For the manual routine task, the threshold-based switching approach implemented in Method C
significant difference SD between Method B and Method was less than 1%, on average. The mean value of the reference
A and the related 95% confidence interval CI were as fol- acceleration norm averaged across trials was 3.32 ± 1.10 m/s2 ;
lows: SD = 0.04m/s2 (CI[0.02m/s2 0.07m/s2 ], p < 0.01); the the maximum value was 9.29 ± 2.26 m/s2 . As above, the attitude
marginal mean for Method A was 1.72 m/s2 . errors incurred by Method D grew faster than those incurred,
For both tested methods, independent samples t-tests were e.g., by Method A [see Fig. 8(c)]. The RMSEt time plots of
conducted on the RMSEt obtained in the locomotion and manual Method A and Method B look very similar to one another [see
routine tasks. Statistical significance of the independent samples Fig. 8(d)].
t-test was achieved (p < 0.05), after verifying that the assump- Finally, limited to Method A, the time plots of the estimation
tion of equal variance was not violated in both cases (Levene’s errors, either for the attitude or the external acceleration, are
test—Method A: F = 0.37, p = 0.55; Method B: F = 0.47, reported for another representative trial of the manual routine
p = 0.50). task, together with the corresponding norm of the reference
Fig. 7 shows time plots of (a) the reference attitude angle, external acceleration (see Fig. 9).
(b) the norm of the reference acceleration, (c) the RMSEatt
and (d) the RMSEt for one representative trial of the manual
routine task. Some resting periods are seen to occur during the IV. DISCUSSIONS
trial [see Fig. 7(b)]. The acceptance rate of the acceleration The filter tuning of Method A is very simple. As reported
measurements by the threshold-based switching approach im- in Fig. 3, filter performance seems not to change significantly
plemented in Method C was about 22%, on average. The mean over a broad interval of values of ca (true, within the limits of
value of the reference acceleration norm averaged across trials the present investigation), which simplified our choice (for both
was 2.05 ± 0.60 m/s2 (mean value ± standard deviation); the motion tasks, ca = 0.01). The difference in the values of cb ,
maximum value was 14.44 ± 6.53 m/s2 . The attitude estimation and the fact that the process noise levels were higher for the
errors tended to grow over time, with a somewhat steep in- locomotion task than for the manual routine task [see (10)], can
crease observed at the onset of the brushing teeth activity (time be given the following interpretation: When the process noise

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Because of the very low acceptance rate of acceleration mea-

surements with the threshold-based rule implemented in Method
C (especially for the locomotion task, where static pauses were
not present—see Figs. 7–8), we were forced to run Method C
with the magnetic sensor measurements assimilated in the EKF-
based algorithm. Otherwise, Method C was nearly equivalent to
Method D. It is observed by visual inspection of Figs. 7–8 that
both motion tasks were characterized by levels of external ac-
celeration comparable to gravity: The manual routine task were
characterized by smaller mean values of the external acceler-
ation norm compared with the locomotion task, although with
higher values of the maximum values (on average). Another
difference was that resting periods where the algorithms can
recover accuracy were absent over a quite prolonged period of
time for the locomotion task.
It is worth noting that Method C, in its original formulation,
did not implement gyro-bias compensation [14]. However, it
is known that gyro-bias compensation can help increasing the
Fig. 9. (a) Norm of the reference external acceleration during one trial of the
manual routines task; (b) Attitude estimation errors; (c) Norm of the external accuracy of attitude (orientation) estimation according to the
acceleration estimation errors. principle of pseudonoise injection, even when gyro-bias is not
given time to change significantly, namely when the duration
of the tracked motion does not exceed, say, few minutes. The
levels are higher, the model uncertainty is higher, which implies feature of gyro-bias compensation was enabled for processing
that we put more weight on the sensor measurements when the manual routine task data (see Table II). Although it should
updating the state estimate. In other words, the acceleration be feasible and technically straightforward, we decided not to
signal separation performed within the filter was empirically implement the gyro-bias compensation for Method A, given that
assessed more reliable for cyclical patterns of motion, such as Method B was originally developed without it [6].
those found during locomotion. The factor method was significant when Method A and
The proposed method (Method A) performs at the same level Method B (RMSEt ) were submitted to statistical analysis. How-
of accuracy or better than Method B. The performance improve- ever, the significant differences were only about 0.02 m/s2 (loco-
ment of Method A over Method B is about 20% for the locomo- motion task) and 0.04 m/s2 (manual routine task). The marginal
tion task, while the two methods perform at the same level of means of RMSEt for Method A were 1.31 ± 0.28 m/s2 (loco-
accuracy for the manual routine task. While IMU data fusion motion task) and 1.72 ± 0.46 m/s2 (manual routine task). The
was always advantageous for the manual routine task, only our only relevance of the significance of the factor method may
proposed method improved over the simple time-integration be that the KF prediction-update mechanism is more effective
of the gyroscope output (Method D) for the locomotion task when the external acceleration is incorporated in the system’s
(see Figs. 4–5). As shown in Fig. 6, the intersubject variabil- state, with beneficial effects possibly on the attitude estimation
ity and the correlation between the RMSE values can be quite accuracy.
large; however, Method A performed consistently better than The expedient to describe the external acceleration using the
all other methods (especially Method B and C) (locomotion GM model was helpful to squeeze information from the ac-
task), while Method D was outperformed by all other methods, celeration measurements, in situations where a threshold-based
which performed equally well (manual routine task). We believe approach performed very poorly. It is questionable that the GM
that decoupling the prediction of the external acceleration from model is well suited to describe the external acceleration; it is
the acceleration measurement is the crucial element to explain also questionable whether a stochastic modeling approach is
the improved accuracy of attitude estimation by Method A for appropriate, tout court. In some previous work, a deterministic
the locomotion task; on the other hand, modeling uncertainty approach has been successfully pursued as for the discrimina-
in the stochastic description of the external acceleration was tion between the external acceleration and the gravity acceler-
presumably the performance limiting factor of the acceleration ation [26]: However, the deterministic approach applied only
model-based approach during the manual routine task. More- to cyclical patterns of motion. An advantage of the stochastic
over, in the spirit of state augmentation, the extra-state compo- approach lies in its flexibility and capability of handling a vari-
nents of the external acceleration help accommodating the ef- ety of patterns of motion, including those that are noncyclical.
fects of calibration errors and sensor jolting. It should be noted At the present stage of our research, the GM model is consid-
that the reference data from the stereophotogrammetric system ered a reasonable and parsimonious choice for modeling the
are substantially blind to these effects; this fact may partly ex- external acceleration, which matches the approach of [6] and
plain the relatively high RMSE values for the components of delivers a solution that can accommodate both cyclical and non-
the external acceleration. cyclical patterns of motion. Prospectively, it will be interesting

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to consider other stochastic models, such as the higher-order at the wrist, the proposed method achieved good attitude es-
autoregressive model adopted, e.g., in [5]. timation accuracy: on average, RMSEatt = 3.6◦ (about 60-s
The factor task was significant when we submitted all meth- long sequence of various manual activities of daily living) and
ods (RMSEatt ) and Methods A–B (RMSEt ) to statistical RMSEatt = 1.8◦ (90-s long walking at natural speed).
analysis. The results of this analysis show that all methods Further developments of the present study are in the follow-
tended to be more accurate during the locomotion task than ing directions: 1) to assess the effects of using higher-order
during the manual routine task. Under this regard, the man- autoregressive models for the external acceleration; 2) to per-
ual routine task would be considered more challenging than form gyro-bias compensation for tracking longer motion tasks;
the locomotion task. However, it comes as a surprise that 3) to extend the proposed approach to magneto/inertial measure-
Method D performed differently in the two motion tasks: The ment units in order to encompass other reference and measured
marginal means were RMSEatt = 2.50◦ ± 0.91◦ (locomotion vectors, i.e., the earth’s magnetic field.
task) and RMSEatt = 9.29◦ ± 4.51◦ (manual routine task), in
spite that random walk integration of gyroscope measurement
noise would have had a slightly greater effect on the longer ACKNOWLEDGMENT
locomotion task (lasting about 90 s) rather than on the manual The authors would like to thank A. Cappozzo and his col-
routine task, which lasted about 60–70 s. As shown in Figs. 7–8, leagues at the Department of Movement, Human and Health
the dynamic range of attitude was much larger for the manual Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico,” where the exper-
routine task than for the locomotion task, which may explain iments providing the data for this paper were planned and per-
the different level of performance in the presence of residual formed. They would also like to thank them for the intensely
calibration errors of the gyro. stimulating discussions during the progress of the study.
Finally, the plots in Fig. 9 reveal the extent to which the
accuracy of Method A was restored when the external acceler-
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