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15MAT302 Numerical Methods Lab

Assignment on ODE

Section 1
1. The concentration of salt x in a home made soap maker is given as a function of time by
 37.5  3.5 x
At the initial time, t  0 , the salt concentration in the tank is 50 g/L. what is the salt
concentration after 30 minutes?

2. A rectifier-based power supply requires a capacitor to temporarily store power when the
rectified waveform from the AC source drops below the target voltage. To properly size this
capacitor a first-order ordinary differential equation must be solved. For a particular power
supply, with a capacitor of 150 μF , the ordinary differential equation to be solved is

dv(t ) 1   18 cos120 t   2  vt  

  0.1  max ,0 
dt 150  10  6   0.04 
v(0)  0

Find voltage across the capacitor at t  0.0003s .

3. The open loop response, that is, the speed of the motor to a voltage input of 20V, assuming
a system without damping is
20  (0.02)  (0.06) w .
If the initial speed is zero w0  0 , what is the speed at t  50s ?
4. A solid steel shaft at room temperature of 27 o C is needed to be contracted so that it can be
shrunk-fit into a hollow hub. It is placed in a refrigerated chamber that is maintained at
 33 o C . The rate of change of temperature of the solid shaft  is given by
dθ 
 6  3 .69  10
θ 4  2 .33  10  5 θ 3  1.35  10  3 θ 2  
  5 .33  10    θ  33 
dt  5 .42  10 2
θ  5 .588 
 
θ 0  27 C
find the temperature of the steel shaft after 86400 seconds.
5. A ball at 1200 K is allowed to cool down in air at an ambient temperature of 300 K.
Assuming heat is lost only due to radiation, the differential equation for the temperature of
the ball is given by
 2.2067 10 12  4  81 108 ,  0   1200 K
where  is in K and t in seconds. Find the temperature at t  10 min .

Section 2
1.  2 y  1.3e  x , y 0  5
2. ey  x 2 y 2  2 sin(3 x), y 0  5
 0.6 y  10 e  ( x  2) / 2 , y  0   0.5
4.  yt 3  1.5 y , y  0   1
5.  (1  2 x) y , y  0   1

First 5 roll numbers will solve in order of 1-5, one question from each section, then sixth
students will start from question 1 again and so on. Range for x for section 2, can be taken as
random and sensible choice by everyone. (I hope everyone will not choose same range).

1. Both the chosen question one has to solve using fixed h (again chosen by student), solve
using all the methods i.e
i) Euler
ii) Mid point Method
iii) Huen’s Method
iv) 4th order RK method

Compare the solution

2. Show that by reducing h value, Euler method can give same results as 4th order RK
method. What should be h value?

3. Which is most efficient RK method or Euler Method? Why?

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