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Hi there how are you..

i just have some questions to ask you

1)what is your date of birth?mine is March 17 1962
2)what kind of qualities are you looking for in a man?
3)what can a man do to always make you happy?
4)what interest you most about relationship?
5)tell me little more about your job?
6)what do you like to do for fun?I Like going to
Beaches,swimming,Dancing,Writting Poem,Dinner and i like going out with my
kids...i like watching movie
7)what turns you on ?holding hands in public spending time with my woman kissing
her ans showing her how special she is to me
8)are you ready to love again ?i am ready to love again and i want us to make
this work
9)are you ready to trust again ?yes i am ready to trust again and i am trust
10)tell me little about your family?i dont have much family just my kids and my
sister.i lost my parent a long time ago
11)can you tell me why you are still single?i am single cos i was not ready to move

on but now i am ready to give this a go

12)does distance matter to you?not at all cos distance is not a barrier and it a
test of love
13)are you accomomdating or you are willing to relocate?i am willing to relocate
14)do you like public intimacy?yes i love public intimacy
15)what are your favourite foods and restuarants?i like pizza and chicken and i
like chiness resaurant
16)what are you favourite movie and music?i like funny movie and horror movie
and i like country music and old blues
17)what is your favourite colour?mine is green
18)what is your wildest fantacy that you would do with a man?being naked with
my woman when we are home alone and making her feel wanted and satisfy her
with all her needs
19)what kind of experience have you had online before?i am new on that site and
you are the first person i am in touch with.the first lady is here for fun and i
am here for serious relationship
20)pleace can you send me a clear pics of you
21)what else do you want to know about me ?
22)so you smoke ?yes and it been long since i stopped smoking but it ok if you
are smoking
23)do you drink?i drink socially
24)do you have your own house?i have my own house
25)what kind of car do you drive?i drive 2011 bmw series 6
i want you to know that i am interested in you and i want us to make this will be so great to have a woman like you in my life..hope to hear from
you soon xx

hmmm... so tell me what you enjoy doing most on your spare time?
I'm very adventurous type, so I enjoy doing a lot of stuff for fun , I enjoy
working out, enjoy swimming, enjoy hiking , biking, skiing , water skiing , horse
back riding , surfing and being at the beach side alot...I really enjoy spending
time with my daughter Stacy and making her happy
-what are your basic likes and dislikes in general?
I like very honest people. like quiet and peaceful places, like listening to
music , watching movies and the outdoors, and dislikes dishonest people, loud and
crowded places, dislike being on a line for something, i dont remember the last
time i did that, dislike rude and heartless people.
(so much in common , fate)
-do you believe in fate and the fact that it plays a hand in finding true love?, if
yes, why?
I think fate does play a hand in finding true love , cuz i know the saying that
"true love is like a mystery no ending and no beginning, everything is arranged by
fate" and also the saying that " we get love when we least expect it , at the most
unexpected places" so if that is not fate , then maybe I dont know what fate it
-do you believe in soul-mates?
I do believe someone has several soulmates in this life but meeting one of them can
be really hard but when we do , its the greatest happiness and joy in life , cuz we
are all one winged angel , looking for our other winged angel, soulmate , so we can
fly real high together
(we do have so much together, i like the way you think)
-what are the basic qualities you like in a man?
Someone who is ready to love and be loved, someone who is not scared of a committed
relationship , someone who is ready for a forever lasting relationship filled with
so much love and care. Someone with a big heart to love , share and give , trust
worthy and understanding
ot to boost but I really think I have all those qualities you like in a man , seems
like you're talking about me)
(Not to boost but I really think I have all those qualities you like in a man ,
seems like you're talking about me)
-what do you look for in a relationship?
open communication, no secrets , trust , honesty and spending alot of quality time
together, romance , i believe romance is very important in a relationship to keep
the flame of passion,desire for each other burning, and of course LOVE, I would be
the happiest man on earth to find someone I will love completely that will love me
completely in return , its the greatest joy in the whole universe that no amount of
money , gold or diamonds can buy , i have been praying and wishing to find it and
believe me its very HARD to find!
-tell me your personality type
I am a one woman man , family oriented, like to protect my love ones, care for them
and love them completely, cuz to me , loving someone is like caring for a garden
you can not care a little, the flowers will die...I dont do to others what I
wouldnt like for them to do to me, I am very honest person and honesty is very
important to me , I rather be told the truth and get hurt, than to be lied to and
not get hurt , lies are not good at all!
(I really like your personality type, is among the very rare ones to find!)
I am very passionate person , I am passionate to almost everything , i am
passionate to music,movies,stories , I am passionate about love. I believe in love
and the life giving energy that it gives... I am a man passionate about God! I love
Him! It is through Him that I have accomplished the wonderful things in my life,I
am truly passionate about creativity! I truly strive to be creative in every area
of my life.I am Passionate about Nature. Nature has always been a source of
inspiration, wisdom and guidance for me.
(wow! I think you're very special kinda person and I am really enjoying knowing you
-what's your fav color?
My favorite color is forest green , and I like sea blue too , those are two
beautiful nature colors and I love nature...
-fav movies you enjoy watching?
-do you have a particular cologne you hate the smell when a man wears it or
particular one you like alot?
-what's your fav kinda gift to receive?
-what's your favorite season of the yr?
My favorite season of the yr is early summer, the weather is so nice and cool,
doesn't get dark outside on time, I also like the fall season , cuz i love to see
the trees change flowers, very beautiful scene
-what kind of food you enjoy eating?
I enjoy eating healthy food, but not an healthy nut , a good pizza is ok in my book
once in a while . I like italian food, mexican food, seafoods and some chinese food
-what kind of music you like listening to?
I like all kinds of music , its depending on my mood, except for some rap and heavy
metal... I am listening to a song right now online , would you like to join me hear
-do you read fiction or non fiction?
-tell me your style of clothing
-what is your favorite kind of flower?
mine are sun flowers and rose , I like those two flowers a lot, so beautiful!
-Do you have pets? are you a dog person or a cat person?
I love all kind of animals except for snakes!!!, so I guess I am both
-what's your fav dessert?
when in a relationship, i enjoy having my partner or dessert before main food
-tell me your favorite places to go for a vaca?
I enjoy going to Makawao, Maui island HI , I love the beach and enjoy surfing
-which holiday is your favorite of the year?
Do you cook?
I enjoy cooking alot , but you know its not fun when you are cooking for yourself,
its much more fun when you have someone special to cook for.
-Do you dance?
Well I do enjoy dancing but have not taken any kind of special dancing class ,
which i would love to do soon, but will be much fun with that special someone by my
Do you have tattoos?
Babe give me an idea of your dream date ...
hmmm a dream death , I think a perfect one would be to just make your partner smile
from the heart while you do the same, just have a genuinely great time enjoying
each others company.



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