EL 119 Assignment 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus, Tagbilaran City


Gican, Kate Dianne P.
Name: ___________________________ BSEd-English 3-2
Year and Section: ____________________

Research the following:

1. Definition of News
• News is something that you come across every day in your life. News is a report
of a current event. It is information about something that has just happened or will
happen soon. News is a report about recent happenings in a newspaper,
television, radio or internet. News is something that is not known earlier. From all
these, we can safely define news as a development that has happened in the past
24 hours which was not known outside and which is of wide interest to the people
and that which generates curiosity among listeners.
• It is said that the letters in the word “NEWS” is derived from the four directions
(North, East, West and South). This shows that news can come from anywhere.
News is the report of a current event, something that was not known, information
of recent events and happenings.
Source: https://journalismkubms.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/news.pdf

2. Attributes of News
• Accuracy - The accuracy of news is in fact taken for granted by the news
consumers. Though it is very difficult to be accurate in news. Readers should have
a feeling that whatever they are being presented is the overcome of an honest and
dedicated effort of the writer. The readers should never be given an opportunity to
say that they never believed what appeared in the papers. All facts given in the
news item should be accepted by readers without questions. What factual
accuracy really means is that every statement in news items every name and date
and age, quotation every definite word or expression or sentence must be precise
and presentation of the true facts. Accuracy means correctness not merely in
general impression but also in details, hastily accuracy is to a newspaper what
virtue is to a lady.
• Balance - News is to be balanced though it is not an easy task to write news which
is balanced in every aspect, a severe effort must be made by a reporter to render
the account of any event in the best possible manners. The reporter has to write
all the specific facts correctly, fairly and accurately and objectively. He has to put
all the facts together in a manner that his report conveys the correct and factual
impression. He has to give a fair picture of the event as it takes place. In order to
be fair both to the audience and about the gentleman about whom news is given it
is necessary that the news is balanced in content and meaning. News should be
balanced in the matter of emphasis and complements. As a reporter he must
constantly strive to give each fact its proper emphasis and to put it in proper relation
to every other fact and to give those facts the relative importance to the meaning
of the story as a whole. A reporter has to narrate every last circumstance of the
story in pause taking details. A reporter has to select and arrange facts in a manner
so as to give a balanced view of the whole situation.
• Objectivity - News is a factual report of an event as it occurred. It is not the event
as a prejudiced eye might see it or as the reporter might wish it to be or have
thought it to be on those concerned in the event might like to present it. Facts must
be reported impartially as they occurred. Objectivity in the news is one of the most
important principles of modern journalism. It means that the news covers to the
consumer intimated without any personal bias or any outside influence that would
make it appear anything but what it is. News is unavoidable. News should be
presented without a shade. A reporter should not look at events through glosses
either raised colored or smote. News is to be presented in full light of impartial .and
scrupulously honest observation. Objectivity is essential because only pure news
can give the consumer confidence since people form their opinions on the basis of
news items it is all the more necessary that it should be objective in all manners.
• Concise and Clear - News must follow the news form developed over a period of
many years. It must be united, concise, clear and simple. A story that is diffused,
disorganized and ambiguous in meaning does not have the characteristic quality
of news. It should be well-paced, unified and abuse all written so clearly that the
meaning of the story is also absolutely plain.
• Current (Elements of Time in News) - The definition of news remains incomplete
if element of time is not given major consideration. Time is the essence of the
news. Emphasis is on the time element of news story, this is necessary because
of the changes which may occur in the transitory period. Things are always
changing and the news consumers want the most recent information on subjects
of concerns or interest to them. In the present circumstances the news
development might undergo a rapid change. The events occurring in the morning
may completely outdate or upset east might facts. Most news is labelled “todays”
or at the most distant, last night. The news media are specific about time. They tell
the readers that the news is not only recent but truly the last word on the subject.
The news media has developed great speed in news handling in order to able to
report events while they are still new. The reader is interested in current and new
things. A newsman wins consumers and readers by rendering.
Source: http://studylecturenotes.com/characteristics-of-news-are-accuracy-balance-

3. Sources of News
• Radio: It is an audio medium used by many in today’s time. We can see people
are relying on Radio as a source of information. Radio is prominent and seen in
both rural and urban areas. People in rural who cannot afford television rely on
radio as it is cheap. If we talk about urban areas where we do not see many using
radio at their houses instead they listen in their cars. Over decades radio has
gained popularity and is said is a good source of news.
• Television: Television telecasts their news on television through which other
newspaper takes their sources. It is said to be the most authentic source of news
as it has visuals to establish the authenticity. Television helps and provides
newspapers to give detailed information to the audience but television news just
doesn’t act as the source to the newspaper but also the audience itself.
• Newspapers and magazines: These two also act as a good source of news.
Newspaper on both the levels national and international provides the best
information in details. The newspaper has 5W’s and 1H which gives all the
significant information at the starting of the news and further deals with the minor
details and same is done in the magazines.
• Press release: Press releases are generally used for the release of a particular
news. The Press Release should contain worthwhile material which has some
news value. A Press Release should be written in a journalistic style and provide
facts and information of interest to readers and should cover all aspects of a
specific subject. The release should be on current subject and a piece of clear
writing without any ambiguity, color or ornamentation but it should at the same time
not be generally lengthy.
• Press notes: The press notes are less formal in character. These are also issued
on important official matters e.g. raising or lowering of tariff rates, price fixation of
food grains, subsidy announcement of seeds, fertilizer etc. Apart from the name of
department, place and date, a press note mentions headings. Unlike the press
communiqué, the newspaper can edit or condense the press notes.
• Handouts: The handouts are issued on a variety of subjects like the day-to-day
activities of the ministry or departments, VIP speeches, question and answers in
Parliament or legislature and the developmental programmes of government
departments. It covers the name of the PIB or information department. No official
handout is issued, if the minister or a government official has spoken in his
personal capacity.
• Press statement: The statements are usually given by known people, then he
shares his statement with media and later this becomes press statement.
• Police station: Every event which is of big concern to the police station would be
firstly found in the police station. If the reporter wants to know about a crime scene
he would get first-hand information from there.
Source: https://www.sociologygroup.com/news-sources-importance-in-journalism/

4. News Gathering
• The newsgathering process involves sourcing ideas, planning coverage, assigning
teams, structuring packages, monitoring the web, working in the field – and coming
back alive and well. Those involved in newsgathering include reporters, planning
editors, camera people, assignment editors, field producers, and the news
executives responsible for output.
Source: https://mediahelpingmedia.org/2011/01/24/newsgathering-tips-for-producing-

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