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Professional Learning Outline

“Is There and App for You?”

1. Implementing the 5 Key Principles of Effective Professional Learning

a. Duration
i. Pre-Meetings will be held in August prior to teacher returns.
ii. There will be one one-hour session integrated into the professional development calendar for
the return of school in August. The goal of this is to invite new professional learners into the
coding initiative we are bringing.
iii. Follow-up meetings will happen throughout the remainder of the school year including a once a
month 30-minute to an hour meeting on the status of learning and project design.
a) Additionally, there will also be an availability of online resources published by either the
teacher mentor or made accessible through a compilation of resources through
YouTube based instruction.
iv. The January meeting will conclude with a reflection and a presentation on the professional
learner and their app development design. This will also include their goals for next year as the
students’ learners begin to develop their own app development project.
v. The meetings held in February through April will be status updates on the student learners’
projects as well as current areas of concern that the group can address.
vi. The May meeting will be for the student learners to present their projects and to discuss the
growth and challenges overcame during the time of their project development. Professional
learners are encouraged to use this time to reflect on both the growth of them as a professional
and their learners.

b. Support
i. Professional Learners will collaborate with each other on consistent basis using mediums such
as group communication, email and vocal expression.
ii. Club leaders will engage learners in engaging discussion on their project.
iii. School administration will also support professional learners during the implantation stages of
the project.

c. Active Learning
i. Professional Learners will develop their own unique application development project as part of
the year long process that will also present and incorporate with student learners.

d. Modeling
i. Club Leaders will model programming techniques and thought building exercise to bring
professional learners towards their creative interest in design.

e. Content Area (Specificity)

i. Professional learners will be able to take the programming strategies presented and implement
them within their own classroom setting. While also working towards the overarching goal of
the after-school app design program.
2. Collaboration
a. Learners will collaborate with each other the design of their mobile application.

3. Leaders
a. Computer Science Facilitator
b. Teacher volunteers
c. School Administration

4. Audience Needs
a. Collaboration Opportunities
b. Apple Application Instruction
c. Programming Time
d. Planning for Instructional Time (with Learners)
e. Online Documentation
f. Templates and Rubrics

5. Instructional Design
a. BHAG/3-Coulmn Table (Still in Development)

6. Schedule/Timeline 2021-2022 Academic Year

a. Fall:
i. Pre – August:
a) This will be the initial meeting introducing project-based learning through application
design. This meeting will also gauge the interest of the faculty at large for this year long
ii. August -September:
a) We will discuss the Apple iCode programming platform.
b) We will discuss the value of the CSLE-COVA learning philosophy.
c) We will discuss project-based learning in greater detail.
d) Lastly, we will discuss the expected learning outcomes of the professional learner’s app
development project.
b. Mid – Fall:
i. October-December
a) Professional learners will continue to receive ongoing support as they work towards the
app development projects while also learning the different teaching philosophies that
will be implementing within the coding club.
c. Spring:
i. January-April
a) Professional learners will continue to receive ongoing support as they work towards
guiding student learners in their app development projects.
d. Spring – Final Meeting:
i. May
a) This will be the end of the year meeting where we will see the accumulation of student
learner and professional learner projects. At this meeting we will discuss how we grew
during this process and what to look forward to in the fall of the upcoming school year.
7. Resources
a. Apple iPad
b. Apple MacBook
i. Various Apple Applications
c. Meeting Videos
d. App Implementation Outline
e. Portfolio Documentation (Website or Google Classroom)

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