Chapter I, II, III - Bibliography

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Chapter I


This chapter presented introductions, objectives, significance, scope,

limitation, and the delimitation of the study.


Information technology is very important today, because of the

evolution of our society in different aspect. Information technology is used for

storing, protecting, processing, securing, transmitting, receiving, and retrieving

information. It is very useful in some business establishments; it is used to solve

mathematical and logical problems. It helps owner or managers of business in

order to store and protect their data that being use in their everyday transaction.

Almost everyone believes that technology has made life easier and more

comfortable and that it has enable us to perform tasks that we could not do

otherwise. The aim of the thesis writing is to analyze the current system and

design new system. Provides computerized inventory system that cover inventory,

returned and received the stocks and update the records of IGP transactions.

Computer is a machine that can accept instruction, perform complex

computation based on those instruction and can store information. With the help of

computer, it is easier to process a document, search information, create a


presentation and connect with other people through internet. The computer is used

not only in school and government purposes but also in business.

An information system is organized combinations of people, hardware,

software, communication networks, and resources that collects transforms and

disseminate information in an organization. It consists of database, users, data

collection devices, data sharing devices, analysis and interpretation of

informational structures and process.

The system used in a business is called information system (IS).

Information System is any combination of information technology and peoples

activities that support operation, management, and decision making. In a very

broad sense, the term information system frequently used to refer to the interaction

between people, processes, data and technology. An example of information

system is inventory system. Inventory system means using a software program

designed to keep track of inventory items (items number, description, quantities,

cost and selling price) for every item received and produced and every item sold.

Inventory systems have a variety of functions purposes in businesses.

Promoting the sales, shrinkage control are two main functions of inventory

system. All inventory systems, regardless of technology require some element of

inventory management.

Effective inventory systems are designed to capture and released shortest

possible time to enable organizations to make the right.

The role of inventory system in business operation is vital to the success of

every organization and for this reason IGP of Batangas State University Rosario

Campus needs to have inventory system in order for them to respond to the

different challenges of the business environment.

Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to produce and develop a system that

will make the transactions in the IGP office faster and easier.

Specifically, this study aims to determine the following objective:

1. Apply skills and knowledge learned in CPT 102 (Computer Fundamentals and

Programming) and CPT 105 (Computer Fundamentals and Programming II).

2. To develop and design software that will organize and manipulate the large

collection of IGP records.

3. To design and identify a program system in terms of:

3.1 Upgradability;

3.2 Security;

3.3 Functionality;

3.4 Effectiveness and;

3.5 User Friendly

4. To secure the certificate of acceptability from the expert.

Significance of the study

This section describes the importance of the project to IGP coordinator,

University and students. It also expounds the study is probable impact to Industrial

Technology. The main beneficiaries of this project are the University, the IGP

coordinator, the students of Batangas State University Rosario Campus and the

future researchers.

Batangas State University. The project will be beneficial to the university

because it will provide accurate and timely reports needed in decision making.

IGP coordinator. The system helps the user to lessen the time and effort in

making the inventory, and to provide the accurate total of the items.

Students. The students will benefit from the project because it will

optimize the performance level of the IGP coordinator thus enabling them to

provide quality service to them.


Future researchers. The project is beneficial because this is can be used

as a reference and guide in development of the project with the same nature or


Proponents. The project is also beneficial because it augments his system

analysis and development skills. This project will also guide the proponents in

their future projects and researches.

Scope, Limitations and Delimitation of the Study

This section explains the nature and coverage of the project. It presents the

subject area of investigation. It will also discuss all the areas included in the

project and describes the weakness of the project and section that are excluded due

to same constraints.

This project covers the inventory of the school supplies that reduces the

time consumed in data entry & report generation. It enables the user to return &

received the stocks and update the records needed in the following operation like

ordering of books, school uniforms like polo–shirt, blouse, skirts & pants, PE

uniforms like shirt, jogging pants, and ID lace, payment by the students

purchasing of items to suppliers, sales transactions and payment process that

reduces data and work redundancy on the part of the IGP Coordinator.

The concession billings are also covering this system. The payment of

vending machines, electric bills, water bills, rentals of canteen and the photocopier

of the schools are included in concession billing.

It provides information like list of orders, list of purchases, sales report, &

inventory stocks. Inventory reports on a periodic basis to easily monitor the daily

transactions & operation of the company. This project also provides payments

from customer and to supplier and reports including their current balances.

However, because of limited resources, the study has its limitations and

weaknesses. The project does not cover the following operations like the

attendance monitoring, generations of individual and general pay slip, the accounts

receivable payable, reports, & general ledger.


Chapter II


This chapter discusses the conceptual literature, related studies, and the

synthesis of these literatures.

Conceptual Literature

Information system plays a vital role in the company’s success. The system

is primarily responsible in generating different reports that are essential in the

major business activities of the organization. These reports are generated based

from the different functions in the company. These functions are the ordering of

products, purchasing of products, sales, inventory of stocks, and the payment

monitoring. These report generated from these function are important to the

employees to effectively accomplish their task and to the managers to handle

critical matters in decision making.

Information System.

Information System is an integrated set of components for collecting,

storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital

products. Business firms and other organizations rely on information systems to

carry out and manage their operations, interact with their customers and suppliers,

and compete in the market place. For instance, corporation use information

systems to reach their potential customers with targeted messages over the web, to

process financial accounts, and to manage their human resources. Governments

deploy information systems to provide services cost effectively to citizens. Digital

goods such as electronic books and software, and online services, such as actions

and social networking, are delivered with information system (VladmirZwass,


It collects, processes, stores, analyzes and disseminates information for a

specific purpose. Like any other system an information system includes inputs

(data and instruction) and output (reports calculations). It processes the inputs and

produces outputs that are sent to the user or to other systems. A feedback

mechanism that controls the operation may be included. Information system

operates within an environment (Turban et al., 2001). It covers a wide variety of

computer application. It will be helpful to pause and consider some of the common

terminology associated with information technology (Baldauf and Stair, 2009)

A computer system has three main elements; mainly, the hardware,

software and the most important part, the information technology professionals or

peopleware. These three elements interact with one another in order to produce

desired information from a given set of data.


Information Technology.

Information Technology is defined as the use of computers and software to

manage information services. In some companies it can be called Management

Information (MIS) or Information Services (IS). The information technology

department of a large company is responsible for storing information, protecting

information processing the information, transmitting the information, and later

retrieving information if needed.Information Technology has brought us the

internet. The web has quickly grown to become a primary choice in order for

people to communicate whether it be through email or instant messaging services.

The internet also works as an advertising platform for millions of businesses

around the globe (Jaime Epstein, 2011).

It is related to studying, designing and developing information related to

computers. This field is growing at a very fast pace over the last few years and

according to successful and well-known people in the IT sector, this growth is

expected to remain stable. Due to the robust growth, millions of jobs have been

created in this field. However, it is very essential for us to understand what the

importance of information technology (Charlie, 2011).


Software refers to the set instructions or program that tells the computer

how to do a specific task (, 2003). Software refers to the programs that

control the hardware and produce the desired information or results. Software

consists of system software and application software.System software manages the

hardware components, which can include a single workstation or a global network

with many thousands of clients. Either the hardware manufacturer supplies the

system software or a company purchases it from a vendor. Examples of the system

software include the operating system, security software that protects the computer

from intrusion, device drivers that communicate with hardware such as, printers,

and utility programs that handle specific tasks such as data backup and disk

management. System software also controls the flow of data, provides data

security, and manages network operations. In todays interconnected business

world, network software is vitally important (Shelly, 2002).

It is untouchable; it is a set of instruction used to direct the hardware on

how to turn date into useful information for people to use. These are programs

used by the user to interact with the computer (Albano et. al., 2003).It is a series of

very simple computer instructions carefully organized to complete complex task.

These instructions are written in programming languages to help simplify the

development of applications (Engr. Reyes II, 2005).

System software performs tasks necessary to the efficient management of

the hardware. It refers to computer programs or library files whose purpose is to

help run the computer system. These programs are usually made available to the

user by the manufacturers of the computer system. It includes operating system,

utility programs, compilers and interpreters (Albano et al., 2003). System software

is background software that helps a computer manage its internal resources

(Ballada et al., 2009).

Application software is a program that helps to solve and meet user

problems and needs directly. They are designed to perform specific functions

which make daily activities easier and facilitate the performance of work

efficiently and effectively. Application software as productivity tools; assist in

graphics and multimedia projects; support home, personal and educational use and

facilitate communication (Albano et,al., 2003). Basic application include;

browsers, word processor, spreadsheet, data management system, present graphics

(Balladaet,al., 2009).

Database Management System.

Data Management System is a software application that is used to create,

maintain and provide controlled access to user databases. This is a group of the

programs that manipulates the database and provides an interface between the

database and the user of the database and other application programs.

Understanding basic database system concepts can enhance a person’s ability to

support organizational goals and advance his/her career (Hoffer, 2004).

Collection of programs that enable you to store, modify and extract information

from a database. There are many different types of DBMS, ranging from small

systems that run on personal computers o huge systems that run on mainframes. It

provides the organization with centralized control of its data. If database is shared,

if it persistent, if the users want it be secure and easy to access and manipulate

then use of a data base management system is the best available alternative.

DBMS provides a secure and survival medium for the storage and retrieval of data

(Leon et al., 2004).

Data Management System is a software application that is used to create,

maintain and provide controlled access to user databases. This is a group of the

programs that manipulates the database and provides an interface between the

database and the user of the database and other application programs.

Understanding basic database system concepts can enhance a person’s ability to

support organizational goals and advance his/her career (Hoffer, 2004).

A database management system (DBMS), sometimes just called a database

manager, is a program that lets one or more computer users create and access data

in a database. The DBMS manages user requests (and requests from other

programs) so that users and other programs are free from having to understand

where the data is physically located on storage media and, in a multi-user system,

which else may also be accessing the data. In handling user requests, the DBMS

ensures the integrity of the data (that is, making sure it continues to be accessible

and is consistently organized as intended) and security (making sure only those

with access privileges can access the data). The most typical DBMS is a relational

database management system (RDBMS). A standard user and program interface is


the Structured Query Language (SQL). A newer kind of DBMS is the object-

oriented database management system (ODBMS) (Simon Christiansen, 2005).

Inventory System.

Inventory management is vitally important for any business that sells a

physical product. An inventory system must balance having enough inventories on

hand to meet the demand of customers while investing as little money as possible

in inventory. Perishable products add another dimension of management

considerations because they must be cycled through the inventory system more

quickly and stored in a way that preserves their value.A number of factors

determine the amount of product kept on hand, including average monthly

demand, warehouse capacity and replenishment period. Enough products must be

available to meet daily orders or customers will go elsewhere. Warehouse capacity

sufficient to store adequate inventory levels is necessary to ensure product

availability. The reliability and speed of inventory replenishment from suppliers

determines both of these factors. If replenishment of inventory is quick and

reliable, then lower inventory levels and less warehouse capacity will be sufficient

to meet demand.

Computers and bar codes allow for a more efficient management of

inventory levels and provide a clearer view of inventory movement. More

businesses are using transactional review systems because computerized systems

can link to the point of sale with automatic debiting of inventory occurring in real

time when the sale occurs. Inventory software can also link to other business

systems to integrate more fully all aspects of the business process.Integration of

inventory systems with suppliers systems creates greater efficiency. When

inventory levels fall below a predetermined level, automatic triggering of purchase

orders can occur with electronic communication to suppliers ensuring an adequate

flow of product into the warehouse to meet expected demand. Such integration

requires a close working relationship with suppliers and the technical capability to

link computer systems together (David A. Wells, 2004).

Visual Basic

Visual Basic (VB) has become such a popular programming language for

several reasons. VB is easily to learn, which makes it an excellent tool for

understanding elementary programming concept. In addition it has evolved into

standing such a powerful and popular product that skilled Visual Basic

programmers are in demand in the job market.

Visual Basic is fully object-oriented and compatible with many other

languages using the NET Framework. It is assigned to allow programmer to

develop applications that run under Windows and/or in a Web browser the

complexity generally associated with programming. With very little effort, the

programmer can design a screen that holds standard elements such as buttons,

checkboxes, radio buttons, text boxes and list boxes. Each of these objectsoperates

as expected, producing a “standard” Windows or Web user interface (Julia Case

Bradley and Anita C. Millspaugh, 2009).

Research Literature

This section provides the different related studies that are used by the

proponent as an orientation to come up with the study. The following are the

findings in the different related researches that served as a guide in the project

investigation and development.

Implementation of information system to the existing operations in

business helps the company to increase profits and provide customer satisfaction.

Based from the findings of Cuevas (2003), the computerized sales and inventory

system has provided meaningful benefits for Armor Milling Corporations. One

benefit is the fast processing of data that improved their quality of service because

the time and effort consumed in recording the figures needed in the sales

transactions and inventory producers are reduced by providing an interface where

the user can easily enter the records that pertain to customers and products. The

system also provides convenience in monitoring the availability of stocks, sales,

and customer payments by generating accurate and timely reports needed by

managers in administrative decision making.


According to Manquiat (2003), the existing operation of Coca – Cola

Bottles Philippines Incorporated (CCBPI) was improved after implementing the

computerized inventory and sales monitoring system in their daily business

activities. The system provides a data base that holds large amount of data from

different transaction of the company. Data lose was presented and confidentiality

of record was protected. The system also reduced the time and effort consumes in

conducting sales and inventory monitoring by providing accurate and to date


According to Zara (2004) the computerized sales and inventory system of

Tanauan Drugstore helped the company in their sales and inventory transactions

by providing expediency in data recording and report generation. The

computerized system improved the existing sales and inventory system procedure

of the company by providing accurate and detailed information on inventory stock

level status of all items in the drugstore. It also lessens the time and effort in the

recording of products data and generation of the company’s sales and inventory


Based from findings of Alemania (2002) the computerization of the

existing inventory and monitoring system of the ONO hardware and lumber

helped the company in meeting their demands for a fast processing of transactions,

production of reports, securing of report and accurate computations and the like.

The system provides the firm with secure records, updated reports, and company

convenience of conducting their daily business operation. It also helps the

company in delivering quality service to their customer that increases their number

of clients and its revenues.

In line with the study of De Jesus (2002) the computerized sales inventory

system of Kabayan Motors, lessened the time and effort in searching and

modifying of their records because the system uses database management

approach that organized their existing record keeping scheme. The system also

reduced the time of preparation and issuing of the receipts needed in every

transaction that avoided late delivery of customer’s orders.

Conceptual framework

The development of an IGP Inventory System for Batangas State

University Rosario Campus reason why the study was undertaken.

The development stage of the product lies in three major processes. These

are the input, process, and output. The process is shown in figure 1 paradigm of

the study.

The input stage of the proposed system involves the analysis of the current

manual system. The goal of this step is to obtain a clear understanding of the

current manual system, its shortcomings and to identifying the opportunities for

improvement. This also includes identifying the equipment and materials needed

in this project, to apply the knowledge and skills to make a good output, and to

identifying the concepts and principles of the study.

The whole process includes planning the preparation made for construction

of the project, designing, coding, testing the process of judging made, making

some adjustments on some parts of the program to ensure its efficient and

effective functioning.

The output is Point of Sales System for BatangasState University

Rosario Campus.

Figure 1 shows the paradigm of the study showing the development of

the project, input, process, and output.



The computerized sales and inventory system of Armor Milling

Corporation by Cuevas (2003) is similar to IGP Inventory System for Batangas

State University Rosario Campus. It was developing using MS-Visual Basic and it

uses MS SQL as the database that holds the needed records. For the differences,

the system used by Armor Milling Corporation uses client-server networking in

data and reports distribution.

The computerized inventory and sales monitoring system of Coca-Cola

Bottlers Philippines Incorporated (CCBP) by Manguiat (2003) is similar to IGP

Inventory System for Batangas State University Rosario Campus support the sales,

delivery, payment and inventory operation of the company by storing the records

needed for every business transactions by providing different report pertaining to a

transaction. The system was developed in MS-Visual Basic. The difference is

Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines users’ peer to peer network communication and

MS-Access is the database management software used to hold the records and the

reports are created to Data Environment.

The computerized sales and inventor system of Tanauan Drugstore by Zara

(2004) is similar to the system of IGP Inventory System for Batangas State

University Rosario Campus because it supports order, deliver, sales and inventory

operation. It was developed in MS-Visual Basic and MS-SQL used records needed

in the operations. The differences, the system used by Tanauan Drugstore does not

support payment, monitoring and does not maintain their customer’s records.

The computerized inventory and monitoring system of ONO hardware and

lumber by Alemania (2002) and the computerized sales, inventory and payment

monitoring system of IGP Inventory System for Batangas State University Rosario

Campus handles the sales inventory and purchasing operation. Both systems

generate sales, inventory and purchasing reports on periodic bases. For the

technology used, both projects were developed in MS-Visual Basic network

communication in the network design. The system implemented at ONO hardware

and lumber does not record customer data. It uses MS-Access to hold the different

transaction records instead of MS-SQL.

The computerized sales inventory system of kabayan motors by De Jesus

(2002) used by the company has similarities with IGP Inventory System for

Batangas State University Rosario Campus. Both are used in maintaining the

records needed in sales and inventory of stocks monitoring. Both systems were

developed in Microsoft Visual Basic. For the reports, the two systems generate the

summary of the ordered and delivered products, sales reports and stock reports in

periodic basis. The differences between the two systems, the system used by

kabayan Motors provides computerized issuance or receipts. It does not maintain

customer records and the database management used in the system is MS-Access.

Definition of Terms

In order to have better understanding of the study, the following term

hereby defined conceptually and operationally.

Computer. Is an electronic device which consists of several components

that together provide the capability of executing a stored program. It is a device

that accepts data, processes and stores these, and produces a result. (Albano,,2003). In this study, refers to a device used to run the system.

Data. These are raw facts or elementary description of things, events

activities and transactions that are captured, recorded, stored and classified but not

organize to convey any specific meaning. (Turban, et. al., 2001). In this study, the

data refers to the input to be used in designing the system.

Data base. It is a collection of information that you organize and access

according to the logical structure of that information (Stephen haag,, 2010).

In this study, this refers to all information recorded into its designated and linked

database table.

Encode. It refers to put a message into code and convert a character into its

equivalent combination of bits (Leonida, 2002). In this study, it refers to the codes

inserted to make the system work.

Hardware. It is a comprehensive term of all of the physical parts of the

computer, as distinguished from the data it contains or operates on, and the

software that provides instructions for the hardware to accomplish task (Open

projects Websites, 2008). In this study, this refers to all the electronic components

of the computer unit used in creating and running the system.

Operating System. This refers to a set of programs which controls and

coordinates the whole operation of the computer system (Albano, et. Al. 2003). In

this study refers to the software that communicates with the computer.

Program. This refers to an instruction written using the statement,

functions and special features of Visual Basic programming language (Burrows,

2000).In this study, refers to the set of logical code or instruction applied to make

the system program run as it is intended.

Programming Language. A programming languages are sets of symbols

and rules used to write program code (Stair, 1996). In this study, this refers to the

tools used in designing and constructing the system.

Structured Query Language (SQL).It is used for formulating statements

that are processed by a database management system (Hoffer 2004). In this study,

it is used as one of programming language that provides security for the database

and accurate time of handling information.

Technology. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use

of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment,

drawing upon such subjects as individual arts, engineering, applied science, and

pure science ( this study, it is use to improve the system.


Visual Basic. Visual Basic programs are created in an Integrated

Development Environment (IDE) that allows the programmer to create, run, and

debug Visual Basic program conveniently (Hoffer, 2004). In the study, this will be

used as the programming language to develop the proposed system.




This chapter discussed the research design, pre-design stages of the project,

design stages of the project, project development process, equipment and their

functions, quality control process, financial component and the time allotment of

the project.

Research Design

This is primary concerned with the development of an “IGP Inventory

System for Batangas State University Rosario Campus”. The proponents applied

step by step actions to finish the designed project. Comprehensive researchers and

discussion of related studies and literature were done to evaluate the contents of

this project study. Also, the proponents consulted their professors, and the


Pre-Design Stages of the Project

In this stage, the proponents asked for advice and opinions related to the

subject of the study from knowledgeable persons like computer programmers and

professors. The proponents conducted extensive reading and reviewing of

published books, journals, dictionaries, articles and unpublished materials. They


also browsed the internet to look for further information related to the

development of the proposed project.

Design Stages of the Project

The design aimed for the development of IGP Inventory System for

Batangas State University Rosario Campus. The design stage of the project

includes planning, designing, coding, testing and evaluating.

Planning. Before the creation of the system, the researchers had a careful planning

on how the systems will be designed. Formulation of goals and objectives,

gathering and preparation for the construction of the project were included in this


Designing. During this stage, the proponents focused on designing the project.

The design of “IGP Inventory System” started from the collection of materials

needed and determining the functions and benefits of the study. Also, the

proponents conceptualized the probable mechanism of the device. It is important

in formulating a system. The proponents used Visual Basic 6.0 as its programming

language and structure query language express 2008 as its database.

Coding. In this stage, the proponents assured that there is a Visual Basic6.0

program set up in the computer where one can look or view the system. The

software should be installed totally before the development of the project to avoid


Testing. This stage was recommended to assess the functionality and correctness

of the program execution or analysis.

Evaluating. In this stage, the evaluation of the system that will help to improve

the final software product was made.

Figure 2 shows the Design Stages of the study which the researchers

followed the stage procedure to make the development study.






Figure 2

Design Stages of the Project development process


IGP Inventory System for Batangas State University Rosario Campus


File Payment Point of Sales Inventory

User Account Supplier

Payment Report Point of Sales
Report Category
Log Out

Exit Inventory
System Return


Product List




Organizational Chart


Main Screen A

If x


User Account

Log Out

Exit Inventory System


Figure 3


Main Screen

If x

Payment Payment End



Figure 4


Main Screen

If x

Point of
Sales Point of Sales End

Point of Sales


Figure 5


Main Screen B

If x


Add Supplier


Figure 6


Main Screen C

If x


Add Category


Figure 7


Main Screen D

If x


Add Delivery


Figure 8


Main Screen

If x


Add Return


Figure 9


Main Screen F

If x

Product F

Add Product


Figure 10


Main Screen G

If x

Product List G

View Product


Figure 11

Hardware Requirements

This project requires hardware to enable the program to run. The program

requires PC with at least Pentium III- class, 600MHz)at least MB on system drive

the available Hard Disk Space.

The system needs mouse and keyboard for the input process. Monitor will

display the system. These physical components are essentially needed for the

implementation of the proposed system.

Input and Output Requirement

Name Function

Keyboard The keyboard is use to input

information by the system.

Mouse The mouse is use as a pointing device.

Computer monitor The computer monitor displaysthe


Printer The printer prints out images on paper.


Software Requirement

Software is another name for programs- instructions that tell the computer

how to process data.

Minimum System Requirements

Processor PC with a Pentium II-class processor,


processor such as Dual Core, Core

Duo,i3,i5,i7 etc.

RAM Windows NT.4.0 workstation-64MB,

Windows NT 4.0 Server-160MB (

recommended: 96 MB for

workstation,192MB for server)

Windows 2000 Professional- 96MB,

( recommended: 128MB for

Professional,256MB for server)

Windows XP Professional- 160MB (

recommended: 192MB )Windows XP

Home – 96MB( recommended: 160MB)

Available Hard Disk 600MB on system drive

Operating System Windows 2000, Windows XP and
Windows NT.4.0

Quality Control Process

Quality Control Process is a system of inspection, analyses and action

applied to a manufacturing operation of the software design currently produced. It

is a set of procedures use to ensure that a software product will meet its quality

goals at the best value and to continually improved the software in the future.

Quality Control refers to specified functional requirements as well as

nonfunctional requirement such as supportability, performance and usability. It

also refers to the ability for software to perform well in unforeseen scenarios and

to keep a relatively low defect rate. These specific procedures and outline

requirements lead to the idea how verification and validation, and software testing.

It is distinct from software quality assurance which includes audits of the quality

management system against standard whereas software quality control is a control

of products, and software quality assurance is a control of process.


Gantt chart of Activities

Table 2 shows the time allotment to every activity during the covered

period of time for the study.

Table 2

Gantt chart

Activities July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar






The Gantt chart shows the sequence of activities in the development of

“IGP Inventory System for Batangas State University Rosario Campus”. From

July to September, the proponents planned and decided on the appropriate topic to

be proposed and consumed by conducting researchers in different libraries to

gathered information related to the proposed system. The whole month of October

will be consumed for designing the system. November and December are allotted

for coding. The whole month of January will be made for testing the IGP

Inventory System, and Evaluation will be done in the half month of February.

Chapter IV

Description of the completed Project

This chapter presents the description of the completed project which covers
its structure and function, interrelationship & limitations, process of maintenance,
safety, control measures, testing, evaluation and modifications.

1. Apply the knowledge and skills learned in CPT 102 (Computer

Fundamentals and Programming I), and CPT 105 (Computer Fundamentals
and Programming II). To complete the project, proponents applied their prior
knowledge in programming and skills in multimedia, learned from the University.
These were all beneficial to the proponents because the knowledge gained were
used in constructing and developing the project.

2. Develop and design software that will organize and manipulate the
large collection of IGP records.

In order to design software, the proponents use Visual Basic 6.0. The
proponents planned and design a procedure to program the Point of Sales System
for Batangas State University Rosario, the proponent ask and researched an items
about their system needed.

3. To design and identify a system in terms of:

*Accessible-The developed project are all accessible as expected

*Effectiveness- The developed project produced the desired effect as


*Functionality- this project is functional because it can run for a long

period of time without any errors.

*Security-The developed project is free from all types of threats and


*Upgradability-The developed project can be easily upgraded

without problems of system integration.

4. To secure the certificate of acceptability from the expert. The proponents

project “Point of Sales System for Batangas State University Rosario” was
evaluated and accepted as effective and functional by the following experts.


The structure shows the details of the proposed system design. This mainly
tackles the composition of the entire system. This also provides the parts and
functions of the system

Parts & Functions

The following are the parts and components of Point of Sales System for
Batangas State University Rosario.



USER LOG-IN SCREEN: The program provides a securitypassword for the

user which is assigned only by the administrator to prevent unauthorized login to
the system.


MAIN SCREEN: The main screen of the system contains files, payment, point of
sales and inventory.



USER ACCOUNTS REGISTER: In this part you can create a new account for
the members. You can manage your account specially user name and password.


PAYMENT FORM: In this part you can enter the expenses of the university.


PAYMENT REPORT: In this part you can view the all payment likes, canteen
rentals, water and electricity bills.


POINT OF SALES: In this part you can enter a sale of the product



SALES REPORT: In this part you can view the all product sold.












After designing the proposal system, the proponents did some testing and
debugging to check the reliability, efficiency and validating of the system. Testing
the program together with the experts was necessary to locate possible errors and
determine what difficulties will be encountered during its use. This was done to
assure and control the quality of the system.


The proponents subject the project into evaluation. This is to determine the
functionality and limitations of the project. This is to analyze and judge the project
considering its functionality, effectiveness, upgradability, security and




This chapter discusses the summary of findings, conclusion, and

recommendations of the project study based on the presentation and analysis of the



The general objective of this project development study was to develop an

“IGP Inventory System for Batangas State University Rosario Campus”. It was

designed to help the user to lessen the time and effort in making the inventory, and

to provide the accurate total of the items.

The proponents applied their knowledge and skills learned from CPT 102

(Computer Fundamentals and Programming), CPT 104 (Computer System and

Hardware), and CPT 105 (Computer Fundamentals and Programming II).

The main beneficiaries of this project are the University, the IGP

coordinator, the students of Batangas State University Rosario Campus and the

future researchers.

The review of related literature and studies included the conceptual

literature and related studies. The proponents gathered information from books,

internet sources and other reference materials concerning the project study to be

able to have additional knowledge needed in designing the project. Technically the

proponents defined the similarities and differences of their study to other studies to

be able to know what other capabilities and features their project study may


This project covers the inventory of the school supplies that reduces the

time consumed in data entry & report generation. It enables the user to return &

received the stocks and update the records needed in the following operation like

ordering of books, school uniforms like polo–shirt, blouse, skirts & pants, PE

uniforms like shirt, jogging pants, and ID lace, payment by the students

purchasing of items to suppliers, sales transactions and payment process that

reduces data and work redundancy on the part of the secretary.

The concession billings are also covering this system. The payment of

vending machines, electric bills, water bills, rentals of canteen and the photocopier

of the schools are included in concession billing.

The project does not cover the following operations like the attendance

monitoring, generations of individual and general pay slip, the accounts receivable

payable, reports, and general ledger.



In the completion of the study, the proponents came up with the following


1. The practical knowledge acquired from different academic subjects such as

in CPT 102 (Computer Fundamentals and Programming), CPT 104

(Computer System and Hardware), and CPT 105 (Computer Fundamentals

and Programming II) were applied by proponents in developing the “Point

of Sale System for Batangas State University”.

2. In terms of developing and designing software that will organize and

manipulate the large collection of IGP records.In order to design software,

the proponents use Visual Basic 6.0. The proponents planned and design a

procedure to program the Point of Sales System for Batangas State

University Rosario, the proponent ask and researched an items about their

system needed.

3. The functionality of the project was acquired after several testing and

evaluation. There were some considerations when it comes to effectiveness,

this system is effective because it can be used for monitoring the stocks,

checking the sales and it can manipulates the large collection of IGP

records , this project is functional because it can run for a long period of

time without any errors.


4. The project was presented by several experts and after some modification,

approval was granted.


The following conclusions were made after the project was completed:

1. In conducting the development study, the proponents should have

considerable amount of knowledge and skills to complete the project.

2. Proper develop and design should be considered to come up with the

desired result.

3. The project should be tested for evaluation to ensure its effectiveness.

4. The projects functionality should be accepted by the experts before it can

be suited for utilization.


On the basis of the findings and conclusions of the project, the proponents

came up with the following recommendations:

1. The application software should be further enhanced by future proponents

with the same nature of development study.

2. Improvement of graphics and structure are also recommended.


3. It is suggested to other whose operation is still using the manual system to

use also computerized system/automation system.

4. They should hire a competent user so that all the operations can be easily

managed for improvement of the system

5. Close monitoring should be observed by the personnel so as to minimize

the problems connected.

6. The project should have a more design to make it more interesting.

7. The project should have receipt for payment.

8. The project should have a module for insurance.



A. Books

Albano, Gisela May A., Atole, Ronnel R., Ariola, Rose Joy Y. Introduction to
Information Technology, Trinitas Publishing, Inc, 2003.

Alegis, Leon., Mathews Leon., Introduction to Computer, 2004. Philippine


Baldauf, Kenneth J., Stair, Ralph M., Discovering Information Technology,


Bradley, Julia Case, Anita C. Millspaugh., Programming in Visual Basic 2008,


Burrows, William E., Programming Business Application with Microsoft Visual

Basic 6.0, 2000.

Hoffer, Jeffrey; Modern Database Management (6th edition), 2004

Reyes, Faustino II D. Introduction to Information Technology, 2005

Shelly, Garry & Rosenblatt, Harry J. System Analysis and Design (9th edition),

Stair, Ralph M., Principles of Information Systems, 1996

Turban, Efraim R., Kelly Rainer Jr. & Potter, Richard E. Introduction to
Information Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001

B. Unpublished Materials

Adona, Jaemerodlyn M., “Inventory Billing and Sales Monitoring of Maxs

Restaurant in Lipa City, Batangas”, Lyceum of Batangas, 2000.

AldoverA “Automation of Billing, Inventory and Payroll System of Carinas

General merchandise in Puerto Galera”, Lyceum of Batangas, 2000.

Alemania, Eunice E. “Computerized Inventory and Monitoring Systems of ONO

Hardware and Lumber ” Unpublished Thesis, De La Salle Lipa, 2002.

Cuevas, Randy B. “Computerized Sales and Inventory System of finished products

for Armor Milling Corporation” Unpublished Thesis, De La Salle Lipa,

De Jesus, Mark Anthony M. “Computerized Sales Inventory System of kabayan

Motors” Unpublished Thesis, De La Salle Lipa, 2002.

Manguiat, Jennylyn R. “Computerized Inventory and Sales Monitoring System for

CCBPI” Unpublished Thesis, University of the Philippines Los Baños.
Zara, Maggie Joanne P. “Computerized Inventory System of Tanauan Drugstore”
Unpublished Thesis, De La Salle Lipa, 2001.

C. Electronic References 2007,2008

Brenda P. Priddy. (2014). Retrieved August 20, 2014 from

Jaime Epstein. (2011). Retrieved August 20, 2014 from

(Information Technology)

Vladimir, Zwass. (2014). Retrieved August 20, 2014 from ©2014 Encyclopedia
Britania, Inc. (Information System)

D. Other Reference

Leonida, Militeades; The Skeptic Dictionary (3rd edition), 2002

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