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CHAPTER 2 :The Structure of the Atom

SPM 2004P2S1
1 (a) Table 1 shows four substances and their respective formulae
Jadual 1 menunjukkan empat bahan dengan formula kimia masing-masing.

Substance Chemical formula

Bahan Formula kimia
Copper(II) sulphate
Kuprum (II) sulfat
Use information from Table 1 to answer the following questions.
Gunakan maklumat dari Jadual 1 untuk menjawab soalan berikut.

(i) State one substance from Table 1 which exists as a molecule.

Nyatakan satu bahan dari Jadual 1 yang wujud sebagai molekul.

[1 mark]
(ii) Which substance has the highest melting point, iodine, copper
or naphthalene?
Antara iodine, kuprum dan naftalena, bahan yang manakah mempunyai takat lebur
paling tinggi?
[1 mark]
(iii) What is the state of matter of copper(II) sulphate at room temperature?
Apakah keadaan jirim kuprum (II) sulfat pada suhu bilik?

[1 mark]
(iv) State the substance in Table 1 which can conduct electricity in the solid
Nyatakan bahan dari Jadual 1 yang boleh mengkonduksikan arus elektrik dalam
keadaan pepejal.
[1 mark]
(v) Draw the arrangement of particles in the substance in (a)(iv).
Lukiskan susunan zarah-zarah dalam bahan yang dinyatakan di a (a)(iv)
[1 mark]

(vi) Write the ionic formula for the substance in (a)(iv)
Tuliskan formula ion bagi bahan di (a)(iv)

[1 mark]
(b) Graph 1.1 shows the temperature against time when solid naphthalene is
Graf 1.1 menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi pemanasan pepejal naftalena.

Temperature /°C
Suhu S

T1 ---------------

To P

Time /s

(i) State the melting point of naphthalene.
Nyatakan takat lebur naftalena.

[1 mark]
(ii) Explain why there is no change in temperature from Q to R.
Terangkan mengapa tiada perubahan suhu dari Q ke R.



[2 marks]
(iii) State how the movement of naphthalene particles changes between R
and S during the heating.
Nyatakan bagaimana pergerakan zarah-zarah naftalena berubah semasa
pemanasan antara R dan S.


[1 mark]

4. Diagram 1 shows the inter-conversion of the three states of matter, X, Y and Z of water.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan perubahan keadaan tiga jirim, X, Y dan Z bagi air.

Diagram 1
(a) What type of particle is found in water?
Apakah jenis zarah yang terdapat dalam air?

[1 mark]
(b) Under the room temperature, at what temperature does ice change to water?
Di bawah suhu bilik, pada suhu berapakah ais berubah kepada air?

[1 mark]

(c) What is the physical state labelled Z?

Apakah keadaan fizikal yang berlabel Z?

[1 mark]

(d) Name the process when water changes from state X to state Y.
Namakan proses apabila air berubah daripada keadaan X kepada keadaan Y.

[1 mark]
(e) When water changes from state Y to state Z, state the changes in:
Apabila air berubah daripada keadaan Y kepada keadaan Z, nyatakan perubahan bagi:
(i) The energy of the particles.
Tenaga zarah tersebut.

[1 mark]
(ii) The forces of attraction between the particles.
Daya tarikan antara zarah-zarah itu.

[1 mark]

(f) The smell of curry cooking in the kitchen spreads to the living room. Based on the
kinetic theory of matter, state the process involved. Explain your answer.
Bau masakan kari di dapur merebak hingga ke ruang tamu. Berdasarkan teori kinetik
jirim, nyatakan proses yang terlibat. Terangkan jawapan anda.



[3 marks]


5. Table 1 shows the number of protons, neutrons and electrons present in atom Q and atom X.
The letters used are not the actual symbols of the atoms.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan bilangan proton, neutron dan elektron dalam atom Q dan atom X. Huruf yang
digunakan bukan simbol sebenar bagi atom-atom itu.

Atom Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of electrons

Bilangan proton Bilangan neutron Bilangan elektron
Q 11 12 11
X 17 18 17

Table 1
Jadual 1

(a) (i) State the term for 'the total number of protons and neutrons' in an atom.
Nyatakan istilah bagi jumlah bilangan proton dan neutron dalam satu atom.
[1 mark]
(ii) Name the two subatomic particles present in the nucleus of an atom.
Namakan dua zarah subatom yang terdapat dalam nukleus suatu

[1 mark]
(iii) Draw the electron arrangement of Q ion.
Lukis susunan elektron bagi ion Q ion.

[1 mark]

(b) (i) Atom Y is an isotope of atom X. State the number of protons in atom Y.
Atom Y ialah isotop bagi atom X.Nyatakan bilangan proton dalam atom Y.
[1 mark]
(ii) Atom X and atom Y show the same chemical properties. State one reason.
Atom X dan atom Y menunjukkan sifat kimia yang sama.Nyatakan satu sebab.
[1 mark]
(c) (i) Element X has a boiling point of -34.0°C.
Predict the physical state of element X at room temperature.
Unsur X mempunyai takat didih -34.0 °C.
Ramalkan keadaan fizikal bagi unsur X pada suhu bilik.

[1 mark]
(ii) Based on the kinetic theory of matter, describe the arrangement and movement of particles
of element X at room temperature.
Berdasarkan teori kinetik jirim, huraikan susunan dan pergerakan zarah bagi unsur X
pada suhu bilik.

Arrangement of particles: ..............................................................................................

Susunan zarah
Movement of particles : ..............................................................................................
Pergerakan zarah
[2 marks]

6 (b) Diagram 1 shows the graph of temperature against time when liquid naphthalene is.cooled.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa apabila cecair naftalena disejukkan.

Based on Diagram 1:
Berdasarkan Rajah 1:

(i) State the freezing point of naphthalene.

Nyatakan takat beku bagi naftalena.
[1 mark]
(ii) Why there is no change in temperature from R to Q?
Mengapakah tidak terdapat perubahan suhu dari R ke Q?
[1 mark]
(iii) What are the states of matter from R to Q ?
Apakah keadaan jirim dari R ke Q?
[1 mark]


7(a) Diagram 3 shows standard representation for three isotopes of carbon which are carbon-12,
carbon-13 and carbon-14.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan perwakilan piawai bagi tiga isotop karbon iaitu karbon-12, karbon-13 dan

Diagram 3
Rajah 3
(i) What is the meaning of isotope?
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan isotop?

[1 mark]
(ii) Determine the number of neutrons in carbon-13.
Tentukan bilangan neutron dalam karbon-13.

[1 mark]
(iii) State one use of carbon-14 in daily life.
Nyatakan satu kegunaan karbon-14 dalam kehidupan harian.

[1 mark]

(iv) Draw the atomic structure of carbon-12 and label the subatomic particles.
Lukis struktur atom karbon-12 dan label zarah subatomnya.

[2 marks]

(b) Table 2 shows the physical properties of substance X and substance Y.

Jadual 2 menunjukkan sifal fizik bagi bahan X dan bahan Y.

Substance Melting point (°C) Boiling point (°C) Electrical conductivity

Bahan Takat lebur (°C) Takat didih ( °C) Kekonduksian elektrik
Solid Molten
Pepejal Leburan
X -23 77 Cannot Cannot
Tidak boleh Tidak boleh
Y 801 1413 Cannot Can
Tidak boleh Boleh
Table 2
Jadual 2
Based on Table 2,
Berdasarkan Jadual 2,

(i) What are the physical states of substance X and substance Y at room temperature?
Apakah keadaan fizik bagi bahan X dan bahan Y pada suhu bilik?

[2 marks]
(ii) explain the difference in melting point of substance X and substance Y.
terangkan perbezaan takat lebur bagi bahan X dan bahan Y.

[2 marks]
(iii) state the type of particles in substance X.
nyatakan jenis zarah dalam bahan X.

[1 mark]


8 Diagram 1 shows the apparatus set-up for the reaction between hydrogen chloride gas
and ammonia gas. T1, T2 and T3 are the possible positions where ammonium chloride,
NH4Cl formed in the experiment after 5 minute.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk tindak balas antara gas hidrogen klorida dan gas
ammonia. T1, T2 dan T3 adalah kedudukan yang mungkin di mana ammonium klorida, NH 4 Cl
terbentuk dalam eksperimen itu selepas 5 minit.

(a) State the observation in the experiment.

Nyatakan pemerhatian dalam eksperimen ini.

[1 mark]
(b) (i) What is the type of particles in ammonia gas?
Apakah jenis zarah dalam gas ammonia?

[1 mark]
(ii) State one physical property of ammonia.
Nyatakan satu sifat fizik bagi ammonia.

[1 mark]
(iii) State the type of bonding in hydrogen chloride gas.
Nyatakan jenis ikatan dalam gas hidrogen klorida.

[1 mark]

The equation for the reaction is as follow:
NH3 (g) + HC1 (g) → NH4C1 (s)

Persamaan untuk tindak balas adalah seperti berikut:

NH3 (g) + HC1 (g) → NH4C1 (p)

State two information that can be deduced from the equation.

Nyatakan dua maklumat yang boleh disimpulkan daripada persamaan itu.

[2 marks]
(d) Based on Diagram 1,
Berdasarkan Rajah 1,

(i) state the position where NH4CI formed.

nyatakan kedudukan di mana NH4C1 terbentuk.

[1 mark]

(ii) give one reason for your answer in (d)(i).

beri satu sebab bagi jawapan anda dalam (d)(i).

[1 mark]
(e) State one use of NH4C1 in daily life.
Nyatakan satu kegunaan NH4C1 dalam kehidupan seharian.

[1 mark]


2 Diagram 1 shows the standard representation of two isotopes of carbon atoms

12 14

6 6
Diagram 1

a)State the meaning of isotope

[ 1 mark]

(a) Based on Diagram 1 :
(i) Determine the number of electrons and neutrons in the table below.

Particle 14
C 6

Number of electron
Number of neutron
[ 2 marks]
(ii) State the uses of C in our daily life.

[ 1 marks]
(b) P is a substance that has melting point of 51 C and a boiling point of 305◦C.

(i)Sketch a graph of temperature against time when substance P is heated from

30◦C to 90◦C

[ 2 marks]

(ii) When substance P is cooled, the temperature decreases and becomes constant
at one stage and then decreases again.

Predict the constant temperature.

……………………………………………………………………… [ 1 marks]
Explain why the temperature is constant at that stage.
. [ 2 marks]


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