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CMSC 209 BatStateU-Rosario

Management Information Systems

Operational Plan MISOP
MISOP Management Information Systems Operational Plan

Batangas State University – Rosario (BatStateU – Rosario)

Management Information Systems Operational Plan (MISOP)


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The Planning Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

MIS Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Identification of MIS Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

MIS Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Identification of Optimum Mix of Projects or Activities . . . . . . . . . . 10

Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Resource Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Schedule of Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

The Planning Staff

Blancaflor P. Arada

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Instructor, Batangas State University – Rosario

Head, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Services Office
Head, Office of the Institutional Planning and Development (OIPD)
Master of Information Systems (29 units ongoing, University of the Philippines Open
Master of Science in Computer Engineering (33 units, Batangas State University)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (University of the Philippines Baguio, 2004)

Executive Summary

The Batangas State University – Rosario Management Information Systems Operational Plan
(MISOP) contains the planning of strategic goals and objectives to tactical goals and objectives.
This draws directly from Batangas State University – Rosario Strategic Plan to describe its
mission, goals, objectives, and activities.

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MIS Objectives

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is critical to the continued success of
the University. The ICT Services Office presents all divisions (Academic Affairs, Administration
and External Affairs, Finance and Resource Generation, Research, Development, and Extension,
and Institutional Planning and Development) of the University more opportunities to provide all
the clienteles the best services available by consistently upgrading ICT infrastructure and
automating most of the University process. It is also the ICT Services Office who is responsible
for the Management Information System (MIS) of the University. As stated in the BatStateU –
Rosario MIS Strategic Plan, the following are the MIS objectives:

A. ICT competency and development for all students, faculty members, and staff

a. Develop within all students an understanding of ICT and how it can be leveraged
to facilitate lifelong learning experiences; and

b. Attendance to ICT trainings, seminars, and workshops.

B. An ICT-rich environment for teaching, learning, and research

a. Introduce new ICT-based services and infrastructures that will facilitate research
and teaching and learning collaborations;

b. Enable advancements in research techniques and collaborations through

improvements to infrastructure;

c. Investigate and deploy new technologies that facilitate new or revised approaches
to flexible program / unit content delivery; and

d. Review and develop sustainable support strategies for the use of ICT in teaching
and learning.

C. Automation of contemporary administrative support systems

a. Modernize the University’s Student Information System to support a range of new

and innovative services, including flexible enrolment systems, self-service
options, and integration with other ICT services;

b. Refurbish the existing library system to an electronic library system that provides
online cataloging and other electronic services; and

c. Re-engineer and automate other administrative support services for


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D. Effective and reliable ICT infrastructure to meet the institutional requirements

a. Provide time-shared computer resources for teaching, research, and

administration, campus-wide interactive voice response services;

b. Provide hardware and software required to support electronic mail delivery,

directory services, web services, electronic commerce, electronic information
distribution and collaboration; and

c. Provide database management systems and other applications on which many of

our institution-wide applications depend.

Identification of MIS
Projects or Activities

In order to realize the objectives, goals, and strategies set forth in the BatStateU – Rosario MIS
Strategic Plan, the following are the identified projects or activities:

A. Inclusion of ICT-related courses to all academic programs in the University to develop

within all students an understanding of ICT and how it can be leveraged to facilitate
lifelong-learning experiences

B. Attendance and participation of students, faculty members, and staff to all ICT trainings,
seminars, workshops, conferences, and symposia available to increase awareness of
technologies that can aid the teaching-and-learning process

C. Procurement of state-of-the-art instructional facilities and resources for effective

implementation of outcomes-based education system

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D. Procurement of state-of-the-art research facilities and resources for enabling

advancements in research techniques and collaborations. Example of this is Turnitin, an
online plagiarism scanner

E. Utilization of technologies available that can facilitate new or revised approaches to

flexible program / unit content delivery, such as Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment (MOODLE), Blackboard Learning System, Google Apps for
Education, etc.,

F. Improvement of the University’s Student Information System to support a range of new

and innovative services, including flexible enrolment systems, self-service options, and
integration with other ICT services

G. Utilization of Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in the library so that users can
search and locate books and other materials online

H. Subscription to electronic libraries to increase library electronic book holdings

I. Development and improvement of information systems that will enhance responsive and
relevant service delivery

MIS Constraints

Management Information Systems (MIS) is defined as a process that integrates computer system
to effectively manage an organization. Information systems collect and compile data through
their software system. Once the data has been analyzed, MIS assist managers with direction,
planning, and decision-making. As MIS has its advantages if implemented at BatStateU –
Rosario, the following are the MIS constraints that may affect the accomplishment of the MIS
objectives, which is also stipulated in the BatStateU – Rosario MIS Strategic Plan:

A. Availability of funds. The BatStateU Annual Budget is divided proportionally

among two (2) main campuses and six (6) extension campuses, excluding the two (2)
satellite campuses. It is because they are autonomous campuses that they have their
own annual budget resources. Since all academic institutions have many offices in
operation, prioritizing and allocating of financial resources is very important. The
same goes with BatStateU – Rosario. All proposed projects, may it be educational or
improving its infrastructure and facilities, will only be permitted if there are available
funds allocated for the said project.

B. Cost of hardware and software acquisition. BatStateU – Rosario, in line with

BatStateU’s mission and vision, has a goal-setting to be a globally-competitive
academic institution, even as an extension campus. In order to realize that goal, it is
imperative to procure sophisticated hardware and software technologies in order for

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its instructional media, tools and equipment, facilities, and other administrative
support services, be at par with other universities around the globe. But, of course,
procurement of such sophisticated hardware and software technologies entails an
ample amount of financial resources.

C. ICT / Computer literacy. Employees of BatStateU – Rosario belong to different age

groups. Fortunately, most of the employees are computer-literate. But there are few,
who are senior instructors, who are not computer-literate. Once business processes of
the University become computerized, these employees will be left out.

D. Cost of ICT trainings, workshops, and seminars. At BatStateU – Rosario, all in-
house ICT trainings, workshops, and seminars for employees conducted by the ICT
Services Office are fortunately, free of charge. But, if there are ICT trainings,
workshops, and seminars for employees conducted outside the University by other
companies, definitely this will entail training / workshop / seminar registration fees. If
the University will shoulder the expenses of these trainings, workshops, and seminars
for their employees, then the better. If, unfortunately, this registration fee will not be
shouldered by the University, the employees, who are interested to attend these
trainings, workshops, and seminars, will pay for themselves. Take note that most
professional ICT trainings, workshops, and seminars nowadays have very expensive
registration fees.

E. Fear of change. “You cannot teach an old dog a new trick” as the saying goes. If
there are new implementations and deployments of hardware and software
technologies at any companies, the first hurdle for the implementation to be
successful is its employees must embrace these changes in their workplace. Since
new hardware and software technologies are to be installed and used, end-users of
this system must learn how to use this and forget their routines of the old system.
Even though the new system is proven to be more effective and efficient compared to
the old system, end-users tend to favor the old system because it is the system that
they are very accustomed with. They do not want to get out of their comfort zones to
learn this new system. And these employees are anxious of change in the workplace,
so they resist these changes. But one must remember, “There is nothing permanent
except change”. Like other companies, BatStateU – Rosario also experiences this
resistance to change in improving business processes thru hardware and software
technology implementations.

F. Centralized development and deployment of information systems. As mentioned,

BatStateU has two (2) main campuses, two (2) satellite campuses, and six (6)
extension campuses distributed at strategic towns and cities of Batangas. For
developing information systems, this is centralized and done at BatStateU – Main I,
where the university-wide ICT Services Office is situated. There is a possibility that
the developed information system may not be feasible to all campuses of BatStateU.
On the other hand, if there is a need of a particular information system for a particular
campus, for example, at BatStateU – Rosario, a request letter must be made for the
development of such information system. But its development will not commence

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immediately because this request needs to be examined and approved by the Director
of ICT Services Office, Vice-President for Administration and External Affairs
(VPAEA), Vice-President for Finance and Resource Generation (VPFRG), and the
University President. If this information system would only benefit one campus and is
not feasible to all other campuses, it is likely that the request will be denied.

G. No in-house programmers available per campus. As mentioned in MIS Constraint

item F, since the development of information systems is centralized at ICT Services
Office at BatStateU – Main I, all in-house programmers of the university are
employed there. There are no in-house programmers dedicated per BatStateU
campus. There are computer / laboratory technician per campus, but they are only
specialized in troubleshooting and in maintaining computer systems in the Computer
and Internet Laboratories. So, if there are problems or errors encountered in the
information system implemented in the campus, it will be reported back at BatStateU
– Main I Campus ICT Services Office. There is no immediate response for the
reported problems or errors because it depends upon the availability of these in-house
programmers. It will take days or weeks for the problem to be solved.

H. Hardware / software technology integration. In relation to MIS Constraint item F,

there is a possibility that the hardware / software technologies deployed in a particular
BatStateU campus may not work efficiently and effectively as implemented in Main I
and Main II campuses. The primary cause of the problem is the difference of the ICT
infrastructures in all BatStateU campuses. For example, BatStateU – Main I’s ICT
infrastructure is far more sophisticated compared to the ICT infrastructure of
BatStateU – Rosario. Because of this, the hardware and software setup designed from
the ICT infrastructure of BatStateU – Main I may not possibly work in BatStateU –
Rosario, because the setup is not designed to suit the actual ICT infrastructure of
BatStateU – Rosario.

Identification of Optimum
Mix of Projects or

A. Inclusion of ICT-related courses to all academic programs in the University to

develop within all students an understanding of ICT and how it can be leveraged to
facilitate lifelong-learning experiences. This activity solely involves the Vice-President
for Academic Affairs (VPAA) and the University Registrar. The BatStateU Information
and Communications Technology (ICT) Office is only responsible for updating the
encoded courses in the enrolment system duly approved by the VPAA and the University
Registrar. A program curriculum usually takes five (5) years of implementation. Within
this five-year implementation, this curriculum is also evaluated. If the program

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curriculum needs to be changed based on the evaluation, then it will undergo revision.
So, any curriculum changes happen usually every five years after its implementation.

B. Attendance and participation of students, faculty members, and staff to all ICT
trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences, and symposia available to increase
awareness of technologies that can aid the teaching-and-learning process. Attendance
and participation of students, faculty members, and staff to all ICT trainings, seminars,
workshops, conferences, and symposia depends upon the schedule of these activities.

C. Procurement of state-of-the-art instructional facilities and resources for effective

implementation of outcomes-based education system. The Director for Administrative
and Financial Services Unit of BatStateU – Rosario is responsible for the
accomplishment of the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) for the whole campus. This is
usually done every August – September of every year. This APP applies for the next
fiscal year. So, whenever there is a need for procuring additional facilities and resources,
this must be included in the APP made last August – September of the previous fiscal
year so that budget can be allocated to the said request.

D. Procurement of state-of-the-art research facilities and resources for enabling

advancements in research techniques and collaborations. Same with item C,
procurement of research facilities and resources must also be included in the APP
formulated on the previous fiscal year so that budget can be allocated to the said request.

E. Utilization of technologies available that can facilitate new or revised approaches to

flexible program / unit content delivery. Same with items C and D, procurement of
technologies must also be included in the APP formulated on the previous fiscal year so
that budget can be allocated to the said request.

F. Improvement of the University’s Student Information System to support a range of

new and innovative services, including flexible enrolment systems, self-service
options, and integration with other ICT services. Information system maintenance is
done regularly. Maintenance includes changing programs, procedures, or documentation
to ensure correct system performance; adapting the system to changing requirements; and
making the system operate more efficiently. This can be corrective, adaptive, perfective,
and preventive maintenance.
Corrective and preventive maintenance are done daily. Corrective maintenance
includes diagnosing and fixing logic errors, replacing defective network cabling,
restoring proper configuration settings, debugging program code, and updating drivers.
Preventive maintenance includes installing new antivirus software, developing backup
schedule, including offsite and cloud-based strategies, implementing regular
defragmentation process, analyzing problem report for patterns, tightening all cable
connections, and developing user guide covering confidentiality rules and unauthorized
use of IT resources.
Adaptive maintenance is done every semester / academic year starts. This
includes adding online capability, adding support for mobile devices, adding new data
entry field to input screen, installing links to website, and creating employee portal.

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Perfective maintenance is done every start of the fiscal year because this type of
maintenance includes procurement of technological facilities and resources. Upgrading or
replacing outdated hardware, upgrading wireless network capability, and installing more
powerful network servers are examples of perfective maintenance.

G. Utilization of Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in the library so that users can
search and locate books and other materials online. Similar to items C, D, and E,
implementation of OPAC must also be included in the APP formulated on the previous
fiscal year so that budget can be allocated to the said request.

H. Subscription to online libraries to increase library electronic book holdings. Similar

to items C, D, E, and G, subscription to online libraries must also be included in the APP
formulated on the previous fiscal year so that budget can be allocated to the said request.

I. Development and improvement of information systems that will enhance responsive

and relevant service delivery. The development and improvement of an information
system always starts with a systems request, which is a formal way of asking for IT
support. This request might propose enhancements for an existing system, the correction
of problems, the replacement of an older system, or the development of an entirely new
information system that is needed to support the campus’ current and future business
needs. The main reasons for systems requests are improved service, support for new
products and services, better performance, more information, and stronger controls.
Development of a new information system happens before every semester / academic
year ends so that it will be utilized for the next semester / academic year.

With the MIS constraints identified and depending on the urgency of projects, BatStateU –
Rosario would be able to identify an optimum mix of activities or projects:

1. Development and improvement of information systems (I). Since the
development of the information system takes some time, BatStateU – Rosario
decided to start it the soonest. Also, since development and improvement of
information system is centralized and all programmers of the university are in-
house, there is little risk for this project / activity.
2. Attendance and participation of students, faculty members, and staff to all
ICT trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences, and symposia available
(B). Based on MIS Constraint item D, there is little risk if the registration fee is
shouldered by the participants, and not by the University.

1. Improvement of the University’s Student Information System (F).
Improvements of the University’s Student Information System can be done in a
daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis, depending as the need arises. There is
also little risk for this project because the programmers of the University are all

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2. Utilization of technologies available (E). It depends upon the technologies

needed to be procured that are included in the APP formulated last fiscal year. It
also depends upon the availability of funds.

1. Procurement of state-of-the-art instructional facilities and resources (C).
2. Procurement of state-of-the-art research facilities and resources (D).
3. Utilization of Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in the library (G).
4. Subscription to online libraries (H).

This is the optimum mix for C because the items indicated above depends if these
are requested in the formulated APP last fiscal year so that budget can be allocated for the
following fiscal year. It is also subject to availability of funds.

1. Inclusion of ICT-related courses to all academic programs in the University
(A). As mentioned earlier that only the VPAA and the University Registrar are
responsible for any changes in the program curriculum, it is beyond the control of
the BatStateU – Rosario ICT Services Office if there are any revisions in the
program curriculum.


As indicated above, the optimum mix of activities is already determined. BatStateU – Rosario
would then re-evaluate projects in the optimum list to determine their priority. This is done
because some projects need immediate implementation while some are better left for later. The
following are the projects as evaluated, with number 1 as the highest priority:
1. Development and improvement of information systems

2. Improvement of the University’s Student Information System

3. Utilization of technologies available (Subject to availability of funds)

4. Procurement of state-of-the-art instructional facilities and resources (Subject to

availability of funds)

5. Procurement of state-of-the-art research facilities and resources (Subject to availability of


6. Utilization of Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in the library (Subject to availability
of funds)

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7. Subscription to online libraries (Subject to availability of funds)

8. Attendance and participation of students, faculty members, and staff to all ICT trainings,
seminars, workshops, conferences, and symposia available

9. Inclusion of ICT-related courses to all academic programs in the University

Resource Allocation

A. People

1. Development and improvement of information systems

2. Improvement of the University’s Student Information System
Engr. Alex I. Magboo Assistant Director, Project Head Oversee the university-
MIS and Web wide development of
Management information systems
Blancaflor P. Arada Head, BatStateU – Team Member Deliver ICT services to
Rosario ICT cater the IT needs in the
Services Office campus
Orville F. Fajilan Application Team Member Modify and create new
Programmer software applications or

Install, configure, upgrade,

Database administer, monitor,
Administrator maintain, and secure
databases in the University

Translate the requirements

of end-users and internal
Web programmer clients into a functional
Lloyd A. Baquirquir Web Designer and Team Member Develop Worldwide web
Developer applications, or distributed
network applications that
run over HTTP from a web
server to a web browser

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Engr. Gemmarie L. EDP Specialist Team Member Monitor inventory

Marasigan transactions for
manipulating and
validating the import of the
electronic data on daily
Melchor A. Cueto Web Content Team Member Provide relevant content
Writer for websites
Julius Angelo C. Antenor Network Team Members Build, analyze, install,
Technician configure, and maintain
Julius C. Ciceron organizational networks

Desiree D. Medel Data Encoder Team Members Enter a wide range of

information into computers
Oliver R. Maderazo for a variety of purposes
Darren C. Atienza BatStateU – Team Member Repair and maintain
Rosario ICT computers and servers

3. Utilization of technologies available

4. Procurement of state-of-the-art instructional facilities and resources
5. Procurement of state-of-the-art research facilities and resources
Atty. Luzviminda C. Vice President, Project Head Direct the university-wide
Rosales Finance and financial affairs
Marcelo M. Agustin Assistant Director, Team Member Acquire goods, services, or
Procurement works from suppliers of the
Office University
Atty. Edgard E. Valdez BatStateU – Team Member Approve the accomplished
Rosario, Dean of Annual Procurement Plan
Colleges and (APP) of the campus
Executive Director

Dr. Rosalinda M. Comia Director, Team Member Accomplish the APP of the
BatStateU – campus
and Financial
Services Unit

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6. Utilization of Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in the library

7. Subscription to online libraries
Atty. Luzviminda C. Vice President, Project Head Direct the university-wide
Rosales Finance and financial affairs
Engr. Alex I. Magboo Assistant Director, Team Member Oversee the university-
MIS and Web wide development of
Management information systems
Marcelo M. Agustin Assistant Director, Team Member Acquire goods, services, or
Procurement works from an external
Office source
Rosario L. Cuevas Director, Library Team Member Deal with provision and
Services maintenance of
University information in different
Librarian formats in the University
Atty. Edgard E. Valdez BatStateU – Team Member Approve the accomplished
Rosario, Dean of Annual Procurement Plan
Colleges and (APP) of the campus
Executive Director
Dr. Rosalinda M. Comia Director, Team Member Accomplish the APP of the
BatStateU – campus
and Financial
Services Unit
Janice M. Florida Head, BatStateU – Team Member Deal with provision and
Rosario Library maintenance of
Services information in different
formats in the campus
8. Attendance and participation of students, faculty members, and staff to all
ICT trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences, and symposia available
Dr. Cynthia Q. Manalo Vice President, Project Head Approve the recommended
Academic Affairs list of faculty members and
staff in the University
system who will attend and
participate in ICT
trainings, seminars,
workshops, conferences,
and symposia
Atty. Luzviminda C. Vice President, Project Head Direct the university-wide
Rosales Finance and financial affairs

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MISOP Management Information Systems Operational Plan

Engr. Alex I. Magboo Assistant Director, Team Member Recommend faculty
MIS and Web members and staff in
Management attendance and
participation in ICT
trainings, seminars,
workshops, conferences,
and symposia
Atty. Edgard E. Valdez BatStateU – Team Member Approve the recommended
Rosario, Dean of list of faculty members and
Colleges and staff of the campus who
Executive Director will attend and participate
in ICT trainings, seminars,
workshops, conferences,
and symposia

Dr. Rosalinda M. Comia BatStateU – Team Members Recommend faculty

Rosario Associate members and staff of the
Asst. Prof. Luzviminda Deans campus in attendance and
A. Abacan participation in ICT
trainings, seminars,
Asst. Prof. Adelaido P. workshops, conferences,
Pinawin and symposia

Asst. Prof. Anabel C.


9. Inclusion of ICT-related courses to all academic programs in the University

Dr. Cynthia Q. Manalo Vice President, Project Head Evaluate the effectiveness
Academic Affairs of the implemented
curricula of the different
programs in the University
Editha B. Agustin University Team Member Serve the University
Registrar system in terms of
academic records,
registration, degree
certification, and transfer

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Mary Grace M. Cueto BatStateU – Team Member Serve the campus in terms
Rosario Registrar of academic records,
registration, degree
certification, and transfer

B. Equipment

1. Development and improvement of information systems

2. Improvement of the University’s Student Information System
3. Utilization of technologies available


Internet server It is a special computer, which It can control content access
is constantly switched on and on the web and limit
connected to the Internet bandwidth usage to cater all
the users in the campus who
are connected to the campus
Database server It is a computer that provides It can be used as a backup
database services to other medium whenever there are
computer programs or technical problems connecting
computers to the centralized server in the
main campus
Wireless access point It is a device that allows It can enhance the internet
wireless devices to connect to connectivity anytime and
a wired network using Wi-Fi, anywhere in the campus
or related standards
24-port Ethernet hub It is a device for connecting It can provide internet
multiple wired network connection source to all the
devices together and making campus buildings thru wired
them act as a single network networking

4. Procurement of state-of-the-art instructional facilities and resources

Digital Light Processing It projects the corresponding It can enhance the teaching-
(DLP) Projector image on a projection screen and-learning process inside
using a lens system the classroom

C. Materials

1. Development and improvement of information systems

2. Improvement of the University’s Student Information System

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Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 It is a high-level programming It is primarily used by the
language that was derived application programmers of
from BASIC and enables rapid the University in developing
application development information systems
Microsoft Visual Basic.NET It is a high-level programming It is primarily used by
language implemented on application and web
the .NET framework programmers of the University
in developing information
PHP It is a server-side scripting It is used by web designers
language designed for web and developers in the
development but also used as University in developing
a general-purpose Web-based information
programming language systems
Community Enterprise It is a Linux distribution It is the OS used by the
Operating System (CentOS) attempts to provide a free, Internet server in the campus
enterprise class, community-
supported computing platform
which aims to be functionally
compatible with its upstream
source, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux (RHEL)
Category 5 cable (Cat 5) It is a twisted pair cable used It used to interconnect all
in structured cabling for Ethernet hubs situated in all
computer networks such as the buildings of the campus
Ethernet for source of internet

3. Procurement of state-of-the-art research facilities and resources

Turnitin Plagiarism Checker It is a software for teachers It can aid instructors and
and students that provides Research Unit of the
online plagiarism detection, University in checking student
grammar check, and grading and research papers for
tools possible occurrence of

4. Utilization of Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in the library


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Online Public Access It is an online database of It can be used to enhance the

Catalog (OPAC) materials held by a library locating of books and other
materials available in the

Schedule of Projects or

Fiscal Year 2015

PROJECT / ACTIVITY Jan Feb Ma Ap May Jun Ju Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
r r l
Development and
improvement of information
Improvement of the
University’s Student
Information System
Utilization of technologies
Procurement of state-of-the-art
instructional facilities and
Procurement of state-of-the-art
research facilities and
Utilization of OPAC in the
Subscription to online libraries
Attendance and participation
of students, faculty members,
and staff to all ICT trainings,
seminars, workshops,
conferences, and symposia
Inclusion of ICT-related
courses to all academic
programs in the University

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MISOP Management Information Systems Operational Plan

Student Name: ARADA, Blancaflor P. Date Submitted: March 28, 2015

Student Number: 2000-54307 FMA #2
Learning Center: Diliman Course: CMSC 209

University of the Philippines Open University

Los Baños, Laguna

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