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Introduction .................................................... 1
D eveloping The Guidelines ........................................ 4
How These Guidelines Will Be Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

System Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Light Rail V ehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Overhead Catenary System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Tr ackway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Systems Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Maintenance and Storage Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Bridges and Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
ADA Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26


Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Shade and Cooling Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Adjacent Pedestrian Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Bus and Bike Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
P ark-and-Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Ar t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Signage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Community Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

Many thanks to the people who helped make this document possible:

Urban Design Task Force

Phil Amorosi, Apache Boulevard Neighborhood John Meunier, Central City Design Review
Panel, Arizona State University
Rose Arck, Camelback East Village Planning
Committee Dan Miller, Alhambra Village Planning
Jim Ballinger, Phoenix Art Museum
Stan Nicpon, Tempe Design Review Board
Jessie BeCoates, Eastlake Neighborhood
Rich Nolan, Tempe Transportation Commission,
Alan Brooks, EVIT Board Tempe Commission on Disabilities

Mark Carrell, Central Avenue Business Mike Patten, Tempe Transportation

Commission, Tempe Community Council
Ardyce Edstrom, Christown Neighborhood
Patricia Powers-Zermeno, Roosevelt Action
Paul Ennis, Christown Neighborhood Committee

Andrew George, Roosevelt Action Committee Gretchen Reinhardt, Apache Boulevard

Brian Kearney, Downtown Phoenix Partnership
Kurt Schneider, South Central Business
Don Keuth, Phoenix Community Alliance,
Phoenix Design Review Committee, Planning Stu Seiffer, Downtown Tempe Community
Kirby Spitler, Northwest Tempe Project Area
Patsy Koldoff, Regency House Condominiums Advisory Board

Debbie Kushibab, Central City Village Planning Royna Torrez-Rosell, East Phoenix Business
Committee, Van Buren Civic Association
Gena Trimble, Tempe Transportation
Hilaria Lopez, Sky Harbor Neighborhood Commission, Papago Park Center

Ruth Ann Marston, Encanto Village Planning Judith Tunell, Phoenix Citizens' Transit
Committee Committee, Mayor's Commission on
Tom Mason, East Valley Institute of Technology
(EVIT) Kris Zahn, Apache Boulevard Business

Howard Mays, Phoenix Towers


Urban Design D efined

"Urban design is the art and science of making places for people.
"It includes the way places work and how places look, as well as matters such as
community safety. It concerns the connections between people and places,
movement and urban form, nature and built fabric, and the processes
for ensuring successful villages, towns and cities.
"Good design can help create lively places with distinctive character; streets and
public spaces that are safe, accessible, pleasant to use and human in scale; and
places that inspire because of the imagination and sensitivity of their designers."
United Kingdom, Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions.

The Valley of the Sun ...This region, its ing of this project. There are few other
history, its people, its products, its light rail systems in the world that face
building forms, its recreational opportu- the challenges that the design of this
nities, and its challenges are all shaped system must face. The burning heat of
by one element ...the light of the sun. If the day and the temperature swings
we do not acknowledge its power, we into the night will demand that every
will short change the potential of our single element is reviewed for its appro-
design. This does not negate the fact priateness and its ability to not merely
that the sun can be a willing and pro- survive, but to function well for the
ductive partner. For hundreds of years community.
the sun has warmed our skins, lifted
It is this community that funds the sys-
our spirits, grown our crops, and more
tem and will be the users of the system.
recently been a partner in generating
Based on an early understanding of
our power.
this, the multi-jurisdictional Regional
If one does not use their intelligence as Public Transportation Authority (RPTA)
they encounter the desert, they will created a process of checks and bal-
surely perish. This place that we call the ances that would guide the design of
Valley of the Sun has evolved because critical elements. A regional group of
of a partnership between the power of city staff and citizens created a vision
the sun and human ingenuity. The statement and a set of goals to support
Hohokam tribes who first irrigated this the vision. These Guidelines are a direct
valley in the early 1400's, the early outgrowth of the vision and goals
American settlers who moved agricul- adopted by the agency and will provide
tural goods through the heat in the a framework for designing elements
1870's, and our communities have used within the system.
numerous cooling techniques and have
needed this partnership to thrive.
As we embark on creating the single
largest piece of infrastructure construct-
ed by the combined cities of Mesa,
Phoenix, and Tempe, it should come as
no surprise that the sun and human
ingenuity will play major roles in form- Page 1

Page 2

Page 3
In 1996, the combined cities of Tempe, light rail system specific to this region
Phoenix, and Mesa undertook a plan- and then developed guidelines for each
ning exercise to develop a light rail sys- one of those elements. Numerous meet -
tem to link their communities. Tempe ings with the technical staffs of Mesa,
had recently passed a dedicated sales Tempe, Phoenix and Valley
tax for transit. Although an early ballot Connections, site investigations, and
measure for Phoenix failed by a slim community stakeholder meetings also
margin of 122 votes, the second meas- guided the UDT. This document that
ure, which included light rail with an you now hold is the result of hundreds
expanded bus plan, overwhelmingly of hours of community-based dialogue.
passed in March 2000. Now, in 2001,
As with all civic infrastructure projects,
routes and station locations for light rail
there is a commitment to try and meet
have been determined, the preliminary
the public's expectations of design qual-
engineering phase of the project is well
ity, and not violate the civic trust by
underway, and the beginning of archi-
exceeding what is viewed as prudent.
tectural design is just around the corner.
The Valley's light rail system is no
During the spring and summer of 2000, exception to those standards.
local transit designers, architects, engi-
During one of our final Task Force
neers, and community and project rep-
meetings, we asked the group to identi-
resentatives met to take the first step in
fy the importance of each of the ele-
establishing vision and goals for the
ments by ranking their highest priori-
design of this project. In Fall 2000, an
ties. The results were informative. The
Urban Design Task Force made up of a
category of shade and cooling devices
diverse group of citizens was asked to
was identified as the single most impor-
confirm and expand the vision and
tant urban design element in relation-
goals, and to give guidance on how
ship to the success of the system. If
these community values could be
direct sunlight and the temperatures it
implemented. The group of citizens
creates were not mitigated through
involved in this effort included repre-
time-tested solutions, the Phoenix/East
sentatives from neighborhoods along
Valley light rail system would fail on all
the line, small business owners, civic
levels to serve its constituency.
leaders, members of the design commu-
nity, advocates for persons with disabil- The Task Force went on to identify the
ities and citizen representatives of city design of stations and adjacent pedes-
boards and commissions. trian areas as important opportunities
to define the regional identity, while at
An Urban Design Team (UDT), made
the same time ensuring that these tran-
up of local designers, national transit
sit places behaved as proper civic
designers, and agency representatives,
spaces in the neighborhood and the city.
was assembled to translate these direc-
As with all transit systems across the
tives into a document that would guide
country, this task force also recognized
the system design. In addition, a team
the need for a secure, inviting, and
of climatologists from Arizona State
well-maintained system by voting secu-
University researched the special per-
rity as a priority.
formance needs of materials and cool-
ing systems in our climate, providing Also considered of high importance
input into the guidelines for shading were the overhead catenary system, the
and cooling devices, as well as a sepa- ease of pedestrian connections between
rate technical report. The UDT worked bus and rail, and finally, the look and
to isolate the twenty elements of urban design of the light rail vehicle itself.
Page 4 design most critical to the creation of a

Vision Statement
Create an efficient regional transportation system that offers
the new choice for linking communities and people with
jobs, culture, and events. A fun, easy to use, and
attractive system that respects the people
who use it and the people it passes by.

In a community where utilities are Vision

undergrounded, special attention needs The vision for this project (highlighted
to be paid to the design of the poles. above) encapsulates the values of this
Understanding the importance of multi place and can be broken into the signifi-
modal benefits and the heat of the sun, cant phrases that are outlined below.
riders must walk as little as possible
when transferring from train to bus.
And finally, in a region where the pri- New Choice
vate automobile has had a huge impact ∆ Provide new options for riders from
on lifestyle and land development it many walks of life – the young and
comes as no surprise that the task force the old, those with disabilities and
would look to the vehicle design for those who are mobile, the tourist,
"their" light rail to be modern, dynamic, the residents, riders from choice and
and comfortable. riders from necessity.
These priorities reflect the high level of
∆ Promote walk-ability and bike-abili-
citizen knowledge and understanding of
ty of users wanting to connect to
region specific issues that face the
design and function of this light rail sys-
tem. It should be noted that this under- ∆ Enable the community to feel good
standing did not bubble up out of a dis- about taking the train.
cussion on city-by-city parity; rather it
came from an understanding of the ∆ Streamline trip making for all users
common needs of all of the neighbor- through simplified ticketing and
hoods within the Valley of the Sun. transferring. Build on, and enhance,
It is our hope that this project can the service to current bus ridership.
become much more for this place than
∆ Use marketing to provide informa-
merely a rail system. It can be the new
tion that is helpful as well as creat-
infrastructure for a new way of think-
ing. It can create the realization by its ing sense of fun when riding the sys-
example that this is a diverse and vital tem.
place. A place of opportunity. A place ∆ Promote a sense of novelty and dis-
that is full of choices. A place that is not
covery through the experience of the
limited by boundaries. A place where
system as a whole.
ingenuity, culture and nature have
formed a valuable partnership. ∆ Build new public and private part-
nerships with developers, planners, Page 5
and neighborhoods to create oppor- Linking People to
tunities that capitalize on the sys-
tem to promote community change. Destinations
∆ Provide linkages to regional cultur-
Regional System al, sports, retail, and employment
∆ Establish a new model of coopera-
tion for future regional and city-to- ∆ Organize the stations and encour-
city partnerships through the cre- age adjacent development to create
ation of this system. efficient trip planning and to give
residents enhanced mobility.
∆ Encourage departments within each
city to collaborate for the benefit of ∆ Develop partnerships for ticketing,
creating better community and discounts, marketing, parking,
neighborhood solutions. scheduling with cultural, sports,
entertainment, county, regional,
∆ Use a prudent decision making
educational, and private entities to
process which builds public trust.
encourage expanded riderships and
∆ Provide a regional identity that provide wider access to events and
relates to the best of the Valley cities
and reflects the pride of our resi - ∆ Through ease of use, efficiency of
dents. route planning, scheduling, and sta-
tion location makes the system
Linking Communities serve the needs of the ridership.
Transit-Oriented Design ∆ Provide clear pedestrian mobility,
∆ In coordination with the cities of automobile connections, and service
Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa, and access when designing stations.
neighborhood plans, use transit-
oriented development zoning to Respects the People Who
guide development adjacent to sta-
tions to complement the rail system. Use It
∆ Acknowledge riders with a system
∆ Design stations and station areas to
that moderates the heat swings of
encourage and stimulate the eco- the desert environment.
nomic vitality of the region.
∆ Ensure that every aspect of the
∆ Design stations to reflect and rein-
entire system (including signage,
force the identity of the adjacent
architecture, wayfinding, furniture,
neighborhood. lighting, and voice and visual com-
∆ Be creative in coordinating with munications systems) is fully ADA
infrastructure revitalization an
neighborhood revitalization proj- ∆ Promote safety through good
design and layering of land uses to
∆ Understand the energizing principal encourage "eyes on the street" and
Crime Prevention through
of rail and use it to its advantage to
Environmental Design (CPTED)
create places of value.

Page 6

∆ Provide acceptable comfort for the pedestrian and bus connectivity.

user of the system in terms of tem- ∆ The potential for system operation
perature mitigation and sun glare
noise, parking noise and overflow of
when approaching the platform,
parking into neighborhoods should
waiting on the platform, or riding in
be mitigated through design on a
the vehicle.
case-by-case basis.
∆ Stations should use easily main-
∆ Lighting for stations, station areas,
tained materials and designs that
station approaches and the system
will resist vandalism, and facilitate
should be designed so as not to neg-
low cost replacement parts.
atively impact adjacent uses.
∆ Landscaping should be used as a
tool to provide visual relief from the Attractive
urban environment and shade from ∆ The light rail vehicles should be
heat. designed to reflect a system identity
∆ Research the use of creative and that is distinct from the bus system
and promotes a streamlined trans-
time-tested material/design solu-
portation alternative.
tions (especially energy efficient or
solar options) that conform to the ∆ The interior of the light rail vehicles
rigorous demands of this climate should be designed to accommodate
and provide long-term durability. the wide range of ages, abilities, and
∆ Look for ways to include current baggage.
and future conveniences into the sta- ∆ Public art should contribute to the
tion configurations. experience of riding the system by
providing a sense of discovery and
Respects the Places It wonder.
Passes Through ∆ Connections between the neighbor-
∆ Station design and its related ele- hood and the stations should be
ments should enhance, preserve or designed in such a way so as to
exceed the current urban design encourage ridership.
qualities of the station area and sur-
rounding community. ∆ Approaches to stations and park-
and-rides should be well lit and free
∆ Design stations and station areas to of barriers.
respect the desert environment, the
landscape, and the neighborhood in ∆ Stations should be designed to be
which it sits. attractive and a pleasant place to
∆ To whatever extent possible attempt
to preserve or replace significant ∆ Consider enhancing view corridors
landscape elements deemed valuable or creating new ones along the align-
to the greater community. ment.

∆ All system design elements should ∆ Public art can be a wonderful tool to
be respectful of historic elements. use in landmarking and providing
symbolic connections between the
∆ Stations and station areas should be neighborhood and the system.
designed to create optimum bicycle, Page 7
Efficient welcome all of the time and that the
designs create an open and an inclu-
∆ Create headways, alignments, and sive atmosphere.
operating schedules to develop a
system that becomes a viable alter- ∆ Engage the user in a built environ-
native to the automobile. ment that calls attention to the
beauty of the environment, the
∆ Create well-lighted, clearly signed, wonder of place, and the human
and appropriately improved pedes- history that has made its home here.
trian routes between rail, bike
routes and other modes of transit. ∆ Whenever possible, the artwork and
design elements should engage the
∆ All designed systems must undergo rider in a dialogue about the civic
rigorous review for maintainability, and the personal, connecting rider
environmental specific conditions, with community and community
and transit industry standards. with place.

Easy and Fun to Use ∆ The Valley has been described by

many as a place of opportunity.
∆ Pay attention to the rider’s experi- Ensure that the organization and the
ence while on the vehicle. The ride design of the system look to the
is as important as catching the train. future and promote the notion of a
"modern" experience.
∆ Create easy to understand system
maps within the cars and ensure the
clear readability of the station sig-

∆ Signage should be appropriate in

scale, materials, colors, and lighting
so as to be a good neighbor in every

∆ Designs for public art and architec-

ture should be created with a time
less sensibility, transcending fad,
fashion, the one-liner, and personal
design ego. The work should
address the repeat as well as first-
time user.

∆ The environment is both harsh and

beautiful. Every effort should be
made to design with an approach to
adapt to it rather than overpower it.

∆ Impart upon artists and architects

the message that the system will be
used by families, welders, children,
tourists, sports fans, opera fans,
librarians, conventioneers, people of
all ages, all economic strata, and all
Page 8
colors. It is imperative that all feel
These Design Guidelines will act as a ∆ Establish a commitment of excel-
documentation of a community’s agree- lence between the transit agency
ment between the agency, designers, and the communities.
design review boards, the rider who
uses the system, and the neighborhoods ∆ Guide the design and review of all
it passes through. It is intended that the elements and be used as a perform-
values expressed in this document ance checklist by the agency.
accurately reflect the values of the com-
munity and the design process.
Engineers, neighbors, architects, stake-
Budget Constraints
The priorities identified by the Urban
holders, artists, jurisdictional bodies,
Design Task Force and the team will be
and landscape architects are but a few
used during the cost review process to
of the groups who will interpret the
help set the parameters for the light rail
system. If the project is unable to fund
In an age of changing technology, we all of the steps identified in this docu-
must never lose sight of the physical ment, the highest priority urban design
impact of a twenty-mile light rail sys- elements will receive first consideration.
tem on the landscape of this Valley
Designers should be encouraged to be Design Review
respectful of what already exists, reach
All design work (engineering, architec-
to the future for new solutions, but not
ture, public art, landscaping, and urban
be so quick to embrace the new that ele-
planning) will be reviewed by a multi-
ments become immediately dated. The
disciplinary team of managers within
design process should create a system
the light rail project.
that citizens and municipalities will be
able to use for the next fifty years. It will be anticipated that, unless other-
wise stipulated, all designers’ work
Just as the designers of this system will
(engineering, architecture, landscape
need to form a partnership with the
architecture, and art) within a station
design intent of this document, so must
area or alignment segment will be
the agency form a partnership with the
reviewed within the same session. It is
community in the preservation of the
critical that station areas and alignment
executed designs. It would be a shame
segments be reviewed holistically rather
for the designers to adhere to the guide-
than piecemeal. Upon reviewing
lines and then have the designed ele-
designs, written directives will be sub-
ments become tired due to a relaxed
mitted to the designer by the appropri-
approach to maintenance. Non-transit
ate Manager. Once approved or
riders are always quick to point to per-
approved with revisions and reviews,
ceptions about lack of safety and clean-
designs will then move forward
liness as reasons why they do not use a
through neighborhood/stakeholder
system. Trash removal, paint mainte-
presentations and jurisdictional artist
nance, ticket vending reliability, conser-
and design review presentations.
vation of public artworks, and attention
to preservation of landscaping are just a
few of the more visible arenas in which Companion Documents
the agency must play an aggressive These guidelines, along with the Station
role. Area Planning Notebook and the
Engineering Design Criteria, will direct
To build a complex system in a complex the engineers, architects, landscape
environment is no easy task. This docu- architects, and artists for the light rail
ment shall remain as a touchstone to: project. Page 9
The urban skyline of this Valley is rich The system identity will be the ultimate
beyond compare. With its historical result of all of the urban design goals
structures and recently designed being accomplished in a successful and
dynamic buildings, this region has exemplary manner. All components of
always sought to define place. It could the system from the vehicle to OCS,
be argued that rather than define a spe- from rail beds to stations, from furni-
cific look, what really has been devel- ture to graphics, from color to materi-
oped is a collection of urban forms that als, and from daytime sunlight and
celebrate resourcefulness and creativity. shadow manipulation to nighttime illu-
But, there can be no serious considera- mination of the system will affect sys-
tion of the architectural heritage in this tem identity.
Sonoran valley without acknowledging
the pioneering work of Frank LLoyd Urban Design
Wright. It was his attention to human
scale, the harnessing of the sun’s dance
Performance Criteria
of light and shadow, his partnership ∆ Architecture and shelter must be
with the dramatic desert landscape, and responsive to the desert climate and
his use of indigenous materials which environment of the region.
had a profound affect on every designer
and every building that came after. Mr. ∆ An architectural kit of parts should
Wright’s impact on this region contin- be established that will provide
ues to endure the tests of time and design unity, universal functionality,
operate as a guide to our search for the and most importantly, overall sys-
built identity of this light rail system. tem identity.
The system identity of the Central ∆ The architectural program shall
Phoenix/East Valley light rail system develop a palette of colors, materi-
will emerge as the logical, functional, als, textures, and vocabulary of
and aesthetic integration of the physical design solutions which will serve as
components of the system and a cele- a foundation for the system identity.
bration of the desert cities it will serve.
By carefully connecting with the ∆ Citizens and visitors to the commu-
uniqueness of the built or planned envi- nity must have their awareness of
ronment along the line, creating “oasis the “place” enhanced by the design
like” stations and platforms that act as of the system.
urban climactic comfort zones, and cre-
ating a sophisticated and uniquely ∆ The system architecture should
linked series of design elements, the emphasize textural complexity to
system will derive a visual wholeness amplify the dynamic of the light
that enhances its community image. and shadow from the desert sun.
The entire system and all its elements ∆ Develop asymmetrical massing of
must be critically linked by an aesthetic building forms rather than symmet-
and functional philosophy that is rical and orthogonal constructs, thus
inspired by the “place”. The idea that creating elements more naturally
the system might be perceived and appropriate to the remarkable geo-
cherished as a linear desert oasis would logical features of the region.
be ideal. Through a rigorous evaluation
of all design elements in the system, a ∆ All components of the system archi-
strong sense of connection tecture, art and landscaping should
to the land must give the system its utilize a mix of shadow and sun-
Page 12 memorable character and rightness. light, which reduces the negative

perceptions of both and celebrates

the beauty of the movement of light
and soothing power of shade.

∆ Reflecting the indigenous sense of

place, the architecture should be
low and appear to grow from the
site rather than merely sit on it.

Importance to User’ s
Form: High
The image of the system will make it a
community asset of pride and quality,
and of perceived comfort.
Arizona Biltmore Hotel
Function: High
The identity will create a sense of logi-
cal order, ease of use, and user efficien-


Taliesin West

Phoenix Central Library

Page 13
While the stations will be a fixed archi- riders and will be developed in close
tectural element within a neighbor- collaboration with marketing staff.
hood, the light rail vehicle (LRV) will
provide a dynamic counterpoint, visit- Urban Design
ing every single neighborhood night
and day.
Performance Criteria
In this region, the regard for private Overall Design Approach
vehicles seems to carry over into high ∆ Design the vehicles to be visually
standards for the design of civic vehi- distinctive and appealing, reflecting
cles. Based on public input, the appear- a modern, forward thinking image.
ance and comfort qualities of the LRV
will have a key role in building new ∆ The design aesthetic of the vehicle
transit ridership and community pride and it’s graphics should be a con-
within the cities of Mesa, Phoenix, and tributing factor in shaping the iden-
Tempe. tity of this system that includes
engineering elements, architecture,
The LRVs planned for this system will and graphics.
be approximately 90 feet long and be
configured into 1, 2, or 3 car trains. The ∆ Provide vehicles that are quiet;
capacity for a single vehicle is approxi- assure that design of LRV wheels,
mately 75 riders sitting and 75 stand- trackwork, and HVAC units are
ing. The trains that will be used in this coordinated to minimize noise.
system will be what are referred to as
70% low floor. This means that 70% of ∆ Prohibit the use of advertising on
the seating area will be ADA accessible. the interior and exterior surfaces of
The remaining 30% of the seating area the vehicles. If advertising is ever
is located above the wheels and will be added to the interior or exterior of
accessed by stepping up approximately the vehicle, it should play a sub-
one step. servient role to the overall system
Although the internal mechanisms of identity. Under no conditions,
the vehicle remain constant, elements should the advertising be allowed to
such as shape and size of windows, dominate the appearance of the inte-
shape of the vehicle ends, and colors are rior or the exterior of the vehicle.
all exterior decisions to be made. On the ∆ The agency should develop specific
interior of the vehicle, the ability to
guidelines to include interior
determine seating materials, the num-
notices from social service agencies,
ber of seats which fold up to make
cultural, and civic institutions.
room for wheelchairs and bikes, config-
uration of the seats, hang rails, climate Exterior Design
control devices, signage, and graphics
∆ Emphasize exterior surfaces with
are decisions to be made by the design-
ers. metallic finish or paint finish to
allow trains in motion to be shaped
The vehicle specification process by the sunlight and trains at the sta-
(including project engineering, architec- tions to be dynamic.
tural, and artist staff) will investigate
potential custom additions to existing ∆ Minimize glare from exterior sur-
vehicle designs that will reflect the faces to avoid intrusive reflections
design integrity of the system. The exte- for motorists or pedestrians.
rior graphics and interior layout of the
vehicle offer opportunities to provide ∆ Coordinate color and graphic
Page 14
service that is uniquely adapted to our design of LRV with other system

wide elements; graphics on vehicle historical, and cultural features in a

exterior should be minimal but non-intrusive media.
∆ Provide map of overall system and
Heat Mitigation system amenities on each vehicle.
∆ Provide effective HVAC devices to
∆ Facilitate ease of those with disabili-
mitigate the regional climate.
ties through the incorporation of
∆ Provide back-up venting systems appropriate signage and announce-
(e.g. additional operable windows ment systems.
or operable vents) that allow for ∆ Provide space for bicycles on each
effective, interior air circulation
LRV (number of bicycles to be
should the air conditioning system
accommodated shall be determined
by RPTA).
∆ Pursue alternative window tech-
nologies or screening materials to Importance to User’ s
minimize heat gain from sun. Experience
Interior Design Form: High
Vehicles create system-wide image for
∆ Maintain a window type and
LRT system.
dimension that promotes visibility
of street signs and landmarks out- Function: High
side the vehicle for passengers with Transports riders through region in
visual impairments and also main- comfortable, clean, quiet, and efficient
tain visibility of vehicle occupants manner.
from the street.

∆ Design vehicle windows to offer the Cost

rider a level line-of-sight while 12%
either standing or sitting.
% of Overall Budget
∆ Ensure that people of different
heights, sizes and abilities have a 10%
variety of comfortable seating types % Urban Design Affects Element
and handholds.

∆ Utilize vandal resistant materials

that are comfortable for the rider
but are easy to clean, maintain and

∆ Provide digital/audible information

systems to facilitate rider awareness
of upcoming stations; explore use of
vehicle locating technology to pro-
vide a graphic display of the vehicle
in relationship to overall system.

∆ Explore the ability to provide infor-

mation apprising riders of natural, Modern, Forward Thinking Design
Page 15
Light rail vehicles are powered by elec- organization or create a sense of scale
tricity. The overhead catenary system between architecture and humanity in
(OCS) is what delivers the electrifica- some fragile neighborhoods.
tion to the trains. The OCS is made up
Therefore, we recommend a collabora-
of three elements - a 22 to 24 foot high
tive design process that would include
metal pole, a system of cross arms fixed
architects, artists, and engineers to
to the uppermost portion of the pole,
investigate a variety of design solutions
and the wires - either a single or double
which would range from a round
wire set-up, with the lowest wire mak-
tapered pole, to a partially custom
ing contact to the vehicle as it travels
designed pole, to a fully customized
through the streets.
pole design/enhancement that will ulti-
In this system, the poles will be set into mately reinforce the overall design
the middle of the street or the side of identity of the system and meet the
the street along the alignment. It is numerous urban design needs of partic-
anticipated that the poles will need to ular neighborhoods. Factors that will be
be spaced from approximately 90-170 evaluated in this process include cost,
feet apart. These poles must meet rigor- design, form, function, color, shape and
ous strength, access and maintenance maintenance needs.
guidelines, but there are a number of
traditional LRV transit shapes ranging Urban Design
from square to round that can be con-
sidered. The usual hardware set-up
Performance Criteria
consists of up to four galvanized metal ∆ Provide a visually non-intrusive
cross arms. Each of these arms angle OCS within the streetscape environ-
and height is adjusted in the field and ment.
maintaining that measurement is criti-
cal to the operation of the vehicles. ∆ Limit the number of pole-types in
order to create a system identity
Obviously in this Valley, where urban
and reduce visual competition
design practices encourage limited sig-
among already existing light pole
nage heights, undergrounded utilities
and median beautification projects, spe-
cial care should be used to design this ∆ Design the OCS components to be
repeating element. This will be no sim- as simple and elegant as possible.
ple task. Not only are there pockets of
existing community identity programs, ∆ Preliminary recommendation would
but there are also numerous locations be to use single contact wire in the
along the alignment where specialty down town areas (Phoenix, Tempe
site-specific street lighting fixtures have and Mesa) and double wire where
been installed to accentuated neighbor- speeds meet or exceed 35 mph.
hood’s pride of place.
∆ Provide design continuity by utiliz -
Even though most OCS pole locations
ing a system-wide standard pole
will not occur within pedestrian or tran-
and cross arm design.
sit rider circulation paths, these vertical
elements need to behave like a respect- ∆ Possible additional functions that
ful guest as they travel from one neigh- may be served by the OCS pole
borhood to another. It should be noted include neighborhood identity ele-
that the presence of the OCS need not ments and lighting.
be viewed as a merely an intrusion to
be mitigated. It can provide an opportu- ∆ Rigorous care must be taken to
Page 16 nity to add a new layer of regional avoid the creation of a pole and

delivery system that would pose

unique or difficult maintenance
and replacement exercises.

∆ Utilize natural metal finishes or

painted surfaces to achieve a
blending with the dominant blue
skies of the Valley.

∆ Minimize cross-section of OCS

pole and cross arm to reduce Detail A: Detail B:
visual mass. Double Mast Arm Double Mast Arm

Importance to User’ s
Form: High
∆ Highly visible and numerous; can
be objectionable.

∆ Requires simplicity as back-

ground architecture.

Function: Low Existing pole Existing pole

Central Avenue Mill Avenue
∆ Little or no effect on user’s expe-

Cost of OCS
% of Overall Budget

% Urban Design Affects Element

Existing pole Existing pole

Overpass at Deck Park Tempe Beach Park

Existing pole
Main Street Page 17
The trackway is the paved surface Urban Design
between the rails of a track and extend-
ing approximately four feet beyond Performance Criteria
each rail. It also includes the area Trackway Paving
between the two tracks in a double track ∆ Pave area between the rails in cast-
situation. In this project, the most com-
in-place concrete.
mon trackway condition is a median
location in the center of the street con- ∆ Pave trackway areas other than
taining a track in each direction. A sec- between the rails in ADA appropri-
ond condition is a side location where ate textured concrete or concrete
the trackway is adjacent to the street pavers within all station area zones
curb and contains one track in one (i.e. within 1/4 mile radius of each
direction or two tracks in both direc- LRT station).
tions. A third condition is where there is
a single track in one direction next to a ∆ In all other locations, pave trackway
frontage road, such as the Jefferson/ areas other than between the rails in
Washington couplet. Unique conditions concrete or decomposed granite.
occur in pocket storage tracks (near sta-
diums) and along the Creamery Branch ∆ Ensure that trackway concrete color
and the Tempe Town Lake Bridge - both contrasts appropriately with adja-
in Tempe. cent street, when concrete is used as
trackway paving.
It has been determined that the track-
way, the most continuous element with- ∆ Ensure that over the track current
in the system, will be expressed through and future pedestrian movements
the use of a consistent paving treatment. can be accommodated.
A ribbon of material will be continuous
between the rails and then the remain- Track Delineation
der of the trackway will have paving
∆ Track delineation devices should be
that can be neighborhood specific, such
as textured concrete, concrete pavers, provided along all portions of the
decomposed granite, or other porous system and should coordinate in
materials. Final determination of the design, style, color, and materials
materials adjacent to the rails will occur with other system-wide elements.
as part of the station area design ∆ Utilize buttons to delineate street-
running trackbeds in the downtown
The separation of the trackway from areas; utilize curbs where the LRV
adjacent vehicle lanes or pedestrians is speeds meet or exceed 35 mph.
known as track delineation. The func-
tion of track delineation is to create ∆ Locate curbs at both edges of tracks,
clear, logical, and safe circulation routes adjacent to sidewalks and to streets,
for street vehicles around the stations except at pedestrian crosswalks and
and trackway and to protect riders and vehicular intersections.
pedestrians from oncoming trains. In
∆ Provide tactile paving strips at both
order to integrate the light rail appropri-
ately into the surrounding environ- edges of tracks at all intersecting
ments, buttons should be used to delin- pedestrian crosswalks.
eate street-running trackways in the ∆ Fabricate buttons from steel, precast
downtown areas and curbs should be
concrete, or other materials that
used where the LRV speeds meet or
relate to the system identity. Make
Page 18 exceed 35 mph.
size, shape, material, and color of

buttons system-wide to ensure ease

of recognition by motorists.

∆ Ensure that buttons are of tough

materials and a design that will
stand up to the rigors of arterial
street use over a long life span.

∆ Utilize a system of bollards and

cables as needed to safely control
pedestrians at high boarding
and/or special activity sites such as
sports venues and schools. Colored Concrete

∆ Ensure that event delineation has

maximum flexibility to accommo-
date both peak loads and daily

Importance to User’ s
Form: High
Seen by all transit users, neighbors and
drivers of vehicles on the street. Along
Unit Pavers or Stamped Concrete
with OCS, the most widely distributed
design element.

Function: High
Track delineation devices are very
important in protecting the safety of
pedestrians and motorists and in pre-
venting accidents with LRT vehicles.

Cost of T rackway
% of Overall Budget
Exposed Aggregate Concrete
% Urban Design Affects Element

Decomposed Granite Page 19

System Buildings include various enclo- seating, a place for artwork, or
sures along the alignment that house part of bicycle storage. Avoid a
necessary electrical and communica- bolt-on look of furnishings.
tions elements.
∆ Emphasize pedestrian-oriented and
Traction Power Sub Stations (TPSS), human-scale treatment of enclosures
which occur about every mile, deliver in terms of materials used, artwork,
the electrical current to the overhead landscaping, screening and other
catenary system which ultimately deliv- treatments.
ers the power to the vehicles. These safe,
secure, and temperature-controlled ∆ Site the Systems Buildings allowing
structures are approximately 20 by 40 sufficient access for maintenance
feet and must be located within 300 feet and operations workers and equip-
of the station. These enclosures need to ment.
be accessible by a maintenance vehicle
should the equipment become disabled; ∆ Consider the possibility of re-using
however, the routine maintenance building takes along the LRT align-
schedule only calls for a single person ment for siting of equipment.
walking up and into the building once a
month to monitor the equipment. ∆ Consider security of stations and
surrounding areas and utilize
Smaller Signal/Communication
CPTED principles when siting sys-
Buildings (approximately 10 x 10 ft.) are
tem buildings.
used to relay various data between the
train, the operations base, and the sig- ∆ Consider adjacent neighborhoods,
nal system. existing paths of pedestrian travel,
It is critical to ensure that the system neighborhood amenities, and “eyes
buildings are designed to be as unob- on the street” from adjacent busi-
trusive as possible to the immediate nesses and residences when siting
neighborhood. Since these buildings do the systems buildings.
represent the system and can be strong
∆ Articulate and clad buildings, when
transit wayfinding devices in and of
themselves, they should reflect the appropriate, to identify this as an
identity of the system. However, these element within the transit system
are in no way small enclosures and design vocabulary.
therefore need to respect their immedi-
∆ Consider the use of glass, or other
ate surrounding in character, materials,
non-opaque materials, and night
and placement.
time interior lighting to mitigate
building mass and create a “some-
Urban Design body’s home” atmosphere.
Performance Criteria
∆ Utilize design solutions for details
∆ Placement of the structure should: such as doors, vents, and drains that
- Locate within a nearby office show care and avoid a “tough-
building or parking structure; or shed” appearance.
- Occupy a location that is buffered
from or not readily visible from Importance to User’ s
the public right-of-way; or Experience
- Use systems buildings creatively Form: Medium
Page 20
integrated with other amenities, Visibility of Systems Buildings is not
such as a backdrop for bench critical to the successful user experience

of the system. They can be located out-

of-view as structures that are low pro-
file, avoiding a negative impact.

Function: Low
Little benefit to pedestrian or rider’s
positive experience.

% of Overall Budget

% Urban Design Affects Element Architectural TPSS, Buffered by Vegetation

TPSS with Integral and Lighting

TPSS in Nearby Structure

Page 21
The maintenance and storage facility ∆ Provide convenient access to the rail
provides the necessary workshops, stor- system main line with minimum
age tracks and yards needed to main- deadhead mileage.
tain the rolling stock of the system. The
yard will cover approximately 30 acres ∆ Provide adequate roadway access,
and the architectural portion of the parking and drop-off for employees,
facility will be approximately 55,000 school buses and individual visitors,
square feet. Beyond the storage of 40- as well as the efficient delivery and
100 vehicles, the yard will also provide pick-up of materials.
storage space for spare parts of all kinds
that relate to system maintenance. ∆ Create pleasant and interesting
The facility will house the operations buffers between the site and neigh-
base, data and communication devices, boring community:
and some administrative staff. It will - Use earth berming, landscaping,
serve as the point of departure for driv- unique fencing and lighting.
ers beginning and ending their shifts.
- Provide an attractive screen
There will be the need for showers, male
fence if noise is not an issue; oth-
and female locker rooms, break rooms,
erwise provide an adequate,
and kitchen facilities. The need to func-
well designed sound wall or
tion at the highest level as an efficient
landscaped berm.
and safe work environment is para-
mount and should be double-checked at ∆ Orient the bulk of the building to
each design milestone. the street side of the site; establish a
As with all systems, it is anticipated street edge that is compatible with
that there will be considerable school the building’s urban context.
children, members of the public, and
representatives from other systems who Facilities
will want to visit the facility. ∆ The design should have architectur-
Through the architectural and art design al integrity, be functionally sound
process, in collaboration with the system and reinforce the system’s identity,
engineers, the project team should rather than reflect architectural ego
ensure that the facility is state of the art or style.
in its functional elements, provides an ∆ Equal, and exceed if possible, the
efficient and enjoyable work environ-
level of design excellence in adjacent
ment for those employed, and presents a
design to the community which is reflec-
tive of the system and agency values. ∆ Coordinate the design vocabulary
with architectural materials, ele-
Urban Design Performance ments, and colors present in other
Criteria related elements to reinforce the sys-
tem identity and marketing strate-
Site Location gies, resulting in a clean, modern,
∆ Develop a site master plan that: efficient system.

- addresses surrounding land uses ∆ Celebrate the industrial character of

and development, and the facility, seeking dynamic struc-
tural forms that reflect the underly-
- has a sensitive site design and
ing functional requirements.
responsive architectural compati-
Page 22 bility.

∆ Incorporate select views into visual- ∆ Provide as much shaded storage

ly intriguing yard and shop opera- area for light rail vehicles as possi-
tion for the benefit of visitors to the ble to reduce thermal gain.

∆ In view of the site locations under

Importance to User's
consideration, consider the need to Experience
design for observation by plane Form: Low
and/or from an adjacent freeway. Scale of structure has visual impact on
The design should reflect design neighborhood & users.
excellence from above as well as
from the elevation. Function: Low
Virtually no relationship to users.
∆ Make the facilities visitor-friendly
by incorporating features that Cost
enhance visits such as visitor orien-
tation and viewing areas and space 3%
for informative displays. % of Overall Budget
∆ Design a pleasant and highly func- 10%
tional work site based on respect for % Urban Design Affects Element
the employees and research of the
best practices from similar LRT
facilities. Interview employees from
other facilities to determine optimal
design features.

∆ Create an efficient and pleasant

place for facility workers; incorpo-
rate shaded outdoor work and
break zones.

∆ Provide paving options other than Views Buffered from Surrounding Properties
asphalt for the yard surface; use
"Best Management Practices"
(BMPs) to treat runoff from yard
areas in an ecologically/environ-
mentally friendly manner.

Energy Efficiency
∆ Include sustainable, time-tested
Enhanced Facade and Roof Line
environmentally friendly & solar
engineering solutions, where possi-

∆ Daylight interiors through the use

of clerestories, skylights, and/or
fabric roof panels.

∆ Orient buildings to take advantage

of shading opportunities and reduce
Page 23
heat gain. Enhanced Facade and Repeated Roof Line
The Arizona Department of Transpor- ∆ Site OCS poles along the bridges in
tation has done much in this region to a rhythm that is visually pleasing
raise the bar of infrastructure projects and is complementary to the rhythm
through inclusion of artists within the of other structural elements, while at
design process of projects such as the the same time meeting all engineer-
Hohokam Expressway or the Pima 101 ing requirements.
Freeway. As Valley Connections con-
structs this transportation system that ∆ Ensure that designs do not create
will pass over canals, lakes, and free- any hazards, roosting areas, unwant-
ways, it is important to continue this ed access, or negatively impact natu-
design tradition. ral wildlife.
A new bridge will be necessary to con-
∆ Use materials, colors, and designs
vey the LRT system across Town Lake in
Tempe. This bridge will be dedicated to that support the values and design
the LRT system only, and will be located integrities of the stations, mainte-
between the existing vehicular bridges nance facility, and other project fea-
and railroad trestle in close proximity to tures.
the railroad trestle. Other bridges ∆ Take extra precautions to assure that
require retrofitting to serve the LRT sys-
pedestrians cross bridges only in
designated locations.
Walls include retaining walls and free-
standing walls used anywhere within ∆ Review current maintenance pro-
the projects. Retaining walls are used grams on existing bridges and com-
for retaining fill and/or cut areas of the bine that with LRT maintenance
trackway. Freestanding walls can be practices to ensure that bridges are
used to visually screen project features easy to maintain.
from other public or neighborhood uses,
∆ Ensure that security fences support
or to provide noise buffering.
the design goals of the system iden-
These forms can enhance our regional tity.
identity by suggesting that this is a com-
munity that takes pride in place. To con- ∆ Create community and value-based
tinue this value-added approach to design solutions rather than baseline
design, it is recommended that artists load-bearing solutions to identify
work hand in hand with engineers to the LRT system.
design this system's built identity.
∆ All designs should be reviewed to
Urban Design Performance confirm that they will not attract
undesirable use.
Bridges Additional Town Lake Bridge criteria
∆ Explore a rhythm of structural ele- ∆ Ensure that design of the LRT bridge
ments (piers, beams, trusses, etc.) and touchdowns add value to the
that is complementary to and Rio Salado Park. Explore opportuni-
respects the rhythm of the structural ties to provide infrastructure for
elements/ members on nearby exist- shade structures, rest rooms, storage
ing structures. areas, and landscaping.

∆ Explore ways for the art program or ∆ Bridge lighting on the two existing
creative design elements to add Mill Avenue Bridges are a point of
Page 24 community pride. Strive to make
community ownership.

lighting for the LRT bridge unique or cast concrete to create symbolic
yet not something that overpowers gestures that link the land and the
the existing lighting of the park or built form.
the Bridges.
∆ Consider the need to eliminate graf-
∆ The design should have as little fiti over the life of the system and
visual impact on the existing rail- coat surfaces with a clear graffiti
road bridge as possible. proof treatment or utilize paint col-
ors and zones that will be easily
∆ Design the bridge as an attractive maintained.
shade structure for lake boaters and
recreationists. ∆ Design all walls with concern for
how they will weather and gain nat-
Additional Central Avenue Bridge ural character and patina.
Modifications criteria
∆ Design structural work required to Importance to User's
accommodate the LRT system to Experience
have no visual impact on the upper
side of the bridge and minimal visu- Form: Medium
al impact on the underside. If signif- Bridges and walls can be highly visible
icant structural modifications must elements and their mitigation sends a
be made, design to ensure that visu- message of respect to the community.
al continuity is maintained with the
adjacent park and buildings such as Function: Medium
the Library. While not related directly to the user's
experience, bridges and walls are visu-
∆ Changes in bridge paving to accom- ally prominent structures needed to
modate track beds must match with pro-vide the desired LRT alignment.
the existing paving and curbs, or
provide a distinct change in paving Cost
color or material to identify the
track bed. Use of new colors should 3%
be consistent with the other colors % of Overall Budget
of the bridge and the Central
Avenue area. 2%
% Urban Design Affects Element
∆ Design OCS elements to fit within
the rhythm of the existing bridge.

∆ If affected replicate and replace

existing decorative design elements.

∆ Design walls with details and sur-
face textures to animate them in the
region's sunlight.

∆ Provide wall textures that preclude

climbing of surfaces and address
concern for maintenance.

∆ Consider walls of stone, cast earth, Accentuate Surface Textures Page 25

The purpose of the Americans with the pedestrian crosswalks and ADA
Disabilities Act (ADA) is to ensure that ramps. Vision-impaired users typi-
all Americans, regardless of ability, cally prefer to negotiate curbs rather
have equal access to public facilities. than wheelchair ramps, so the
The goal of this project is to not only option should be provided to access
meet the ADA Guidelines, but also to the crosswalk via a curb location or
capture the spirit of the legislation, cre- a wheelchair ramp.
ating a system that has an easy continu-
ity of experience for persons in wheel- ∆ Design ADA wheelchair ramps at
chairs (both those with full range of intersections to provide a smooth,
arm motion and those who have little uninterrupted connection from
or no arm motion), those with varying street level to station platforms.
degrees of sight, persons with limited Design ramps to have less than 5%
or no hearing, parents with baby slopes to avoid railings.
strollers, persons with walkers, or even
∆ Integrate accessible paths into pri-
people on crutches.
mary pedestrian pathways rather
The system should be holistic and fully than providing separated routes.
integrated in its approach to ADA
design. System designers, civil engi- ∆ Assure that uncluttered pathways
neers and architects must think about are maintained by keeping furni-
the experience of a whole trip for peo- ture, newspaper boxes, bike parking
ple of all abilities, and produce design facilities, and other elements clear of
responses accordingly. An ADA task pedestrian and ADA traffic flow
force will be formed that will work with requirements.
the project team to determine appropri-
ate, region-specific solutions. The issues ∆ Locate all information and wayfind-
identified by this group should inform ing devices in a well-marked, easily
the design of all aspects of the project. accessible and similar location in
each station.
Urban Design ∆ Provide information for all mem-
Performance Criteria bers of the ADA community at LRT
∆ Meet or exceed all standards pre- stations. Include large print and
scribed in the Americans with Braille systems enhanced with audi-
Disabilities Act Accessibility ble systems on signage and infor-
Guidelines for Buildings and mation facilities wherever possible.
Facilities (ADAAG). ∆ Provide visual and audible systems,
∆ Design and implement wayfinding such as blinking lights or auditory
elements to connect bus transfer announcements, on station plat-
facilities and community facilities forms to announce arriving trains.
with LRT stations. ∆ Design LRT ADA facilities to avoid
∆ Assure that pedestrian-controlled the need for station-based mechani-
traffic signals and time cycles at cal lifts.
intersections approaching the sta- ∆ Provide ADA 911 emergency access
tion conform to or exceed ADA
telephones at key areas of the sys-
tem, including LRT stations and
∆ Locate vehicle stop bars at all LRT park-and-rides. Provide phones
Page 26 and traffic intersections to ensure with volume controls and at least
that vehicles will stop well clear of one text telephone unit. Phones

should be easily accessible and their

presence announced by both visual
and audible methods.

∆ Create changes in texture which

adequately and distinctly announce
to the user decisions points, infor-
mation boards, waiting zones, and
vehicle-boarding zone.

∆ Design all project paving with the

understanding that wheelchair Tactile Strip on Side Platform
users prefer smooth paving while
respecting the use of texture that
may serve as a tactile clue for per-
sons with sight impairment or

∆ Provide tactile warning strips, in

contrasting colors from adjacent
paving, along edges of station plat-
forms and at both edges of
trackbeds at all intersecting pedes-
trian crosswalks.

Importance to User's Wheelchair Ramp to Station

Form: Moderate
Aesthetic integration of ADA facilities is

Function: High
ADA facilities are mandatory compo-
nents of the system and provide service
to all individuals of society.


Accessible Path to Platform

Page 27
Stations need to function as good social Urban Design
environments, as well as function as
safe and logical spaces. They need to Performance Criteria
accommodate a wide range of users Architecture
from children to the elderly, from per- ∆ The primary visual expression of
sons with all levels of abilities, and
the station architecture should pro-
from the single individual to very large
vide a direct functional expression
of the system-wide identity.
Landscape, security, signage, public art,
furnishings, architecture, and shading ∆ Shade and canopy features should
elements play inter-related roles in cre- be designed to maximize the func-
ating an attractive, comfortable pedes- tional sheltering capability and the
trian environment on the station plat- visual delight of the beholder.
form. Furthermore, they create a terri-
torial demarcation of where the system ∆ The station aesthetic should bear in
ends and the identity of the neighbor- mind the fact that the platforms
hood begins. will act as an oasis from the heat
and passing traffic as passengers
Potential uses for the station include: wait for the train.
boarding or disembarking the train,
buying tickets, planning the journey or ∆ Remember that the station will
continuing the journey by bus, locking need to provide visual interest for
up a bicycle, sitting or leaning against not only the first time rider, but also
station furniture, pondering the art for the daily commuter.
within the station, finding shelter from
monsoon rains under a station canopy ∆ Design the station to accommodate
or relief from the blazing summer heat maximum potential use calculated
under trees or shade structures, or even from ridership projections, while
throwing away food wrappers or drink also providing an environment that
containers. is safe and functional for the single
The platform, or the waiting surface on
which a rider stands, will be approxi- ∆ All potential design hazards must
mately 12-16 feet wide and 300 feet be eliminated from architectural
long. This hardscape will see more use forms and furnishings, such as
than any other element within the sys- sharp edges or poorly finished
tem. Not only will it perform as a visu- welds. Protruding elements should
al cue on the landscape, but will also be be avoided that could be a tripping
continuously present within the user's or snagging hazard.
field of vision whether waiting at the
platform or riding the vehicle and ∆ All materials should be durable,
arriving at the station. easily maintained, and vandal-
Ensure that the station design process resistant.
keeps passenger comfort and security
∆ Exceed ADA requirements, wherev-
in mind while exploring a station aes-
thetic that is progressive and reflects er possible, in providing sufficient
the system identity. maneuvering space, surfaces, and
accommodations for wheelchairs,
bicycles, strollers, and walkers uti-
lized by the elderly and the sight
Page 30

∆ Provide access ramps with less than

5% slopes onto station platforms
where possible.

∆ Maintain a clear, logical, and acces-

sible path from the platform entry
to the vehicle- boarding location.

∆ Optimize visibility of pedestrians as Median Condition - Single Platform

they enter a station area and pro-
ceed to the platform.

∆ Fully integrate side platform func-

tions into existing surrounding side-
walk and/or pedestrian plaza with-
out obstructing pedestrian flow
along circulation portion of side-

∆ Colors, materials and finishes

Median Condition - Split Platform
should be light and heat reflective,
rather than heat absorptive.

∆ Design station and station area to be

compliant with CPTED (crime pre-
vention through environmental
design) principles (see Security sec-

∆ Encourage station designers to look

at the circulation issues at each sta-
tion through the eyes of a pedestri-
an, a biker, a bus transfer, and a per-
son with disabilities. Each mobility Side Condition - One-Way Couplet
has its own path. Seek to ensure
that these paths are not detrimental
to each other.

∆ Provide 60% shading for the plat-

form during the hours of ten a.m. to
two P.M.

Side Condition - Split Platform

Page 31
Furnishings cent pedestrian area. The quantity
∆ Investigate the potential for cus- of bike parking facilities should be
tom designed furniture to meet determined on an individual basis
the climactic needs and provide for each station area.
rider comfort. ∆ Provide consistently located public
∆ Furnishings should be bolt down and emergency phones (one each)
(with vandal proof connections) to located centrally at each platform.
allow replacement and flexibility. ∆ Furnishings are for the use and
∆ Furnishings should reflect a mod- comfort of system riders; design,
ern, progressive, "timeless" design layout, and locations should dis-
vocabulary consistent with the courage unauthorized use.
theme of the LRT system. ∆ Avoid providing a canvas for graf-
∆ The station should provide seating fiti or using surfaces that can be
options for 30 persons under cover easily scratched, such as glass or
(both shaded and rain-protected). non-textured stainless steel.
This should include a range of
seating and leaning rail options. It
should also allow persons to sit ∆ Design pavement surfaces to be
alone or with a group, under total non-slip when wet, to be comfort-
or partial shade (such as from a able under foot, and to withstand
tree). heavy use and maintenance by
power washing.
∆ Use the results of the shade analy-
ses to place seating (including ∆ Incorporate varied color and tex-
spaces for persons with wheel- ture into pavement surfaces for
chairs) so that at least 50%: visual interest and visual linkages
to adjacent development and tran-
a. are in full shade for all sunlit sit-oriented activities.
hours from March 21st
through September 21st; and ∆ Provide light colored paving,
b. are under cover for rain pro- where possible, to reduce heat
tection. absorption/ retention from the
∆ Colors of furnishings must be con-
sistent with the overall LRT sys- ∆ Provide color variety and a gener-
tem color palette. ally finer grain of detail and joint-
ing in pedestrian paving, to
∆ Trash receptacles should be cylin- achieve a more human scale with
drical rather than square in order the material.
to minimize the appearance of
bulk. ∆ Provide design continuity in
paving patterns, colors, and mate-
∆ Ticket vending machines should rials from station platform paving
be easily identified, of consistent onto adjacent sidewalks, plazas,
design and location, and conform and pedestrian crosswalks and
to the system-wide aesthetic. throughout station area zones in
∆ Bicycle racks and lockers should
Page 32 be provided at each station's adja-

Importance to Users
Form: High
The appearance of the station will sig-
nificantly effect the user's perception of
the image and quality of the system.

Function: High
Station must function to provide a com-
fortable, easy-to-use, and positive expe- Light and Heat Reflective Furnishings
rience for the user. These elements will
be touched and heavily used by the
LRT patrons, and the success of the sys-
tem will depend on well functioning
furnishings. These will be second in
importance only to the functioning of
the LRT vehicles.

% of Overall Budget
Range of Seating and Shade Options
% Urban Design Affects Element

Integrate Side Platform with Adjacent Land Use

Page 33
In the Valley, people's outdoor decision- Traditional single canopy transit solu-
making revolves around the intensity of tions will not provide the required
sunlight and the heat it produces. Our amount of shade without the addition
automobiles, our back yards, our sports of vertical shade elements, adjacent
facilities and our walking distances to buildings, or other shade structures.
the market, our schools and the bus are
designed and organized around our Urban Design
heat tolerance during any given day. To
ignore this very real aspect of life in the
Performance Criteria
Valley is to render the transit system ∆ Develop shading systems to assure
dysfunctional before it opens. shaded conditions occur wherever
Approaches to mitigate the detrimental pedestrians / transit users congre-
affects of the sun/heat to the ridership gate while waiting for the train, by:
could include, but will not be limited - making use of existing shade
to: devices such as buildings, archi-
tectural features or trees, and/or
∆ station shelters and screens
designed to create shade during key - providing appropriately designed
solar angles, and well-sited shade devices.

∆ streetscape elements such as trellis- ∆ Design vertical shade screens to

es, vertical screens, and horizontal blend appropriately with station
screens, architecture and site the screen so as
to fit contextually with adjacent
∆ existing buildings or the configura- land uses.
tion of new buildings which can be
∆ Provide design solutions that reflect
employed in shadow casting or the
inclusion of arcades, system-wide commitment to a pro-
gressive expression of the communi-
∆ unique archetypes such as tents, ty's spirit.
canopies, or ramadas,
∆ Use shade devices with other ele-
∆ materials or configuration of con- ments to define station area's image
struction processes which employ within the neighborhood and to cel-
advanced cooling strategies such as ebrate region's uniqueness.
tensile fabrics, lath lattices, or perfo-
∆ Site vertical sun screens within sta-
rated metals
tion areas to avoid negative impacts
∆ and landscape materials strategical- on adjacent businesses, residences,
ly placed throughout the pedestrian right of way circulation, and land
circulation and queuing areas. uses (both current and anticipated).
fit within the system aesthetic of
Shade, together with cooling strategies, color and materials yet take into
may be the two most important ele- consideration immediate communi-
ments in regards to the successful func- ty identity and scale, and take extra
tioning and marketing of the system. In precautions so as to not create blind
the desert climate, it is crucial that mul- spots or forms that violate CPTED
tiple strategies be employed to protect principles.
the rider's comfort, including the com-
pletion of a sun angle analysis at every ∆ Optimize shading solutions for all
station location and the incorporation of sunlit hours in response to the solar
Page 34 the results into station design. orientation from March 21 through

September 21. For specific sun angle Cost

requirements, see “Climate,
Comfort and Health” Report. 0.8%
% of Overall Budget
∆ Create shading system that recog-
nizes primacy of canopies on 100%
Station Platforms. % Urban Design Affects Element
∆ Provide areas of partial shadow in
addition to areas of full shade.

∆ Explore opportunities for shading

devices to interact with pavement
and lighting to project changing pat-
terns of light, shadow, and color
images throughout the day and sea-

∆ Design shading systems, to the

extent possible, to allow solar pene-
tration to pedestrian areas during Vertical Screens
the winter months.

∆ Take advantage of unique opportu-

nities for fully integrated artist/
architect/ engineer collaboration.

∆ Utilize materials that are low-main-

tenance, which minimize impact of
dust and wind driven trash, and are
rugged under windy conditions. Shade Trees and Shelters

∆ Design shade elements appropriate-

ly to be vandal resistant and to be
inaccessible to climbing.

∆ Incorporate cooling devices accord-

ing to the recommendations of
the”Climate, Comfort and Health”

Importance to User’ s
Experience Buildings and Architectural Features

Form: High
Shading elements will be a highly visi-
ble part of the design vocabulary of
overall system.

Function: High
Devices are critical to enabling /
encouraging use of the system during
Page 35
summer months.
These variable sized right-of-way ele- of buildings, inter-related multi-
ments will serve as the connective tissue modal transfer facilities, kiss and
between neighborhoods and stations. ride, and park-and-ride locations,
and edges of adjoining neighbor-
These public spaces may be created by
altered rights-of-way. In other locations,
they may be an existing building ∆ Design the areas as park-like “oasis”
frontages. They could also be formed by spaces, when possible. Provide dis-
the organization of an adjacent park- tinctive, interesting, decorative
and-ride. Regardless of their inception, plantings, public art, drinking foun-
they must function as a successful urban tains, and “sociability” opportuni-
place. Tools that could be employed to ties.
enhance these spaces are public art, fur-
niture, lighting, landscaping, and part- ∆ Provide as much shade as possible.
nerships with existing or future adjacent
developments. Obviously extra care ∆ Design side platforms and adjacent
should be used to ensure that they pro- activity areas in concert so that they
vide good circulation, good security are mutually supportive spaces.
practices such as “eyes on the street”,
are easily and routinely maintained, as ∆ When possible, accommodate link-
well as become a value-added amenity ages to existing community ameni-
within the neighborhood. ties and activity spaces.
Where possible, these areas should pro- ∆ Work with cities to provide as much
vide a seamless connection between the seating as appropriate, including
neighborhoods and the station plat- public cafe tables and chairs,
forms. The amenities provided should ergonomically comfortable benches,
reflect the individual requirements of and seat walls to encourage use by
each location yet maintain an equitable all members of the community,
level throughout the system. Design of including non-LRT patrons.
the adjacent pedestrian areas should be
created in conjunction with city and ∆ Anticipate the possibility for out-
neighborhood planning processes as door performers, food and other
part of the station design process. vendors, etc. to enliven the use of
the spaces with diverse activities by
Urban Design P erformance creating a sense of scale and provid-
ing power hookups.
∆ Create places compatible with the ∆ Provide newspaper “condominium”
design of adjacent stations in the use enclosures for individual boxes to
of colors, forms, furnishings, materi- prevent undesirable ad hoc arrange-
als, signage, lighting, etc. ments of boxes throughout the
∆ Clearly define pedestrian flow paths
of sufficient size to the station plat- ∆ Provide sufficient and attractive
forms. bicycle parking and storage facilities
in logical locations to prevent ad hoc
∆ Design spaces to accommodate and attachment of bicycles to trees,
respect all members of society. poles, etc.

∆ Where possible, extend paving, ∆ Accommodate vertical sunscreens

planting, and lighting designs out- for adjacent station platforms as
Page 36
ward to a logical conclusion at edges possible.

∆ Utilize vandal resistant materials

that are easy to clean and maintain,
and will reflect an image of a well
maintained urban space.

∆ Ensure that the public agency com-

mits to a maintenance program for
these rights of ways.

∆ Look for open space development

opportunities in property takes and
provide community enhancements Waiting Area for Side Platform Condition
through public art, landscaping, and
urban amenities.

∆ Provide appropriate system

wayfinding and information sig-
nage as well as community based
kiosks when possible or appropri-

∆ Take extra care to follow CPTED

security principles in the designs of
these areas.

∆ Within the station area design

process, designers will enlist area Waiting Area as Expansion of Sidewalk for
Pedestrians Waiting to Cross Street
stakeholders to help determine
to Center Platform
appropriate neighborhood-specific
solutions to the creation of these

Importance to User’ s
Form: High
Spatial form of pedestrian waiting areas
has a great influence on the comfort
and enjoyment of the user’s experience.

Function: High
The function of adjacent pedestrian
areas is critical to the user’s experience;
Waiting Area Designed as a Destination Plaza
that is, the comfort, enjoyment, and Aspect of the Urban Fabric
continued use of the LRT system.

Not in Typical Light Rail Budget

Page 37
Bus and bike connections are the pedes- waiting experience for bus passen-
trian routes and urban places designed gers transferring to the LRT system.
to facilitate and encourage transfers Consider the adjacent land use and
between buses, bike routes and the light shade opportunities when determin-
rail system. The goal in the design of ing the location with the best waiting
these spaces is to create a seamless, safe experience.
journey between the systems, providing
minimum walking distances and maxi- ∆ Design each system of station loca-
mum convenience and comfort to users. tions to produce the minimal num-
ber of street crossings for the rider.
We, as designers and administrators,
must never lose sight of the fact that the ∆ Work with adjacent property owners
partnership between buses and LRVs is a to minimize the number of overly
critical foundation. While there will be a wide driveways between the bus
unique identity to the LRT, it will also stops and station to provide more
function as a subsidiary piece of the secure pedestrian routes.
overall regional transit identity that is
experienced as one by the public. ∆ Seek to provide direct lines of sight
The flat topography, the wide boule- between LRT stations and bus stops.
vards, and the Valley’s lifestyle have all ∆ Take into account projected pedestri-
been contributors to an ever-increasing
an flows between buses and LRT
bicycle friendly environment. Families,
vehicles in determining walkway
university students, and commuters are
all part of this active transit community.
As the bus fleet has been equipped with ∆ When possible, provide shaded
bike carrying capacity, more and more walkway connections between LRT
bicyclists are making use of bus and bike and bus stops, by using shade trees
partnerships. As light rail comes to the and/or shade structures.
Valley, it only makes sense that the com-
munity will take full advantage of the ∆ Encourage bus operations staff to
system, whether it occurs during the consider upgrading of site furnish-
workweek or weekend, daytime or ings at adjacent bus stops and reloca-
evening. This specialized ridership can tion of existing shelters to other
be creative in their use of transit and stops within the bus system. Try to
inspire current non-riders through their integrate landscape treatments at
enthusiasm. In turn, the rail system adjacent bus stops and along connec-
should do everything within reason to tions to LRT stations.
enhance their journey and complement
their needs. ∆ Provide design continuity in paving
patterns, colors, and materials in all
Urban Design Performance improvements to bus stop areas in
conjunction with LRT stations.
Bus Stops ∆ Explore the placement of drinking
fountains, telephones or other com-
∆ Work with the bus operations staff of
munity features at adjacent bus
each city to maintain or relocate bus stops.
stops in relation to the intersection
(near-side or far-side) in order to ∆ Explore the design opportunities for
decrease walking distance and street developing shared adjacent pedestri-
crossings and to provide the best an areas.
Page 38

Transit Centers ∆ Investigate development of LRVs

∆ Design transit centers as good public without seating or include flip-up
urban spaces with direct access seating to facilitate the transport of
between the bus bays and the LRT large biking crowds at peak times.
station. Provide cross-platform con-
nections between bus bays and the ∆ At highest use bike locations, explore
LRT station whenever possible. the creation of a bike station, which
could include a staffed information
∆ Create transit centers that reflect and maintenance kiosk, coffee and
design continuity with rail urban refreshments, multi-level bike racks,
design elements. and biking bulletin boards.

∆ Design transit centers to be within

easy and convenient walking dis-
Importance to User’ s
tance from park-and-rides, where Experience
applicable. Form: Medium
The creation of a high quality aesthetic
∆ Strive to establish transit center pro-
character in these areas is important to
grams that include mixed-use ele- the overall image of the LRT system.
ments providing information, rider
conveniences, and complementary Function: High
office or retail uses. Highly efficient, comfortable and con-
venient intermodal transfer connections
Bike between buses, bikes and LRT vehicles
∆ Work with the cities and the biking are vital to the success of the entire inte-
community to link transit stations to grated system.
existing and future bike facilities.

∆ When designing paved surfaces

Not in Typical Light Rail Budget
(trackway, ADA paths, sidewalks),
make sure that they are skid-resistant
and easy for bikes to cross.

∆ Investigate opportunities to develop a

signage program that places directions
at trail heads indicating best route to
reach the closest train station.

∆ Develop accurate projections for the

number of bike lockers and bike
racks for all station locations. Pay Bus/LRT Interface
special attention to night/day/week-
end and special events fluctuations.

∆ Work with adjacent developments,

both existing and future, to partner in
the joint siting of bike racks and lock-

∆ Site bike racks and lockers in “eyes

on the bikes” conditions.
Pedestrian Connection/Bus Stop Page 39
Not only will passengers of the light rail ∆ Explore pedestrian-oriented parking
system access the station by foot or by concepts in locations and layout of
transfer from a bus; they will also pedal parking stalls and connecting walk-
a bike or drive their car. At selected sites ways.
along the alignment provisions will be
made for transit patrons to park their ∆ Design park-and-rides to minimize
car for free and board the train. These traffic and noise impacts on the adja-
parking lots are called park-and-rides. cent neighborhoods. Location of
These facilities may take the form of entry and exit drives should not
small 50-100 space lots or multi-story encourage routes through the neigh-
lots holding 500-750 autos. Another borhoods.
function provided is kiss-and-rides,
which provide a side bay for people to ∆ Employ all design tools necessary to
drop off passengers from an auto to reduce the visual scale of the park-
access the light rail station. ing lots.
Park-and-rides are the first experience ∆ Employ CPTED principles for sur-
for many riders of the system and so the
veillance and “eyes on the street” in
design process should include a careful
designing parking lots that are as
review of the pedestrian experience
safe from criminal activity as possi-
from the parking lot to the station.
ble. Install trees, hedges, shrubs and
Special care should be taken to integrate
low screen walls with CPTED princi -
the facility appropriately with the adja-
ples in mind.
cent neighborhood.
∆ Provide light colored paving to
Urban Design Performance reduce heat absorption/retention
Criteria from the sun, avoiding asphalt
paving to the greatest extent possible.
∆ Coordinate the planning and design ∆ Provide planted strips of shade trees
of park-and-ride lots with adjacent between bays of parking, whenever
transit-oriented development (TOD) possible.
improvements. ∆ Investigate the potential for shade
∆ Locate buildings with a pedestrian canopies to cover significant amounts
orientation in front of parking areas of autos at each park-and-ride and
or on the first level of parking the ability to market the weather-pro-
garages to buffer the view, while tected parking for carpools or other
keeping view corridors open to the incentive programs.
street. ∆ Investigate the potential to provide
∆ Work with cities to locate land uses lighting through roof-mounted solar
adjacent to or on air rights above the collectors.
park-and-ride facilities that will acti- ∆ Provide clearly defined and appro-
vate the mixed-use activity with the
priately located pedestrian collector
site and optimize shared-use oppor-
walkways from parking lots to sta-
tunities for parking. Land uses with
tions. Use special paving colors to
nighttime and/or weekend use
help define walkways, as well as
might particularly benefit from a
rows of shade trees (and vertical
shared parking model.
shade screens if necessary) adjacent
Page 40 to the walkways.

∆ Design parking lots with clearly cautions to direct lights away from
defined vehicular flow routes, mini- adjacent uses which could be nega-
mizing inefficiencies in flows and tively impacted.
wait times, ensuring sufficient queu- ∆ Mitigate the visual presence of
ing distances before entering the
parked cars through screening or
public streets.
design elements.
∆ Maximize clear and separate circula-
∆ Design automobile entrance and
tion for buses and autos within the
exits so as not to negatively impact
neighborhood circulation routes.
∆ Provide ample facilities for parking
and locking bicycles as close to sta- Importance to User’ s
tions as possible in the parking lots. Experience
Provide for expansion of bicycle
parking in these locations. Form: Moderate
While not the most prominent elements
∆ Provide ADA compatible parking within the system, park-and-ride facili-
spaces in the quantity and locations ties provide the first view and contact
specified in ADA regulations. for many system riders.

Multi-Storied Function: High

Station parking must be convenient and
∆ When possible ground floor retail
comfortable to the user to foster LRT rid-
shall be incorporated into the struc- ership.
tures. When the market will not sup-
port the development of such
improvements the design of the Cost
ROW facing first floor shall be 1.5%
designed to receive retail in the % of Overall Budget
∆ Create clear, safe, and logical shaded
% Urban Design Affects Element
pedestrian circulation paths within
the structure as well as where they
connect to transit stops.

∆ Use landscaping to create an

enhanced urban amenity.

∆ Avoid designing blank walls or large

expanses of unarticulated built
forms. Provide a varied vocabulary
of light and shadow as articulated in Transit Oriented Development Parking Layouts
the overall systems identity.

∆ Provide clear, logical, easy to find

points of egress for autos.

∆ Place elevators within exterior

CPTED oriented locations.

∆ Keep well lit at night. Take extra pre- Page 41

Typical Parking Lot Planter Island
From the earliest settlements, landscape ∆ Replace existing landscape medians
has provided a sense of oasis for desert in kind along the corridor so as not
cities. It has maintained an to lose landscape character.
important role for the people of this
Valley, providing sustenance through ∆ Use landscape in very wide streets
crops and an expression of beauty and or streets without pedestrian con-
comfort. Now, as many people make text to help identify the separation
their homes and livelihood in this between pedestrian spaces and
region, plant life helps to renew a sense vehicular spaces.
of this place by providing relief from the
∆ Minimize the removal of significant
both the heat and the hard edges of the
urban environment. trees whenever possible.

Roles that can be played by landscape Landscape as Function

include: screening of industrial uses, ∆ Understand that landscaping brings
shading of station approaches and plat-
value to the transit environment
forms, assistance in the demarcation of
even where shading is provided by
areas within the street as a series of out- other means because of its softening
door rooms, and the framing of impor-
effect on the urban context.
tant vistas or landmarks along the corri-
dor. It is paramount that the approach ∆ Provide a landscape window for
to landscape should play a major role visibility between groundcover and
within this system’s identity, placemak- shrubs less than 2 feet and a tree
ing, and cooling strategies. For the canopy at greater than 7 feet.
above reasons, it is recommended that
landscape should be incorporated as ∆ Evaluate sun angles and likely
part of the system identity as well as an shade patterns from adjacent build-
integrated part of the station design ings and likely street tree locations
process. to determine the best layout to
achieve shading of the station plat-
Urban Design form and likely pedestrian routes to
stations. Assist pedestrian routes
Performance Criteria with shade trees, where feasible.
Landscape as Identity
∆ Place trees on the station platforms
∆ Use distinctive plant forms as land-
so that, when combined with the
marks at station locations.
station canopy, they provide a range
∆ Choose plants that represent the of full-shade, filtered shade and
local natural character and cultural sunlight. A minimum of 36” box
history, and/or provide visual iden- trees will ensure earlier shade.
tity with special places along the ∆ Seek partnerships with adjacent
businesses and neighborhoods to
∆ Where feasible, provide an intensity promote landscaping or park areas
of plant material immediately adja- in close proximity to stations.
cent to the station, along connecting ∆ Consider seasonal and year-round
streets as well as along the corridor.
color in the choice of plant palettes
∆ Use landscape to help frame vistas at stations.
to important mountain ranges or ∆ Use plant species that can survive in
Page 42 community icons adjacent to sta-
reflected heat conditions, such as
native desert species.

∆ Provide the soil requirements that

are necessary for trees to survive in
the desert heat and urban condi-
tions: minimum 48 square feet per
tree and add structural soil at a min-
imum of 600 cubic feet per tree.

∆ Provide an automatic drip irrigation

system to sustain all plant materials.

∆ Develop a proactive approach to

landscape maintenance which
includes irrigation line testing,
Framed Vistas from Station Platforms, Walks
proper horticultural management
and LRVs
practices, and replacement of dis-
eased plantings.

Importance to User’ s
Form: High
∆ Provides aesthetic identity to sys-
tem. Spatial Definition, Vertical Accents Visual Cues

∆ “Oasis” appearance of concentrated

plantings reinforces “good neigh-
bor” relationship with community.

Function: High
∆ Provides shade, heat relief, and
screening of visually difficult areas.
% Urban Design Affects Element

Shaded Pedestrian Walk
% of Overall Budget

% Urban Design Affects Element

Page 43
Parking Lot Screening
The opportunities for public art envi- regional based citizen art committees
sioned for this project include works to determine the work that is under-
commissioned or purchased by Valley taken.
Connections for stations, facilities, and
rights of way affected by the construc- ∆ Work closely with the Public Art
tion of the light rail system. Staff from the cities of Mesa,
Phoenix, and Tempe as well as the
Art works could be, but not be limited State of Arizona in the development
to; 1) landmark, “stand alone” sculptural of projects and the selection of artists
objects, 2) collaborations between archi- so as to build on the foundation of
tects and artists which design unique their regional work and project
forms of architecture or places, 3) art- review processes to date.
work directly integrated into the system
(paving, furniture, windscreens, bridge ∆ Review and provide opportunities
design, etc.) to bring another level of for comment on all art projects with-
discovery to the rider’s experience, and in the agency, at public/neighbor-
4) projects that have a high degree of hood meetings, and within the three
community input and/or include the jurisdictions formal design review
involvement of children to build neigh- processes.
borhood pride.
∆ Solicit applications from local,
The Public Art Program has been identi-
fied by the RPTA as an integral part of regional, and national artists having
the system, the rider’s experience of the past experience that relates to the
system, the regional identity, and as a scope of the project for which they
way of providing neighborhood identity. are applying.
Therefore, some critical pieces of the Art ∆ Take extra care so as to solicit appli-
Program include: the hiring of a Public
cations from diverse minorities
Art Administrator to manage all pro-
where traditional application proce-
gram activities; the establishment of a
dures are not effective.
Valley-wide Light Rail Public Art
Committee to oversee all aspects and to ∆ Create mentoring possibilities for
ensure its regional nature; and the cre- semi or inexperienced local artists.
ation of project specific artist selection
panels that include neighbors, stake- ∆ Humanize the built environment
holders, and members of the Light Rail through a sense of scale, wonder,
Public Art Committee. touch, discovery and richness of
Urban Design Performance ∆ Create artwork that is respectful of
Criteria its adjacencies, but not dictated by it.
∆ Structure an art program and create
specific projects that support and ∆ Assure that the art ultimately
enhance aspirations of the Urban becomes a good partner to the transit
Design Guidelines. system and the citizens it serves.

∆ Establish a ‘big picture” regional ∆ Assure that works and designs are
approach to the program with no timeless and enduring in both mate-
specific style, theme, or media guid- rials and content.
ing the creation of the works. Leave
∆ Create works that respond appropri-
it up to the artists selected, the inter-
ately to the close proximity of the
Page 44 nal agency review process, and the
human touch.

∆ Assure that all art meets the rigor-

ous demands of ADA compliance,
maintenance, and other standard
design criteria for this transit sys-

∆ Extra precautions should be taken

to ensure that public artwork
integrity is not compromised by
potential future decisions to add
advertising to the system.
Collaborate with Architects and Engineers

Importance to Users
Form: High
Injects the built environment with a
sense of pride and ownership among
local constituency.

Function: High
Brings meaning to place. Creates differ-
entiation between neighborhoods and
discourages vandalism.

% of Overall Budget
Create Meaningful Places
% Urban Design Affects Element

Where Appropriate, Involve School Children to

Build a Sense of Community Pride.

Page 45
The visual appearance of the light rail ate seamless, well-informed jour-
system and its ease of use play an neys.
important role in creating an invitation
to the first time user and expanding the ∆ Develop an LRT logo/graphic that
use of the system to the seasoned rider. will be distinctive, elegant, timeless,
Effective signage is also critical in pro- and immediately recognizable.
viding persons with disabilities or non-
∆ The LRT logo/graphic should be
English speaking populations with
access to the system. effective on signs, tickets, letter-
heads, maps, and when viewed in
The hierarchy of signs within transit motion on moving trains.
systems are many. Wayfinding signs
provide directional assistance to the ∆ The language of the signage should
transit station area and identification be able to communicate to both sea-
signs let the passenger know the name soned riders and new or potential
of the station. Information signs show riders of the system.
passengers how to use the system, while
regulatory and warning signs alert the ∆ Design of signage should be consis-
user to various safety issues. Beyond tent, visible, highly durable, vandal-
static signs, Braille, audible sign devices, resistant, easily maintained and
and electronic readerboards expand the should have easily obtainable
range of information available to the replacement parts.
∆ Ensure that ADA signage is given
It should be noted that every passenger paramount consideration. Serve all
will make use of numerous signage members of the ADA community by
components on their journey and each coordinating this work with the Rail
sign must play an effective role. It is ADA Task Force and with City ADA
critical that the signage distinguish itself commissions.
among a crowded landscape, yet not
reflect dated or overly designed forms. ∆ Signage should provide excellent
For these reasons, it has been deter- visibility and high contrast during
mined that signage should be designed both day and night. Consider the
in a holistic manner, engaging the tal- fact that blue is a recessive color and
ents of a transit-experienced signage that, for certain types of eye condi-
design firm, the RPTA marketing staff, tions, the colors red and green are
and the architectural program. not readable.

∆ The LRT signage should be easily

Urban Design Performance distinguished from other roadway
Criteria and commercial signage.
System Identity ∆ System signage should make broad
∆ Design a comprehensive signage use of symbol-based graphics to
corridor that effectively fosters a assure quick ease of use by a diverse
smooth-functioning, safe and easy- ridership.
to-use system.
∆ Communication should be provided
∆ Partner with the regional group that in both English and Spanish, since
is currently developing an overall many of the Valley’s population
regional transit identity that speak Spanish as their first lan-
includes bus, bus rapid transit, guage. Make use of international
Page 46
express bus and rail systems to cre- signage, where possible.

Wayfinding Regulatory and warning signage

∆ Direct pedestrians to stations from ∆ Provide instructions about the use of
bus connections, park-and-ride lots, parking lots, ADA parking spaces,
major neighborhood intersections, prohibitions and regulations for uses
and key cultural, and recreational on the LRT system, and vehicular
facilities. (auto and bicycle) and pedestrian
traffic regulatory information.
∆ Provide signage that gives clear direc-
tion for an ADA accessible route. ∆ Provide warning information regard-
ing crossing or entrance onto LRT
∆ Direct patrons from their mode of tracks and bridges.
choice to the stations: bicyclists from
nearby bike routes and automobile ∆ Carefully integrate regulatory and
drivers from park-and-ride facilities. warning signage so as not to block
other features.
∆ Provide directional signs to emer-
gency phones, and other rider con- Importance to Users
Identification Form: High
∆ Identify each station by name and Important to the overall image of system.
location. The names and/or signage
of the stations should assist in easy Function: High
recognition of the station location Important to making the system easy to
and nearby community facilities. use, safe and perceived to be safe.

∆ Work with local transit agencies to Cost

identify the location of bus stops Negligible
clearly from the light rail station.

∆ Identify station tracks and directional

movements of trains.

∆ Explore the inclusion of key cultural,
or community facilities served by the
LRT system. Study the potential loca-
tions of these signs and develop a
rationale for their placement in sta-
tion areas.

∆ Provide schedules, system maps, fare

Directional Signage Informational Signage
rates, and user instructions about the
LRT system, to be located consistent-
ly at each station. The system should
use automatic vehicle locating tech-
nology to provide accurate and up to
date information on train arrivals.

∆ Provide information on connecting

bus routes, frequency, destinations Page 47
Identification Signage Warning Signage
and direction of travel.
Often the perception that an urban site attacked with graffiti or other van-
is safe is as important as creating a dalism.
secure environment. Therefore the task
of creating safe transit environments ∆ Avoid designing barriers such as
becomes a marriage of purely function- shrubs, hedges or walls that can
al criteria with psychological solutions. provide hiding places for criminals.
In the Valley, Crime Prevention
∆ Provide natural “eyes on the street”
Through Environ-mental Design
(OPTED) is a widely accepted method opportunities by opening up views
of designing urban spaces that elimi- from stations to adjacent communi-
nates visual barriers, provides highly ty areas.
visible security devices, and hidden ∆ Work to locate stations and adjacent
devices that are used for surveillance.
pedestrian areas next to support
Strategic lighting should play a domi-
activities (such as shops, actively
nant role in the design of security fea-
used nighttime venues, recreation
facilities, theaters, or hospitals),
Beyond the basic OPTED philosophy, rather than in isolated areas.
well-designed stations, the use of high
quality (although practical) materials, ∆ Keep the station platforms open and
and public art within the transit system uncluttered by locating station fur-
give users and neighbors a sense of nishings in a way to maximize
ownership and pride in their station. It views through the area.
is important to mention that mainte-
nance plays a vital role in the actual ∆ Organize seating and waiting areas
deterrence of crime. When stations, sys- at stations so that people will feel
tem elements, artwork, or signage comfortable and secure in the pres-
become vandalized or in need of repair, ence of other people and the station
it calls into question the stability of the area environment.
entire system.
∆ Provide at least two routes in and
It is paramount that design profession- out of stations, whenever possible.
als work with the three jurisdictions’
OPTED and/or police to ensure that ∆ Ensure that all public pay phones
security principles are well integrated operate on a “call out” basis only.
into the station area and system design
process. ∆ Provide highly visible and easily
identified security cameras in tamp-
er-resistant locations at stations and
Urban Design park-and-rides.
Performance Criteria
∆ Provide highly visible emergency
∆ Create a sense of a defined place
911 phones in the same location at
within all transit areas, using specif-
each station and park-and-ride.
ic paving, fences, railings, markers,
lighting, signage, and/or art. ∆ Provide an appropriate level of
∆ Create clear and logical circulation nighttime lighting at stations, park-
and-rides and adjacent pedestrian
routes and deter circulation in areas
areas. The foot-candle rating should
that could foster undesirable activi-
be dependent on site-specific condi-
tions; care should be taken that
∆ Provide materials and finishes that pockets of light and dark do not
Page 48 provide hidden areas.
will be easy to maintain or clean if

∆ Consider the opportunity to add

police substations where the com-
munity is in need of increased
police presence.

∆ Provide security reviews of all

architecture, engineering, landscape
and public art.

Importance to User’ s
Experience Natural Surveillance from Side Platform

Form: High
Creating a safe and reasonably secure
public place is paramount to the user
friendliness, fun and easy-to-use quali-
ties of the LRT system. Physical surveil-
lance equipment requires well-designed
devices that are easily seen and that let
the public know they are in a relatively
safe environment.

Function: High
Design of all public spaces along the
LRT corridor should provide for the
Well Defined Platform Area Boundary to Create
safest and highest levels of use to occur
Sense of Place
during operating hours.


Landscape Window

Page 49
The clear desert night skies have often ∆ Select fixture types based on high
provided the impetus for Phoenicians reliability and the availability of
to create their own magical lighting future replacement components.
treatments. The lighting of the Mill Parts must be readily available to
Avenue Bridges, the wrapped palms in maintenance crews so that lighting
the Phoenix Civic Plaza, or the colored quality will be maintained.
lights on the exterior of the Science
Museum are but a few of such treat- ∆ Site light fixtures in easy to main-
ments which bring a sense of wonder to tain locations.
our cities. However, within transporta-
tion systems, we rely on light for other ∆ Design station lighting to provide a
reasons besides magic; we rely on it for welcoming approach to the station
security, wayfinding, and connecting to area and a warm ambience within
places within neighborhoods. the station itself.
While it is understood that the public ∆ Look at light pole design during the
will look to lighting to create consistent,
OCS pole selection process to
secure means to navigate the light rail
ensure that the design of the OCS
system, it should also be acknowledged
pole and the design of the station
that they will look for lighting to con-
light poles are integrated parts of
tinue to create special nighttime places
the system identity.
within their communities. Therefore,
the architectural design process should ∆ Avoid fixtures with minimal aes-
include a lighting designer as part of thetic qualities such as cobra heads.
the project team to ensure that lighting
is integral, not an afterthought. It is fur- ∆ Evaluate OCS poles for use in
ther anticipated that a number of public attaching new light fixtures; mini-
art works could build on the concepts mize the introduction of additional
of lights in the desert. light poles by using the OCS poles
Some of the lighting fixtures that will when possible.
be included are street lighting, parking ∆ Evaluate the conditions of existing
lot lights, station lights, security lights,
street lighting along the LRT route;
bollards, and landscaping lights.
if in-fill light fixtures are required,
conform to the existing light pole
Urban Design architecture and lamp types; relo-
Performance Criteria cate and reuse existing fixtures
when possible.
∆ Meet or exceed minimum require-
ments for exterior light levels as ∆ Scale fixtures appropriately to
specified by the Illuminating canopies and the pedestrian level of
Engineering Society (IES) and fol- activity.
low local CPTED ordinances.
∆ Minimize shadows and shadowy
∆ Use lighting to provide a sense of hiding places, but avoid excessive
scale and orientation. glare and light spillage into nearby
homes and businesses.
∆ All lighting systems should be
designed for ease of maintenance, ∆ Provide designs having even and
energy-efficient operation, highest consistent levels of light for each
quality of light, and architectural type of system and location. Avoid
compatibility with system-wide too much light (hot spots) and too
Page 50

little light (dark spots) in the spac-

ing and arrangement of light fix-

∆ Employ dark sky principles; use

accent lighting of landscape ele-
ments sparingly and appropriately.

∆ Use unobtrusive full-cutoff luminar-

ies to light park-and-rides and the
maintenance and storage facility.
Light these areas typically from the Safe, Pleasant Station Platform Pedestrian
Area Lighting
outer perimeter in, to minimize
light spill beyond the edge of lots.

∆ Utilize metal-halide lamps with

ceramic arc tubes for a strong com-
bination of color, life, and efficiency.
Lamps should all be by the same
manufacturer for ease of replace-
ment and maintenance.

Importance to Users
Form: High
The appearance of lighting fixtures and
the quality of light produced is very
Interesting Light and Shadow
important to conveying a high quality
image of the system.

Function: High
Lighting must function to provide a
safe, secure, and convenient experience
for the user, particularly when LRT
patrons are on foot at stations, station
areas, parking lots, etc. Night lighting is
the first line of defense in supporting
CPTED (Crime Prevention through
Environmental Design) standards for
safe, and secure public spaces. Unique Character Accents

% of Overall Budget

% Urban Design Affects Element

Develop a System of Fixture Designs that

Relate to System Identity Page 51
The integration of the light rail into the and arcades, or the development of
existing community holds one of the community features within arcade
greatest opportunities for the system. connections.
The best transportation systems not
only serve the existing arenas, business ∆ Work with the cities to facilitate
centers and neighborhoods, they also adjacent land uses that provide
create the potential to provide new multi-hour a day activity and
community services as part of the tran- pedestrian-oriented mixed-use in
sit experience. the station area, enhancing security
and livability.
Community Features may require coor-
dinated actions from the light rail proj- Rider Conveniences
ect team and city planning staff to inte-
∆ Pursue partnerships to create an
grate their design. A market analysis of
each station area will determine which extension of existing conveniences
station areas can and should support or introduce new conveniences into
the addition of transit-supportive land the design of the station platform,
uses. The light rail team will assist the adjacent pedestrian areas, or bus
city planning staff in developing appro- connections. Examples include:
priate transit-oriented development satellite bank vending facilities, spe-
zoning for the station areas with market cialty coffee shops, sale or loan of
potential. Those stations with the need magazines and books (library exten-
for specific rider conveniences will be sion), video leasing/and or video
determined by a review with the com- return kiosks, the sale of
munity of actual needs. arts/crafts/tools produced by stu-
dents at local schools, sports-orient-
ed collectibles at stadiums, museum
Urban Design artifacts, convention center displays,
Performance Criteria or entertainment ticket vending.
Mixed-Use Developments ∆ Evaluate the character and potential
∆ Identify existing, adjacent land uses of the station environment and user
for each station including cultural, population in each case for the addi-
educational, commercial, and recre- tion of these features. Make sure
ational entities. that the conveniences fit the actual
need of the community for which
∆ Consider the thematic implications they are proposed.
for station design based upon the
nature of adjacent community fea- ∆ Investigate the potential integration
tures and facilities. of uses that would tend to enhance
security and eyes-on-the-street for
∆ Design and plan for appropriate park-and-ride areas, such as police
development zones in station areas sub-stations or community facilities
that have present or future market with peak use on evenings or week-
opportunities. ends.
∆ Design station areas with direct ∆ Look for opportunities to integrate
lines-of-sight, convenient walking rider conveniences within systems
paths, and distances between com- buildings to achieve design efficien-
munity features and stations. cies.
∆ Consider connections to existing
Page 52 buildings by the use of canopies

Importance to User’ s
Form: High

The creation of a high-quality aesthetic

character in the station areas is vital to a
successful LRT system image.

Function: High
Value added community features will
Residential Mixed-Use Oriented Toward
greatly enhance the comfort and con- Pedestrian Right-of-Way
venience of using the system.

Not in Typical Light Rail Budget

Library or Other Community Services

Integrated with Station

Transit Oriented Development with Integral

LRT Station

Walking Distance Page 53

Urban Design Jyme Sue Olson, City of Tempe
Betsy Moll, S.R. Beard/DCCO Bonnie Richardson, City of Tempe
Tad Savinar Neil Calfee, City of Tempe

Urban Design Consultants Kevin Wallace, City of Mesa

Fred Glick, Huitt-Zollars
Hank Bishop, Wallace, Roberts & Todd
Key Project Team Staff
Wulf Grote
Angela Dye, A. Dye Design
Steve Beard
Will Bruder, Bruder & Associates
Marc Soronson
Michael Schroeder, Langdon-Wilson
Manit Churanakoses
James Abell, Abell & Associates
Robert Ball
ASU Climatological Research Kathryn Lim
Professor Jeff Cook
Roger Milroy
Professor Harvey Bryan
John Swanson
Reviews b y Lisa Williams
Alhambra Village Planning Committee
Camelback East Village Planning
Central City Design Review Panel
Central City Village Planning Committee
Encanto Village Planning Committee
Phoenix Design Standards Review
Phoenix Planning Commission
Phoenix Citizens Transit Commission
Phoenix Technical Team
Tempe Transportation Commission
Tempe Design Review Board
Tempe Planning Commission
Tempe Technical Team
Mesa Design Review Board

Key City Staff

Jim Mathien, City of Phoenix
Mark Melnychenko, City of Phoenix
Ed Zuercher, City of Phoenix
Page 54 Dale Hardy, City of Phoenix

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