Effect of Forgiveness On Psychological Well-Being: Harmehak Singh and Urvi Sharma

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Indian Journal of Positive Psychology © 2018 Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare

2018, 9(2), 258-262 ISSN-p-2229-4937,e-2321-368X

http://www.iahrw.com/index.php/home/journal_detail/19#list NAAS Rating 4.64

Effect of forgiveness on psychological well-being

Harmehak Singh and Urvi Sharma

Department of Psychology, G.G.D.S.D College, Chandigarh

The present research intends to examine the relationship between the two constructs of positive psychology i.e.
forgiveness and psychological well-being among females within age group of 18 to 21 years. Arandom sample of 50
female students is selected from colleges in Chandigarh. For this purpose, it is hypothesized that there exists a
positive correlation between forgiveness and psychological well-being. In this study, Heartland Forgiveness Scale
(Thompson & Synder, 2003) and Ryff's Psychological Well-being scales (42 items) (1989) is used to measure
forgiveness and well-being respectively. The relationships between them were examined using correlation analysis.
The results revealed significant correlation ( r= 0.461, p≤0.01) between forgiveness and psychological well-being
among females. It indicated that females high in forgiveness are more likely to show improved psychological well-

Keywords: forgiveness, psychological wellbeing, females

The field of positive psychology was officially launched January Definitions

2000 in a special issue of the American Psychologist. Martin According to McCullough (2008), "Forgiveness as a set of
Seligman is considered the father of positive psychology and the motivational changes whereby an organism becomes (a)
initial group of positive psychology leaders also included Edward decreasingly motivated to retaliate against an offending
Diener and Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi. Positive psychology was born relationship partner; (b) decreasingly motivated to avoid the
out of the need to redirect psychology back to its two neglected offender; and (c) increasingly motivated by goodwill for, and a
missions: to make normal people stronger and more productive and desire to reconcile with, the offender, despite the offender's
develop and nurture high talent. It is a branch of psychology that harmful actions."
complements the traditional focus on pathology with the study of According to Fitzgibbons (1986), "Forgiveness is a powerful
human strengths and virtues and the factors that contribute to a full therapeutic intervention and as an intellectual exercise in which the
and meaningful life. patient makes a decision to forgive."
According to Shelly Gable and Jonathan Haidt (2005) "Positive
REACH model of forgiveness
psychology is the study of the conditions and processes that Psychologist Everett Worthington, a pioneer researcher in the field
contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups of forgiveness, constructed a 5-step model to facilitate the process of
and institutions”. forgiveness. It is one of the techniques most favored by counselors
specializing in forgiveness and reconciliation. The five-step process
Forgiveness called REACH has been tested with positive results in more than 20
Forgiveness is a process (or a result of a process) that involves a controlled scientific studies.
change in emotion and attitude regarding an offender. Most scholars In REACH
view this as an intentional and voluntary process driven by a R is for “recall”remembering the hurt that was done to you as
deliberate decision to forgive. Forgiveness involves the reduction of objectively as you can.
negative responses to offense; however, it may also include an E is for “empathize”trying to understand the viewpoint of the
increase in positive responses. It does not necessarily involve person who wronged you.
restitution, retribution, reconciliation, nor does it require continued A is for the “altruism”thinking about a time you hurt someone and
victim vulnerability. It is a willful, reasoned, intrapsychic process were forgiven, then offering the gift of forgiveness to the person who
undertaken by the victim, irrespective of the offender. As such, hurt you.
forgiveness involves affective, behavioral, and cognitive
C is for “committing”publicly forgiving the person who wronged
components and is a motivationally and volitionally unique coping
mechanism. In sum, it can be defined as an absence of ill will.
Forgiveness can also be considered a multi-dimensional construct, it H is for “holding on”not forgetting the hurt, but reminding
can be studied as a dispositional or situational variable and its yourself that you made the choice to forgive.
dimensions can include a variety of targets (e.g., self, others, Psychological well-being
communities, & God) and methods (e.g., offering, seeking, & feeling).
Well-being is a dynamic concept that includes subjective, social, and
psychological dimensions as well as health-related behaviors. Well-
Corresponding Author:
being is a multifaceted concept. It is often thought of as one of the
Harmehak Singh hallmarks of the liberal arts experience, resulting from educational
G.G.D.S.D College, Chandigarh encounters that both guide students in the search for meaning and
E-mail:mehaks900@gmail.com direction in life and help them realize their true potential. The two

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