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Week 1: Week 2: Week 3:

8 x 500m / 3min30 rest 250m, 500m, 750m, 1k, 750m, 500m, 250m / 1min30 rest per 250m work 4 x 1000m / 5min rest
Steady distance (~8 to 15k) Steady distance (~8 to 15k) Steady distance (~8 to 15k)
5 x 1500m / 5min rest 4 x 2000m / 5min rest 3k, 2.5k, 2k / 5min rest
Steady distance (~8 to 15k) Steady distance (~8 to 15k) Steady distance (~8 to 15k)
Hard distance (~5k+) Hard distance (~5k+) Hard distance (~5k+)
Steady distance (~8 to 15k) Steady distance (~8 to 15k) Steady distance (~8 to 15k)
Rest Rest Rest

Speed intervals:
There are three intervals sessions that make up the speed intervals group, performed once a week in the three weekly rotation.
8 x 500m / 3min30 rest
250m, 500m, 750m, 1000m, 750m, 500m, 250m / 1min30 rest per preceding 250m
4 x 1000m / 5min rest
The rest times are taken between each repetition, and allow for a greater pace to be held than for the total distance as a single piece. Notice that all of the speed interval work.
sessions are 4000m in total distance, and that the rest period between repetitions is around twice the length of the work
The only session that requires some explanation is the pyramid session, in terms of the rest times. By 1min30 per preceding 250m, it means you take 1min30 rest after the
250m rep, 3mins after the 500m rep, and so on up to 6mins after the 1k rep. It sounds like a lot, but once you’re doing the session fast enough, you will need it!
Endurance intervals:
Again there are three interval sessions that make up the endurance intervals group, performed once a week in the three weekly cycle.
5 x 1500m / 5min rest
4 x 2000m / 5min rest
3k, 2.5k, 2k / 5min rest
This time the total session distances are between 7.5k and 8k, and each session has 5mins rest between the reps, slightly less than the work time for most people.

Distance / endurance work:

The final group of sessions is the distance, or endurance work. The main concept behind the Pete Plan is that you do one speed interval session, and one endurance interval session
per week, and then as much distance work as you have time for. Where this plan diverges from many of the other plans out there is with the stroke rate I advise to do this
distance work at. I recommend a minimum of 22spm, and for general “steady” distance work a maximum of 25spm. On this document I have simply put the
“steady distance” sessions as approximately 8 to 15k in distance. That is just a recommendation of a good distance to go for, but if you’re new to indoor rowing you might like
to start out much shorter, or if you have the time and inclination you might like to go longer. Resist the temptation to row these too hard though, save that for the other three days.
One day each week is devoted to a hard distance piece. You might like to rotate this through the ranking distances, or do the same distance for a few weeks at a time.
Hard distance doesn’t have to mean flat out every week, just that you can go faster than the steady distance days, and over the 25spm limit.

Interval rest:
What to do during the rest period between reps on an interval session is down to personal preference, but
I advise doing at least some gentle rowing during the rest period to keep the muscles moving, and the blood flowing.
Make it very gentle though, and take the opportunity to keep drinking water.

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