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WISA WASKITA Fullstack Developer



I am a fresh graduate from University of Technology Yogyakarta majoring in Informatics Engineering. And, I am a
hardworking person, can work in a team, and always try to get things done. My short term goal is that I can develop
myself to be better for this company. So that I can be a reliable employee.

My long-term goal is to be the one who contributes to the success of the company. Apart from that, I want to make your
company a benchmark for other companies. My motto is always to try to give the best for the company. It’s all about me
Ma’am/Sir. Thank you so much for giving me this unforgettable opportunity.

2013-2015 Multimedia
SMK Ma’arif 1 Kebumen Belajar mengenai editing audio, video dan gambar. Melakukan
perakita dan reparasi komputer

Teknik Informatika
Belajar konsep algoritma dan bahasa pemrograman, struktur data,
database, metodologi pengembangan sistem, dll.
Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

Frontend Web UI UX
ReactJS Figma

Frontend Mobile Tools

Kotlin Git, Trello, Postman, Mockoon

Backend Others
Java Springboot, PHP Laravel, Golang Gin RESTful API, JWT, SCRUM, SOLID, Unit
Docker On Progress Learning
MERN Stack, Flutter

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