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Nama : Nisa Nurul Azizah

Nim : 020319631
Prodi : S1 Keperawatan semester 2
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

Modul hal 35
b. Filling Gap Dialogues Exercise
Appoitment few for help is like lovely this welcome you

NURSE Morning 1. Welcome to our ward. I’m Nurse Ordonez – can I 2. Help you?
PATIENT Yes,please. I’m Mrs Watson and 3. This is my son Ricky who drove me here. I’ve
come 4. For my opration.
NURSE Ah, yes, I’ll take your 5. Appoitment letter,thank you.
PATIENT It’s a 6. Lovley place-is it new?
NURSE Yes,it 7. Is we’re very proud of it, was inaugurated by Her Royal last December. Now,
if you’d 8. Like to take a seat,and help me with a 9. Few details.
PATIENT Yes, of course. What do 10. You want to know?
Modul Hal 40
The kidneys

There are two kidneys in the body and they are situated on cither side vertebral column.
Between thick muscles of the back and abdomen. Each kidneys is approximately 10 cm long. 6
cm wide, and 4 cm thick. Each one weighs about 140 grams.
The major function of the kidneys is to remove waste products from the body by
producing urine. They contain about 1 million microscopic units called nephrons. Their function
is to receive and filter all the blood in the body once every twelve minutes. They remove waste
materials from the blood and return useful substances to the circulation. In this way, they enable
the blood pressure to remain constant. The process of filtering the blood is follows : first of all,
blood enters the kidneys from renal artery and flows into glomeruli (small knots of capillaries,
which act as filter). Fluid then passes into Bowman’s capsule but the filter does not allow blood
cells and large protein molecules to enter the capsule.
As the filtered fluid passes on 80% of the water and sodium salts in it are removed
collecting ducts, where the water is again removed. The concentrated urine enters the pelvis,
passes into urethra and finally enters the bladder.

Ada dua ginjal didalam tubuh dan mereke terletak di sisi ruas tulang brlakang. Antara
otot tebal punggung dan perut. Masing masing ginjal berukuran sekitar 10 cm. lebar 6 cm, dan
tebal 4 cm. masing-masing beratnya sekitar 140 gram.
Fungsi utama ginjal adalah mengeluarkan produk limbah dari tubuh dengan
memproduksi urin. Mengandung sekitar 1 juta unit mikrokopis yang disebut nefron. Fungsinya
adalah untuk menerima dan menyaring semua darah dalam tubuh setiap dua belas menit sekali.
Mereka mengeluarkan bahan limbah dari darah dan mengambil zat-zat bermanfaat ke sirkulasi.
Dengan cairan ini, mereka memungkinkan tekanan darah tetap konstan. Proses penyaringan
darah adalah sebagai berikut: pertama-tama, darah memasuki ginjal dari arteri renalis dan
mengalir ke glomeruli (simpul kapiler kecil, yang bertindak sebagai penyaring). Cairan
kemudian masuk ke kapsul bowman tetapi filter tidak memungkinkan sel-sel darah dan molekul
protein besar untuk memasuki kapsul.
Ketika cairan disaring mengalir, 80% air dan garam natrium didalamnya dikeluarkan dari
saluran pengumpul, dimana air kembali dihilangkan. Urin pekat memasuki panggul, masuk ke
uretra dan akhirnya memasuki kandung kemih.

Hal 41

 Answer The Question Below

1. Where are the kidneys situated ???

Answer : The kidneys situated on either side vertebral column

2. What do the nephrons do ????

Answer : Their function is to receive and filter all the blood in the body every twelve

3. How often is the blood filtered through the kidneys ????

Answer : The blood filtered throught the kidneys once every twelve minutes

4. What are the glomeruli ?????

Answer : The glomeruli are small knots of capillaries, which act as filter

5. What is their function ????

Answer : The major function of the kidneys is to remove waste products from the body
by producing urine

6. Can you explain about the process of filtering blodd ????

Answer : First of all, blood enters the kidneys from renal artery and flows into glomeruli
(small knots of capillaries, which act as filter). Fluid then passes into Bowman’s capsule
but the filter does not allow blood cells and large protein molecules to enter the capsule.
As the filtered fluid passes on 80% of the water and sodium salts in it are removed
collecting ducts, where the water is again removed. The concentrated urine enters the
pelvis, passes into urethra and finally enters the bladder

7. Where does the concentrated urine finally enter ????

Answer : The concentrated urine enters the pelvis, passes into urethra and finally enters
the bladder

8. How big the kidneys sized are ????

Answer : Each kidneys is approximately 10 cm long. 6 cm wide, and 4 cm thick. Each
one weighs about 140 grams

9. What do nephrons contain ????

Answer : The kidneys

10. How many kidneys, do we have ?????

Answer : We have two kidneys in the body

Modul hal 62
C. Filling Gap Exercise

Able back big do exercise got next on problem ring take through ward

Nurse : so-go left out of the entrance to the next (1) and keep straight on down the corridor
until you come to a pair of double-doors. Go straight through. Got that?
Porter : straight through yes do (2) that. Then what?
Nurse : when you’re through (3) the double-doors,look for some stairs on the left-not very far.
Go down these stairs for two flights to floor C – or you can take (4) the lift down to C
Porter : lift…down C ..what.. exercise (5) you suggest ?
Nurse: I always walk, myself , just for a bit of ward (5). And you sometimes have to wait quite
a bit for the lift, if it’s busy. Anyway,it’s only two floors and a young fella like ought to be able
(6) to manage that.
Porter : don’t worry-a can manage two floors. No problem (7) what’s next?
Nurse : as you get down to floor C on the stairs,or come out of the lift-go left and then got(8)
right. And it’s just down there. Go to DI Reception and tell them you’ve come for the envelope
for Mr. Jackson, up on Nelson Ward. Any problems,ask them to ring (9) me on extension 4334-
nurse Hamilton. Ok?
Porter : 4334.. nurse Hamilton ..ok I’m on (10) the way
Nurse : thanks, leve. You’re doing me a big (11) favor. I owe you one
Porter : no worries. Be back (12) in a tick

Modul hal 83
4. Filling Gap Exercise
Bit calm do found happened know myself neighbor on seems thought white

DOCTOR HELLO, Dr. Black here. What happened to be trouble?

NEIGHBOUR it’s Mr.Lindley, I found him in is chair. I seems he’d passed out
DOCTOR what’s thought? Now try to be calm take your time
NEIGHBOUR well, I,m Mr. lindleys neighbor, next door but one. I come round and see that
he’s all right, every so often. He let’s me have a key, so I can let myself in and out
DOCTOR go on
NEIGHBOUR I come round about five minutes since I’d promised to do his garden. All I do is
just cut his grass and perhaps a bit of wedding nothing much.
NEIGHBOUR I opened the door and shouted to him it was me, as usual and he didn’t replay. I
thought that’s funny. He always want to know who who it is, as soon as anybody comes.anyway,
I went into his little front roo and there he was, slumped in his armchair, white as a sheet.

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