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Greetings, and thank you for
using SeriousMD. This is software
designed for and tested by
doctors, so you shouldn’t have
trouble using it yourself.
If you do need a little help, you
can either contact us or refer to
this guide. Keep in mind that
every new system requires an

SeriousMD’s intuitive, user-

friendly design should require
less effort there than others,
but it will still need some time.
Once you give it a few days, you
should find yourself working
with it as though you’ve been
doing so all your life.
If you're ready to jump in, go to
Chapter 16 for our QuickStart
Note SeriousMD is constantly

improving each day Some .

images in this manual might

not look the same as what is
active now inside the app .

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Appointments
-- How to Schedule Appointments
-- How to Edit Appointments
-- How to Send Messages to Patients with
Appointments through the Queue
-- How to Organize Appointments
Chapter 2: Patients and Profiles
-- How to Modify Patients
-- How to Refer a Patient to Another Doctor
Chapter 3: Notes
-- How to Create a New Note
-- How to Use Templates
Chapter 4: History
Chapter 5: Vitals
-- How to Edit Existing or Previous Vitals Readings
-- How to Choose the Vitals to Display
-- How to Add a Custom Vital
-- How to Add Readings
-- How to Edit the View
-- How to Modify Units of Measurement and

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Table of Contents
Chapter 6: Laboratories
Chapter 7: Billing
-- The History Tab
-- The Payouts Tab
-- The Catalog Tab
-- The Inventory Tab
-- The Reports Tab
Chapter 8: Notes
-- How to Create a New Note
-- How to Use Templates
Chapter 9: SeriousMD Messenger
-- How to Send a Message to a Patient
-- How to Send a Message to a Doctor/Staff
-- How to Invite Doctors to Join SeriousMD
Chapter 10: Settings
-- Account Overview
-- Manage Patients
-- Notifications and Automatic Reminders
-- Preferences
-- Export
-- Templates

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Table of Contents
-- Favorites
-- Messenger
-- How to Send Announcements
-- How to Set Where SeriousMD
Forwards Your Messages
-- Security
-- How to Add Staff
-- How to Set Staff Permissions
-- How to See All the Activity on Your
Chapter 11: The Mobile App
Chapter 12: Now Serving
Chapter 13: Booking Platform
-- Booking an Appointment Online using a Browser
-- Booking an Appointment Online using the Now
Serving app
Chapter 14: Virtual Consultation
-- Manually Informing the Patient
-- Patients Automatically get the Booking Link
-- Cashless Billing
Chapter 15: Security and Privacy

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Table of Contents
Chapter 16: Quickstart Guide
-- Step 1: Involve your staff
-- Step 2: Instruct your staff to input old records
-- Step 3: Customize to fit your practice
-- Step 4: Test the notes
-- Step 5: Fully implement in your practice
Chapter 17: Set-up Suggestions
Chapter 18: Hardware
Chapter 19: Frequently Asked Questions

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Chapter 1

Queues - Schedules - Events - Calendar

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The Appointments module takes you to a screen that
shows your practice locations and calendar relative to all
of them.

In the image above, there are two locations. Clicking on one will
show the Calendar for that location. You can modify the
Calendar view from daily to either weekly or monthly by clicking
on the appropriate tab (named “Day”, “Week”, and “Month”) in
the app. The tabs are in the top center of the calendar.

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How to Schedule Appointments

Before you add patients to your Queue, you have to choose first
for what you are adding them. In the example below, you have
two options: "Consultation" and "In-patient".

If you select “Consultation”, any patient you add will be added to

the Queue for consultation. If you select “In-patient” instead, by
comparison, you would be adding patients for admission to the
clinic or location selected.

After you have made your choice from the above options, you
can add patients to the schedule. There are two ways of adding
appointments when viewing the Calendar. First is by clicking on
the “plus” sign at the top right of the page; second is by clicking
on the “Add Patients to Queue” button.

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Both bring you to the same popup window, which brings up your
list of patients. If the patient is on the list, simply select his
name. Otherwise, you can select the "Add New Patient" icon
just below the search bar. This automatically adds the newly
created patient profile to the queue.

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Fill in the fields that follow. Select the reason for visit and the
time of the appointment. Any appointments you add are now
shown in the Queue.

If you switch to either the weekly or monthly calendar views,

you will see how many patients you have scheduled for a day.

In order to see more details, you will have to click on a particular

day. That will bring you back to the daily view or the Queue (see
the screenshot above).

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Take note that you can add either patient appointments or

events to your schedule through the Calendar’s weekly and
monthly views too. Just select the preferred day and a box will

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How to Edit Appointments

Appointments and events can be edited after they are created.

Simply ghost over the item in question on your Queue. If you
look at the right side of the item’s line, you should find three
dots, click on it and then click edit.

This should bring up a pop-up box for the item’s details.

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How to Send Messages to Patients with

Appointments Through the Queue

You can send messages to booked patients through the Queue.

Simply ghost over the Queue entry for the patient, click the
three dots then click on "Send SMS".

Note that you will need to have the patient’s contact number
saved on the app for this to be viable.

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How to Organize Appointments

There are different ways of organizing patients on the Queue

and Calendar.

On the Queue, you have two options: Auto Sort and Manual
Sort. To access them, simply select the “sort” icon on the top
right of the Queue.

Choose Auto Sort if you want the app to organize items

according to which one is scheduled first.

If you prefer to organize manually, choose Manual Sort. This

will show the Queue items with a drag button.

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Is your queue getting really long? You can filter it by clicking the
Settings icon on the upper right of the page, then click the
"Move Finished Patients to Last" button

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Now if you want to organize your Calendar (the weekly or

monthly views) instead, click on the Settings icon and under
the "Show in Calendar". Ticking the items will give you the
ability to filter items based on whether they are clinic
items, appointments, or events.

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Chapter 2

Patients and Profiles

Everything about your patients

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Patients and Profiles

The Patients module is where you go to enter or retrieve
information about your patients. Selecting it brings you
automatically to a list of your patients.

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It looks much the same in the smartphone and tablet versions:

You get an icon/image of each patient, his name, and a note if

he is on the queue for the day.
In the smartphone version, as you can see above, the button for
adding a new patient is on the top right.
The Search button can be seen just below "My Patients".

If you want to get more information on a patient, select the

patient from the list. This will bring you to their Patient Profile.

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This is the very first tab on a patient’s personal page, and it

basically serves as an efficient summary of the patient’s most
important medical details. Look at the example below.

Look first at the information above the tabs. There you can see:
• The patient’s name
• The patient’s birthday
• The patient’s age
• The patient’s gender
• The patient’s HMO

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There is actually even more information than this. All you have
to do is click the downwards-facing arrow beside the patient's

This will expand the basic and contact information section, like

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As you can see, this gives you data such as the following:
• The patient’s contact information
• The patient’s employment information
• The patient’s emergency contact information
• The patient’s physician information
• You also have a “Private Notes” area where you can put your
non-medically related notes for the patient (e.g., “Ace likes

To hide these and restore the tabs on the Patient Profile, you
can either click the "X" button on the upper right corner, or click
the up arrow on the bottom of the page.

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All of the above information may be edited at any time. Simply

click the three dotted line and then click "Edit Patient

To hide these and restore the tabs on the Patient Profile, you
can either click the "X" button on the upper right corner, or click
the up arrow on the bottom of the page.

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The other icons from left to right are the following:

Schedule an Appointment - A pop-up box will appear that

will show your Calendar, from there, you can schedule
Admit Patient - Likewise, your Calendar will also appear,
you can admit patients by selecting the clinic location and
Messages - This brings you to the SeriousMD Messenger
Bill Patient - Selecting this will direct you to another page
where you can bill your patients.

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Now for the information in the Patient Profile. Here, you get a
rundown of the patient’s medical data. There are five tabs:
1. Notes - Selecting it will show the notes that you made for
your patient.
2. History - This is where you can see all the patient's medical
3. Vitals - The patient's vitals can be monitored here every time
he goes for a check-up.
4. Labs - All the lab results can be placed and shown here.
5. Virtual Consult - History of virtual consult and its details can
be seen here.

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How To Modify Patients

As SeriousMD is built to adapt to the needs of doctors from

different specialties, it allows you to change the information
displayed on the Patient Profile.

Some doctors might find Obstetric History irrelevant to their

needs, for example. If so, they might want to remove it from the
Patient Profile. To do that, all one has to do is select the
Settings option (at the top right).

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That will bring up a popup box that lets you choose what to
show on the Patient Profile. Just tick choices on or off as

The setting here is saved per patient but if you want it applied
for all your patients, go to My Account > Settings >
Preferences. Pick what you want to see in the profile tab and
hit the overwrite button.

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How to Refer a Patient to Another Doctor

This is very easy on SeriousMD and can even be done with

doctors who are not using the app.
Just click on the three dots on the upper right beside the Bill
Patient, then click on "Refer Patient".

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Chapter 3

Your Notes
Take notes your way. Access it anytime, anywhere.

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The Notes tab is where you can find all of your saved notes for
a patient. You can also create new notes on it.

The notes are arranged in the order whereby they were created.
The latest notes are placed at the top and the oldest at the
bottom. The default view is also the Records view, whereby
notes are shown with small previews of their contents.

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You can toggle between that and the List view according to
your preferences.

Finally, the Prescription view option shows you all of the

prescriptions you have written for the patient.

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How to Create a New Note

Click on the plus (+) icon beside the settings.

This will bring up a popup box that gives you options for the
type of note you want to add. Simply select the one you want
and fill it out.

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How to Use Templates

When adding a new note to a patient’s page, you will encounter
templates. These appear as choices for the type of note you are

The default template choices include the following:

Medical History
Lab Results
Test Request
Physical Exam
Upload Files (PDF/Short Videos/Etc.)
Medical Certificate

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Custom Form
Past Medical History
Substance Use
Family History
Menstrual History
Sexual History
Obstetric History
Growth Milestone

You can save and use different additional templates. If you are
an ophthalmologist using the software, for example, you can
create your own SOAP template.

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You can add/create your own in the Settings or request the

SeriousMD team to import templates for you by sending us a

For example: Choosing the Eye Exam 2 template (from the

Settings area, under Templates > Diagram > Library) would give
you the option to log notes for this map:

You can skip to the “How to Add Templates” section of this

guide if you want to learn how to add your own templates.

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How to Use the SOAP Note Template

The SOAP note is the Subjective-Objective-Assessment Plan

method of documentation. When you choose it, the first empty
fields you are given are the ones where you list the patient’s
complaint (or reason for seeing you) and the history of his
present illness.

You can edit the date of the SOAP note by clicking on it.
Otherwise, the default date logged is the day you created
the note.

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If you scroll down the SOAP note, you will see other fields you
can fill in. The first is the Objective section, where you can
enter vital readings. To choose which vitals appear here, simply
modify your vitals on the Vitals tab. Go to the “How to Choose
the Vitals to Display on the Vitals Tab” part of this guide for

To add or edit the vital reading, simply click the three dots and
then click Edit.

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It will show you the present readings you have for those vitals. If
you want to add new data/numbers, click on the three dots
beside the Save button, then click on "Add New Readings"

If you want to choose what vitals to show, simply click the three
dots under the "Load Latest Readings" and then click on "Edit
Default Vitals". A box will appear where you can choose what
vitals will appear.

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You can also add a new category by clicking "Create New

Category" on the left side. (If you want to keep lab results in
table view, you can customize the Vitals area to keep track.)

Remember to save after entering data or making changes.

Below the Vitals section is also a Remarks section where you

can put notes. You can add multiple remarks by clicking the
"Add Remarks" button below it.

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You can also attach notes, lab results, diagram, physical exam,
etc. by choosing templates from the side panel.

Next is the Assessment section of the SOAP note. To add a

diagnosis, click on the appropriate box.

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On occasion, you may want to add another, separate diagnosis.

To do that, just select the “Add Diagnosis” button. This will
result in another diagnosis field appearing, where you can type
the second diagnosis.

To remove this new field, just select the red “X” sign on the right
of the diagnosis field.

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Alternatively, you may want to add an ICD-10 diagnosis code.

Simply select the appropriate button.

This brings up the ICD-10 popup box.

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There are 2 tabs on this box, with the default selection being
the Codes tab. Here you can see a list of the diagnosis codes,
just select accordingly. You can also search for a diagnosis
using the search bar above the list.

To add a favorite, you need only go to click on the star beside

the code. It will then appear on the top of the list.

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Why favorite a diagnosis? To make it easier to select again for

future doctor’s notes. The diagnoses you favorite are therefore
the ones you tend to make most often or which your patients
suffer from most often.

On the other hand, switching to the Reference tab gives you a

reference guide for the codes, if you need one.

If you do add an ICD-10 diagnosis to the SOAP note, it will

appear as:

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You can either edit the text or delete it by clicking on the box or
clicking the "X" button on the right. f you want to change it
completely, just click the "Add ICD-10" button again.

Finally, you can add remarks to the Assessment section.

Choose the appropriate button and a field where you can type
will show up, as seen below:

Now we come to the last part of the SOAP note: the

Plan section. To enter your plan for the patient, simply click on
the box under it:

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As with the diagnosis, you can add a separate plan in addition

to the first one. Just click on the "Add Plan" button and a new
field will appear.

You may also add a procedure by clicking the appropriate


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This brings up a popup box where you can indicate the details
such as the Name of the procedure, the Provider, and the Date
of the procedure. After that, click SAVE.

You can add also add PhilHealth by clicking the corresponding


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Selecting that button will bring up a chart of the PhilHealth


Furthermore, you can add remarks to the Plan section. Just

select the last button in the row and type in the field that

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Finally, you can add a follow-up date for the patient to the SOAP
note. Just click on the box below.

Your Calendar will appear where you can choose the location
of the follow-up check-up and the date. After choosing, click
next and then fill-out the follow-up details.

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How to Use the Text Note Template

The text note template is one of the easiest to use. You can add
a text note while you're on the SOAP template. On the side
panel, just choose the "Text" option.

You can also create text note templates here. Type the template
content in the text field, then select the “Save as Template”
button in the row at the upper right.

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To access the template in the future, all you need to do is click

the Text templates icon and you will see your saved templates
on the left side panel.

Another way is by clicking the plus (+) icon on the patient's

profile and then choosing the "Text" template.

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How to Use the Rx or Prescription Template

The Prescription template allows you to make new prescriptions

in two ways. In the Patient Profile, just like the Text template,
click on the plus (+) icon and then choose "Prescription". The
other way is by clicking on the "Prescription" template in the
side panel when doing the SOAP note.

Doing either of the two ways will open the Prescription page
where you can choose the medication you will prescribe to your
patient on the left side panel.

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When you click a medication, another panel will appear where

you can edit/input necessary details such as:
Generic Name
Brand Name

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If you usually prescribe the medicine, you might want to add it to

your favorites. Simply click the "Add to Favorites" button
below. Don't forget to click ADD when you're done.

If the prescription you want to make is not in the list, choose the
"Add Medication" below the list.

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Take note that you can save a prescription as a template. All

you need to do is select the "Save as Template" button and add
a template title. The button can be found on the upper right, just
before the SAVE button. Once you have done that, you can use
the prescription again as a template.

You can use the template again by clicking on it on the left side

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You can save a prescription as a template. All you need to do is

select the "Save as Template" button and add a template title.
The button can be found on the upper right, just before the
SAVE button. Once you have done that, you can use the
prescription again as a template.

You can use the template again by clicking on it on the left side
panel. Clicking on a template will automatically add that
template to the Prescription box.

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You can also repeat the prescriptions you have previously

made. On the left side panel, choose the prescription you want
to represcribe under the Represcribe section, the list below it
shows your recent prescriptions.

Take note that you can add a follow-up date and remarks to
your prescription. Just select the appropriate option and type in
the field provided.

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You can do more to your Prescription my clicking on the three

dotted icon.

In here you have the option to Print, Download, and Delete

the Prescription. What's even better is that you can also give a
digital copy of the Prescription to the patient by clicking "Share
to Patient".

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How to Use the Test Request Template

After opening the test request template, a test request page will
appear. You can choose the type of test on the left side panel.
The options for a test request are sorted into categories.

If you click on one of the categories, you either get a list of all
the tests belonging to that category or a list of further test
categories. You can favorite an item by clicking on the star
beside it.

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Need to find something fast? Use the search bar instead.

Say we added an Audiometry test under the Audio section. You

can now see it on the page with an option to add remarks to it.
You can remove a test request by ghosting over it and clicking
the "X" icon.

You also have options as before such as sharing the test

request to the patient by clicking the three dots beside the
SAVE button.
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How to Use the Freestyle Note Template

The Freestyle note template is what you select when you prefer
to scribble, scrawl, or draw your own notes. Simply select the
template, then start writing on the blank space on the screen
using your stylus, finger, or even your mouse.

You can also add remarks by clicking it.

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How to Use the From File Template

When you select the From File template, you get a pop-up box
that lets you choose from your computer what to import such as
an image, a PDF, or a video file.

You can crop the image by resizing the small squares on the
corner of the image. In addition to that, you can also rotate the
image by clicking the buttons on the right side.

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How to Use the Diagram Template

The diagram template gives you a body map image on which

you can draw or make marks. Simply use your stylus, finger, or
mouse to make notes on it.

The tools are placed on the right side. Take note that you can
add remarks on the bottom. Once you're done, don't forget to
click SAVE.

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How to Use the Physical Exam Template

Selecting the Physical Exam template will open a page for you.
On the left side panel, you can choose the category you need
for the exam. Note that there are some categories that

For example, if you click on HEENT category, it will show you a

list of items belonging to that category. Let's say that you
assessed the head of your patient, you can choose from the
result of that assessment if it's normal, abnormal, or it needs
attention. Note that you can also add remarks. Don't forget to

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It will then show you an image of the body together with the
assessment you've done on the left side of the image.

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How to Use the Medical Certificate Template

When you select the Medical Certificate template, you will be

presented with text containing fields that you must fill out. Type
something in them and when you're done click SAVE. Click on
the three dots beside it if you want to print it or digitally share it
to the patient. They are greyed out before that.

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How to Use the Medical Clearance Template

The Medical Clearance template gives you the standard

clearance text, with fields you have to fill out. Type something in
them and when you're done click SAVE. Click on the three dots
beside it if you want to print it or digitally share it to the patient.
They are greyed out before that.

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How to Use the Custom Forms Note Template

Selecting the Custom Forms template will bring up a popup

box that shows all of your custom form templates. Simply
choose the one you want to use.

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How to Add Templates and Custom Forms

SeriousMD is constantly adding new templates to its database.

If you can't see the custom template you prefer, you can either
add it yourself or ask us for it.

To add it yourself, you need to be using the web app, so log into
SeriousMD on your desktop or laptop. After that, on the bottom
left of the screen, click on My Account and then click on

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Click on Templates and a drag down menu will appear.

Simply select the type of template you want to add. Selecting

that type of template will also show you the templates you
already have, so that you can manage them. For example, if we
select Prescription, we are shown the list of prescription
templates you already saved. To add more, just click the plus
(+) icon and follow the steps afterwards.

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Note that the Library button is grayed out or unclickable. This

means that there is no library of options currently available for
the template type selected.

If we select a different template like Custom Forms, however,

we see a clickable Library button only. This means there is a
library of options you can use for templates and that these are
your options for adding a new custom form.

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Selecting the Library button shows you the form templates you
can use. Just select the one you want and hit Download to add
it to your Custom Forms list.

What if the form or template you want isn’t available in the

Library? Or what if you want assistance in making a new one of

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Simple: get in touch with us. We respond fast and are always
happy to help. Just go to the Support tab and hit the option you

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Chapter 4

The more you know, the better

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The History tab on the Patient's Profile let's you see all the
medical history of that patient. The medical history is set to a
default view on all the medical history. If you want to look at a
specific medical history - let's say Family History, just click on
it on the choices given.

Other medical history that can be seen under this category are:
Substance Use
Menstrual History
Sexual History
Obstretic History
Growth Milestones

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Chapter 5

Monitor in one place

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The Vitals tab is the one you find next to the Patient Profile on
a patient’s page. It is meant to give you a quick source of
information for the patient’s vital medical figures.

However, these are not the only vitals you can have on the tab.

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How to Edit Existing or Previous Vitals


As described above, you can do this by accessing the box for a

specific vital, choosing the All Data option, then selecting the
reading you wish to change.

Another way is just to go to the Categories view on the Vitals

tab, then click directly on the reading you want to change.

This brings up a popup box with the saved readings for that
vital. You can then modify the saved reading.

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How to Choose the Vitals to Display

SeriousMD allows you to choose what vitals to keep on your

patient’s page. Just click on the vital sign you wish to edit. For
example, if you want to hide the Blood Pressure data, simply
click on it and turn off the "Show on vitals dashboard".

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How to Add a Custom Vital

You may find that a vital is not available on the Vitals tab. If so,
you can just add it yourself. First, click on the plus (+) icon
beside the Settings and choose Vitals.

On the left side panel, click on "Create a New Category", a

pop-up box will then appear. Choose "Create Custom Vitals".

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Clicking it will open another box where you can costumize your
vital. Don't forget to click SAVE.

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How to Add Readings

To add new readings, click on the plus (+) icon inside the white

This will bring up a page where you can fill out the vitals as

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How to Edit the View

If you want to change the data display on the Vitals tab for all
items, simply toggle between the Categories view and Vitals
view options at the top right.

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Take note that you can also choose the time interval for the data
being shown. Simply select the preferred option.

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How to Modify Units of Measurement and


You can change the units of measurement and display

reference figures for each vital. Whether you are on the
Categories view or Vital view, simply click on the vital you want
to modify. For example, if you want to change the unit of
measurement for weight from kg to lb, simply click on it.

A page will open for that vital and you may click on the drop-
down menu beside the "Unit" category and choose "lb", then
click SAVE.

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Note that you can edit already saved readings here by

choosing All Data inside the graph.

This will show you the readings you already have, and you can
select the one you need to modify. Again, remember to save all
changes afterwards.

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Chapter 6

All your lab results, in one place

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Laboratories (Labs)
The Labs tab is where you go to find and save your patients’ lab
results. You can add records to patients’ data by clicking on the
"New Note" icon and then clicking the "Lab Results" template.

You can also simply take photos of the lab result if you are
using the mobile app, then upload the image as the file. Just
click on the "New Note" icon on the upper right side.

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Note that they are typically arranged by date (the most recent
are at the top).

You can sort through them using filters for type and date as well:
check the upper left side of the tab for the “View by date” and
the right side for the type of lab.

Most doctors let their clinic staff fill in their Labs tabs. This
makes things easier and also gives them an easily-accessible
bank of data from which to draw information at any time. It
basically serves as a digital repository for what used to be
purely paper lab records.

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Chapter 7

You can actually track it now

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The Billing module is where you go to manage your practice’s
financials. When you first visit it, you will notice that there are 5
tabs at the top of the screen. We shall take them from left to
right and give a quick explanation of what each tab covers.

The first tab is the History tab. Here you can review your
practice’s financial history, with bills arranged from the newest
to the oldest, from the top.

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The second tab is the Payouts tab. When patients do cashless

payments, it will be deposited to us then we will transfer it to
your account.

The third tab is the Catalog tab. This is where you go to

manage your catalog of items, procedures, and services. You
can add more entries, change the prices of the entries you
already have, and so on.

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The fourth tab is the Inventory tab. This lets you keep track of
your incoming and outgoing stock.

The fifth tab is the Reports tab. This is where you can get more
in-depth data about your financials. You can filter your billing
history here by clinic, by date, by report type, and so on.

We will discuss all of these tabs in greater depth within their

own sections in this guide.
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The History Tab

All of the bills you have saved are found here, whether they are
cleared (paid or settled), unsettled (unpaid), or void.

You can filter them by type using the buttons at the top right. By
default, All is selected. You will also see the bills from the
newest to the oldest (from top to bottom).

The P1,700.00 note at the bottom shows you the total balance

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Clicking on a bill will show its details, as shown in the image

below. You can click another bill on the left side panel.

Clicking on the three dots will show a drop-down menu:

Preview - this will show the bill's details as shown above.
Print - Prints a copy of the bill.
Print HMO items - Prints a copy of the bill for HMO claim
Generate Pay Link - a link will be sent to the patient where
they can settle their bill online.
Void - This voids the bill.

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Finally, if you want to settle an unpaid bill, just click on the

Settle button to the right of the bill in question. Some choices
will pop up and you can just fill out the fields as appropriate.
When done, select Done.

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The Payouts Tab

The Payouts tab is where you can track how much we owe
you. The default view is the Pending view wherein you will see
the bill date, patient name, and the pending pay out. Clicking on
the Paid Out view will show you the payout date, the payout ID,
and the total payout.

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The Catalog Tab

This is where you can get a list of all the services and items you
offer to your patients, complete with their prices. It is also where
you can add entries to your catalog/catalogs.

When you first select the tab, the Default Catalog is

automatically the one selected. You can switch from it to
another saved catalog by clicking it.

The catalogs you have available aside from the default one are
named according to the HMOs you have for your clinic. So to
add a new catalog to the Billing module, you will have to add an
HMO to the ones you accept.

How do you do that? Go to the My Account module, then select

My Clinics.

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How do you do that? Go to the My Account module, then select

My Clinics.

Click on the Edit button for the clinic to which you are adding an

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Scroll down until you see the HMO section, click on the box and
a drop-down menu will appear. Choose the HMO accordingly.
Note that you can select multiple HMOs. Don't forget to click

You should see any new catalogs you added in the drop-down
box options on the Catalog tab now. Depending on the rates
you set for each HMO, the prices for the entries in the catalog
should change when you switch from one catalog to the other.

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In the example below, the Default Catalog has 2 entries saved

already. Both are listed as Services, as you can see from the
tab selected from the options on the right. You can click on one
of the other tabs (Items or Packages) to check the entries for
those types on the chosen catalog.

You can also add new entries and their standard prices to a
catalog by using the Add New […] button. This is found on the
lower left of each catalog’s screen.

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The Inventory Tab

The Inventory tab lets you keep track of supplies and stock.

Take note that you can add all your items in the Catalog and be
sure to click "Yes" under “Track Inventory” so that it will be
tracked each time you bill a patient. Go do this now before using
the Inventory tab. Also keep in mind that this inventory system
tracks inventory per clinic.

It’s very simple to use the Inventory tab.

Clicking on the (+) icon will show you a page where you can
add a New Inventory Transaction. Fill in the necessary details
and be sure to tick the type of transaction - whether it is IN or

At the start, you can use the IN option and add all your current
inventory. That way, everything you bill from this point on will
subtract to your current inventory.

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Have a new delivery? Add another IN transaction, pick the

items and add the quantity. The “Ref No.” is for you to be able to
track invoice numbers, PO numbers, or even your own way of
tracking transactions.

Want to pull out items from your clinic? Add an OUT

transaction, pick the item(s) and input the quantity.

Note: Be sure to pick which clinic you’ll be adding inventory to.

You can also switch between Stocks and Transactions, filter

entries (there are more filters under the Transactions tab than
the Stocks tab), and even add new items or transactions. You
can also print your inventory records.

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The Reports Tab

The Reports tab is where you go to seek out specific entries in

your billing history. It comes with a long list of filters for
searching your financial records.

Here is an example of a generated report supplied with filters.

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Chapter 8

Just a glimpse of how this can aid with research

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The Reports module is your go-to source for information and
analytics about your practice. Want to know how many patients
(as well as their details) you have had to admit for procedures in
a set time period? What if you are more interested in knowing
which are the top complaints for patients at a certain clinic?

The Reports module can give you information like that. Simply
open it and select the appropriate tab from the options. You will
get more filters for refining your search in each section.

We added the Reports module to help you with your private

research and offer a glimpse of what’s possible with electronic
records. Need help with census and reports for your department
and/or society? Contact us.

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Chapter 9

SeriousMD Messenger
No need for spare phones

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The Messages module lets you send and receive messages as
well as attachments and referrals. Most parts of it are fairly self-
explanatory, especially if you have used modern messenging
applications before.

On the left, you can see conversations you currently have (if
you are on the Conversations tab, anyway; if you are on the
Referrals tab instead, you will obviously see referrals). On the
right, you can see the actual messages for the conversation or
referral selected, as well as add a new message using the text
field at the bottom.

In the image above, the Conversations tab is selected. If you

want to see your Referrals instead, select the other tab.

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Note that you can choose to add a patient immediately to your

patient list from a referral. You also have the option of
acknowledging a received referral if you scroll down the referral
itself (not shown in the image below).

On the left, you can see conversations you currently have (if
you are on the Conversations tab, anyway; if you are on the
Referrals tab instead, you will obviously see referrals). On the
right, you can see the actual messages for the conversation or
referral selected, as well as add a new message using the text
field at the bottom.

In the image above, the Conversations tab is selected. If you

want to see your Referrals instead, select the other tab.

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Note that you can choose to add a patient immediately to your

patient list from a referral. You also have the option of
acknowledging a received referral if you scroll down the referral
itself (not shown in the image below).

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How to Send a Message to a Patient

Simply click on the New Message icon.

This will show you a list of both Contacts and Patients in your
account. Select the Patients tab, then either search for or
navigate to the patient to whom you want to send a message.
Select that patient.

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Notice that in the previous image, only two patients is presented

in color and the rest are grayed out. This is because the grayed-
out patients have no contact information saved, so they cannot
be sent messages.

If we select the patient who does have contact information

saved, they get added to the Conversations tab. There, we can
immediately start composing a message.

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How to Send a Message to a Doctor/Staff

This is much like sending a message to a patient (see the

section on How to Send a Message to a Patient in this guide).
You can either click the New Message icon, then select
Contacts instead of Patients and choose accordingly. Any
contact you choose gets sent straight to the Conversations tab
of the Messenger.

Alternatively, you can also either click the Contacts icon or

browse on the Conversations tab if you previously sent a

How to Send a Referral

This has already been covered in a previous section. See How

to Refer a Patient to Another Doctor in this guide.

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How to Invite Doctors to Join SeriousMD

Inviting other doctors to join the SeriousMD community is

beneficial to the free users because every verified sign-up from
an invitation gets the invitor at least 10 more patient slots. How
do you do it? Just select the add (+) icon on your Contacts.

You will be given various options on how to invite your

Invite contacts from your Gmail, Yahoo!, or other contact lists.
Send a direct invite via email/phone.
Copy and share the link on other platforms such as Facebook.

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Note: You can also do this by clicking on the My Account

module and selecting Invite.

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Chapter 10

Customize SeriousMD for your practice

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The My Account area is where you can manage your
information and preferences for SeriousMD. Clicking on it gives
you 6 options, as seen in the screenshot below.

In order, this is what they do:

My Profile – This is where you can fill out and manage the
information that goes into your SeriousMD profile. You can
also set the contact information used by Messenger as well
as the social media profiles you want your profile to show.

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My Clinics - This is where you can see your practice

locations and manage them. You can also set options like
these for each clinic:
- Address
- Basic Information (including landmarks)
- Clinic contact details/person
- Consultation fee (optional)
- Schedule
- Accepted HMO
- HCI information

Settings - This is where you can set various options and

preferences for your account. To be discussed in greater
detail in a separate section within this guide.

Invite - This is where you can go to invite other doctors to join


Rate us - An option for reviewing or rating SeriousMD. You

can also see other reviews for it here.

Log out - This is what you click to sign out of the app.

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The Settings for your account are visible under the options
shown when you click on the My Account module. They
manage a lot of things about SeriousMD from your Account
Settings to your Security.

By default, you are shown the Account Settings tab when you
open Settings. There are more options under this tab, as
indeed there are for the other tabs. The other tabs, from top to
bottom, are as follows:

We will go through each tab.

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Account Settings

This is where you can manage the settings for most things to do
with your account.

Account Overview
Account Overview is where you can go to do these:
Upgrade your SeriousMD account
Get more patient space by inviting a friend to use the app
Send SeriousMD a request for a full export of your data
Track your Milestones for doing more with SeriousMD
See you Referal Information

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Manage Patients

This is where you can manage your patient list. Notice the row
of buttons at the top of the screen.

Going from left to right, these are the following:

Import Patients - This is the utility that lets you import
patients easily into SeriousMD if you already have an existing
database of them. All you need to do is download the
template, create a CSV file using it and your patients’ data,
then upload the file to SeriousMD using this utility.

Merge Patients - This lets you detect if there are duplicate

patients in your patient list. If so, it lets you merge them. Note:
Be sure that all your iOS apps have already synced to 100%
to be sure that all of your data are factored in.

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Restore Patients - Deleted patients can be restored to your

list using this utility.

Move Patient Queue Event - This lets you move a patient

queue event to a different clinic or a different date.

Note: If you find importing patients to still be difficult, send us a

message through the Support tab. We’ll help you as soon as we

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Notifications and Automatic Reminders

This is where you can manage the notifications that you receive
from SeriousMD as well as the notifications it sends out to your

You can add credits for messages to your account at the top
right, as well as see your SMS history. The top left shows your
remaining credits. You can also set whether you want to see the
Notification Settings tab or the Custom Reminders tab. By
default, you start on the former.

The notification settings boxed in blue in the image above affect

notifications sent to patients. The ones boxed in red affect
notifications sent to you by SeriousMD. Notice that the last two
are arrives by email.

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Clicking on the Settings icon (the gear-shaped icon) for each

setting shows you more options. For example, if we click on the
one for the very first setting, this is what we see:

This is for a reminder that is sent to patients on the day of their

appointment at your clinic. Using the options provided, you can
restrict it to happen only for patients of a chosen clinic or to
restrict it to an SMS list that you yourself can create.

Now if you do want to create patient appointment reminders,

you need to move over to the Custom Reminders tab within

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Here you can manage your reminders (if you already have
some saved). You can also create them. Simply click on
the Add Reminder option. A popup box will appear.

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Using the popup box, you can do the following:

Give the reminder a name

Enter the reminder text

Set when the reminder should run automatically

Choose whether to send it via SMS, email, or SeriousMD

Messenger (you can also choose to send it to yourself)

Choose whether or not it is a one-time reminder

Select the Start Date and Start Time

Select the patients who can receive the reminder (not shown
in the image above, you have to scroll down to see it)

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This is where you can go to set myriad preferences affecting

your account.

Here is a list of the preferences you can set here:

The sections/categories of medical information available on

your patients’ profiles.
The manner in which patients are ordered in your patient list
(by first or last name, alphabetically).
The default options for your “reason for visit” field in
patients’ appointments.
The duration of time blocks in your Calendar
Whether or not appointments should be added to the
Calendar by default.
Automatic sign off notes after 24 hours.
The visible fields on the patient's header.

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This is where you can go to create an export file of your

appointments. Some hospitals require a quick overview of your
consultations, this will export your consultation information into
a spreadsheet file.

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Need to add custom forms to your account? In need of a new

custom note header for printed medical notes? Or maybe you
just want to add new image templates to the physical
examination diagrams? All of these can be managed on the
Templates tab under Settings.

All of the sub-tabs within Templates are managed in much the

same way, with the exception of the one for Custom Note
Header/Footer. This is shown in the image above.

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On most other tabs, this is usually what you see:

As seen here on the Text templates tab, you are shown a list of
templates already in use on your SeriousMD account. Each
template has an icon of the ellipses or “…” that stands for
Options. Click on any template’s Options icon to bring up
options to delete the template or edit it.

Notice that on the top right you have the Library button, a drop-
down menu, and an Add icon. The Library lets you add
templates to your account from a database of available ones
that we supply. If the button is grayed out (as it is in the image
above), it means there is no available text template database.
Not all template categories have libraries at the moment.

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Add obviously adds new templates to the selected category. If

you select it for Text templates, for example, you would be
shown a screen where you can type the content of the text
template you are adding. Saving that will add it to the text
templates on your account. Clicking on the Text box will show
you a drop-down menu where you can choose in what category
to add a template.

Clicking on the Text box will show you a drop-down menu where
you can choose in what category to add a template.

For more information on adding templates to your account, see

How to Add Templates and Custom Forms in this guide.

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This is where you go to manage Favorites you have created on

the app. In the example below, the user wants to edit some of
the prescriptions he created and saved as favorites in order to

If you want to add a prescription, simply choose from the left

side panel. To delete a prescription, just click on the Options
button on the right side of that prescription and click Delete.

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The Messenger settings tab lets you manage both

announcements (reminders) and messages forwarded by the

How to Send Announcements

These are different from automatic reminders, which are sent to

patients just to remind them of their appointments. These are
announcements from your practice about other events or topics
instead. If you do want to create an automatic appointment
reminder for your patients, see the Notifications and
Automatic Reminders section of this guide, under Account

However, creating an announcement is very similar to creating

an automatic reminder.

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If you already have any saved, you can see them here and even
search for them. Otherwise, you will have to add
announcements manually by selecting the add (+) icon on the
upper right corner.

Fill in the necessary details and then choose whether to Save

and Close or Save and Send. You can also edit or delete the
announcement by clicking the icons on their respective icons.

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How to Set Where SeriousMD Forwards Your


This is under the Preferences sub-tab under Messenger, as

seen below.

Selecting the dropdown arrow will show all your listed

associates for the account. Just select which one you want to
be the recipient of SeriousMD messages and click Save.

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This is one of the most important options under Settings. The

tools here let you manage the security and safety of your
account, so be careful when changing anything on it.

How to Change Your Email and Login Details

You have to go to the Login and Security sub-tab for this.

The options here let you change your account’s email, change
your login password, and even set whether or not you want to
turn on two-factor authentication for added security.

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How to Add Staff

To add staff to your SeriousMD account, use the Sub-
Users sub-tab.

Note that selecting a user’s Options icon (“…”) here lets you edit
their Role (they may be listed as either a Secretary or a Nurse)
and whether or not they are allowed to login on iOS (on a
portable iDevice, in other words).

If what you want is to add staff, just click on the Add User
button (see the top right of the screenshot above). It will give
you a popup box for entering their email and selecting their role.
An invitation will then be sent out to them.

Note: Only after creating an account will you be able to set the
user to have access to the iOS app. By default, it is disallowed.

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How to Set Staff Permissions

Once you get multiple staff members using your account, you
may want to set your permissions. This decides what they can
or can’t do on the app.

First, go to the Permissions sub-tab.

This will already show you a rundown of the permissions

granted to each user. To edit the permissions, simply click on
the Edit icon at the top right of the screen, then check or
uncheck the items, then hit the save button when you are done.

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How to See All the Activity on Your Account

You may want to audit what has been happening on your

SeriousMD account. To check the activity on it, just select the
Activity Tracker under Security. It will show you a list of all
actions taken by users on your account, as well as give you
filters for easier tracking. Refer to the image below.

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Chapter 11

Mobile App
Take SeriousMD with you, offline

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The Mobile App

The mobile app is the version of the software that you can use
for ultraportable devices, e.g. your iPhone or your iPad. It is also
the version of the software that you can use offline.

For the most part, the mobile app looks like the browser
(desktop/laptop) version. Any changes in appearance and
format are entirely for utility, as navigating on a smartphone or
tablet is different from navigating on a desktop/laptop. Nearly all
functions available on the browser version are also on the
mobile app.

Why have the mobile app if you already use the browser
version? For convenience.

It makes the power of SeriousMD accessible to you even when

you are away from your computer, and it also makes it easy to
become more mobile in your work.

Our users like to bring their iPhones or iPads with them during
rounds and use SeriousMD to take notes, check on patient
data, etc.

You can download it from the Apple App Store or by clicking this
link Be sure to drop us a review!

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Chapter 12

Now Serving
A patient-centric app

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Now Serving
The Now Serving app is a patient-centric app that’s connected
to your system.

The Now Serving app was originally built to help inform your
patients about their queue position, so they can make the most
of their time. Roam around the mall, finish chores, have some
coffee and go back to the clinic when it’s almost their turn.

Today, the Now Serving app also gives you a way to:

Book a schedule
Chat with your staff to ask for schedules or ask minor
They can be notified if the doctor is already IN and has started
They will be notified if the doctor cancelled the clinic due to an
They can now do online consults with their doctor
Save transcripts of their online consult
Have access to the prescriptions and other files sent to them
by their doctor

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Chapter 13

Booking Platform
Stepping up your game

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Booking Platform
As a patient, whether they want to set an appointment with you
for a face-to-face or virtual consultation, they can now do it
online! Yes! You read it right! Booking an appointment with you
has never been easier!

Booking an Appointment Online using a

The patient can find your SeriousMD page in a number of
Patient gets the link from you or your secretary
Patient sees the link from social media or other channels
(Your SeriousMD page also has social sharing links that your
patients can use to recommend you!)
Patient searches your name in Google and sees your
SeriousMD page

On your webpage, the patient must click the “Book

Appointment” button.

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They will then choose if they are an EXISTING PATIENT or a

After that, they will select what type of consultation they want to
request and the date.
***If it’s a clinic visit, they have the option to choose the most
convenient clinic for them
They will then click the box and then click continue.

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They must fill out the necessary details and click submit.

Now they await your confirmation.

A download link was sent to your patient’s phone/email.
They must click the link to download the Now Serving app to
communicate with you.

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Booking an Appointment Online using the

Now Serving app
For now, only existing patients that are linked to your
SeriousMD account request for an appointment through the
Now Serving app.

All they need to do is go to the Now Serving app, click the

Schedules tab, and then click Book Appointment.

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Just like booking in a browser, the patient needs to choose if it's

a Virtual Consult or a Clinic Visit, and fill out the necessary

A request will be sent to your SeriousMD account for you to

accept/decline the patient's appointment request.

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Chapter 13

Virtual Consultation
Teleheath is the only way to go

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Virtual Consultation
Virtual Consultation can be done through your smartphone,
iPad, and computer. Although, we suggest trying it out first on
the computer, so you'll be able to have a bigger screen AND
some time to practice/learn the process.

Note: Without the link from the doctor, the patient cannot enter
the Now Serving app. This is the key to load the app and to be
able to receive the call.

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Option 1: Manually Informing the Patient

Have the patient download the Now Serving app on the phone
(in this case, you can download it on your phone to test it with

First, add yourself as a patient - Add your primary mobile

number and/or email address, then Save it.

Next, on the Patient Profile, press the Options (...) button then
click the Start Virtual Consultation and press Start Call.

Alternatively, you can also press Send Mobile app Link if you
want to send the link via SMS/email.

You can also View the Mobile App Link and copy it manually
to share to the patient.

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Patient Side

The patient (you) will receive an SMS and/or email, with

a unique link. Tap the link and it will automatically log you in
the Now Serving app. The patient (you) answers the call from
the "doctor." and turns on the video by clicking on the video icon
at the top - that's it!

Note: The patient cannot enter the Now Serving app if he did
not receive the link from you. It's a unique link that is specifically
created and designated for the patient.

So make sure the number and/or email address of your patient

is correct.
With this scenario, you can do this with patients that manually
book/call you or your secretary.
Once you or your secretary schedules them in SeriousMD, just
click Send Mobile app Link so they can receive the link ahead
of time and download it already. We also suggest adding a time
so the patient knows what time you are going to call.
The informing of consent is up to you of course.

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Option 2: Patients Automatically get the

Booking Link
If the patient goes through your online booking page, it will send
him/her the unique link automatically once you accept the
patient or is deemed verified to be an existing follow-up patient.

You can check all your booking requests and pending new
patient requests by clicking on the Calendar icon on your
Appointments dashboard.

Note: Without the link from their doctor, the patient cannot enter
the Now Serving app. The link is the key to load the app and to
be able to receive your call.

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Cashless Billing
There may be times that patients ask if you accept credit card or
cashless payment. Worry no more, we got you covered!

Let's say you just finished doing an online consult or even a

face to face consult.

Simply head over to the Billing dashboard, and click on New

Bill. After that, press the Save & Send Pay Link button. The
patient will receive a link to the bill via SMS and email address.
They must click the link and checkout.

We basically act as your secretary that receives the patient's

payment and we will pay you weekly directly to your account
(Php 2,500 minimum payout for the moment).

Note: SMD Bot will show you a notification for each successful
payment. A successful payment ALSO automatically settles the
bill in the history. There is also a new Payouts tab to see all
successful payments and what we have paid out already to you.

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Chapter 15

Security and Privacy

Your account, your data. Private, backed up and secure

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Security and Privacy

SeriousMD strives to provide you with a secure, professional
service. While privacy and security standards are still thin on
the ground in the Philippine healthcare industry, we have
referred to international and foreign regulations to ensure we are
giving our users the security they deserve. For instance, we
actually comply with the United States HIPAA or Health
Insurance Privacy and Accountability Act. We also have a strict
Data Policy in place, as well as security measures like the

SSL AES 256-bit encryption

Role-designated access usage
Physical and electronic data barricades (e.g. firewalls,
secured servers, etc.)
Secure login rules
Automatic session logout
Server firewalls
Secure server authentication
Service integrity
Two-factor authentication
Professional data handling/storage company policies

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Since we also recognize that you, as the owner of your data,

have supreme rights to it, we give you the following

That you can back up your data at any time with a dedicated
utility we supply.
That you can maintain a copy of your files.
That we will not copy, access, or alter your data sans your
That only a few members of the company (whose duties
require it of them) may access your database, in which case
they would still act in keeping with the assurance previous to
this one.

How to Keep your SeriousMD Account


There are some things you can do to keep your data and
account safe. Here are the most important:

Keep your login information private.

Log out promptly after using the app.
Keep the app updated on all of your devices to ensure
security patches/fixes are current.
Use complex passwords (use upper and lower case, use
numerals, and use letters).
Monitor who uses your devices and keep them safe
Keep devices safe electronically by having an antivirus or
antivirus replacement program (like Malwarebytes) on them.

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Chapter 16

Quickstart Guide
Thousands of other doctors have done it. You can, too.

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Quickstart Guide
If you’re just looking for the fastest way to start using
SeriousMD, here it is. Basically, these are the steps involved:

1. Involve your staff

2. Staff will start to input old data

3. Customize to fit your practice

4. Test the notes

5. Implement

We have identified 5 steps to getting you started as soon as

possible. We recommend doing the following to quickly start
using SeriousMD. A lot of doctors using SeriousMD today
literally started using it right after signing up.

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Step 1: Involve your staff

This is if you want your staff to start using the app before or at
the same time as you. You need to add them to your account

1. Log in and go to Settings

2. Go to Security, click on Sub-users
3. Click Add User button
4. Enter Email Address
5. Pick a Role (secretary/nurse)
6. Hit the Invite button to send

7. The email address you used will receive an email from the
SeriousMD system.
8. Click the button in the email
9. Enter the staff’s name and password to create the sub-user
account (your staff can be the one that does this)

That’s it! You now have your 1st sub-user account. You can
repeat this for the rest of your staff. Ask your staff to not forget
their login credentials.
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Step 2: Instruct your staff to input old records

Chances are, you’re coming from a paper based practice. In this

case, most SeriousMD users started by having their staff create
a patient profile and taking a picture of the old records.

Here’s their simple step by step process:

A patient comes in, the secretary checks if she has already

inputted the patient in SeriousMD
If the patient is not in the app, she creates a new profile in
She takes the old paper records of the patient
Take pictures of the notes and lab results
Put the saved paper records in the “to dispose” pile

That’s it! Over the next few months, you’ll notice less paper files
in your clinics until you can dispose of your file cabinet as well.

SeriousMD users now have more space for their patients in

their clinics without bulky file cabinets eating up precious clinic

Note: If you have a digital copy or used a different system, we

can help you import it. Send the Support team a message by
hitting the Support button on the SeriousMD tab.

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Step 3: Customize to fit your practice

SeriousMD is customizable and we made sure to include tools

to help you cut down input time. Nobody knows how you run
your practice more than you do and that’s why nobody can
tweak the app better than you.

With that said, here are the things you can EASILY customize
right now.


Not all practices will need to see the BMI nor Respiratory
Rate. So you can simply remove what you don’t need by
tapping on the chosen Vital, then turn off the Show on Vitals
Want to change the height’s unit to FT? Tap on the chosen
Vital and pick your preferred unit.
Are you a pediatrician looking for the growth charts? Turn on
“Show Reference Data” and see it magically appear.


Go to Settings > Preferences

Sort patients by first name or last name
Reasons for Visit
Patient Profile Settings

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Go to Settings > Templates

You can add all your templates there for Text (pre-save letters
and forms) or you can group frequently used medicines and


Go to Settings > Favorites > Prescription

Add or sort your most frequently used medicines (and your
instructions for them) so you only need to tap once when you
create a prescription. No need to type anything at all!

Note: Do you need a customized form or are you looking for a

calculator? We can help! Check out our custom forms or just let
us know and we’ll import it to your account.

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STEP 4: Test the notes

On the Patient Profile, click the New Note icon. You'll see a list
of options that you can use.

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STEP 5: Fully implement in your practice

Now that you’re familiar with the notes and your staff knows
how to add patients & appointments, it’s time to implement it
live in your practice. You can start with one clinic at a time if you
run multiple clinics.

Want to do it even more gradually? Why not do it with one

patient a day for one week, then two patients a day for the next,
then three patients a day for the one after, and so on? As time
goes on, you’ll grow more comfortable with it —and it will be
worth your commitment.

Want to see a demo video? Schedule time with us by hitting the

Support tab!

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Chapter 17

Set-up Suggestions
Imagine this for your set-up

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Set-up Suggestions
The exact way you set up SeriousMD at your clinic will depend
on your circumstances, but essentially, most use it with a 2-user

1. User A = Owner/doctor

2. User B = Secretary/receptionist

The number of devices in a basic setup will vary, but can be as

low as 2. Since SeriousMD works on iPhones, iPad, and
computers (desktops/laptops), there is a lot of flexibility here.

Most users find it convenient to have User B run SeriousMD on

a computer at the office while User A runs it on a portable
device of some sort: an iPhone or tablet, for instance. This
allows User A mobility while retaining access to the clinic’s data
and management tools. User A typically also has SeriousMD on
a computer, however. The mobile app version is only for the
moments when mobility is important.

If you are curious about whether or not your gadgets will work
with SeriousMD, just see the Hardware Suggestions section of
this guide. For more about getting started, see the previous
section (the Quickstart Guide) of this guide.

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Chapter 18

You can stop worrying about it

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Hardware Suggestions
Not sure if your computer will work with SeriousMD? Or maybe
you’re concerned about your printer’s compatibility? Take a look
at our hardware suggestions below.

Desktop, Laptop, and Portable

On a computer, you can use the web app, so you can basically
run it as long as you have an Internet browser (like Mozilla
Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.). It doesn’t matter what your
operating system is.

As for portables, SeriousMD was created to work with most

devices as long as they can work securely. For now, the app is
restricted for iDevices (an Android version is in development). If
you have an iPad lying around the house, you may choose to
use that and install the SeriousMD app. You may also choose to
purchase a new device. It’s up to you.

We recommend to have 1 device for each user. If you prefer to

have offline capability, we recommend the iPad. If you prefer to
type, write and draw, we recommend the iPad Pro. If you will
use it for rounds, an iPhone will definitely do.

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SeriousMD works with just about any wire-connected printer,

although if you want to use wireless printing from your iPad or
iPhone, you will need a printer that has AirPrint. Be sure to look
at the box to see the AirPrint logo.

If you have a wireless-printing printer lying around where you

can print using their app but is not AirPrint capable, then it's
possible to export the note from SeriousMD and print it through
their app (HP Smart, Epson, Brother, Canon App, etc) - it's just
an extra step of exporting and another extra step to switch apps.

If you need help, suggestions or advice for sourcing devices, let

us know and we'll help you out.


The app works without Internet connectivity, but you will need to
be online if you want your files to be synced from one device to
another. If you’re working online and your connection is stable,
you should be syncing data files almost instantly. If you’re
working offline, the changes made to files will be saved and
then synced with the Cloud and other devices the next time you
go online.

Connection stability tends to be more important than speed.

Most of our users either use a DSL connection at their clinics,
log on to hospital Wi-Fi, or even just bring their own pocket Wi-
Fi devices.

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Chapter 19

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions that other doctors have asked.
Probably the same questions you have now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions often asked about SeriousMD, what it does, how it
works or how to easily adopt it for a medical practice.

Q: Are there any upfront costs?

A: Absolutely not! No setup fees, no payment details collected.
Just sign up and start using it.

Q: Does SeriousMD work on any device?

A: Yes, it works on any device as long as it’s deemed secure by
the system. For example, some operating systems or browsers
are much too outdated and with our commitment to security,
SeriousMD will not run on those devices until the software is

Q: Can I track HMOs?

A: Yes, you definitely can.

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Q: Do you have the ICD-10 database?

A: Yes, we have an updated ICD-10 that you can assign to your
diagnosis via the SOAP note.

Q: Can my nurses and secretaries use SeriousMD?

A: Yes. We recommend the main account holder to create a
sub-account for them.

Q: Can I send reminders to my patients?

A: We have both automated email and SMS reminders for your
patients and it's all set and forget!

Q: Will I get charged right after I sign up?

A: Nope. All new sign ups will get a 30-Day Pro Plan
Trial. Once the 30 days are over, you will revert to a
SeriousMD Basic account, which is free for life but has a limit
for the number of patients you can add. You’ll be able to
upgrade anytime you want.

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Q: Do I need internet for SeriousMD?

A: Yes and no. Our iOS app allows you to completely
use SeriousMD Doctors offline, as all data is stored in the
iPad or iPhone’s storage. However, we do recommend
going online so our app can sync and backup your data into
our secure cloud servers. If you also plan to use
SeriousMD Doctors with multiple devices across multiple users
or locations, you will want to have an Internet connection
to allow for real-time syncing of data across all devices.

Q: Does my secretary or nurse need an iPad?

A: It will depend on the setup that you want. SeriousMD adapts
to what your current setup is. If you already have a desktop or
laptop computer that’s being used by your secretary or nurse,
that computer can be used to access SeriousMD’s web app, so
you might not need another iPad after all.

Q: Can I write? I prefer to write rather than type.

A: No problem. We want doctors to focus on the patient and
we’ve designed SeriousMD to be as unobtrusive as possible.
That’s why you can type with a keyboard or write with your
finger or stylus whichever way you prefer. You can even write
with your pen and paper and just snap an image of it.

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Q: Do you have a drug database?

A: Yes, we have an updated drug database to make it easy for
our users to prescribe the correct medication.

Q: Can I track my clinic’s finances?

A: Yes, our billing module allows you to keep track of your
billing, collections, and inventory.

Q: What other fees will I be charged with?

A: You will only be charged the monthly subscription fee after
you upgrade. We have free SMS credits but you may choose to
purchase additional SMS credits (optional).

Q: Can I schedule a call?

A: Yes, just visit this page and pick a time that works for you.

Q: Do you have training material for my staff?

A: Yes, just click here.

For other questions not here, simply check our online Help
Center by clicking here or just ask us while you are using the

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Book A Consultation
Thousands of Filipino doctors are using SeriousMD
everyday to manage their medical practices. 
It’s very easy to get started.
If you have questions, we’re always here to help

Want to see what other doctors say about

Click here or


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