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cRef # HRM/CH/08/CA-01020304 Human Resource Management

Naima Saleem
Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Lecturer
Class: ________________Section: _____________Semester:________________

Appraisal system

A College of Business at a large university (we will not name it, but 2. Do you think that students should be the raters in this
this is a description of a real project) is currently implementing a appraisal system of teachers at university level? What other
new professor teaching appraisal system that is linked directly to sources of appraisal would you recommend?
college goals. Some of the college goals include teaching 3. A number of faculty members at university level are
international aspects of business, providing team skills and concerned that student ratings are only a popularity contest
sensitivity to ethical issues, and encouraging collaborative learning. and do not indicate teaching quality or amount of learning.
The dean formed a committee to develop ways to measure how well Do you agree or disagree?
professors meet each of these goals. For example, the committee
proposed that students give feedback about how much they
developed team collaboration skills in a course or how much they
improved their ability to make ethical decisions.

With this type of appraisal system, the college goals are the
dimensions on which professor performance levels are measured.
Because the major purpose of the new appraisal system is to
encourage professors to contribute to the college goals in their
teaching efforts, merit pay is tied to how well the professors rate in
the categories.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. A number of professors are concerned that their courses do
not contribute to all of the goals. For instance, a course
might address the international, but not the ethical goal. How
do you think this problem should be dealt with in the
appraisal system?

Changing the Appraisal System at Southeastern University
The staff at Southeastern University has expressed a number of developmental. The percentages are reversed (40/60) in
complaints regarding performance appraisal over the past couple of regard to what staff would prefer the purpose of appraisal to
years. The system was put in place more than 12 years ago, and a be. A more developmental system seems to be desired.
number of people on staff believe it is time for a change. Staff 2. Approximately two thirds of the staff believe that
positions run the gamut from janitors and plumbers to secretaries. supervisory liking influences performance appraisal. One
The staff has its own council and has appointed a committee to study third of the supervisors concur.
the appraisal issue. One of the committee's more interesting findings 3. Both supervisors and workers believe that situational factors
was that the university id using more than a dozen different rating place constraints on performance. For example, more than
forms. This discovery has only added to the employees' perceptions half of those surveyed indicated that budget constraints and
of inequitable appraisal, and soon there were a number of charges of equipment availability adversely affected performance.
discrimination in appraisal. 4. Many workers believe that their supervisor does not provide
adequate feedback. Overall, there seems to be a
These problems attracted the attention of Southeastern University's dissatisfaction with supervision and a belief that favoritism
president, who appointed a task force to study the issue and to and bias are commonplace.
recommend a new appraisal system. In the course of its study, the
task force surveyed other universities' staff appraisal systems. It The task force needs to make recommendations to the university
found every type of approach, ranging from the simple to the highly president, and the chair of the task force is looking for direction.
sophisticated. Some were based on traits, others on outcomes, still
others on behaviors. There seemed to be no consistency across Critical Thinking Questions
1. What kind of staff appraisal system would you recommend
With the assistance of a management professor, the task force also for Southeastern University? Why?
conducted a survey of staff workers and their supervisors. Here are 2. How can managers address the issues raised in the staff
some of the major findings of this survey: survey? Explain.
3. Describe how the new system should be implemented.
1. The majority of supervisors and staff (60%) view the
purpose of the current system as administrative rather than

Is Appraisal Fair?

W. Edwards Deming's 1986 book Out of the Crisis has been popping "I think you're right, Jack. But this is a complex area. How about we
up all over the plant ever since the TQM effort got started last get together in a week after I've had some time to go over the issue?"
quarter. As a mid-level manager, you're excited about the prospects
of this approach, but you're afraid that the transition to TQM may Critical Thinking Questions
mean some serious headaches for you. On the one hand, you are still
responsible for your unit's operation. On the other hand, you don't 1. What would you do to prepare for your next meeting with
seem to have any authority over how the work gets done. All this Jack?
empowerment stuff is fine with you as long as the workers go in the 2. How can you satisfactorily resolve Jack's issue without for
direction you want them to take. "Can they really handle the asking the empowerment approach that is critical to TQM's
responsibility?" you ask yourself. "How can I be sure they won't take success?
this empowerment as an excuse to shirk their responsibilities?" 3. What position will you take on appraisal when you meet
with Jack next week? Why?
Your dismal thoughts are interrupted when Jack, an outspoken team
leader, strides into your office and says, "Hey, big shot!" (He's called
you that ever since you were promoted into management from your
shop floor position.) "Let's talk about this performance appraisal
business. It's a sham! We shouldn't have to be subjected to something
so unfair."

"What do you mean, 'unfair'?" you blurt out, feeling the stirrings of a
monumental headache.

"Well, according to Deming, appraisal shouldn't be done. Besides,

you and I both know it's nothing but a big pain."

"Hmmm," you think to yourself. "Jack is right—appraisal can be

painful. But what he doesn't see is its usefulness. We relied on
performance ratings when promotion openings became available.
Appraisals were also the basis for distributing merit money and the
major justification for other personnel actions such as layoffs and
terminations. What's going to take the place of appraisal in allocating
those outcomes?" Your stream of thought is interrupted by Jack's
exasperated sigh. You're not sure what to do, but you know you have
to buy some time.

Is Quantification the Right Approach?

Midwest Corporation is a medium-sized conglomerate with 14 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Midwest's
divisions: 3 in the hotel/restaurant business, 5 in furniture proposed three-step HR evaluation procedure? Explain.
manufacturing, and 6 in the financial sector. In collaboration with a 2. Do you agree with the method being proposed at Midwest?
consultant, the HR department at corporate headquarters has If not, what alternatives would you suggest?
developed a procedure to evaluate the health of each division's HR 3. Is linking the HRM effectiveness score to division managers'
system. This procedure consists of three steps: performance appraisal and pay likely to have a positive or
negative effect on these managers' behavior? Why or why
1. Using computerized record files, generate not?
information on each division's turnover rate,
absenteeism rate, number of grievances, accident Cooperative Learning Exercise
rate, and number of equal opportunity complaints. 1. Form into groups of four to five students each. One
2. Compute an overall index of HR effectiveness for student plays the HR director, the others division
each division that summarizes all the information managers. The division managers have just recently
generated in Step 1. heard about the HR director's proposal and have asked
3. Compute the difference between each division's for a meeting to express their reservations about the
overall HR effectiveness index (generated in Step 2) plan. Play out that meeting.
and the average overall HR effectiveness for all of
Midwest's similar businesses. Thus, for example, the
furniture manufacturing plant in Chattanooga,
Tennessee, would be compared to all of Midwest's
other furniture manufacturing plants.

The HR director at Midwest's corporate headquarters has been able

to persuade top executives that the appraisal and compensation of
division executives should be based in part on the comparative
computations done in Step 3. The goal, as the HR director sees it, is
to hold division managers accountable for the effective use of human
resources in each plant.

Critical Thinking Questions

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