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Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-7

Complete the notes below.



Courses Available in

For example:…Writing… in first term

1………………… in second term

2………………… throughout the year

3………………… during the long vacation

Class sizes: 4………………. maximum

Course costs often paid by the 5…………………..

Exams are available in 6……………………

Must enroll by 7…………………

Questions 8-10

Choose THREE letters, A-G

Which THREE items does the student need to bring to the first class?

A. passport

B. computer disk

C. note from the tutor

D. notebook

E. student identity card

F. dictionary

G. registration form
Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-15

Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to Questions 11-15

A.   tube

B.   train

C.   bus

Features of Transport
11. cheapest………………….

12. most convenient………………….

13. most comfortable………………….

14. fastest………………….

15. most frequent service………………….

Questions 16-20

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 16-20.

16. bus stop

17. train station

18. tube entrance

19. transport ticket office

20. taxi rank

Section 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-23

Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter A- E next to
Questions 21-23

What is the advantage of each course?

Advantages of the Course

A.     will be tested in the final exams

B.     will be useful for a future job

C.     will help with research skills

D.     will improve writing skills

E.     will support material already covered

21. Science and Ethics

22. Pharmacology Prelim

23. Reporting Test Results

Questions 24-30 

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

24. The Math course will run in the …………………

25. The tutor for Pharmacology is visiting from ………………….

26. ………………………. for the project must be submitted by the end of January.

25. Resources for experiments are available in the ………………………

26. Extra ……………………. will be held in December.

27. Students are allowed to do presentations in ………………………..

30. Course assessment will be based on ……………………..

Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-37

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

  New Features Size  Problem

transport individual transportation roads will be narrower levels of investm

roofs will have 32…………………. of 33………………

commercial areas
31………….. the current area be limited to outs

providing enough
homes made
residential areas will be limited to 15,000 housing
of 34………………..
for 35……………

noise and conges

36………………. will be energy plants will be
energy sources caused
an energy source smaller
by 37……………
Questions 38-40

Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Which three types of accommodation docs the speaker say will increase in city

38. …………………

39. …………………

40. …………………

Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-4

Complete the form below.



DVD Customer Profile

Occupation: Student

For example: Have you owned a DVD player before? No

1. What is the maximum you want to spend on a DVD player? …………………

2. How often do you watch DVDs? …………………..

3. What type of films do you enjoy? ……………………

4. What other DVDs (non-film) do you watch? ……………………..

Questions 5-10

Complete the table below.


Player Features Cost After-sales service

DB 30 basic £69 5……………… only

8……………… at a
XL 643 Can also 6…………… 7……………………
reduced cost

Will also £94 including

TriX 24 Guaranteed for 3 years
play 9………………. 10………..

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-20

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Your home:
11. A quarter of break-ins are through the ……………………

12. The ……………………. of the house should also be protected.

13. You should warn burglars your house is alarmed by putting a …………………..
in the window
The alarms:
14. The alarms show a constant ………………………

15. The alarms can be set off by a …………………….

16. The alarms are connected to the ……………………..

17. The alarms are usually installed in …………………………

18. The security code should be kept ………………………

19. The alarms can be installed ……………………… at an additional cost.

20. Customers can pay ………………………… for their alarm system.

Section 3
Questions 21-30

Questions 21-27

Complete the summary below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Essay Writing
Essay writing is simply the process of 21……………… information and presenting
your 22………………… You will need to use skills of
analysis, 23…………………… and expression. The more essays you write, the more
you will develop these skills. The key to producing a good essay is in
the 24…………………… Allow plenty of time to work out what you need to do. You
will find several books in the library to help you with the
particular 25…………………….. of academic writing. When you have completed
your essay you must remember to 26………………….. it carefully and take out
anything irrelevant. Also, once you have received your mark, you should check your
essay through as, by doing this, you can 27……………………. from it.

Questions 28-30

Choose THREE letters A-G

Which THREE pieces of advice does the tutor give the student?

A. break the question down into smaller questions

B. check the vocabulary in the question

C. limit how much you read

D. make sure you have good notes

E. use only a few quotations

F. ask a friend to read your essay

G. try to be objective

Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-36

Complete the flow chart below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Questions 37-40 

Answer the questions below.



37. How many main trading partners does the UK have?

38. Which sector does the tutor want students to study?

39. What does the tutor want students to look at changes in?

40. When does the tutor want the project completed by?

Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-4

Complete the schedule below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Example: Globetrotters Language School

Class Schedule
Chinese Level: Advanced

Level: Advanced

Days: 1_____________evenings


Level: 2______________

Days: Tuesday and Thursday mornings

Level: 3_______________

Days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings


Level: Intermediate

Days: Friday 4_______________
Questions 5-8

Complete the information below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE NUMBER for each answer.

Tuition Information
One week 5_____________$

Four weeks 6____________$

Six weeks 7_____________$

Twelve weeks 8___________$

Questions 9-10

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

9. Students can register for a class by visiting __________________.

10. _______________________ is in charge of student registration.

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-15

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter; A—J, next to questions 11—15.

11. Harbor View Bookstore

12. Pear Café

13. Souvenir Store

14. Art Gallery

15. Harbor Park

Questions 16-20

Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Harbor Park
16. The park was built in ______________.

17. A ______________ stands in the center of the park.

18. Take the path through the__________________.

19. In the middle of the garden is a__________________ .

20. A ___________________takes you down to the harbor and a view of the boats.
Section 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-24

Complete the information about the archives.



Welcome to City Archives

The following people may use the archives:

University students with a valid 21_____________

City residents with payment of 22_____________

All others: Special permission from the director is required.


Days: 23 ____________ through _______________

Hours:  9:30 A.M. until 24 ________________P.M.

Questions 25-30

Write the correct Utter, A-G next to questions 25-30.

What can be found on each floor1 of the archives building?

City Archives
A. nineteenth-century documents

B. maps

C. personal papers

D. photographs

E. books about the city

F. newspapers

G. Information about the woolen mill

The floor of the Building

25. basement          _____

26. ground floor    _____

27. second floor     _____

28. third floor        _____

29. fourth floor      _____

30. fifth floor         _____

Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-33

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Historical Uses of Wind Power

Ancient China Windmills were used to 31___________

Ancient Persia Farmers used wind power to 32_____________

The Netherlands People used windmills to 33____________

Questions 34-40

Complete the chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Wind Power

Advantages Disadvantages

Unlike oil and coal, wind power does not

The cost of the initial investment is high.
cause 34__________

There are limited supplies of oil and coal, but The 37___________ of the wind is not
wind is a 35_____________ constant.

It 36_________ to generate electricity with the Wind turbines are usually located far
wind from 38___________

Wind turbines do not take up much land Wind turbines may spoil 39_____________

Wind turbines are as 40___________ as a high-

speed car.

Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-5

Complete the chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Example: Plainfield  community centre

Classes and Activities

Days Class/Activity Age Group

Wednesday, Saturday 1____________ children, teens

2_____________ Tennis 3____________

Tuesday, Thursday 4____________ children, teens, adults

Friday Book club 5____________

Questions 6-10

Complete the notes below.



Membership fees 6___________$ (individual)

7___________$ (family)

Located at 107 8___________ Street.

Parking is located 9___________.

The Center is closed on 10 ____________.

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-15

Choose FIVE letters, A—J.

Which FIVE things should hikers take on the hiking trip?

A. sleeping bag                                     F. backpack

B. tent                                                    G. walking poles

C. food                                                   H. maps

D. dishes                                                I. jacket

E. hiking boots.                                    J. first-aid kit

Questions 16-20

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Safety Rules for Hiking

Always stay ahead of the 16______________

Stop and wait at any 17_____________

Don’t try to climb 18_______________

Don’t 19______________wild animals.

Always carry 20_______________with you.

Section 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-24

Choose FOUR letters A-G.

Which FOUR of the following are required of student teachers?

A. weekly journal.

B. sample lesson plans

C. meetings with other student teachers

D. observing other teachers

E. evaluation from supervising teacher

F. portfolio

G. final exam

Question 25

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C

25. Who has to sign the agreement form?

A. the student teacher

B. the supervising teacher

C. the advisor
Questions 26-30

Complete the schedule below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

First week 26____________ due

Fourth week 27____________ meeting

Seventh week 28____________

Fourteenth week 29____________  due

Fifteenth week 30____________

Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-35

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C

31. Retailers place popular items

A. in the back of the store.

B. near the front entrance.

C. at the end of the aisle.

32. Carpet patterns are used to

A. help shoppers feel comfortable.

B. appeal to shoppers’ decorative sense.

C. encourage shoppers to walk in certain directions.

33. Retailers can keep customers in the store longer by

A. providing places to sit.

B. keeping the doors closed.

C. lowering the prices.

34. Music is used in stores to

A. entertain customers.

B. slow customers down.

C. make customers shop faster.

35. The scent of vanilla has been used in

A. ice cream shops.

B. bakeries.

C. clothing stores.
Questions 36-40

Complete the chart about the effects of colours

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Colors Effect

Purple encourages people to 36____________

Orange makes restaurant customers 37___________

Blue conveys a sense of 38_____________

Bright colors appeal to 39_____________

Soft colors appeal to 40______________


Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-4

Complete the form below.


Example: Grandview Hotel

Reservation Form

Arrival date: 1_______________ 13th.

Number of nights: 2

Number of guests: 2________________

Guest name: Roxanne  3______________

Credit card number 4______________

Questions 5-7

Choose THREE letters, A-G.

Which THREE places will the caller visit?

A. art museum

B. science museum

C. shopping mall

D. monument

E. post office

F. restaurant

G. park

Questions 8-10

Choose the correct letters, A, B or C

8. When will the caller arrive at the airport?

A. In the morning

B. In the afternoon

C. At night

9. How will the caller get to the hotel?

A. Subway

B. Bus

C. Taxi
10. What time does the hotel front desk close?

A. 10:00

B. 12:00

C. 2:00

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11 and 12

Complete the information below.

Write ONE NUMBER for each answer.

City Tours Fare Information

Adult All-Day Pass: 11 ______________$

Children ages 5-12 All-Day Pass: 12______________$

Children under age 5: Free

Questions 13-15

Label the map below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Questions 16-20

Complete the chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

Place Activity

First stop Enjoy the 16___________ of the day

Second stop Look at the 17____________

Third stop 18_____________ fish

Fourth stop Purchase 19______________

Fifth stop Visit the 20______________

Section 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-23

Answer the questions below.



21. When is the research project due ?__________________

22. Where will the students conduct the interviews?______________________

23. How many interviews will they complete all together?___________________

Questions 24-30

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Complete the outline showing the steps the students will take to complete their

24. Read _______________.

25. __________________

26. Get ________________

27. ___________________

28. Get together to __________________

29. Prepare _______________

30. Give __________________

Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-40

Complete the timeline below. 



1832 31 __________________

In her teens Alcott worked to 32 _______________

At age 17 Alcott wrote 33_________________

34_______ Alcott enlisted as an army nurse.

Alcott published her letters in a book called

Hospital Sketches.

36_______ Alcott returned from her trip to Europe.

37_______ Alcott published Little Women.

1879  38_____________ died

39_______ Alcott set up a home for her family in Boston.

1888 40_________________

Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-10

Complete the form below.


Example:                            Clear Point  Telephone Company

Customer Order Form

Order taken by: Ms. Jones

Name: Harold 1____________

Address: 2______________ Fulton Avenue, apartment 12

Type of service: 3______________

Employer: Wrightsville Medical Group

Occupation:   4______________

Work phone: 5______________

Time at current job:   6______________

Special services: 7______________   8______________

Installation scheduled for Day 9___________ Time of day 10_______________

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-14

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C

11. The fair will take place at the

A. Fairgrounds

B. Park

C. School

12. The fair will begin on Friday

A. Morning

B. Afternoon

C. Evening

13. The fair will begin with a

A. Parade

B. Dance performance

C. Speech by the mayor

14. There will be free admission on

A. Friday

B. Saturday

C. Sunday

Questions 15-20

Complete the chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

Day/Time Event

Saturday afternoon 15_______________ show

Saturday evening 16_______________ by the lake

Sunday afternoon 17_______________ contest

18_______________ food

All weekend 19_______________ for children

20_______________ for sale
Section 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-23

Complete the information below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

How to get academic credit for work experience

First, read the 21______________ Find courses that match your work experience.

Then write 22__________of your work experience. Submit that together with a letter
from your 23_____________to the university admissions office.

Questions 24-28

Where can the items listed below be found?

A. admissions office

B. counselling centre

C. library

Write the correct letter, A, B, or C, next to questions 24-28

24. university catalog                                            ______

25. application for admission form                    ______

26. requirements list                                             ______

27. recommendation forms                                 ______

28. job listings                                                        ______

Questions 29 and 30

Choose the correct letters, A, B, or C.

29. What are full-time students eligible for?

A. Discounted books

B. The work-study program

C. A free bus pass

30. How can a student get financial assistance?

A. Speak with a counsellor

B. Apply to the admissions office

C. Make arrangements with a bank

Section 4
Questions 31-40
Complete the chart with information about the black hear.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Range Lives in 31________________of North America

Ninety percent of diet consists of 32___________

Also eats 33______________

Cubs Baby bear cubs are born in 34 __________________

Life span Black bears live for about 35______________ in the wild.

Questions 36-40

Write A if it is a characteristic of black bears.

Write B if it is a characteristic of grizzly bears.

Which characteristics fit black bears and which fit grizzly bears?

36. Has a patch of light fur on its chest ________

37. Weighs 225 kilos __________

38. Has a shoulder hump _________

39. Has pointed cars _________

40. Has shorter claws ___________


Section 1
Question 1-10
Questions 1-4

Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Example: Global Bicycle Tours

Tour name: River Valley tour

Tour month: 1____________

Customer Name: 2___________ Schmidt

Address: P.O. Box 3_____________ Manchester

Bicycle rental required?_____ Yes No

Dietary restrictions: 4____________

Questions 5-7

Choose the correct letters, A, B, or C

5. What size deposit does the caller have to pay?

A. 5 per cent

B. 30 per cent

C. 50 per cent
6. When does the deposit have to be paid?

A. Two weeks from now

B. Four weeks from now

C. Six weeks from now

7. How will the luggage be carried?

A. By bus

B. By bicycle

C. By van

Questions 8-10

Choose THREE letters, A-F.

Which THREE things should the caller take on the tour?

A. raincoat

B. spare tire

C. maps 

D. water bottle

E. camera

F. guide book
Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-15

Write the correct letter, A-F next to questions 11-15

What change has been made to each part of the health club?


A. installed a new floor

B. repainted

C. moved to a new location

D. rebuilt

E. enlarged

F. replaced the equipment 

Part of the health club

11. swimming pools_______

12. locker rooms_______

13. exercise room_______

14. tennis court_______

15. club store_______

Questions 16-18

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

16. Tomorrow, _______________for adults and children will start.

17. On Wednesday, there will be a_____________.

18. A ______________is planned for next weekend.

Questions 19 and 20

Answer the questions below.

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C

19. How many months did it take to complete the renovation work?

A. three

B. nine

C. twelve

20. What project is planned for next year?

A. An indoor pool

B. An outdoor tennis court

C. An outdoor pool
Section 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-25

Choose FIVE letters, A—I

What FIVE things will the students do during their museum internship?

A. art conservation 

B. administrative duties

C. guide tours

D. attend board meetings

E. give classes

F. research

G. write brochures

H. plan a reception

I. meet artists
Questions 26-30

Complete the notes below.


City Art Museum

The main part of museum was built in 26______________

The 27_________ was built sixty years later.

Collections: modern art, works by 28___________, sculpture, European art.

Classes: 29 ___________ classes for adults

Arts and crafts workshops for children

Weekly 30____________ in the fall and winter
Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-35

Choose the correct letter A, B, or C

31. The tomato originally came from

A. Mexico.

B. Spain.

C. Peru.

32. The original color1 of the tomato was

A. red.

B. green.

C. yellow.

33. The Aztec word for tomato means

A. golden apple.

B. plump thing.

C. small fruit.

34. In the 1500s, people in Spain and Italy

A. enjoyed eating tomatoes.

B. used tomatoes as ornamental plants.

C. made medicine from tomatoes.

35. In the 1600s, the British

A. saw tomatoes as poisonous.

B. published tomato recipes.

C. ate tomato sauce daily.

Questions 36-40

Complete the timeline with information about the history of the tomato in the United

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

1806: Tomatoes were mentioned as food in 36___________

1809: Thomas Jefferson 37____________at his home in Virginia.

1820: A man proved that tomatoes were not poisonous by eating

them 38_____________

1830s: 39_______________ appeared in newspapers and magazines.

1930s : People began to eat 40__________________


Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-5

Complete the information below.


City Library

Head Librarian Example: Mrs. Phillips

Hours   1____________ to 4: 30


Ground floor 2_________________

Second floor Adult collection

Third floor 3__________________

Book carts  

Brown cart books to re-shelve

Black cart books to 4_________________

White cart books to 5_________________

Questions 6-10

Complete the library schedule below.


Activity Location Day and Time

Story Time Children’s Room 6____________ at 11:00

7_____________ Reference Room Saturday at 8___________

Lecture Series 9_____________ Room Friday at 10____________

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-15 

Choose FIVE letters, A—I.

Which FIVE activities are available at Golden Lake Resort?

A. swimming

B. boating

C. waterskiing

D. fishing

E. tennis

F. golf

G. horseback riding

H. hiking

I. arts and crafts

Questions 16-20

Complete the schedule below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

Night Activity

Sunday 16___________________

Monday Dessert Night

Tuesday 17___________________ Night

Wednesday 18___________________

Thursday 19___________________

Friday Talent Show

Saturday 20___________________
Section 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-23

Choose THREE letters, A-E

Which THREE things are the students required to submit to their professor?

A. a written summary

B. maps

C. a case study

D. charts and graphs

E. a list of resources used

F. a video

Questions 24 and 25

Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

24. What two sources of information will the students use when preparing their

25. What will the students show during their presentation?__________________

Questions 26-30

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C

26. Only rescue birds that are

A. all alone

B. obviously hurt

C. sitting on the ground

27. Protect yourself by wearing

A. gloves

B. a hat

C. protective glasses

28. Put the bird in a

A. cage

B. box

C. bag

29. Keep the bird calm by

A. petting it

B. talking to it

C. leaving it alone
30. When transporting the bird,

A. speak quietly

B. play music

C. drive very slowly

Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-33

Complete the information about the Great Barrier Reef.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

The Great Barrier Reef is made up of 3.000 31______________and

600 32______________. Over 400 kinds of 33___________ can be found there.
Questions 34-38 

Choose FIVE letters, A-I.

Which FIVE of these kinds of animals inhabiting the Great Barrier Reef are

A. sharks

B. starfish

C. seahorses

D. clams

E. whales

F. dolphins

G. sea turtles

H. crocodiles

I. frogs

Questions 39 and 40 

Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

39. What causes coral bleaching?________________

40. What has been one response to this problem?________________


Section 1
Questions 1-10
Circle the correct answer.

Example: Sergeant Brown Is going to speak about

A. comfort.

B. safety.

C. the police.

D. Mr. Fogerty.

1. Sergeant Brown is

A. the community patrol officer.

B. the university security officer.

C. the community police adviser.

D. the university liaison officer.

2. Sergeant Brown

A. lives locally and is not married.

B. lives on the campus and has two daughters.

C. has a son at the university.

D. doesn’t live on the campus with his daughters.

3. Sergeant Brown has been a police officer for

A. 5 years.

B. 10 years.

C. 15 years.

D. 20 years.

Questions 4-6

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

4. The most dangerous place around the campus


5. The most dangerous place in town is…………………………………..

6. It is dangerous because of……………………………………………….

Questions 7-8

Circle TWO answers A-E.

Which TWO items should a student always carry?

A. a personal alarm

B. valuables

C. their passport

D. jewelry

E. some identification
Questions 9-10

Circle TWO letters A – E.

Which TWO things does Sergeant Brown recommend a student should do?

A. walk home in pairs

B. use public transport

C. drive home

D. arrange to be home at a certain time

E. does not carry a lot of cash

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-13

Circle THREE letters A-E

What are John and Sarah discussing?

A. the amount of work in the second year

B. the importance of medieval history

C. studying the material in a different language

D. when their exams will finish

E. the level of work in the second year

Questions 14 and 15

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

14. Why is Sarah working in the market?………………………………….

15. How many courses must John and Sarah choose?………………………………….

Questions 16-20

Write A NUMBER or NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each space.

Course Credits Tutor Recommended reading Requirements 

Medieval 17____________
20 Dr. Smith Study pack
Society _

Boucher’s 18______________
t of 20 Mr. Milts None

The 19_________ Allison & McKay’s The First

10 French
Crusades I _ Crusades’

Dr. Shaker &

The Mallen’s ‘A General History
10 Professor French
Crusades II of the Crusades’

Peasants and 16_____ Hobart’s ‘Introduction to the

Dr. Reeves 20___________
Kings _ Middle Ages’
Section 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-25

Circle the correct fetters A-C

21. Dr. Mullet was particularly impressed by Fayed’s

A. final year dissertation.

B. application form.

C. exam results.

22. After he took his exams, Fayed felt

A. nervous.

B. anxious.

C. happy.

23. Dr. Mullet accepts people for the MA course because of

A. their exam results.

B. their ability to play games.

C. a variety of reasons.

24. What did Fayed initially go to university to study?

A. economics.

B. booms and crashes.

C. history.

25. The course Fayed is applying for is concerned with

A. the developing world.

B. the development of banks.

C. the economics of work.

Questions 26-30

Complete Dr. Mullet’s notes on his interview with Fayed in NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS for each space.


Worried! Far from his country. 26___________________________

Will go to study in 27_________________________  if not accepted here.

After university wants to work 28________________________

Now going to visit 29___________________________

My decision-when? 30_____________________________
Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-35

Complete each sentence with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

31. The public has more knowledge of vitamins than other pans

32. The public doesn’t always cat ………………………………………

33. There is a widespread belief that Vitamin C can


34. Vitamin A helps you see ………………………………………

35. Many people wrongly think that taking vitamin supplements can

Questions 36 – 40
Complete each space with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER.

Vitamin Name  Helps the body  Daily need  Where to get it

have good vision,

liver, butter, egg
A Retinol 750 mg
36__________ yolks, milk

form healthy bones varies with sunlight, cod liver

D Calciferol
and 37___________ age oil
wheatgerm, oils,
E Tocopherol control fat 38______ mg
eggs, butter

green vegetables,
K   coagulate blood varies
liver, eggs

yeast, cereals,
carbohydrates form
B complex   varies milk, cheese,
healthy tissue
and 39___________

fight infection, fight

C Ascorbic acid 30 mg 40____________

Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-2
Circle the correct answer A-C


The festival is about

A. rivers.

B. the inhabitants.

C. arts and music

1. The festival lasts for

A. 2 days.

B. 3 days.

C. 4 days.

2. It will take place on

A. 14,h July.

B. 4th July.

C. 4th August.
Questions 3-4

Circle TWO answers A-E.

You can buy tickets from

A. the Town Hall.

B. the festival office.

C. libraries.

D. tourist advice centres.

E. post offices.

Questions 5-7

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in each space.

5. The weather forecast for the festival is…………………………..

6. Food will be available from……………………………………………

7. There will be a bar selling soft drinks,…………………………………

Questions 6-10

Write ONE WORD in each space.

Name of band Where they come from What kind of music

Petie’s Dozen 8_______________ Jazz

Strings Poland Poland 9_______________

The Fiddlers 10______________ Folk

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-20

Write A WORD or A NUMBER in the spaces.

Current Account Overdraft Application Form

Full name Micheal O’ Drew

Current Account no: 39261916

Address: 24, Kilverton Drive, 11 ………………………….

Post code: 12 ………………………….

Tel: 0458 88320

Date of birth: 23th of 13 …………………………., 1967

Culver Engineering – 30 14 ………………………….,


Tel:    15………………………….

The number of years in a

approx. 3 years

Current salary: £ 16………………………….

Outgoings: Mortgage: £ 17………………………….

£45 in credit card 18 …………………………., £19 for
store cards

Personal loans: 19 ………………………….

Overdraft facility

Overdraft limit:   £ 20………………………….

Section 3
Questions 21-30
Complete each sentence with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A
NUMBER for each space.

Student Union Elections

21. There are…………………………..colleges in the university.

22. This election is held to choose…………………………..student union officers.

23. Turnout last year was only………………………….. per cent of those eligible to

24. The total number of candidates in the second round are ………………………….

25. Last year, only roughly …………………. of the total number of students eligible
to vote actually care about the election.
Questions 26-30

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD for each answer.

For questions 26-30 write the letter A-D.


A. if Maria approves,

B. if David approves,

C. it both approve,

D. if neither approves.

CANDIDATE Good choice?

Jenny de Groot – Women’s Officer 26 ………………..

Michael McCarthy – Entertainments Officer 27 ………………..

Wu Bing Lei – Overseas Officer 28 ………………..

Charles Law – Finance Officer 29 ………………..

Brian McKay – Liaison Officer 30 ………………..

Section 4
Questions 31-40

Questions 31-32

Choose TWO answers.

The main topics of the lecture are

A. introduction lo linguistics

B. the history of European languages

C. various languages

D. how languages develop

E. languages and evolution

Questions 33-40

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each space.

33. Examples of natural languages are English,


34. In reality, natural languages are always



Came into being when two groups couldn’t

Developed from a pidgin
Origins communicate
into 36…………………………………
in 35……………………………….

In Papua New Guinea, the

In, for
Spoken Caribbean, 38…………………………………….
example, 37…………………………

As complex as natural languages.

The simplified form of one of the two groups’
Have to fight to get
Features languages. Words have
the 40…………………………………
more 39………………………………………..

Answers TEST 61 15. C 32. One-fifth

Section 1 16. B 33. Superstores

1. listening 17. E 34. Glass

2. vocabulary and 18. G 35. Older residents

19. C 36. Waste
3. general classes
20. A 37. Windfarms/wind
4. 15/fifteen farms
Section 3 
5. department 38. Co-operative
21. D (buildings)
6. May
22. C 39. Retirement (homes)
7. week five
23. B 40. Social (housing)
8. B, D, G (in any
24. 3rd/third term
25. industry
9. B, D, G (in any
26. plans
10. B, D, G (in any
27. new lab/laboratory
28. seminars
Section 2 
29. pairs
11. C
30. (an) interview
12. A
Section 4
13. B
31. Gardens
14. B
17. hall(ways) 33. research
Answers TEST 62
18. with a neighbor 34. sell
Section 1
19. in the evening(s) 35. buy
1. £85
20. monthly 36. calculate
2. 3/three a month
Section 3 37. 29/twenty nine
3. thrillers
21. organizing 38. manufacturing
4. comedy (programs)
22. argument 39. import prices
5. parts
23. interpretation 40. February 5th/fifth
6. record
24. preparation
7. £71.99
25. style
8. labor
26. edit
9. CDs
27. learn
10. insurance
28. B, C, E (in any
Section 2 order)
11. back door 29. B, C, E (in any
12. top floor
30. B, C, E (in any
13. sign
14. blue light
Section 4
15. spider
31. select
16. company office
32. invest
17. statue 34. pollution
Answers TEST 63
18. woods 35. renewable resource
Section 1
19. fountain 36. costs less
1. Wednesday and
Friday 20. staircase 37. strength

2. intermediate Section 3 38. cities

3. beginning 21. identification 39. the scenery

4. mornings 40. noisy
22. an annual fee
5. $125
23. Tuesday; Sunday
6. $410
24. 8:30
7. $575
25. D
8. $1,050
26. A
9. the school office
27. F
10. Mr. Lindsay
28. B
Section 2
29. G
11. A
30. C
12. C
Section 4
13. F
31. pump water
14. H
32. grind grain
15. I
33. drain lakes
16. 1876
17. intersection 34. B
Answers TEST 64
18. rocks 35. C
Section 1
19. feed 36. spend money
1. tutoring sessions
20. water 37. leave faster
2. Sunday
Section 3 38. security
3. teens, adults
21. A 39. younger people
4. Yoga
22. B 40. older people
5. adults
23. D
6. 75
24. F
7. 225
25. B
8. Eliot
26. term paper topic
9. across the street/in a
garage 27. first evaluation

10. Monday 28. student teacher

Section 2
29. term paper
11. A
30. semester review
12. D
Section 4
13. E
31. A
14. F
32. C
15. I
33. A
16. sweep/rear leader
17. boats 32. support her family.
Answers TEST 65
18. eat 33. her first novel/The
Section 1 Inheritance
19. baskets
1. February 34. 1862
20. theatre
2. one 35. after the war
Section 3
3. Wilson 36. 1866
21. in three weeks
4. 2336189872 37. 1868
22. a shopping mall
5. C 38. May 
23. thirty
6. F 39. 1882
24. a government study
7. G 40. Alcott died.
25. design the
8. C
9. A
26. professor’s
10. C approval/approval for
Section 2
27. conduct interviews
11. 18
28. analyze the results
12. 9
29. charts (showing
13. Hill Park results)

14. Bay Bridge 30. class presentation

15. Green Street Section 4

16. view 31. Alcott was born.
17. singing 35. twenty-five years
Answers TEST 66
18. international 36. A
Section 1
19. games 37. B
1. Kramer
20. crafts 38. B
2. 58
Section 3 39. A
3. residential
21. university catalogue 40. A
4. office manager
22. a summary
5. 637-555-9014
23. work supervisor
6. nine years
24. C
7. long distance
25. A
8. Internet
26. B
9. Friday
27. A
10. morning
28. C
Section 2
29. B
11. B
30. A
12. C
Section 4
13. B
31. forested area
14. A
32. plant foods
15. down
33. insects/fish
16. concert
34. the winter
17. tennis competition 34. A
Answers TEST 67
18. party/club party 35. A
Section 1
19. B 36. a (gardener’s)
1. June calendar
20. C
2. Karla 37. served tomatoes
Section 3
3. 257 38. in public
21. B
4. vegetarian 39. tomato recipe/
22. C recipes
5. B
23. F 40. raw tomatoes
6. A
24. G
7. C
25. I
8. A
26. 1895
9. D
27. new wing
10. E
28. local artists
Section 2
29. art history
11. B
30. concerts/concert
12. E series
13. A
Section 4
14. F
31. C
15. C
32. C
16. swimming lessons
33. B
17. discussion 33. coral(s)
Answers TEST 68
18. lectures 34. A
Section 1
19. games 35. D
1. 8:30
20. dance 36. E
2. reference books
Section 3 37. H
3. children’s books 
21. A 38.I
4. be repaired/repair
22. C 39. rising sea
5. be sold/sell temperatures
23. E
6. Thursday 40. shading the
24. interviews, journal reef/shading
7. (family) movies
8. 2:30
25. photos (of birds)
9. meeting 
26. B
10. 6:30
27. A
Section 2 28. B
11. A 29. C
12. B 30. A
13. D
Section 4
14. G
31. individual
15. I reefs/coral reefs

16. film/movie 32. islands

16. 20/twenty 32. a healthy diet
Answers TEST 69
17. none 33. cure colds/flu
Section 1
18. History of Science 34. in the dark
1. D
19. Dr. Clare 35. make you intelligent
2. C
20. French 36. fight/fight off
3. C
Section 3 37. strong teeth
4. The park/ McGowan
Fields 21. A 38. 10-12 mg

5. the town centre 22. B 39. red blood cells

6. fighting and 23. C 40. fruit and vegetables

robberies/ muggings
24. C
7. A or E
25. A
8. E or A
9. A or D homesick/homesickness

10. D or A 27. England

Section 2 28. in his/own country

11. A 29. (friends in )

12. C
30. tomorrow
13. E
Section 4
14. to buy books/for
extra cash 31. of nutrition,

15. four/4
16. £18,000 33. French and
Answers TEST 70
German/French and
17. £450 Greek/German and
Section 1
18. (a) clothes shop
1. B
34. changing
19. none/no
2. C
35. each other’s
20. £250
3. B or E languages
Section 3 36. a full language
4. E or B
21. 4/four 37. (French) New
5. hot and sunny
22. 5/five
6. stands
38. China and
23. 25/twenty-five
7. beer and wine India/China, the
24. Women’s Pacific/India, the
8. New Orleans Pacific
25. Finance
9. Classical 39. than one meaning
Music/Favorites 26. C
40. language recognized
10. Ireland 27. B

Section 2 28. D

11. Michael 29. B

12. Chalvey 30. A

13. 23rd February 1967 Section 4

14. Works Yard 31. C or D

15. 0912 79509 32. D or C

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