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Answer the worksheets carefully. Don’t forget to turn it in so I can access it.

Worksheet #1

1. Who is the persona in the poem?

2. What is his narrative?

Worksheet #2

Instruction: Draw the timeline of the persona’s journey towards his “conversion”. Use the
graphic organizer below.

Worksheet #3
Give each line its literal and symbolic meaning.

Lines From the poem Literal Meaning Symbolic Meaning

1. It happened in a metal

2. The laundry lay caked and

smelly; dishes soiled with fat
and swill piled high in the
sink, and grew flies.

3. Father had arrived

booming with cousins, my

4. Water curled under my

5. When I rose the same two
words from father. The same
girl kept sinking deeper.

Lined from the poem Literal meaning Symbolic meaning

6. In the mirror I watched the holes on

my ears grow smaller

7. I got my wife pregnant with the next.

Our four children, all boys are the joy of
my manhood, my proof.

8. Water is still a problem and the drum is

still there, deep and rusty.

9. A woman needs some talking sense

into. If not, I hit her in the mouth to learn

10. I see her at night with bubbles

springing like flowers from her nose.

11. But the water learns to heal itself and

closes around her like a wound.

Worksheet #4

Instruction: Tell the irony behind the last sentence of the poem:

We die to rise to a better life.


Accuracy of content (10) –

Deeping of Insights (10) –

Organization (5) –

Mechanics (5) –

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