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Photoshop MCQs

1. How do you create a new file in Photoshop using the drop down menu?

a. File > New

b. File> Open
c. Create > New
d. Start > New File
Answer - a

2. How do you set the text color in Photoshop?

a. Select the text tool and use the background color tool to set the color
b. Select the text tool and use the color box icon in the Options bar to
set the text color
c. Use the color gradient tool to define the text
d. You can only use black text in Photoshop
Answer - b

3. I can resize my text by

a. Use the font resize drop down menu in the option bar
b. Use the free transform tool to resize the text
c. Highlight the text and then select the text size from the tools window
d. B and c
Answer - d
4. If I want to warp my text and create an arc with it then I would

a. Select the curved text tool from the tool window

b. You can’t curve text
c. Place each letter one at a time
d. Select the warped text menu from the options bar and set the style to
Answer - d
5. To duplicate a layer you would

a. Drag the layer to the new layer icon and release it

b. Select Layer > Duplicate Layer
c. Hold down my control key n the keyboard, click on the layer in the
layers window > select Duplicate Layer
d. All of the above will duplicate a layer
Answer - d
6. To add a drop shadow to text you would.

a. Select the drop shadow tool from the tools menu

b. Drag your layer to the drop shadow icon at the bottom of the layers
c. Select layer > Layer Styles > Drop Shadow
d. Select Layer > Add Drop Shadow Text
Answer - c
7. To add Special filters to a layer I would

a. Select Layer > Special Filters

b. Select Filters > Filters Gallery > Then Choose the desired filter from
the available options
c. You cannot add special filter to text
d. Choose the filter icon from the tools menu then use the options bar at
the top of the screen to choose the desired Filter
Answer - b
8. To rename a layer you can

a. Select the Rename tool from the text menu

a. Drag the layer to thme rename icon
b. Layers cannot be renamed
c. Double click on the layer name and then type new name
Answer - d
9. If I Want to use a clipping mask to clip a paint brush pattern into a text layer
then I Would

a. Paint in the same layer as the text then clip it into the text
b. You cannot clip a paint brush pattern into text
c. Just paint inside the text carefully
d. Create a new layer above the text layer where I want to add the paint
brush > paint inside the new layer > Select Layer > Create clipping
Answer - d
10. To save a file printing and the web I would select

a. File > Save as > and set the Format Option to JPEG
b. File > Save as > and set the Format Option to Print
a. File > Save as > and set the Format Option to PSD
b. File > Save as > and send to printer
Answer - a
11. What is the purpose of the eyedropper tool?

a. The eyedropper tool finds the exact the color you want
b. The eyedropper tool selects an area of text for you
c. The eyedropper tool erases tool erases spots on your images
d. None of the Above
Answer - a
12. What is the purpose of the Direct Selection tool?

a. The Direct selection tool erases color in an image

b. The direct selection tool selects
c. The direct selection tool blurs exi
d. All of the above
Answer - b
13. The CC in Photoshop CC stands for ‘Craft Care’

a. True
b. False
Answer - b
14. Spot _______ tool is a feature in P

a. Healing
b. Remover
c. Traker
d. Eraser
Answer - a
15. What actions can you perform with the text tool selected?

a. Edit Text
b. Insert Text
c. Erase Text
d. All of these above
Answer - d
16. Adobe Photoshop allows you to apply a Gaussian blur to your images?

a. True
b. False
Answer - a
17. Adobe Photoshop allows you to apply a Ripple Blur to your images?

a. True
b. False
Answer - b
18. The Clone Tool is part of Adobe Photoshop’s Option?

a. True
b. False
Answer - a
19. The Clone Stamp Tools Part of Adobe Photoshop’s Options?

a. True
b. False
Answer - a
20. What two letters are used to represent the effects panel.

a. FX
b. EF
c. EX
d. ES
Answer - a
21. How do you create a new layer from the Layers tab?
a. Click the notepad icon
b. Click the chain icon
c. Click the lock icon
d. None of the above
Answer - a
22. What kinds of measurement can be used in Photoshop?

a. Cm
b. Mm
c. Pixels
d. All of these above
Answer - d
23. Which Photoshop Option is depicted in the Picture?

a. Image Gallery
b. Picture Gallery
c. Filter Gallery
d. Photo Gallery
Answer - c
24. If you want to take a closer look at your image, what tool would you use?

a. Eyedropper Tool
b. Zoom tool
c. Quick selection tool
d. None of the above
Answer - b
25. ________ is the default file extension for Photoshop files

a. .psd
b. .ps
c. .dfp
d. .df
Answer - a
26. A dotted line called a ______________ is what surrounds a selected area.

a. Magic wand
b. Grid
c. Marquee
d. Guide
Answer - c
27. A(n) ___________ Point acts as an anchor within a marquee.

a. Fastening
b. Anchoring
c. Secure
d. Lockdown
Answer - a
28. Guides are printable horizontal and vertical lines that display on top of an image
to help you position a selection.

a. True
b. False
Answer - b
29. ________ refers to the combing of images from different sources.

a. Selecting
b. Montages
c. Compositing
d. Collages
Answer - c
30. Freeform tools are used to select regular shapes.

a. True
b. False
Answer - b
31. All of following are setting of the magic wand tool except:

a. Tolerance
b. Anti-alias
c. Edge contrast
d. contiguous
Answer - c
32. If you have a solid background behind the image you want to select, the best
tool to use is the _________.

a. Quick selection tool

b. Color range command
c. Rectangular marquee
d. Magic wand tool
Answer - b
33. The healing brush tool can be used to remove dirt, scratches, even wrinkles,
from an image.

a. True
b. False
Answer - a
34. In order to deselect, You must click layer, then inverse

a. True
b. False
Answer - b
35. A ___________ is a picture or portrait whose border fades into the surrounding
color at its edges

a. Mask
b. Vignette
c. Feather
d. Selection
Answer - b
36. These are found in layers panel, brush setting and layers styles.

a. Filters
b. Blending Modes
c. Layer Styles
d. Image Adjustments
Answer – b

37. Control + Shift + I

a. New layer
b. New Document
c. Desaturate
d. Inverse a selection
Answer – d

38. This two keystroke shortcut will select everything that is on a layer’s thumbnail.

a. Ctrl + S
b. Ctrl + D
c. Ctrl +click
d. Ctrl + T

Answer – c

39. Setting for free transform to messes up the dimensions of width and height of
an object because shift is not being held down.

a. Scale
b. Distort
c. Perspective
d. Flip

Answer – b

40. The Keystroke to hold down when click on area with the clone stamp tool.

a. Alt
b. Control
c. Shift
d. Tab

Answer – a

41. The Layer style that adds depth to an object.

a. Stroke
b. Color Overlay
c. Drop Shadow
d. Inner Shadow

Answer – c

42. The Purity of color

a. Hue
b. Lightness
c. Vividness
d. Saturation

Answer – d

43. Which Blur filter is used in making rain or snow?

a. Motion
b. Gaussian
c. Lens
d. Radial

Answer – a

44. Tool to Move/Blur Pixels

a. Dodge
b. Sponge
c. Burn
d. Smudge

Answer – d

45. Work with shadows, MIdtones and highlights.

a. Levels
b. Curves
c. Hue / Saturation
d. Color Balance

Answer – a

46. Tool to Select color

a. Paint Bucket
b. Eye Dropper
c. Zoom
d. Pen

Answer – b

47. Selection tools which allow you to select rectangles, ellipses and 1 pixel row

a. Lassos
b. Marquees
c. Wands
d. Brushes

Answer – b

48. The area where all pieces of an image are placed upon

a. Canvas
b. Group
c. Filters
d. Layers

Answer – a

49. A Filter that produces special effects by creating a look, object, or lighting effect
that’s melded with your original image.

a. Distort
b. Video
c. Render
d. Blend

Answer – c

50. The tool that lightens pixels

a. Smudge
b. Sharpen
c. Burn
d. Dodge

Answer – d

51. A layer style that outlines an object or type

a. Stroke
b. Gradient Overlay
c. Warp
d. 3D

Answer – a

52. Changes tonal ranges in an image

a. Levels
b. Curves
c. Threshold
d. Hue/Sauration

Answer – b

53. 0% opacity

a. Opaque
b. Screen
c. Transparent
d. Lightness

Answer – c

54. The Technique with this tool involves taking pixels from one location and moving
them to another location.

a. Patching
b. Selecting
c. Cloning
d. Moving

Answer – c

55. These are used to chain up or retouch your photos, apply special art effects that
give your image the appearance of a sketch or impressionistic painting, or create
unique transformations using distortions and lighting effects.

a. Layers styles
b. Filters
c. Blending modes
d. Tools

Answer – b

56. This layer panel technique will hide what’s on a layer and reveal part of it’s
contents with a brush
a. Layers panel
b. Layer mask
c. Layer Style
d. Fill or adjustment layer

Answer – b

57. Which one is not a main menu item.

a. File
b. Mask
c. Window
d. Layers

Answer – b

58. The definition for this term is the range of color.

a. Hue
b. Saturation
c. Levels
d. Match color

Answer – a

59. These are separate pieces for an overall image

a. Files
b. Groups
c. Layers
d. Filters

Answer – c

60. The 3 Keystroke shortcut to open the Liquify Filter.

a. Ctrl + Alt + X
b. Ctrl + Alt+ Z
c. There is no shortcut to open the Liquify Filter
d. Ctrl + Shift+ X

Answer – d

61. In this Procedure you can manipulate an object such as distort, flip, rotate, or
change perspective

a. Free Transform
b. Liquify
c. Move
d. Quick Mask

Answer – x

62. The tools that can be activated with the letter ‘O’

a. Spot Healing, Healing, and Patch tools

b. Lasso’s
c. Dodge, Burn and Sponge
d. Marquees

Answer – c

63. ___________ includes File, Edit, Image, Layer, Type, Select, Filters, 3D, View,
Window, Help

a. Submenus
b. Panel
c. Option
d. Menus

Answer – d

64. _______ + _____ is the shortcut to duplicate a layer.

a. Ctrl + J
b. Ctrl + D
c. Ctrl + T
d. Ctrl + C

Answer – a

65. A user just cut a selection from a photograph in Adobe Photoshop and wants to
place it into a new file. Which document type automatically sets the canvas size
in the new document to match the user's selection?

a. Photo
b. Web
c. Clipboard
d. Film & Video Answer

Answer – c

66. What are two features that can be saved with a custom workspace? (Choose
a. Color Swatches
b. Panel locations
c. Both a&b
d. None of the above

Answer – c

67. A user has an image on a single color background and wants to remove the
background using the least number of steps. Which tool should be used?

a. Magic Wand Tool

b. Magic Eraser Tool
c. Quick Selection Tool
d. Background Eraser Tool

Answer – b

68. A user is working on a Photoshop document that has a large number of layers
and wants to display only the layers that contain pixel-based data. Which filter
type should be selected in the Layers panel?

a. Kind
b. Mode
c. Effect
d. Attribute

Answer – a

69. A user is resampling an image in the Image Size dialog and wants to enable the
Reduce Noise slider. Which resampling method should be used in this situation?

a. Automatic
b. Bicubic Sharper (reduction)
c. Nearest Neighbor (hard edges)
d. Preserve Details (enlargement)

Answer – d

70. Which tool in the Curves dialog box allows the user to most accurately select
specific tones of the image for adjustment?

a. Pencil
b. Edit Points
c. Modify Curve (hand)
d. Grey Point (eyedropper)
Answer – c

71. How could a user apply a non-destructive vignette to an image?

a. Use the Burn Tool to selectively brush in image edge darkening

b. Add a Photo Filter layer and adjust the vignette slider for each edge
c. Apply a Black to Transparent Gradient to the edges of an overlaid
empty layer
d. Select the Multiply blending mode and use the Brush tool to paint
the darker areas

Answer – c

72. A user is attempting to make a new digital photograph have an aged

appearance. Which filter should be used to simulate this?

a. Noise > Despeckle

b. Other > High-Pass
c. Pixelate > Pointillize
d. Filter Gallery

Answer – d

73. A user has a picture of two people shaking hands and wants to select only the
hands to add them into another image. How should this be achieved?

a. Select the handshake with the Slice Tool. Copy the selected pixels.
Open a second image in Photoshop and paste the copied pixels into
the new photo.
b. Select the handshake with the Magic Wand Tool. Copy the color
range. Open a second image in Photoshop and paste the copied
pixels into the new photo.
c. Select the handshake with the Quick Selection Tool. Copy the
selected pixels. Open a second image in Photoshop and paste the
copied pixels into the new photo.
d. Select the handshake with the Crop Tool. Delete the cropped pixels.
Select all and copy the remaining pixels. Open a second image in
Photoshop and paste the pixels into the new photo.

Answer – c

74. A user is creating an app icon from an existing logo file. Which tool and key
combination creates a perfect square selection?

a. Magic Wand tool + Alt (Option)

b. Rectangular Marquee tool + Shift
c. Quick Selection tool + Alt (Option)
d. Elliptical marquee tool + Ctrl (Command)

Answer – b

75. ____________ is a raster graphics editor ( With Significant vector graphics


a. Adobe Player
b. Adobe Flash
c. Adobe Illustrator
d. Adobe Photoshop

Answer – d

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