C2 0extra Tasks For Early Finishers

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Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers) Answer

Unit 1
Vocabulary and Use your English
The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.
1 Her parents didn’t think Marcus would be able to sustain down a job, but he’s been in the same company
for a decade now. __________
2 Paula must be a philanthropist because she seems to despise everyone and she never joins in or goes out
with anyone. __________
3 The high temperatures and 98 per cent humidity keenly affected Serena’s usual pace and so she came fifth
in the race. __________
4 Martin is the most obvious person I’ve even met. He is hateful and offensive. __________
5 I honestly think you should put Richard at arm’s length. I really don’t trust him. __________
6 They had to sign the contract contrary their will. They would have been arrested if they hadn’t. __________
7 We’re stuck in a hole singing the same old songs we’ve sung for the last decade. __________
8 What did you achieve out of the deal? It didn’t look very favourable to me. __________

Choose the correct answer.
1 Fran _____ with some friends in Bath. She’ll be back next week.
a is staying b stays c has stayed
2 Linda _____ the marathon five times already.
a is running b has run c has been running
3 While Henry _____ dinner, Martha was tidying the house for their guests.
a had been preparing b would prepare c was preparing
4 We _____ John to bring his boots a few days before, but he forgot them anyway.
a ’d reminded b ’ve reminded c ’d been reminding
5 Charles realised he _____ their games for some time, so he stopped going.
a didn’t enjoy b hasn’t enjoyed c hadn’t been enjoying
6 We _____ away for a month every year in August, but we don’t any more.
a used to go b will go c had gone
7 I _____ we should take advantage of the weather and go to the beach this weekend.
a have thought b do think c would think
8 The population _____ out of control. Soon there’ll be no room left.
a grows b had grown c is growing

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Unit 2
Vocabulary and Use your English
Circle the correct word.
1 They’d always hankered to / for a place in the sun and now finally they’d bought a house in Spain.
2 This bag was hideously / nastily expensive, but it was worth it because it still looks new after years of use.
3 They’d parked the car in a prohibited area and were given a hefty / strenuous fine for it.
4 What an ingenuous / ingenious plan! You’re so clever.
5 I don’t envisage / forecast us having any problems getting in. It’s usually empty on a Tuesday.
6 He was accused of malice / negligence rather than cruelty, because his actions had partly been carried out
through ignorance.
7 It’s decisive / crucial that you arrive on time or they won’t let you in.
8 I’m afraid this type of battery is now obsolete / out-of-date, so you won’t be able to replace it.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I _______________ her now or she’ll just worry that I haven’t arrived. (call)
2 Don’t worry, Sam _______________ you with your bags. Just leave them there. (help)
3 She _______________ to Greece every summer, but I don’t think she’ll go this year. (go)
4 Tom _______________ his driving test this time next week. I hope he’s prepared. (take)
5 Fran _______________ this job for two years next month. She started in October 2015. (do)
6 Actually, I _______________ painting the doors by three o’clock, so I can’t collect the kids from school.
(not finish)
7 If you don’t hurry, by the time you _______________ them round, they’ll have left the country. (invite)
8 Where _______________ this time next year? (you / study)

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Unit 3
Vocabulary and Use your English
1 The notice was prominently F a humane despite the fact that they were caged in
2 There is a lot of stigma F at all times.
3 You really shouldn’t disregard F b as soon as possible as it was no longer safe for
them there.
4 They decided to emigrate F
c displayed above the door.
5 I was so moved by their generosity. F
d against a few insurmountable problems.
They’d spared
e attached to mental health illnesses.
6 As a group, they didn’t think a benevolent F
f dictatorship could ever be justified.
7 They claimed the treatment of their F
g this option. There probably isn’t a better
animals was
8 Unfortunately, we’re going to have to F h no effort in their attempts to help.
cancel as we’ve run up

Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice or the passive causative.
1 The security officers have checked everyone’s bags.
2 They are filming a new series for next year.
3 We used to employ people to clean our house once a week.
4 Do you think they’ll make any objections?
5 People understand that too much sugar is bad for you.
6 Wendy got someone to take all her clothes in once she’d lost weight.
7 Someone needs to deal with letters like these straight away.
8 Workers will make the radios in China for less than people can make them here.

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Unit 4
Vocabulary and Use your English
Circle the odd one out.
1 meme posse post
2 fundamental inherent elaborate
3 troupe syndicate cartel
4 lobby horde throng
5 entourage squad staff
6 migration diaspora detraction
7 intrinsic redundant essential
8 empirical applicable relevant

Choose the correct answer.
1 You _____. I can hear you.
a daren’t shout b needn’t shout c couldn’t have shouted
2 You _____ find a better solution. You should go for it.
a ’re unlikely to b mustn’t c might as well
3 Vince _____ ask her to help him soon, or she won’t have time.
a can’t b shouldn’t c ought to
4 There’s a chance that the post _____ to someone else.
a will be offered b could have offered c should offer
5 They _____ criticise her all the time. It’s terribly mean.
a wouldn’t b shouldn’t c might not
6 Try as we might, we _____ seem to get this thing open.
a can’t b couldn’t c won’t
7 We _____ up the subject of his divorce. It really upsets him.
a daren’t bring b needn’t have brought c ought to have brought
8 Oh, dear! _____ more food in? I don’t think we’ve got enough.
a Would we get b Mightn’t we have got c Should we have got

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Unit 5
Vocabulary and Use your English
Complete the sentences with one word.
1 They didn’t intend to get caught __________ in the demonstration.
2 Please don’t antagonise them at the interview or you’ll __________ your chances again.
3 You really must stop bursting into tears at every little thing. It’s time to toughen __________.
4 I’m so pleased that Amy has managed to make a __________ of her new business.
5 OK, let’s get __________ to business and stop wasting time.
6 I don’t think they hold out __________ hope of getting anyone else out alive.
7 I’m not prepared to pick up the __________ for you again. You’re on your own this time.
8 Danny plucked up the __________ to invite her out and she said yes!

1 When you spend all day lying on the sofa, F a you might have been able to do up your
2 If you did a bit more exercise, F trousers!
3 Had you done less exercise when you b you’re bound to need fillings.
were young, F c you wouldn’t be so unfit.
4 If you hadn’t eaten so much on holiday, F d would you have joined the swimming club?
5 If you would just be a bit patient, F e it’s no wonder you’re unfit.
6 If you would just follow my advice, F f you’ll see that all the studying will pay off.
7 If you eat loads of chocolate, F g you’d be a lot less fit now.
8 Had I offered to come with you, F h you might have a chance of winning the race.

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Unit 6
Vocabulary and Use your English
Complete the word groups with these words.

above board crooked moneyed mortgage pay back spendthrift strapped for cash tight-fisted

1 debt loan _______________

2 penny-pincher miser _______________
3 skint broke _______________
4 reimburse refund _______________
5 well-heeled well-to-do _______________
6 dishonest shady _______________
7 honest trustworthy _______________
8 squanderer extravagant _______________

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.
1 It would be a bad idea for you to sell your property while the market is depressed.
Under no ______________________________ your property while the market is depressed.
2 As soon as she got back home, she and her brother started fighting.
No ______________________________ she and her brother started fighting.
3 I was so worried I’d fail my exam that I couldn’t sleep.
Such ______________________________ I’d fail my exam, I couldn’t sleep.
4 I wish I’d worked harder.
If ______________________________.
5 Fred would rather not have had to stay another night.
Fred would prefer ______________________________ to stay another night.
6 It’s so late, it’s time the children went to bed.
The children had ______________________________ because it’s very late.
7 Salma doesn’t often invite people round.
Seldom ______________________________ people round.
8 I didn’t realise how much I’d enjoyed school until after I’d left.
Only ______________________________ realise how much I’d enjoyed it.

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Unit 7
Vocabulary and Use your English
The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.
1 It was an educated belief, really, but I was pretty sure I was right. __________
2 I’m not sure if this dress is anything out of the world. I’m looking for something more exciting. __________
3 What we’ve discovered is the tip of the mountain. There is so much more to find out. __________
4 There’s no point clinging up to an old set of beliefs. You must move on. __________
5 We decided to go to Italy for our summer holiday on the tip of the moment. __________
6 We took far too many risks and in the end we had a slim escape. It could have gone very badly. __________
7 Nadia decided to bend a blind eye when she saw Kate taking office supplies home with her. __________
8 First Yolanda left her suitcase on the train and then, to add offence to injury, her handbag and all her
documents were stolen. __________

Choose the correct answer.
1 The whole family was _____ stunned when she turned up again after 20 years.
a rather b absolutely c somewhat
2 _____ none of her friends came to her rescue.
a Virtually b Scarcely c Barely
3 We weren’t furious, but we were _____ annoyed that she hadn’t told us.
a totally b absolutely c slightly
4 They told us they’d be _____ glad to lend us their car.
a only b too only c only too
5 What an _____ mess that organisation turned out to be.
a utter b utterly c uttered
6 The _____ with the case had managed to come to an agreement.
a concerned participants b participants concerned c participants concerning
7 There was _____ about the way they were behaving.
a a bit strange something b something a bit strange c a bit something strange
8 They are _____ about the state of affairs in their country of birth.
a ill-informed astonishing b astonishing ill-informed c astonishingly ill-informed

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Unit 8
Vocabulary and Use your English
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.
1 His odd behaviour was __________ in the light of what had gone on the day before. We were baffled. EXPLAIN
2 Sally’s __________ is one of her least attractive traits. SNOB
3 We’re relieved Barry is doing a __________ course as it should help him to get a job afterwards. VOCATION
4 His sense of __________ was quite unfounded as he had little to commend him. SUPERIOR
5 ‘That’s impressive,’ he said __________ as he looked down at the mess she’d made of her dish. MOCK
6 His thesis is __________ and meticulous in the extreme. He has worked extraordinarily hard. RIGOUR
7 He found some texts which were able to __________ his vision better than anything. EXAMPLE
8 Has your doctor given you a __________ to a specialist yet? REFER

Choose the correct answer.
1 Did Basil mention bump / bumping into us on Saturday?
2 We reminded you bringing / to bring it, so how could you forget?
3 I was encouraged of applying / to apply for a place at a top university by my teachers.
4 Their teacher told them that they’d be having a test the following / previous day.
5 The team claimed / promised never to have lost a game.
6 Flora apologised / admitted she’d broken the window and offered to pay for it.
7 I had no idea she’d refused giving / to give you a lift. That’s awful.
8 Richard has proposed that we all take / taking part in the race to raise money for the new hospital.

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Unit 9
Vocabulary and Use your English
Complete the sentences with one of the verbs below in the correct form.

delegate dismiss liberate announce relieve sublet tender testify

1 The prisoners __________________ from the camps at the end of the war.
2 Until you learn __________________, you won’t be a good manager.
3 They __________________ their apartment for the month that they’d be away on holiday.
4 Have they __________________ the Oscar nominees yet?
5 I was so fed up that I __________________ my resignation last week.
6 Are you going __________________ against him in the trial?
7 Why __________________ you __________________ every one of my suggestions? What’s wrong with them?
8 I __________________ of my position of chairman of this company. This will be the last time I address you.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentences. Use defining or
non-defining relative clauses, participle clauses, or clauses of reason, purpose, result or contrast.
Only use a relative pronoun if you need to.
1 The house was demolished. My mother grew up in the house.
The house ________________________________________ demolished.
2 Mary is a talented young architect. Mary often works on big international projects.
Mary, ________________________________________ young architect.
3 We gave that vase to the couple. The couple said the vase was their favourite wedding gift.
The couple ________________________________________ said it was their favourite wedding gift.
4 Someone asked them to make a recommendation for dinner. They suggested the Thai Flower.
Asked ________________________________________ the Thai Flower.
5 You clearly don’t enjoy golf. Do something else.
Seeing ________________________________________ else?
6 Anya wanted to do a course. Unfortunately, she didn’t apply in time.
Unfortunately, it was too ________________________________________ Anya wanted to do.
7 She gave the children strict instructions to tidy the living room. She was disappointed to find a mess when
she got home.
Having ________________________________________ to find a mess when she got home.
8 They can’t afford to join you on your travels. They’d love to join you on your travels.
Much ________________________________________ can’t afford it.

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Unit 10
Vocabulary and Use your English
Complete the sentences with a preposition.
1 There was a degree __________ uncertainly about the time of the accident.
2 I suppose the loss of his parents at a young age will account __________ many of his insecurities.
3 Be careful because some people will think your article amounts __________ treason.
4 She didn’t care that publishing her memoirs would be at the expense __________ family relations.
5 Anthony’s behaviour is driven __________ a desperate need for approval.
6 What they’re saying __________ essence is that they’re only interested in your proposal if you give them
total control.
7 Amanda equated his silence __________ strength, when in fact he just had nothing to say.
8 This course is geared __________ learners who enjoy studying independently.

Choose the correct answer.
1 Hasn’t anybody / somebody at all called this morning?
2 There has been an amount of / a great deal of controversy over this proposal. I’m not sure it’s worth
continuing with the project.
3 I think this film has been shown anywhere / somewhere else, but I can’t remember where.
4 There have been several complaints, but only few / a few have been serious enough to concern us.
5 Neither / Either sister has seen the other yet. We are waiting for the right moment to introduce them.
6 Have you seen this / that photo? It’s the one here on the cover. Isn’t it awful?
7 The very wealthy / Very wealthy see the world in a completely different way to us ordinary folk.
8 Their problems stem from a lack / the lack of early intervention.

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Unit 11
Vocabulary and Use your English
Complete the sentences with an adjective.

aspiring compliant credible deranged discernible hard-hitting illustrious poignant

1 There was a __________ moment in the film when the brothers are reunited. I confess I had a lump in my
2 It was a __________ documentary, which will no doubt have repercussions in the world of fashion.
3 All the ready-meals produced in the factory are __________ with the latest regulations and have greatly
reduced amounts of added salt and sugar.
4 I know she is rather eccentric and she does say odd things now and then, but I really wouldn’t call her
__________. She’s perfectly rational really.
5 This account isn’t in the least bit __________. You need to provide solid proof before anybody will be
prepared to believe you.
6 What time is our __________ guest arriving at the airport? You wouldn’t want to keep someone so eminent
waiting, you know.
7 There is no __________ damp in the property, but it would be wise to have it checked by an expert.
They have instruments that measure what the eye cannot see.
8 Adam was an __________ young musician when I knew him; not the superstar he is now.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: gerund, bare infinitive or full infinitive.
1 Did you regret __________ work after your children were born? (give up)
2 Can you imagine __________ involved with the charity? (get)
3 I’m afraid I’m not going to manage __________ the report today. (finish)
4 I’m sorry, it isn’t clear enough today __________ the view properly. (see)
5 I thought Sophie would be too scared __________ out of the plane, but she did it. (jump)
6 Well, the last thing I’d ever do is __________ out of a plane; even with a parachute! (jump)
7 __________ a good film on TV is my idea of bliss after a long day at work. (watch)
8 I’d rather __________ you this time, if you don’t mind. I’m just too tired. (not join)

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Unit 12
Vocabulary and Use your English
Choose the correct answer.
1 There wasn’t an undercurrent / a vestige of dignity left after all the revelations about their private lives.
2 The concert was an absolute accomplishment / triumph. Well done!
3 The book described her strange and rather charming deviance / eccentricity in the most hilarious way.
4 We were able to see the relic / vessel of the saint because we were there when it was taken out.
5 If you look carefully you will see derivatives / vestiges of the original building, mainly in the stone
foundations, which are surprisingly still intact.
6 We need to do everything we can to protect our nation’s heirloom / heritage for future generations.
7 His legacy / lineage may not be distinguished, but it is irrelevant in light of his extraordinary achievements.
8 The barons were forced to pay a dowry / tribute to the king every year.

1 It was the thunder and lightning F a is the long summers of their childhood.
2 It is the constant rain F b was his determination to improve transport services.
3 It is climate change F c which is causing famine and devastation of the land.
4 It is this drought F d that frightened them most as they lay in their beds.
5 What everyone seems to remember F e is to ensure that everyone is properly educated
6 What the country needs F about the dangers.
7 What they do to avoid forest fires F f which depresses her most as she longs for the sun.
8 What made the town choose g is a decent infrastructure to ensure progress.
him as mayor F h which is causing the world to heat up.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up C2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers

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