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This CONTRACT OF LEASE is made and executed at the City of San Carlos, Province
of Pangasinan, this ___ th day of _________2021, by and between:
FLORDELIZA CAVITENO, of legal age, Filipino Citizen, married with residence
address at Matagdern, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR;
ROSHER LAZAR KUMAR of legal age, Filipino and a resident of #76 San Pedro-
Taloy, Yap Subdivision, San Carlos City, Pangasinan hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE;
WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the owner of a commercial building situated at
__________ _______________________________;
WHEREAS, the LESSOR agrees to lease-out the above-mentioned one (1) stall to the
LESSEE and the LESSEE is willing to lease the same; ·
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the LESSOR
leases unto the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby accepts from the LESSOR the LEASED
premises, subject to the following:
1. PURPOSES: The premises subject of this Contract shall be used by the LESSEE for
Computer Shop and LESSEE shall not alter the use of the leased premise nor sublease the lease
premise or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the LESSOR LESSOR shall
rescind this contract in case the leased premise is subleased or used for purposes other than that
stated above without prejudice to its other rights under the law.
2. TERM: This CONTRACT OF LEASE shall be for a period of _____________
commencing on _______________. Upon its expiration, this lease may be renewed under such
terms and conditions as my be mutually agreed upon by both parties, written notice of intention
to renew the lease shall be served to the-LESSOR not later than seven (7) days prior to the expiry
date of the period herein agreed upon. The term herein agreed upon is for the benefit of the
LESSOR Should the LESSEE terminate this contract before the expiration of period stipulated,
the LESSEE's deposit if any shall be forfeited in favor of the LESSOR and the LESSEE remains
to be liable for all remaining rentals covering the I year period and all electric and water bills,
charges, dues of whatever nature that may arise from his use and occupancy of the premises as
well as all damages and other cost as may be chargeable against lessees. Further, the lessee shall
be liable to pay for the whole rental fee for the entire term of the contract whether operating or
3. RENTAL RATE: The monthly rental rate for the leased premises shall be in PESOS:
________________________________(P_____.00), Philippine Currency. Upon signing of this
contract, the LESSEE shall pay the corresponding one (1) month deposit and one (1) month
advance. This security deposit shall be refunded to LESSEE upon termination of this Lease only
after full settlement of a rent in arrears, bills for utilities and damages to the premises caused by
LESSEE on the leased premise and such other costs as may be chargeable against LESSEE
under this contract. The LESSEE shall pay the monthly rent every ________ ( ) day of the
4. UTILITIES: All expenses for water, electricity, telephone, if any, and such other
utilities shall be for the account of the LESSEE;

5. IMPROVEMENTS: The LESSEE shall not make any structural changes, alterations
or improvements in the leased premises without the written consent of the LESSOR It is agreed
that any major repairs/improvements which are non-movable objects or things made or
introduced by the LESSEE with or without LESSOR' S consent shall upon termination of the
Lease Contract inure to the benefit of the leased premises and become property of the LESSOR
without any obligation on the latter's part to pay and refund its value or cost to the LESSEE. No
signs, billboards , structures, construction or alterations of any kind whatsoever shall be made by
the LESSEE on any part of the premises without the prior written approval by LESSOR, and
LESSOR shall have the right to remove any such signs, billboards or structures placed by
LESSEE, without need of notice or reimbursement for its cost; Further, the Lessee agrees that it
will shoulder all kinds of improvement introduced to the leased premises;
6. SANITATIONS AND REPAIRS: The LESSEE shall keep the premise in clean and
sanitary condition. The LESSEE hereby expressly acknowledges that the leased premise is in
good and tenantable condition and agrees to keep the same in good and tenantable condition.
Any provision of law, present or future or any stipulation in this Contract to the contrary,
notwithstanding , the LESSEE hereby agrees and binds itself to undertake through qualified
workmen or contractors and at its own exclusive expense, all repairs, necessary or otherwise,
such as to maintain the leased in practically the same condition as it was upon commencement
of the lease contract. It shall be the obligation of the LESSEE to notify the LESSOR of the need
for repair before any work is conducted thereon;
deposit or store in the leased premise any obnoxious substance or any flammable materials or
substances that may constitute fire hazard;
8. TAXES: Real Estate Taxes shall be for the account of the LESSOR Any other tax,
dues, assessments or charges that may be imposed by the building administration , or by the
national or local government in connection with the use of facilities and other utilities or
occupancy of the leased premises shall be for the sole account of the LESSEE;
maintain the said premises in good and tenantable condition and for this purpose, the LESSOR,
or his appointed representative reserves the right at reasonable times to enter and inspect the
premises and to inform the LESSEE of the necessary repairs to be undertaken by the LESSEE;
liable or responsible for any injury, loss or damage including wrongful death which LESSEE ,
his relatives and or other guests may sustain within the leased premises, appliances , furnitures,
and fixtures and other effects, likewise sustain within the leased premises caused by but not
limited to the following : a) presence of bugs, roaches, vermin, ants, termites and other kinds of
insect; b) failure or disruption of water supply and/or electric current; c.) fire due to faulty
electric wirings , fuses, installations, etc .; d.) defective plumbing or pipes, bursting, leaking,
destruction or clogging of any cistern tank, washstand, water closet, waste or soil pipe, etc. e.)
leakage of water or the elements from the roof or any part of the building due to rain, typhoon,
flood, earthquake, repairs or other construction work, etc.; f.) loss of any article delivered to or
left with any party of LESSEE; g.) robbery, theft or any other crimes ; h.) acts of negligence
and/or vandalism of LESSEE or its guest; or i.) for any cause whatsoever not due directly to the
fault of the LESSOR;
11. RETURN OF PREMISES/RENEWAL: One of the essential conditions of this
lease that induced the LESSOR to lease the premises to the LESSEE is the latter' s promise to
abide by the terms hereof faithfully. Thus , at the expiration of the term or termination of this
contract, that is ______ year/s from __________________, the LESSEE shall vacate
immediately the leased premise and return the possession thereof to the LESSOR in as good
condition as were found at the beginning of the lease, reasonable wear and tear permitted. Should
the LESSEE refuse to vacate the premises, LESSOR shall have the right to padlock the leased
premises without any consent from the LESSEE and LESSOR shall not be liable for whatever
losses or damage the LESSEE may incur with his personal properties;
12. FIRE: In case of damage to the leased premises or its appurtenances by fire,
earthquake, typhoons, riots, civil commotions, or any other unforeseen cause, the LESSEE shall
give immediate notice thereof to the LESSOR If the leased remises shall be damaged by fire , or
other events caused by the LESSEE, the damage shall be repaired at LESSEE'S expense without
prejudice to the LESSOR'S right of action against the responsible parties . If the premise is
damaged by earthquake or typhoon and other calamity beyond the control of LESSE, the
LESSOR shall have the option to repair or not to repair the damages;
13. MISREPRESENTATIONS: Any misrepresentations by the LESSEE as to his actual
occupancy of the leased premises or to his identity and authority to sign this contract shall be a
ground for the cancelation thereof and the exercise of the LESSOR of the remedies under the
provisions of the lease contract thereof;
14. BREACH/PENAL PROVISIONS: It is hereby agreed and understood by both
parties that all the covenants herein contained are the primary considerations for entering into
this agreement and breach of any one of the above conditions made by LESSEE, LESSOR shall
may, at his discretion cancel and extra judicially terminate this contract and eject the LESSEE
from the premises. Should the LESSOR be compelled to seek judicial reliefs against the
LESSEE, the latter shall, in addition to Attorney' s fees and cost of suits, pay an amount
equivalent to 20% of the amount claimed in the complaint as and by way of penalty and
liquidated damages. Should the LESSOR extra judicially terminate or cancel the contract as
provided herein, upon notice delivered or mailed at the leased premises, the LESSOR, may
forthwith lock the premises and exclude the LESSEE therefrom. It is understood that LESSEE
shall be liable for any and all damages actual and consequential, resulting from such default and
15. This CONTRACT OF LEASE shall be valid and binding between the parties, their
successors-in-interest and assigns.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties herein affixed their signatures on the date and place
above written.
Driv. Lic. No. A12-04-000962

Signed in the presence of:

______________________ ______________________

Republic of the Philippines)
City of San Carlos ) S.S
BEFORE ME, personally appeared the above-named parties with their Identification
Nos. annotated below their names known to me and to me known to be the same persons who
executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and
voluntary act and deed.
This instrument consisting of three (3) pages, including the page on which this
acknowledgement is written, has been signed on each and every page thereof by the concerned
parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
Doc. No.______;
Page No.______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20____.

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