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* The secret is to believe in your dreams; in your potential that you can be
like your star, keep searching, keep believing and don’t lose faith in

* There is no pressure when you are making a dream come true.

* I was never motivated by money. I think above all else about the
happiness of my family, regardless of money.

* This moment, which we are living right now will pass too. We have to
enjoy, enjoy all that we can.

* I have both Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo as my idols. If I can take a little
of each player's game and make it my own, I would be very happy.

* I'm not a spiteful man, never been. I always forgive. The final decision
isn't mine, but God's. God knows what He does.

* You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work
hard for it.

* The best decisions aren't made with your mind, but with your Instinct.

* What I do is play soccer, which is what I like.

* I don't need the best hairstyle or the best body. Just give me a ball at my
feet and I'll show you what I can do.

* Sometimes you have to accept you can't win all the time.

* I prefer to win titles with the team ahead of individual awards or scoring
more goals than anyone else. I'm more worried about being a good person
than being the best football player in the world. When all this is over, what
are you left with? When I retire, I hope I am remembered for being a
decent guy.
* Dreams are not what you see in your sleep, dreams are things which do
not let you sleep.

* Talent is important but it is not the key point.

* Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable.

* I feel endless need to LEARN, to IMPROVE, to EVOLVE, not only to

please the coach and the fans, but also to feel SATISFIED with myself

* If you think you're perfect already, then you never will be.

* Without football, my life is worth nothing.

* Mesut Ozil made me the world’s best striker.

* I was always looking out of the window, looking at my watch, thinking
about when I could play football.

* As a kid, you obviously dream of being a professional footballer. I would

watch players like Ronaldo of Brazil and pretend to be him in the
playground. But I don't think about trying to become one of the best in the
world or anything like that. I just play football.

* Every kid's dream is to play in the Champions League and to win it. To
actually have achieved that was an amazing feeling.

* Hello, it's a dream for me to play for Real Madrid. Thank you for the great
welcome. Go Madrid!

* When I was younger, I had some close friends who always loved
European football, and Real Madrid at that time were the dominant force. I
remember family holidays when we used to go to Spain, and we'd bring
back replica shirts of Real Madrid and pretend to be the players when we
played in the park.
* Messi does not need his right foot, though. He only uses the left and he's
still the best in the world! Imagine if he also used his right foot... Then we
would have serious problems!

* We usually say that you cannot become a legend before death. But I am
a living legend.

* I like being the one who makes a difference. On the pitch, I always try to
create a special situation.

* He's a lucky guy Cristiano, he always gets first row tickets to see Messi
win his awards.

*Arsene Wenger asked me to have a trial with Arsenal when I was 17. I
turned it down. Zlatan doesn't do auditions

*It's true I don't know that much about Ligue 1, but Ligue 1 knows who I

*You don't need a team leader, you need quality.

*One thing is for sure: a World Cup without me is nothing to watch.

* I thank God for all the victories and conquests I've had this year as a
player and I bring to the altar two prizes. This is first my son who is about
to be born. The other is my trophy from Fifa, which I want to dedicate to

* The World Cup was a huge frustration because I had prepared really
hard for it. But in the World Cup there is no formula, no recipe for success.

* If things happen it's because God has prepared me. God has great things
for us. If it's God's will that I be there, there I will be.
* God gives gifts to everyone, some can write, some can dance. He gave
me the skill to play football and I am making the most of it.

* I learned all about life with a ball at my feet

* Our confidence comes from our preparation.

* Football is about joy. It's about dribbling. I favour every idea that makes
the game beautiful. Every good idea has to last.

* It is not just about the money, it is about what you achieve on the pitch

* My game is based on improvisation. Often a forward does not have the

time to think too much. You have a second, rarely more, to decide whether
to dribble, shoot or pass to the right or left. It is instinct that gives the

* Success isn't determined by how many times you win, but by how you
play the week after you lose.

*Football is the only sport where you put people together, it doesn't matter
if you are rich, or poor, or black, or white. It is one nation. This is the
beauty of football.

* The first World Cup I remember was in the 1950 when I was 9 or 10
years old. My father was a soccer player, and there was a big party, and
when Brazil lost to Uruguay, I saw my father crying.

* Brazil eats, sleeps and drinks football. It lives football!

* The World Cup is a very important way to measure the good players, and
the great ones. It is a test of a great player.
*The World Cup is a very complicated tournament - six games, seven if
you make it to the final - and maybe if you lose one game you're out, even
if you're the best.

* I once cried because I had no shoes to play soccer, but one day, I met a
man who had no feet

* Ronaldinho is a special player, but Thierry Henry is probably technically

the most gifted footballer ever to play the beautiful game.

* Everything I have achieved in football is due to playing football in the

streets with my friends

* Zidane was from another planet. When Zidane stepped onto the pitch,
the 10 other guys just got suddenly better. It is that simple.

* Real Madrid is the most important thing that happened to me, both as a
footballer and as a person.

* I don't think I am a great. I think I've done nothing. I've done nothing in
soccer. I've won leagues, but I haven't won the Champions League, the
World Cup, the Euro. Winning the Euro in France, that wouldn't be bad.

* I only think about the pitch. I want to do great. I want to be one of the
best. I want to win titles. I want to achieve things.

* All players rolled into one: from defensive midfielder to attacking

midfielder to attacker. I want to take the qualities from everyone. I'd like to
get to the level where I have everything: Vieira, Deschamps, Zidane,
Ronaldinho, Henry, Ronaldo. It wouldn't be bad, that.

* I always dream about winning the Ballon d'Or.

* When I wear the national team shirt, its sole contact with my skin makes
it stand on an end.

* At the moment there are some England players who are the stars of their
club teams, but not for their country. It's difficult to explain.

* I like English football, always have. It's just that people go on about the
World Cup in 1986 and then I'm seen as the real bad boy.

* As a footballer, you always want to test yourself against the best.

* My private life is perfect. If your private life and your life outside football is
good, then it is good on the field for you.

* Football's the biggest game in the world. America's the greatest sporting
nation there is. To play some part in putting those two things together: why
wouldn't I be excited about that?

* The secret to my success is practice!

* Soccer is a magical game.

* When I die, don't bring me to the hospital. Bring me to Anfield. I was born
there and will die there.
* Football is all about winning things as a team but it's also important to
pick up individual awards along the way.

* It's too easy to blame other people in football.

* I think everyone around the world knows the tools are there in England's
armoury to do well in a World Cup. The challenge is to go out there and
prove it.

* I am gonna go into my coaching badges after my England days are

finished and I have the time on my international break.

* If football was a drug, I would have died from overdose.

* Football is a team sport and not an individual sport. We win as a team,

and every individual is better if we are part of the team.

* When I retire, the only thing that concerns me is that no one can say that
I was a bad team-mate or disrespectful or self-important.

* I don't know what to say about myself. I don't know myself (laughs).
People say my humility but I believe we're all humble in our own way. I try
to stay close to my family and friends

* If you win without sacrifice you enjoy it but it's more satisfying when you
have struggled.

* There is no rule that says a footballer needs to be 'this high' and 'this

* I like to watch soccer, no matter what teams or players are in the field.

* Rooney is one of the best players in the world and I love watching him
play. But if you had to pick out only one, then for their history and for all
that they have achieved it would have to be Paul Scholes or Ryan Giggs.
They are two shining examples for any player.

* Leo Messi is a spectacular player, there is nobody else like him. I should
not because I have suffered so much in training. I think he is the best
forward at the moment and I think he will be so for many more years. He
has his feet on the ground.

* If you don’t live, eat, breathe, football, then you’re not a true football
player. You just wear the jersey.

* If you don't like how we play, then turn off the TV.

* Iniesta is the boyfriend that every mother wants her daughter to have.
The figures over his career tell you all you need to know. He is a magical
player. There are few players in the world that can compare to him.

* Ronaldinho was virtually unstoppable at his best, as a forward or a


* CR7 is the best player in the world, we’re lucky to train with him every
day and to have him with us.

* The fact that an Englishman has an Argentinian as an idol is very rare. I
keep watching my [title-winning] goal against QPR and every time I get
more emotional. My plan is to stay here because I'm convinced
Manchester City will be at the same level as Real Madrid and Barcelona.

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