Nikita Assignment

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The article discussed how second-wave feminists favored capitalists to earn huge profits as

more women are coming forward to work (as feminism talks about equal opportunities) but to
achieve financial independence the new generation feminists forgot that they are still paid less
than the male counterpart.
Early feminists started the movement to unite people both men and women to understand and
fight for the cause, but to gain short-term and instant financial benefits clearly, the new age
feminists have forgotten why the movement was even started in the first place.
The feminist movement has changed its path, it started with the vision to unite the whole society
as a whole about this topic where people will be responsible and sensible enough to bring
changes collectively in the system strengthening democratic participation whereas, in reality,
capitalists were smart enough to exploit women & their need for financial freedom, giving them
work and just half the amount paid to the male counterpart. So, even though feminists think they
gained financial independence and fought the capitalists, the reality is they have fallen prey to
the new aged form of capitalism which used the disorganized globalization and financially liberal
views of these feminists for their benefit.
Firstly, not only they have fallen prey to them but also they live in constant job insecurity, poor
living standards, low wages, more working hours and shifts, and ultimately rise in poverty.
Secondly, instead of focusing on cultural and economic issues they had politicized personal
issues such as sexual assault, domestic violence, and reproductive oppression which diverted
the whole agenda victimizing them where they are perceived weak and got nothing more than
sympathy. Instead, if they would have focused to bring political and economic equality they
would get things, not at mercy of others but bringing a change in other's perspectives about this
whole situation. Now they think they got equal rights but mostly out of sympathy and not
because they deserved it because they too are human.
Thirdly, the states giving microcredit reparations to poor women was seen as a big feminists
victory instead in real it ignored the state's macro-structural efforts to fight poverty and this small
amount of credit cannot perhaps replace it.
In the end, it discussed how the current crisis is a chance to change the whole dynamic and
connect to the root cause of why the movement had started. Women not earning but taking care
of family is equally respectful as the women who are earning, it should not be hyped that women
who work and earn are feminists and those who don't earn are not, it is their life and they are
free to choose what they want to do and as family and friends we should be respectful of their
life choices.
Not bringing personal issues to gain political attention and favors based on identity. Feminism is
a strong movement and should be treated like that, victimizing females to gain short-term
benefits was never the plan.
Ultimately building up public powers and participation in democracy and societal understanding
about the issue is the goal.

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