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~I ll/EEEIOO Ass13nMcnc - 1-

CD Filtl ~e C\ Ve 919(i \.,tl ll/e , PM S \ra, ue, Fo91m fa cl-09! and ft c, 1< ~lllicdJI

fon llle t:~C\ (l, zod,tll tJo\fe fo'}/n, 9)Yen ' rn 1

lhe. +1 9U9W bo low,

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Fo91 C0Ltutab1~ RHs Vatll(l co1.d Q\Jl?9lCl9'2 VclLUC. We f-l91St- lleed

t:,O (Ql(U.(Q.t(> th, C~Llcil-tbn or st,IJnes

fo'A l:he m~~, 1 w 3

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f<~s V'cf lL(Q (_ v~

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Connette d t0 o sinuso,'dcd Vol~9e \!(t) -= LLto~ov) Glntub J u,,'f:h
W-= 2oo°AOd/5 •

a) l-"hnt is lhe Jfrt.P~donce qZ Ht.e c,~u.l& ?

.b) lt'f the cu~ent- ~ o.n~ ,'nsWrl: ,'n tre_ c,'9t( he 'IU) "' Ie,s/n(wt
~,nd Io·
c) Who.£: ts the fJh(l_&c ¢?
-::::::- (°'-) The 1'mPc ~ance. ~ °' 9?91,es f<Lc. Cl~tui'I: ts 3hen h;J the
2 :: V111--f ( X1.. -Xc)2
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( C) Tru? Phu_Se ·be(;LQeQ() llte cUS(9tenc l'llld the \l(O/tD9(} /5


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~br., -= (i Go :ft'3c

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dicscJ €Y')9lnr 91Unnf nj c,t ~ioo<r1Pm - Jt- S1.a?P11'r~J tin iflrlua-(on

J'no{~ wnkh hc~c; rt (ut1 !Octd 9Pccd b.P I'1l.-fo')1 PM, ,, ft d ·th()

ft~cPn{ o_9c? ) If() nncl num}x;0t tf ({-1/(' ~ of thf fncJ uu{on r'riolo91 •.
-r r~ra,,uenc~ of? SltPPI~ tl:) lhe fncluU/oci rnoto~

SPQed ·oe fnclt'e_ciJi~n m~t:o(}t ==- 14/..loa-PM

J\Ufflbe9\. 0~ PolQS of?- t'V\ d,·c.ati'on ~t) to91

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'''t) {~l'\ hnS n t~e cL,tte ncJ e{! So H =c-- Or)d {;hQ f: tn th<? ~10 to1J

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sPe() d oE ·~he (\'l(c)td.l-1 i's i-2'f.J-YPM
S tfP = (?I' 03 1/.

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