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Running head: PEPSI ASSIGNMENT 1

PEPSI Assignment

Adriana Rivero

College Of Southern Nevada


PEPSI Assignment

Bio on the Child

The case study is about my cousin who is a 18-year-old pre-adult female who includes

formative challenges inside her own life. The motivation behind this PEPSI screening paper will

be to build up a contextual analysis dependent on the challenges that my cousin battles with.

Building up a PEPSI screening on this individual will consolidate her physical, passionate

philosophical, social, and scholarly issue territories throughout her life. The down to earth use of

this contextual analysis will expand upon her qualities and shortcomings to enable her to

accomplish the objective of being a balanced grown-up. This PEPSI screening instrument will

illuminate my cousin's folks just as training experts on approaches to proceed with the numerous

regions of positive advancement that she has gained extraordinary ground in. Endless supply of

this contextual investigation the final product will show how by surveying a person's conduct

through the PEPSI screening apparatus an individual can keep on concentrating on turning into

as well as can be expected be.

Physical Development

My cousin managed physical attributes that made her companions bother her from

kindergarten to secondary school. Being overwhelming, wearing glasses, having a stutter, and

creating skin break out are for the most part physical characteristics that have caused an issue

with social, and passionate development. From the youthful age of two my cousin was

encountering desirously, and hesitance when she would contrast herself with her sibling. She was

substantial, and her sibling was dainty. She wore glasses, and her sibling did not. She had a

drawl, and her sibling did not. She had skin inflammation, and her sibling did not.

All these physical attributes prompted sentiments of tension, dejection, hesitance, and

desire as she has entered her first year of school. My cousin does not mingle well with others.

She has would not join any social clubs, sororities, or demonstrate any push to stretch out and

make companions. My cousin has as of late chosen to actually address the physical qualities that

have caused her misery since the youthful age of two. She has joined an exercise center and is

currently working out four times each week. My cousin has as of late settled on more

advantageous nourishment decisions to help her on her weight reduction venture. Reflecting

upon her negative sentiments about her appearance has incited a mental sparkle to make her

make strides in making changes in herself. Outrageous envy is a feeling that my cousin feels

each time she sees slim female understudies around her. Essentially, Arnold Gesell contended

that the human ability to feel and express envy, in contrast to creatures, surmises the likelihood

of self-reflection and the learning of different personalities that are gained amid early youth

(Dalton, 2005, p.185).

My cousin started to concentrate on her contempt of wearing glasses. She discarded the

glasses and started to wear contact focal points. I had seen that when my cousin wore glasses she

didn't have direct eye to eye connection with individuals when she was addressing them. In any

case, that social trademark started to change when she began to wear contact focal points. She

developed socially and sincerely which made her begin to have direct eye to eye connection

when talking with others. It gave the idea that she was gradually expanding upon her self-

assurance while connecting with others. The following undertaking for her was engaging her

clear red blotches of skin inflammation. We traveled the dermatologist, and medicinal assistance

was en route. We left the workplace with various creams that my cousin would utilize every day

to control the flare-up of skin break out. My cousin ordinarily strolled with her head confronting

descending to abstain from having her skin break out be seen by others.

The long stretches of prodding have negatively affected her socially and inwardly.

Ideally, in time she will pick up the self-assurance, and pride in herself to stroll with her head

straight up. My cousins absence of companions has been stopped by her dread of addressing

them in view of her drawl. She understands that she by one way or another must get passed that

physical hindrance to enable connections to enter her life. With regards to social encounters,

Piaget obviously trusted that peer collaborations accomplish more to goad intellectual

advancement than do associations with grown-ups (McCown and Snowman, 2015, p.45).

Figuring out how to acknowledge her universe of depression she has not made solid endeavors at

transforming herself to improve things. Tolerating her drawl will be her initial phase in moving

past this physical impediment. Physical issues in an individual's life can scar them for a long

time. Being prodded on account of physical attributes that are not considered the 'standard' cause

social, and passionate development issues. My cousin feels a feeling of uneasiness, forlornness,

reluctance, and desire when she is encompassed by her companions. At last concentrating on

herself may improve her social issues.

Emotional Development

My cousin has created negative passionate qualities due to her absence of self-assurance

in herself. She has segregated herself from others as a result of her dread of dismissal. I see her

acting incredibly pulled back, timid, and calm. My cousin has begun her school life alone, yet

she is gradually making changes to address that piece of her life. Dread of dismissal, and dread

of being prodded have been her main thrust in not assembling any connections. Erikson's

hypothesis depicts individuals as assuming a functioning job in their very own mental

improvement through their endeavor to comprehend, arrange, and incorporate their ordinary

encounters (McCown and Snowman, 2015, p.28). As of late I have seen my cousin making

genuine endeavors at venturing out of her customary range of familiarity and attempting to give

individuals access to her reality. She has united a sorority with one hundred female individuals.

Her uneasiness, self-assurance, and desire will be feelings that she should control as she

meets new individuals. The occasions in the sorority will include gatherings, and hits the dance

floor with the male clique. She has been indicating enthusiastic tension in view of her outrageous

bashfulness when she needs to talk with individuals in the sorority and society. Be that as it may,

the focal body of his hypothesis for instance, his accentuation on trust, closeness, generativity,

and the significance of inclination and consciousness of sentiments in accommodating and solid

advancement approved characteristics that reverberated with ladies' advancement (Douvan,

1996, p.17). This female subject has never had the longing or activity to find a new line of work.

Her passionate identity attributes have kept her from needing to find a new line of work where

social cooperation must turn out to be separated of. She has at long last chosen to acknowledge a

vocation at the rec center where she works out at.

Standing at the front counter and marking individuals into the exercise center will expand

upon her enthusiastic, and social shortcomings. I have seen my cousin having more eye to eye

connection and beginning up discussions with exercise center individuals about different

machines to utilize. My cousin appears to hint at less uneasiness in these ongoing days, and more

indications of a more joyful identity. Her passionate battle with dejection, tension, self-

assurance, and desire has appeared to decrease since she is venturing out of her customary range

of familiarity and attempting to widen her range of life. Abilities for socialization and regard for

individual and self-awareness become commonly profitable (Ellsworth, 1999, p.7-10).

Regardless she helps me to remember flashbacks to the days when she was being prodded.

Gaining ground in her physical characteristics that trouble her have helped her start to deal with

her social cooperation.

Lately my cousin has built up a companionship with a colleague in the rec center. This

has extraordinarily improved her enthusiastic battles with bashfulness. This new relationship in

her life has made an undeniable identity advancement. She grins more, snickers more, and has

turned out to be substantially less pulled back when managing individuals. My cousin has battled

inside with moving passed her cumbersomeness in managing new individuals that she is

meeting. She has acknowledged how her physical battles have additionally caused her

enthusiastic, and social useless practices. My cousin has been chipping away at improving her

mental self portrait with the goal that her enthusiastic state will keep on improving. There is a

developing feeling of self character, of who and what the individual is getting to be (Ellsworth,

1999, p.1). Her new companion connections appear to go great. She presently gets compliments

on what she looks like while at work, and at occasions inside the sorority. Her ponderousness,

and bashfulness have appeared to be gradually waning without end. Her recollections of being

prodded are still in the back of her head. She frequently reveals to me that she keeps her

gatekeeper up when attempting to make new companions so she can check whether they are

being transparent with her.

Philosophical Development

Inside the PEPSI screening model, the philosophical formative bit will examine how this

individual arrangements with philosophical issues that have happened in their life. My cousin has

needed to figure out how to beat her negative style of reasoning in regards to her physical, and

passionate obstacles that she has managed every day. I trust that my cousin has gained

extraordinary ground on proceeding to build up a way of a sound good standpoint. She has

turned out to be mindful that being acknowledged according to her companions did not depend

on her appearance as it were. Her philosophical consciousness of her acknowledgment of the

things that have caused her misery, for example, her weight, her stutter, her skin break out, and

her glasses has gotten her to a more joyful spot her life today. Since my cousin has begun going

to school her philosophical improvement has developed fundamentally. The understudy may

start to recognize past youthfulness and peerage to individual from network. Assuming this is the

case, at that point moral thinking will concentrate on securing the general public and following

network rules (Ellsworth, 1999, p.1). I trust that my cousin has figured out how to acknowledge

the possibility that self-awareness enables her to act naturally. Insightfully she has started to set

up a conviction framework that is not an impression of her adolescence, but instead an ethical

idea of how she is being acknowledged by her friends. My cousin has been revealing to me that

she is presently feeling like she is a piece of a developing network inside her school grounds, and

her work at the exercise center.

Building fellowships at the exercise center has empowered her ethical improvement to

advance in a positive way. My cousin has indicated incredible walks in step by step getting to be

and acting progressively like a grown-up. Young people experience critical changes in their

ability to think. In changing from cement to digest thought they are progressively ready to

comprehend and ponder dynamic thoughts, consider conceivable outcomes, think ahead,

consider considering, and "place themselves in someone else's (Teipel, n.d., p.1). My cousin has

as of late been disclosing to me how she has turned out to be quite a lot more mindful of other

individuals around her that have acknowledged their physical, and passionate impediments that

they may have looked in their life. In her school classes she has colleagues that are amazingly

overweight, wear glasses, and have fundamentally discernible discourse obstructions.

Thoughtfully she has seen that these understudies with these physical snags are glad, amiable,

and brimming with fearlessness. This has influenced my cousin to understand that it is

conceivable to be acknowledged by your friends paying little mind to physical peculiarities.

These positive philosophical thoughts that my cousin has created has demonstrated her that by

tolerating one's physical appearance, her enthusiastic advancement will likewise advance in a

positive way. My cousin has appeared less reluctance when she is cooperating with different

cohorts, new companions she has made in her sorority, and collaborators that she works with at

the rec center.

Kohlberg's hypothesis of good advancement portrays not a single direction procedure of

mental development for an individual, yet a classification of various sorts of good qualities,

which might be created and organized distinctively for various people and good societies

(Psychology Notes HQ, 2016, p.7). She has been revealing to me that she feels a lot more joyful,

and adores getting to be included with exercises that her companions have been incorporating her

in. Logically my cousin has rationally developed fundamentally since I have been watching her.

My cousin has appeared incredible arrangement of thinking about every one of the companions

that she has made. She significantly appreciates how her companions have acknowledged their

physical snags and are genuinely cordial in a vast gathering without any hindrances. Ditty

Gilligan trusts that youthful females place a higher incentive on minding, comprehension, and

sharing of encounters than they do on freedom, confidence, and equity (McCown and Snowman,

2015, p.63). My cousin's ethical improvement is surprising considering the obstacles she has

endeavored to survived.

Social Development

Inside the PEPSI screening model, the social formative part will dissect how this

individual arrangements with social issues that have happened in their life. Hesitance has made

my cousin show indications of being very independent. At the point when my cousin was

wearing her glasses she once in a while had eye to eye connection when she addressed other

individuals. She had all the earmarks of being socially timid and attempted to abstain from

cooperating with others. Social and enthusiastic improvement are intently entwined. Juvenile

social advancement includes a sensational change in the amount and nature of social connections

(Oswalt, 2010, p.1). I trust that my cousin is on the right way for improving her social

advancement. She has been building a caring and warm gathering of companions that have

influenced her social aptitudes to develop in a positive way. With respect to improvement the

requirement for companion endorsement utilizes much of the understudy's vitality. Oneself is

increasingly characterized as a self and less subject to outer acknowledgment (Ellsworth, 1999,

p.1). My cousin has been trusting in me that she has been including herself in study hall

discourses without precedent for her life. She said that she feels truly good bringing up her hand

and noting issues before the class. Her social advancement has demonstrated that her reluctance

is gradually turning into a thing before. Another new social advancement that I have seen while

watching my cousin is her status to incline toward her companions and companions when she

needs assistance. This demonstrates she has been becoming familiar with her singularity as she

has been developing into a youthful grown-up. Young people are endeavoring to locate their

very own character, battling with social cooperation’s, and grappling with good issues. The

essential assignment of a youthful is to find their personality separate from their family and as an

individual from their locale (Services for Teens in Late Adolescence, 2018, p.1). Her social

improvement while developing out of her pre-adult years has all around obviously been an

unequivocal change from her past social practices.

My cousin's pulled back, contemplative, and bashful social qualities have gradually

begun to decrease. Viewing my cousin socially collaborate with others has demonstrated to me

that it is conceivable to build up a more elevated amount of reasoning when attempting to

enhance the shortcomings that somebody feels inside themselves to roll out positive

improvements throughout their life. On a few separate events my cousin has communicated to

me how she is feeling pleased with herself since she can tell that her social advancement

aptitudes have significantly improved. She has communicated concern in regards to her profound

inner sentiments of bashfulness with respect to dating. Since she has joined her sorority she has

demonstrated some enthusiasm for a few of the guys that are in the clique. She disclosed to me

that her next strategy will be to chip away at her social formative aptitudes and begin putting

herself out there additional with guys.

Creating enduring kinships is imperative to my cousin since it makes her vibe

acknowledged and enjoyed among her companions. Numerous scholars trust that intellectual

advancement makes social improvement conceivable. In any case, Vygotsky trusted that social

cooperation is the essential driver of psychological improvement (McCown and Snowman, 2015,

p.52). My cousin has socially created so that she is currently welcoming her companions to lunch

and supper with her. She used to need to do everything alone, however at this point she is

demonstrating a longing to have companions that appreciate existence with her. Late youths have

expanded worry for other people. Friend connections stay significant amid this stage (Services

for Teens in Late Adolescence, 2018, p.2). My auntie revealed to me that growing up my cousin

needed to remain in her room and not participate with family exercises. Her independent identity

was the reason for her craving to invest energy alone. My cousin has been sharing her social

formative enhancements in her existence with her family. I have seen how glad my cousin has

moved toward becoming since her hesitance is lessening.

Intellectual Development

Inside the PEPSI screening model, the scholarly formative part will examine how this

individual arrangements with scholarly issues throughout their life. While watching my cousin I

have understood that she is in all respects mentally canny, however she has issues of reluctance

that have interfered with her capacities with her higher reasoning aptitudes. When we assessed

her evaluations amid the semester we understood that they could have been higher. Since my

cousin was concentrating on her physical characteristics that troubled her all around seriously

she didn't think on her investigations just as she ought to have. When I talked about these issues

with her she understood that the greater part of her psychological abilities had been spent on

dwelling on her physical characteristics that troubled her, for example, wearing glasses, having

skin break out, being overweight, and having a stutter.

My cousin was on another life intend to improve her all out generally speaking self. She

always thinks about her youth when she continually contrasted herself with her sibling who was

more slender than her, did not have skin break out, did not require glasses for seeing, and did not

have a drawl. As kids cooperate with their condition, guardians, instructors, and age-mates, they

structure sorted out, generalizable examples of conduct or thought known as plans, and these

become the reason for comprehension and adjusting to the world where they live (McCown and

Snowman, 2015, p.38). A great part of the exploration done by Piaget strengthens that guardians,

instructors, and social laborers ought to assess the movement of youngsters and their insight. The

acknowledgment that she should be increasingly centered around her evaluations in school has

conveyed another sparkle and center to her life. While I have been watching my cousin rolling

out positive improvements throughout her life I have acknowledged how she has mentally

figured out how to vanquish her fight with reluctance which has devoured her before long

periods of subjective advancement.

The understudy frequently wishes to "change the world" based on thoughts and the shear

will to have any kind of effect, take care of an issue (Ellsworth, 1999, p.1). My cousin has been

reliably concentrating on the positive things throughout her life instead of the negative

viewpoints. Working out in the rec center just as more beneficial dietary patterns have enabled

her scholarly perspective on herself to improve as her psychological advancement consistently

develops. Piaget's organize hypothesis portrays the intellectual improvement of youngsters.

Subjective advancement includes changes in intellectual procedure and capacities. In Piaget's

view, early subjective improvement includes forms dependent on activities and later advances to

changes in mental tasks (Cherry, 2018, p.4). Since my cousin has been concentrating on

improving her evaluations she has acknowledged how skilled and insightful she is with regards

to her learning capacities.

At the point when teenagers increment their means on the stepping stool of intellectual

improvement they can grow better approaches for preparing data. Mentally my cousin has built

an alternate mental model of her life. The inspirational disposition that she has created in her

subjective higher reasoning aptitudes has enabled her to advance her scholarly personality by

concentrating on her scholastic necessities towards finishing her professional education. Every

tyke experiences the phases in a similar request, and natural development and association with

the earth dictate tyke advancement. Albeit no stage can be passed up a great opportunity, there

are singular contrasts in the rate at which youngsters advance through stages (McLeod, 2015,

p.4). My cousin has turned out to be progressively required with her scholarly mindfulness by

joining some Phi Theta Kappa clubs to improve her scholarly abilities.

Since she has joined this new club she has obtained a few new companionships one of

them being a male who has demonstrated incredible enthusiasm for her. Her subjective formative

dimension of her scholarly abilities has progressively raised to more elevated amounts since she

has been concentrating all the time with her new male investigation accomplice. Piaget obviously

trusted that peer associations accomplish more to goad subjective advancement than do

connections with grown-ups (McCown and Snowman, 2015, p.45).

Recommendations for Teachers/Parents

There are a few suggestions for my cousin that her folks can ensure that she is finishing

on her way to turning into a cheerful balanced grown-up. A proposal ought to likewise be routed

to the educator responsible for Phi Theta Kappa to empower her psychological formative

scholarly learning aptitudes. As relating to my cousin's guardians, I would unequivocally

propose to them that they manage her to proceed with her way of good dieting and working out

at the rec center. My auntie and uncle ought to likewise urge my cousin to remain utilized at the

rec center and keep on structure solid companionships. I would prescribe to the educator

accountable for Phi Theta Kappa that my cousin should keep on going to each gathering, just as

being picked to be a formative social executive responsible for sorting out month to month



The first box represents the physical, emotional, philosophical, social, and Intellectual

aspects in the order from left to right. At the standard mark is the average age.


Cherry, K. (2018). Piaget’s Theory: The 4 Stages of Cognitive Development. Etrieved from:

Dalton, T. C. (2005). Arnold Gesell and the maturation controversy. Integrative Physiological &

Behavioral Science, 40(4), 182-204.

Douvan, E. (1996). Erik Erikson: Critical Theory. Child Psychiatry and Human

Development,28(1), 17.

Ellsworth, J. (1999). Optimizing growth. Retrieved from:

McCown, R. & Snowman, J. (2015). Psychology Applied to Teaching. Stamford, CT:


McLeod, S. (2015). Jean Piaget. Retrieved from:

Psychology Notes HQ. (2016). Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development. Retrieved from:

Teipei, K. (n.d.). Late adolescence / Young adulthood. Retrieved from:


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