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 School : Saint John’s Catholic School
 Class : Semester :
 Subject :
 Competence :
 Material :
 Sub Material :
 Time Allocation : xxx meeting (Date : xxxxx to xxxxx )

1. By doing xxxxxx , students are able to
2. By discussing xxxx, students are able to
3. By looking information about xxx, students are able to
4. By making xxxx, , students are able to
5. By evaluating xxxx, students are able to
6. By analyzing xxxx, students are able to
ACTIVITY (Meeting 1) All red things in the objectives need to be stated in the activity
Model : (choose one)
1. Cooperative Learning
2. Discovery Learning
3. Problem Based Learning
4. Project Based Learning
5. Contextual Learning
Method :
1. Lecture
2. Asking-Answering
3. Discussion
4. Demonstration
5. Experimental
6. Drilling
7. Resitation
8. Field trip
9. Team Teaching
10. Sosiodrama
11. Simulation
12. Feel free to add …..

Introduction xxxx min

1. Students greet the teacher (Respect)
2. Students pray in the beginning of the lesson (Religiosity)
 Motivation
 Apperseption
Main (Examples) Xxxx min
1. Students sing traditonal songs ( Nationalism)
2. Students compose/make a simple song (Creativity & HOTS)
3. Students evaluating the impact of traditional song to (HOTS & Critical
4. Students dissuss xxx in group (Collaboration)
5. Students present the result of discussion (Communication)
Closure (Exampes) Xxxx min

Summarize the lesson

2. Integrate the learning
of values
3. Relate the lesson with
other fields of discipline
4. Link the lesson with
local and global issues
5. Reflect on different
perspectives and to have
one’s own perspectiv
Summarize the lesson
2. Integrate the learning
of values
3. Relate the lesson with
other fields of discipline
4. Link the lesson with
local and global issues
5. Reflect on different
perspectives and to have
one’s own perspectiv
Summarize the lesson
2. Integrate the learning
of values
3. Relate the lesson with
other fields of discipline
4. Link the lesson with
local and global issues
5. Reflect on different
perspectives and to have
one’s own perspectiv
Summarize the lesson
2. Integrate the learning
of values
3. Relate the lesson with
other fields of discipline
4. Link the lesson with
local and global issues
5. Reflect on different
perspectives and to have
one’s own perspectiv
1. Teacher/Students summarize the lesson
2. Teacher/Students integrate the learning of values
3. Teacher/Students Relate the lesson with other fields of discipline
4. Teacher/Students with local and global issues
5. Teacher/Students reflect on different perspectives and to have one’s own


 Paper and Pencil Test ASSESSMENT
 Oral recitation
 Project (performance can be in
 Product (performance can be in
product as well)
 Portfolio

South Tangerang , xxxxxxxxx

Subject Teacher VP for Academics Principal

Ms. … Ms. Yenniwati Sr. Rosa B Sarmento FdCC, S. Pd

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