Yappari Yahari N4 (By Shahed Alam, Bangladesh)

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(N4) Words/grammar


やっぱり is a colloquial/casual version of やはり.

やっぱり/やはり has several meanings/usages. For example...

1. “As expected; as (one) would expect”

• やはりそれは本当だった。
It was true, just as I thought/expected/imagined.

はんにん かれ
• 「犯人は彼だった。」「やっぱりね。」
"He was the criminal." "Just as I thought/suspected. ⇒ That's what I thought. / I
knew it.“

• やっぱり言ったとおりだろう。
That's exactly what I said. / Didn't I tell you so?

2. "Change one's mind / on second thought"

• コーヒーください。いや、やっぱり紅茶にします。
I'll have a coffee... No, I changed my mind / on second thought, make it a tea.

3. "All the same; nonetheless; after all"

ふゆ かぎ
• 冬はやっぱりスキーに限る。
Winter is the best season for skiing, after all.

ちい まち す
• 小さいけど、やっぱりこの町が好きです。
This town is small, but I like it nonetheless / all the same.

め い じ
• チョコレートはやっぱり明治。
Meiji's chocolate is the best, after all.

© Shahed Alam
(N4) Words/grammar

4. ("As expected to be the same as before" ⇒) "still"

いま つと
• 今もやはり XX にお勤めですか。
Do you still work for XX company?

かのじょ いま
• 彼女は今もやっぱりきれいだ。
She's as beautiful as ever.

• やっぱりわかりません。
I still don't understand.

5. ("As expected to be the same as something/someone else" ⇒) "too; likewise"

う き
• やはりここも売り切れか。
It's sold out here, too.

おとうと だいしゅっしん
• 弟 さんもやっぱり X大出身?
Did your brother graduate from X University, like you?

© Shahed Alam

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